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Bang Up: Prison walls don't just keep criminals in, the keep the outside world at bay

Page 25

by Karen Woods

  “I’m a woman of my word. If I say I’m going to do something, then I will. And as for you having me sorted out love, there will be no need. This money will help our Mikey start his new life when he’s a free man. It’s what he deserves.”

  The money changed hands and the deal was done. Gerry stood up and edged closer to the door. “Just make sure she’s ready to leave next week. I don’t care what you have to do or say, just make sure she never comes back here again.”

  Rachel listened as the front door slammed shut. A chill passed over her body and she rubbed at her arms slowly as goosebumps appeared on her skin. Holding the cheque in her hand, she sat staring at it. Was it blood money or was it the right thing to do? Of course she liked Sarah but Gerry was right, she was ruining her life. Flicking the lights off in the front room, she headed upstairs to bed with a heavy heart. Sarah was going to be heartbroken, she had to make sure she never tried to contact her son again. This was going to be tricky, she had to think it through. Everything had to be right for her to believe it, every detail had to be thought out. Rachel plonked down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Why was life never straightforward? There was always someone getting hurt. Reaching over to the bedside cabinet, she pulled out a writing pad. Biting the end of the pen she began to write a letter to her son from Sarah. What a snidey bitch she was. How could she break his heart like this? He would never forgive her.


  Brendan Mellor was on the landing scouting about, seeing what was going on. He could see Mikey Milne from where he was stood, he froze, his heart beating ten to the dozen. This cunt was getting it, as soon as he got the chance he would make this fucker pay for every bruise he gave him, stick a blade right in his back, stop the cunt from breathing.

  Mark stood back from the corridor, he was also watching Mikey. He had to stop him, he couldn’t take it anymore. This kid was running him ragged, calling the shots, pushing him to the limit. Mark spotted Davo from the corner of his eye. He moved quickly and tried to get his attention. “Oi, here a minute, I need a word.” Davo marched over to the screw and leaned on the wall at the side of him. Mark’s voice was low and he made sure nobody could hear their conversation. “I want you to pay Mikey’s dad a visit. Let’s start with his old man first, then we can move onto him.”

  Davo cracked his knuckles and held a look of disgust in his eyes. “It would be my pleasure, just put me in a room with him for two minutes and I’ll destroy him. Get me a blade and I’ll cut his bollocks off.”

  Mark was winding him up now, adding fuel to the fire. Making sure the job was going to be done successfully. “You read his reports right?”

  Davo’s nostrils flared and his chest expanded. “Fucking dead right I did. Get Mikey in the same room as well and I’ll make him watch me do him in.”

  Mark was white and the colour drained from his cheeks, he was trembling. “I want Mikey out of the picture for good.”

  Davo wasn’t sure if he’d heard him right so he asked him to repeat himself. “You mean end it for him right?”

  Mark was struggling to answer him, but what choice had the prisoner left him. Every day he was asking for more and more and he didn’t trust him, he was a liability. “Just do the dad in first and we can sort Mikey out after that. I want that runt to suffer and feel pain just like he’s caused me.”

  Davo was game as fuck and his ears pinned back. “I’m ready now. Just take me where I need to go. I’ll be quick and nobody will see a thing.”

  Mark knew that Dennis’s wing was quiet at this time and it was all systems go. He jangled his keys at the side of his leg. “Come on then, remember, I want him wasted, near death.”


  Dennis lay on his bed with his arms looped behind his head. On the floor was a letter he’d written for his son. He wasn’t good at talking and in his own mind there were a few things he needed to get off his chest; personal things, heartfelt feelings. Things that had kept him awake at night, regrets over the choices he’d made. The notes were stacked high. He must have written at least ten pages. The cell door creaked open and Dennis was startled. This was an ambush, a raid. He knew it for sure. He cowered into the corner of his bed and all he could do was protect himself as the attack got underway, hands over his face. It was terrible, blood squirting all over the room accompanied by sickening smashing and cracking noises. Davo went to town on Dennis and he was stood over him, white saliva foaming from his mouth. “I’ll kill you, cunt. Just like you killed that poor young boy. How would you like me raping you, ay?” Davo grabbed Dennis’s cheeks together, lifted his lifeless head up and spat in his eyes. “You’re a queer cunt, a fucking kiddy-fiddler. You don’t deserve to live on the same planet as us!” His fist swung back and here was the killer blow. As the punch connected with Dennis’s head, dark red claret sprayed from his mouth. His body folded onto the floor and his legs shook a few times before he stopped moving. How could this have been allowed to happen? This prisoner should have been on a high-risk wing, nobody should have been able to get to him.

