Book Read Free

Jaguar Secrets

Page 1

by Khloe Wren

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2013 Khloe Wren

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-672-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Laurie Temple


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  My Angels: Fi, Jen, Katie and Nic. This one's for each of you. xo


  Khloe Wren

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Cammi’s shirt hitched up and the skin of her tummy scraped over a rough rock. Clenching her teeth against the pain she reached her hand out as far as she could.

  “Here, kitty-kitty, come to Cammi.”

  The large black kitten with its big green eyes was trembling and pressed up against the rough timber of the underside of the jetty. It looked wet. Cammi guessed it had been forced up here with the high tide and was now too scared to venture out.

  She’d been on her morning jog when she’d heard the distressed meows coming from beneath the jetty. Being a lover of all animals, especially felines, she couldn’t resist coming to the rescue of this little fellow. Her fingers just brushed against the kitten’s side as she wriggled further forward.

  “C’mon kitty, I’m just trying to help you. I promise.”

  Finally the kitten moved toward her and rubbed its head into her palm.

  “Good kitty, that’s the way.”

  Scooping it up with her hand she tried to wriggle back out. Dammit! Now I’m stuck. She brought the kitten in close to her as she tried to look around for a way to free herself. She’d managed to jam her hips between two large rocks. Taking a deep breath she rested her forehead against the sand. With a purr the kitten curled up against her neck and shoulder. She couldn’t help but smile, the feel of the soft downy fur—still slightly damp— against her skin instantly relaxed her.

  “Hello? You all right there, darlin’?”

  The deep husky voice flowed through her body, and goose bumps rose despite the heat of the rising sun.

  “Ah, hi. I’m actually kind of stuck. Could you give me hand?”

  “Sure, but may I ask what you’re doing under here?”

  “I heard a kitten meow so came to the rescue, only now we’re both stuck.”

  “Well, that’s convenient. I was looking for the little mite myself. Thanks for finding him. Now, do you know what’s got you stuck?”

  Heat rose in her cheeks. Her hips were wide. Her last foster mother, a gentle elderly lady, had called them ‘child bearing’. She called them annoying as all get out.

  “Ah, my hips are jammed between two rocks.”

  He didn’t say anything, however she felt him move closer, a warm muscular hand moved up her leg. Her thin lycra jogging shorts did nothing to prevent the searing heat of his touch.

  “You might want to get a hold of Rogue, don’t want him running off again.”

  “Rogue? That’s a cute name.”

  She heard him choke back a laugh. “Oh, he’ll love that.”

  “What do you—”

  Her words were cut off as the man easily pulled the rock away from her. How the hell? It was huge. The man leaned in and scooped her up as easily as she’d scooped up the kitten. Cradled against his bare chest and clutching the purring kitten, she stared up completely dumbfounded. The man had green eyes, slightly slanted. They looked feline, almost.

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Luca Jag, and that is my little brother, Rogue.”

  “Little brother?”

  Rogue jumped from her grip and, with a bright flash, landed on the sand as a child. Where the hell is the kitten? Her mind whirled, her vision blurred and she felt her eyes roll up. The last thing she heard was Luca’s voice.

  “And you, my mate, are coming home with me.”


  Luca was torn between being pissed off and elated. Rogue was forever nicking off and forcing him to drop everything to go find him. Although, if it weren’t for his latest romp, Luca wouldn’t be currently holding his mate in his arms.

  “Why do they always pass out?”

  He frowned down at his brother, “What do you mean ‘always’? You better not be flashing yourself in front of humans. Dad will skin you alive if you cause another incident.”

  Rogue slowed his pace, scuffing his shoes in the sand. Luca was grateful Rogue had at least mastered the magic needed to clothe himself after he shifted.

  “I clear their memories. Nate showed me how, so I wouldn’t get in trouble anymore. I don’t try to do it. Honest. It just … happens sometimes. Not my fault.”

  Luca lowered his nose into his mate’s strawberry blond hair, inhaling her scent to calm his nerves. He understood that at ten years of age, Rogue had a lot of growing up to do but still, did he have to make Luca’s life so bloody hard?

  “You’d better quit with the running off, Rogue. I’ve got a mate now. I have things I need to spend my time on that don’t include chasing your tail around the countryside.”

  “Yeah, whatever. Nate will help me if you’re busy.”

  Shaking his head at his little brother he bounded up the stairs to their holiday house, keeping his mate securely against his chest. Normally, he and Nate, his best friend, lived in a large homestead out on the huge property all the jaguar shifters jointly owned. The land backed onto the Pureba Conservation Reserve. It was thick with shrubs that allowed them to roam as they needed to. But each year for a couple of weeks in the height of summer, his parents hired this mansion in the center of Ceduna to have a family holiday.

  Luca stopped short as he found himself standing in front of his father. His very pissed off father who was blocking the stairs that led to the upper levels. The house was big and allowed for Luca and Nate to have an entire floor to themselves. It afforded them all the privacy they could want, while still being close enough to enjoy his mother’s cooking. However, it also meant his parents knew what he was up to as he had to pass them on his way up the stairs.

