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Boss Alpha

Page 2

by Victoria Quinn

  Kyle didn’t seem totally convinced, but he didn’t reject my thoughts altogether.

  “I think his businesses are failing.” That was a lie, and I felt a little guilty for spreading a false rumor about my father. It was wrong of me to tell the world about my relationship with my father—but at least the story was true. This was pure bullshit. “I think this is just a desperate move to ride Titan’s coattails.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing me closely.

  “I think you should skip his offer. Don’t even meet with him. Work something out with Titan. The two of you could be immensely beneficial to each other. You could both get what you want without having to give up a single part of your company. Sounds perfect to me.”

  Kyle rubbed his chin as his eyes shifted away from my face. He considered my words in silence, going over everything I said.

  I hoped it was enough to entice Kyle. I couldn’t let Titan lose this opportunity because of me. It was one of her biggest business goals. There wasn’t a single doubt in my mind that she would find another way, but it would take her a long time.

  Kyle finally spoke up. “It is suspicious…”


  “Titan is a smart woman. I trust her instincts.”


  “I already scheduled the meeting with Vincent, and I don’t want to cancel it so late. Wouldn’t want to get on his bad side.”

  My father was a smooth talker. Hopefully, what I’d said today was enough to keep Kyle on our side. “How about I arrange a meeting with Titan for tomorrow afternoon?”

  “I’ll have my assistant take care of it,” he said. “My schedule is pretty packed this week.”

  I wanted to push him a little harder, but if I made my aggression obvious, Kyle would become suspicious. “Sounds good.” I soothed my nerves by taking a long drink of my beer. The frothy liquid went all the way down my throat, but it wasn’t enough to calm my raging heart. I was the reason Titan had lost this opportunity.

  I had to get it back.



  There was a distinct chasm between us.

  Hunt was distant with me. There was an ice wall erected between us, an invisible line neither one of us crossed. He never mentioned my engagement to Thorn. He didn’t try to convince me being with Thorn was a mistake.

  He said nothing at all.

  Now we worked together like two indifferent people.

  I didn’t like it.

  But I knew that was how it had to be.

  Thorn’s ring felt heavy on my finger. It was a flawless diamond that still sparkled even when there was minimal light. It felt strange to wear it, like it didn’t belong there. I received compliments on it everywhere I went, but as much as I smiled, those kind words didn’t go to my heart.

  All of it felt like a production.

  A meaningless show.

  A part of me thought it felt right, seeing the way Thorn smiled up at me. I felt safe with him, like there was no man in the world who would be better.

  But I also couldn’t stop thinking about Hunt.

  And how much this hurt him.

  The pain was obvious for both of us, and that’s probably why we never spoke about it. Maybe we would never mention it. Maybe we would just hook up and say as little as possible. It was a sad thought to have, but I knew that would be the best outcome for both of us.

  Because nothing would ever change.

  I was sitting at my desk when Jessica spoke over the intercom. “I have Connor Suede on the line for you.”

  “Patch him through.”

  The light lit up on the receiver, and I hit the button before I took the call. “Hello, Connor.”

  “Titan.” Mysterious as usual, he said more in silence than he did with words. “I love your voice. I see colors of black, gray, and red every time I hear it.”

  He was an artist, so it didn’t surprise me when he said those sorts of things. They usually came off as sexy or romantic, whether he intended it that way or not. My fling with Connor had been nice because he knew how to please a woman, but also because he wasn’t the commitment type of man. I hadn’t seen him with a serious girlfriend since I met him years ago. And he never wanted anything serious with me. He respected the fact that I knew exactly what I wanted. “Thank you.”

  “Congratulations are in order.”

  “Thank you.” I looked down at the ring on my finger, seeing the large diamond that was one of a kind.

  “Thorn is a good man. I don’t say that too often.”

  “I’m aware.” Connor wasn’t the best person to get right to the point. He kinda drifted around, working at his own pace. The only reason I didn’t rush him was because I was a huge fan of his clothing line. I got early releases before they were even announced to the public. I loved his shoes, his clothes, and everything else he made. He was truly a genius at dressing a woman to make her look stunning.

  “I’m calling because I sent one of my girls to your office. A gift from me to you.”

  I smiled. “I love your gifts.”

  “I was hoping you would wear it to the gallery tomorrow.”

  The function had completely slipped my mind. A coalition of some of the most amazing artists had come together to sell their pieces of art. I wasn’t a big art collector, but if I saw something that spoke to my soul, I bought it. “Of course.”

  “I look forward to seeing you. Take care.”

  “Bye, Connor.”

  * * *

  My driver took me back to my penthouse after work. I sat in the back seat while we were stuck in rush-hour traffic. Everyone was going home or to the gym after a long day at the office. I took advantage of the time to call Thorn.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Did you forget about that gallery party we’re going to tomorrow too?”

  Thorn chuckled into the phone. “Now that you mention it, yes.”

  “Connor sent me a dress to wear. If he hadn’t, I probably wouldn’t go.”

  “Now you have to show it off.”

  “It’s so gorgeous, I would wear it to bed.”

  He chuckled again. “That would be a waste. And you would need to iron it for hours to get all the wrinkles out.”

  “True. Do you have something to wear?”

  “I’ll throw on a suit. I’ve got hundreds of them.”

  “Alright. You want to pick me up?”

  “Sure. I’ll drive the new Ferrari I got.”

  “Ooh…sounds like fun.”

  “I love that you understand cars. All my girls like to ride in them, but they don’t really love them the way you do.”