  Mark stuck his head inside the cell and gripped hold of Davo by his arm. He looked down at Dennis and knew his orders had been carried out to the letter. “Come on, get the fuck out of here, before somebody clocks you.”

  Davo roared like a lion and punched his clenched fist onto his chest. He was full of rage and his eyes were bulging. He ran over to Dennis for the last time. He swung his leg back and booted his victim right in his face, crushing his skull. The inmate’s body lifted up from the floor and dropped back down with an almighty thud. It was a massacre. His attacker ran from the cell. His job was done here and Dennis was a goner.

  Mark locked the pad up with shaking hands and pushed Davo away. “Go on, fuck off, get back to the wing,” he stressed. This man was a lunatic and he was still in the zone, he looked like a man of steel, fearless.

  Davo was dangerous and God help anyone who crossed him, he was like a caged animal. “There you go. If that cunt’s still alive in the morning, I’ll show my arse. I want his son now, I’ll rip his fucking head off too.”

  Mark told him again to leave, his arse had gone. The sound of their feet scurrying along the corridor, keys rattling, struggled breathing. They needed to be quick before anybody spotted them. Mark was in a panic and he knew there would be a big investigation the moment Dennis was found. Paedophiles were always being targeted in jail and most of the time the screws turned a blind eye to assaults on them. Sometimes, though, they let other inmates give them a sly dig, a few belts. Dennis had always declared his innocence in the crime he’d been found guilty of but the facts were there for everyone to see. Yes, he was there when the young boy got killed but he always declared he wasn’t the one who’d done it. He’d never revealed anything to the police and covered up for the real murderer. The story had been all over the papers at the time and the victim’s parents were still fighting to make sure Dennis never got out of jail. It was such a horrendous case and the details would make your toes curl. Richard Parker was only twelve years old when he lost his life to these sadistic bastards. Dennis claimed he’d only popped around to the house where he was staying and it was fair to say he was off his head on drugs. He didn’t know Len, his mate, had taken a kid off the street and brought him into the house. Everyone who heard what happened to this poor lad before he met his death would never look at the world the same again. Even the jury found it incredibly difficult to listen to the evidence regarding the case against Mikey’s dad. Dennis was off his head and couldn’t recall what went on but his semen was all over the lad’s clothes, how could he not remember a single thing? Most thought that this man deserved the beating he’d just received. If he had really committed such a horrific act, then Davo wasn’t alone in wanting to finish him off and end his life.

  Yet there were so many flaws in Dennis’s case that no one knew for absolute certain and he had always maintained his innocence. Had Mikey’s dad been framed or was he really a dirtbag, the lowest of the low? It
didn’t matter now either way – Dennis was dead and the truth would probably never come out.

  Davo stood in the shower room washing his hands and face. Bright red speckles of blood sprayed all over his skin. Mark stood behind him urging him to hurry up. Davo looked into the mirror and rubbed a single finger down the side of his nose, eyes wide open. “Just Mikey left now and the job’s a good ‘un.” Cold water hit his face and he blew a laboured breath. “Does he know about his dad being a wrong-un?”

  Mark shook his head and raised his eyebrows high. “He hasn’t got a clue. It’s a shame really. I would have had great enjoyment in breaking the news to him.”

  Davo rubbed his wet hands on his jeans and chuckled. “I think it’s time for you to put me on B-Wing. Let’s get this party started. I want to play about with him first, where is the fun if I just snap his jaw. I want him to suffer, humiliate him in front of everyone.”