  “What happened this time?”

  His father’s words were rough with anger, and Luca noticed his hands twitching, signaling he was close to changing form.

  “He got caught out with the tide and ended up trapped under the jetty. This lovely lady was trying to get him free when she got herself stuck.”

  “And why did you bring her home? Why the hell is she unconscious? Please tell me Rogue didn’t flash her.”

  “I only flashed her after Luca told her I was his brother. It’s not my fault!”

  His father whirled on him, fury clear in his gaze. “That’s not like you, Luca. You’re always careful. Why did you say such a thing?”

  “She’s my mate, Dad. I didn’t want to start off with a lie.”

  Closing his eyes, his father sighed heavily.

  “Okay. I can understand that. She’s still going to freak out when she wakes up. You know that, right?”

  “I’ll handle it.”

  “You’d better. I’ll not have a repeat of what happened with Jace and Tilly.”

  Yeah, no one wanted a repeat of that situation. Jace had scented Tilly was his as she’d been out hiking near his home. Unfortunately, she’d been with another man and Jace had seen red. He attacked the man in jaguar form before flashing to human to take Tilly, who had passed out with
fright by that point. Five years later, they were finally happy together but it hadn’t been an easy road.

  “That won’t happen, Dad. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “She’s not wearing a wedding ring, but that doesn’t mean she’s single.”

  “I know, Dad. Is Nate back yet?”

  “Yeah, he’s upstairs waiting for you. Oh, and congratulations on finding her, son.”

  With a grin in place he moved up the stairs. He and Nate had always been close friends. Even as small cubs they’d been inseparable. Coming from different families they weren’t exactly the same. While Luca was a pure black jaguar Nate was a golden spotted one. Not that either of them cared in the least. Reaching their level he pushed open the door and called out to his friend.

  “Yo, Nate? Have I got news for you!”

  Nate stood in the doorway of the kitchen, his hazel gaze fixed on the woman Luca held as his fingers gripped the timber on each of side of the frame.

  “Why you worked up, Nate?”

  “Her scent. It’s enthralling. Is there a reason why you’re holding my mate? My injured, unconscious mate.”

  Luca froze. No way. She was his mate, he was one hundred percent sure of it.

  “Your nose must be broken, buddy, because this fine young thing is my mate.”

  “How about you go put her to bed, son, and meet me and Luca back here.”

  His father’s voice broke the staring match he and Nate were having. He turned with an eyebrow raised at his dad’s presence.

  “Your mother and I thought this would happen with you two. Just go put her down and we’ll discuss it all. It won’t take long and then you can both go watch over her till she wakes.”

  Luca’s mind whirled as he followed his father’s instructions. He strode to his room and settled his mate on the bed, stroking her face to push hair from her soft skin. Unable to resist the urge to be the first of him and Nate to kiss her, he laid a feather light kiss on her forehead before he forced himself to leave her side.

  Luca hadn’t wanted to be one of those who must share his mate. Already possessive as hell about the woman, he didn’t even know her name. The whole walk back to his father and friend, his mind spun with all the issues they’d face as a ‘trio’ instead of a couple. The shifter community would accept them no problem, but the general population of Ceduna? He knew they’d have to keep it hidden from them. How would her family take the news?

  “Don’t look so worried, you two.”

  “Easy for you to say, Dad. You don’t have to share Mum!”

  “Settle down, Luca. You too, Nate. You both look like you’re about to challenge each other to a death match.” He paused for a chuckle. “Back in the day, that’s what you’d do. Battle it out for her. Thankfully, times have changed. Haven’t either of you ever wondered why you bonded so closely with each other? You are closer than blood brothers.”

  Luca shook his head and saw Nate do the same. He’d honestly never questioned it. He’d met Nate as a very young cub, and they’d hit it off straight away. Through childhood and teen years they’d been inseparable. If Luca was honest with himself, he’d expected to spend his adult life close to Nate… So why hadn’t he ever considered they’d share a mate?

  “You know, that’s why we organized for the house you both live in together. Why the master bedroom has such a big bed. I saw the bond you two had from the instant you met. It didn’t grow as you got to know each other. It was there from the start. Just because it’s not romantic, doesn’t make it any less intense or important.”

  Luca looked to Nate. Really took in his best friend. They both wore the same type of cargo shorts with no shirt. Shifters were hot-blooded and didn’t need clothes to keep them warm. The Australian climate, even in winter, was mild enough that all either of them ever wore were shorts. Nate stood at an equal height to Luca’s six foot five. His shoulders were broad and his bared chest heavily muscled. Similar to his own.

  “I guess with a co-mate, there’s two of us to keep her safe. Protected.”

  “One of many benefits, son. I’ll leave you two to sort it out. Just know this is not a mistake. I do hope like hell your mate doesn’t already have a human man. I’m serious, boys. The Prowl cannot take another situation like the one with Jace and Tilly.”