  Mark was smiling. This was music to his ears. He’d show the cocky bastard once and for all. His tone was chilling as he answered him. “Yes, that’s a great idea. I’ll get you moved over tonight so when he wakes up in the morning he’ll get the shock of his life. Promise me you will break him down, bit by bit, day by day, break the cunt in half.”

  Davo started to walk towards the door. “Move me and Brendan over and I’ll show you what I’m about. First thing in the morning all the lads are going to know just what Mikey’s dad is in here for. Let’s see who’s laughing then, ay?”

  The pair of them shook hands and Mark felt that his torment was coming to an end. Once Mikey Milne was out of the picture for good he could get back to his life and live without fear. Mark watched Davo go back to his pad and smirked. Revenge was sweet, very sweet indeed.


  Sarah sat waiting for Rachel in the café on the precinct. She should have been here over twenty minutes ago, where the hell was she? Sarah sipped the last bit of her drink and peered out of the window. It was raining again and fat raindrops hammered the pavements outside. Sarah pulled a book from her bag and buried her head into it. She was studying hard now as her exams were just around the corner. Night after night she had her head stuck in some kind of revision book, it was boring and laborious. The door opened with a bang and Rachel stood there soaking wet through. She shook her hair and dragged her coat off. “Fuck me, where did that rain come from. I look like a drowned rat. It just came from nowhere. It was sunny before.”

  Sarah folded the page back slightly on the book she was reading and closed it. “I know, it was a good job I had my umbrella in my bag otherwise I would have been like you.”

  Rachel went to the counter and ordered herself a cup of coffee. She was gabbing with a woman at the side of her and cracking a few jokes. She was common as muck, foul-mouthed and didn’t mince words. She did cheer people up though. Rachel had a knack of making people laugh when she was on form, potty mouth she was. Once she was at Sarah’s side, Rachel sat down and swiped her hair back. It looked like rats’ tails. “I’ve not got long, love. I’m going to my mam’s tonight for my tea, so I’ll just have a quick brew with you and get on my way. She moans if I’m late, you know. I swear, she proper spits her dummy out if I’m not there on time. I think it’s because she’s lonely. Our Cath’s coming tonight with Danny. I can’t say I’m looking forward to that I can tell you,” she wasn’t shutting up – she was waffling, she didn’t even stop for air. “Cath’s lovely you know but that prick she married makes my blood boil. I’ll just try and bite my tongue while he’s there. He knows he’ll get no change out of me anyway. I’ll put him on his arse if he lays one finger on me.” This woman was going for gold, she was having her say no matter what. Sarah was sniggering to herself. When Rachel was on one she was so funny, the expressions she pulled were something else.

  Sarah sat listening to her and waited until she could get a word in edgeways. “I’ve got to study for my exams. It’s doing my head in, honest it’s stressing me out. Night and day I’m at it, nothing seems to be registering. My mind is a blank.”

  Rachel slurped at her drink and she could have done with a blast of nicotine before she delivered the bad news. She took a deep breath and here it was, the betrayal. “Sarah, our Mikey has been on the blower. He was on for hours last night. He’s asked me to talk to you.”

  Sarah sighed. “Didn’t you give him my new number yet, he’s not rung me. I should be first on his list, not you.”

  “Yeah, course I did but he thinks it’s better if he doesn’t speak to you.”

  Sarah froze, she looked confused. “What do you mean by that? Rachel, don’t start all this again because if you are trying to make us split up it’s not going to happen.”

  Rachel touched the top of her hand and stroked it slowly. She dipped her eyes. “Sweetheart, this is so hard for me to say to you and I know it’s going to break your heart but it is what Mikey wants.”

  Sarah held her breath and a red rash started to appear on her neck, itchy, irritating. “What’s happening Rachel, you’re scaring me now, just say what you have to. Don’t beat about the bush.”

  Rachel looked out of the window and closed her eyes for a split second. The words were on the tip of her tongue. She just had to pick her moment. Act like she cared. “It’s over. Mikey wants you to find somebody else. He thought he loved you but he’s been talking to a girl while he’s been in the nick and he thinks he’s fallen in love with her.”

  Sarah’s eyes were wide open. Was she hearing her right? No, this was just a wind-up for sure. “Shut up lying Rachel. You’re so funny sometimes. As if Mikey would ever do that to me. We’re in love.”

  This was so hard and Mikey’s mother was struggling. There was no other way to say it, she had to tell her straight. The details would let her know how serious it really was. “He met her on Facebook and she’s been up to the nick to see him quite a lot. I know you don’t want to hear it but that’s why he’s not been having you up all the time to see him. I knew something wasn’t right with him you know, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.”

  Sarah slammed her hand down on the table, she wasn’t taking this lightly. “Are you for real? Is he really seeing somebody else? What about our plans for the future? The promises we made...” Rachel tried to comfort her but Sarah pushed her away. “I know love, I know. I told you a long time ago that things change when you’re locked away and he said he’s realised that you two will never work out. You’re from different walks of life, you see. Mikey will always be a criminal, he realises that he can’t change who he is for you. It’s all too much.”

  Sarah was holding back the tears. Her mind was spinning and nothing was registering. “What, and some other girl can make him happy? Give me his number. I’ll ring him myself. This doesn’t sound like him one little bit.”

  Rachel had to dig deep and it was killing her inside seeing Sarah hurting like this but she had a job to do, she had to dig deeper. “The girl he’s seeing was one he met when he was out of prison. It kills me to tell you this but she’s pregnant.” What a horrible bitch Mikey’s mother was! There was no need for this, she was destroying her. Sarah welled up and tears rolled down her cheeks. She sat watching the rain outside the window and never said a word. Rachel tried to put a hand on her shoulder for comfort but she moved her away as if she was diseased.

  Sarah sobbed, her shoulders were shuddering. “He’s broken my heart. I loved him so much and this is the way he’s treated me. I would have waited forever for him, done anything to make him happy. You know that don’t you?”

  Rachel agreed and tried to console her. “I know you would have love but now you can move on and find somebody new. Someone who deserves you,” she rolled her eyes and sighed, “because, let’s face it, our Mikey would have wronged you sooner or later, it was just a matter of time. Men are like that Sarah. I’ve been there, got the video and bought the t-shirt. Nothing lasts forever and if you believe happy endings are real, then you need to give your head a shake. Cinderella has a lot to answer for. T
here are no Prince Charmings in this world. They’re all cunts the fucking lot of them. Always cheating with other women and keeping secrets. Never trust a man love, ever.”

  Sarah snapped. She still believed in true love, it still existed in her eyes. It was something beautiful and magical. “They might be the kind of men you meet, but not me. I believe in love and Mikey was all I needed. Why has he done this to me? Go on! Tell me why! When I gave him my heart. I gave him everything!”

  Rachel was stuck for words. How could she answer this? But, she had to do the job, make sure she left Manchester for good. She had to make sure she put Mikey behind her. She flipped and upped her game. “You’re talking out of your arse, woman. I wasn’t going to mention this but you need to know so you can move on. Mikey brought girls back to our house loads of times and, if we’re laying all the cards on the table here, I’ve heard them having sex too.” There was no need for this, it was such a brutal blow and totally uncalled for. She was destroying her. How could she say something like that? Sarah was devastated and Rachel was kicking her while she was down. Sarah wafted her hand in front of her face, she was having some sort of panic attack. Rachel was concerned for her wellbeing and took her outside to get some fresh air. “Come on love, take deep breaths. It’s just the shock that’s all. You’ll be fine soon. Breathe, come on, take deep breaths.”

  Sarah gripped hold of Rachel’s coat and ragged her about, she was hysterical and not in control of her actions. “I bet you had something to do with it. You’ve never liked me from day one. Well, you’ve got what you wanted. Fuck you and fuck your son.” Rachel’s mouth was wide open. She’d never heard her talking like this before, this was another side of her that she’d hidden away. “Mikey will regret losing me one day. I hope him and his little family will be happy together. I’ve got hopes, I’ve got dreams and he can kiss my arse if he thinks I’ll ever have him back after he’s shoved it up someone else.” Sarah was gasping for breath but she still had more to say. “And you’re not much better either, you two-faced cow! How dare you sit in the same room as me when you knew he was unfaithful all along? You have no morals woman. You should be ashamed of yourself.”


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