  “Don’t worry, Dad. We’ll be careful with her and make sure she’s single.”

  Damn, he hoped she was single. He’d try not to kill her boyfriend if she had one. In fact, he’d do everything he could to convince her to leave the man.

  With hands on his hips, Luca watched his father retreat down the stairs. It was Nate that broke the silence.

  “Why is she unconscious? She has blood on her, she’s not badly hurt is she?”

  Shaking his head in an attempt to clear some of the confusion, he faced his friend and apparently, co-mate.

  “Nah, Rogue flashed in front of her and she passed out. She was rescuing him from under the jetty and scraped herself up a little on the rocks.” He paused a moment to eye off Nate’s stance. “You right enough to help me take care of her? You still look a little worked up. Co-mate or not, I’m not letting you near her if you can’t control yourself.”

  “I’m cool. Seeing her out cold and with injuries fired up my jag. It’s calming, now I know she’s okay. And Luca? Don’t threaten me. She’s my mate, too, and I have every right to care for her.”

  Luca closed his eyes on a sigh. Damn, this whole thing was going to be one steep learning curve.

  “Yeah, okay. I didn’t mean it as a threat, buddy. I’m feeling rather protective of her, and it’s all so new. I guess we’re going to have some teething issues while we sort out how this works, huh?”

  Nate gave him a shrug and a lop sided grin. “Guess it will come in handy that we already live together. Know how the other thinks and acts. C’mon, let’s go to her.”

  With a nod Luca headed to his bedroom with Nate at his side. He stopped beside the bed. Looking her over he saw the blood Nate had noticed and headed to the bathroom for a cloth to clean her scrapes. He returned to find Nate in jaguar form licking at her wounds.

  “Whatcha doing?”

  Caring for our mate. What does it look like?

  “They’re just scratches. They don’t need sealing.”

  She’s our mate, Luca. Nothing should mar her skin, no matter how small.

  Luca clenched and released his jaw in frustration, didn’t Nate hear his father earlier? They didn’t want her to freak out, and he was certain her waking up to a wild cat in her face would do just that.

  “If she wakes while you’re doing that, it’s not going to end well and you know it. Humans have enough trouble with both ménage relationships and shape shifters. We’re about to throw the two of them at her at once.”

  As if his words had called to her she tossed her head on his pillow and moaned. Nate sprung from the bed, shifting form and clothing himself in low riding cargo shorts, similar to the ones Luca wore, as they watched their beautiful mate return to consciousness.


  Cammi raised her hands to her face and rubbed. She was lying on her bed, yet she didn’t recall how she got home. Opening her eyes she gasped and pushed herself up against the headboard—which wasn’t hers—and away from the two men towering over the end of the mattress.

  “It’s okay, darlin’. We’re not going to hurt you. You passed out on the beach so I brought you to my place to make sure you were okay.”

  Now she’d woken fully, she remembered why she’d passed out. “Your brother. He’s a cat.”

  “So you remember that, huh?”

  “Strangely, a kitten turning into a child is something that sticks in one’s mind.” Cammi’s anger rose as she spoke. These men were poking fun at her. She rose to stand on the bed, which left her looking down at them. Damn, they both had to be at least six foot five. She moved to stand before them, legs out wide to prevent her falling over, with her hands on her hips.

  “I don’t know wh
o the hell you think you are, but you don’t just take a woman home. If you’re worried about her health, you take her to the hospital.”

  “Oh, I like you. You’ve got spirit. What’s your name, sugar?”

  She cocked her eyebrow at the one who’d spoken. He hadn’t been on the beach earlier. His hazel gaze shimmered with humor. She turned on him and poked a finger into his hard bare chest, “My name is Cammi, and don’t you dare laugh at me. Is this all some sick joke you two play on women you find down the beach?”

  The man easily caught her wrist and pulled her so she fell against him. He quickly wrapped his arm around her waist, dragging her from the bed until she was flush against his hard muscular body.

  “No one here is playing any games, sugar, and it’s most definitely the first time either of us have been in this situation.”

  Her breath hitched as he traced her cheek and jaw with the tip of his nose. Heat sizzled through her at the tender contact.

  “Who. The. Hell. Are. You?”

  Her voice was choppy as she tried to tamp down her body’s ridiculous reaction to this gorgeous man. The other man’s hands rested on her shoulders as he moved in behind her, sandwiching her between the two of them. He lowered his mouth to her ear where he whispered, “My name is Luca Jag, in case you forgot from earlier, and this is my best friend, Nate Claw. Just like my brother, we can shift forms. I’m a black jaguar and Nate is a spotted one.”

  “And another thing you should know, Cammi. We’re both your mates. That’s why your body is reacting to us like it is and why neither of us can keep our paws off you.”

  The second man, Nate, spoke against her neck as he laved her skin with a rough tongue. Her mind went whirling into overdrive again.

  “This isn’t real. I’m dreaming. That’s it. Any moment now I’m going to wake up and laugh at my imagination.”

  “Luca, I do believe we need to convince her how real we both are.”


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