  “That would change if they were behind the wheel,” I said. “That kind of power can go to anyone’s head.”

  He had a smile in his voice. “What are you doing now?”

  “I’m sitting in traffic on my way home. What about you?”

  “About to head to the gym.”

  “Don’t you ever get tired of going to the gym?” I never liked them. I’d rather starve than find the ambition to spend an hour on the treadmill.

  “Yes. But I never get tired of getting laid.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “How are things with Hunt?” He dropped his playful attitude.

  Once Hunt was mentioned, I turned serious too. “We haven’t talked much.”

  He paused over the line. I imagined he was standing in his office, his gym bag sitting on the desk. “Does that mean you aren’t seeing each other anymore?”

  “We are…we just don’t talk.”

  “I see.”

  “It’s how it used to be when we first started seeing each other. Just sex and that’s it.”

  “Is that a good thing?” he asked. “Sounds like exactly what you wanted.”

  “Yeah…I guess.” I missed the connection we used to have, the openness. Now it was cold and empty. The silence was filled with all the conversations we never had. I’d made my decision that it would never work b
etween us, but that didn’t stop my heart from aching.

  “You know I’m here to talk.”

  “I know, Thorn.”

  “I should get going, though. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, alright?”


  “And by the way, this new dress is short, right?” His playfulness picked up again.

  “Actually, yes,” I said with a grin.

  “Perfect. My fiancée is going to be the hottest woman in the room tomorrow night.”

  “You’re sweet.”

  “And you know what makes it better? You’re the only woman I’m ever sweet to.”

  * * *

  It seemed like Hunt was avoiding me.

  The last time we hooked up, I was the one who showed up on his doorstep.

  He never came to me.

  Since he was the one who usually couldn’t keep his hands off me, it seemed strange. But I suspected his distance stemmed from his rage. He was pissed at me for saying yes to Thorn, even though I’d given him plenty of warning. Hunt hadn’t let it go, and I wondered how long it would take him to accept the truth.

  A part of me suspected he would stop seeing me. I didn’t want to even think about it because that would be devastating. I’d grow crazy without having him between my legs. Seeing him with someone else in the tabloids would make me hurl. But if that were his decision, I’d have to accept it with a stoic expression.

  Fortunately, the light brightened over the elevator and the doors opened.

  Hunt stepped inside my penthouse.

  He was in black jeans and a black t-shirt. Despite the dark color of his clothes, his skin still looked tanned. His hair was styled like he’d just gotten out of the shower not too long ago. I imagined he hit the gym after work before he headed over here.

  I stood in the living room because I had just made myself a drink. I was still in my stilettos because I hadn’t had a chance to slip them off yet. My bag was on the other couch, and I still wore the black jacket I’d put on in the car.

  I froze in place when I looked at him, my fingers not sensing the cold glass in my hands. My heart stilled in my chest, but once the shock passed, it thumped harder than it did before. A tingling sensation erupted in my fingertips. The skin of my throat suddenly felt cold, desperate for his kiss. I wanted his hot breaths to warm me up, to fall across my skin and make me writhe. I wanted to be loved by this man, suffocated by his powerful affection.

  He walked across the room toward me, and even though he moved at a normal pace, it seemed to take forever. He wasn’t moving quickly enough. His hands weren’t on me fast enough. His eyes burned into mine with their usual look of possessiveness. He undressed me with just a look, stripping off my dress and then my bra and panties. His eyes made love to my entire body even though he still hadn’t touched me.

  He crossed the room and stopped right in front of me, peering down at me with an aggressive presence.

  I forgot to breathe.

  He wrapped his hand around my glass, and he placed it on the coffee table without taking his gaze away from mine. His neck didn’t have to crane so drastically to look at me because my heels made me five inches taller. But even in the stilettos, I felt tiny in comparison to his height and build.

  With his eyes locked to mine, he grabbed my left hand. His fingers found my diamond ring, and he pulled it off my finger. I didn’t wear it around the house, but I hadn’t had a chance to take it off. He dropped it on the sofa table then finally stepped farther into me. His hard chest pressed against my soft tits through my clothing. His mouth scooped up mine in a heated kiss, all lips and no tongue.

  That kiss…

  His hand moved underneath the fall of my hair until he got most of it in his fist. He gave a slight tug, like I was a horse on a rein. He pivoted my mouth exactly where he wanted it to be and enjoyed me, kissing me precisely the way he wanted to.

  His other hand gripped the back of my dress, making it rise up my body as he bunched up the fabric. More kisses ensued. Our mouths combined, burned, and then they broke apart again so we could breathe. When we came together again, it felt better than the last time we touched. He was making my wet, making me soak my panties with desire. His hand squeezed my dress again before it slid up, and he grabbed the zipper at the top. He slowly dragged it down, opening the back of the dress until he stopped just above my ass. The dress came loose over my shoulders and started to sink to the floor.

  He pushed it down, revealing me in my black bra and thong. He tugged on my hair again and kissed me harder. “Damn.” He pulled me into his hard chest and moved his tongue in my mouth, making it dance with mine erotically. Our touches escalated, our breathing heightened. I felt my pussy tighten even though it didn’t have a cock to grip. I wasn’t thinking about my engagement to Thorn, Illuminance, or anything else. I was just thinking about the man who was enjoying me so profoundly.

  His hand casually popped my bra open so it could fall to the floor. He pulled the straps off my shoulders and slid it off my body. When I was in just my black thong, he broke our kiss so he could look at me. Possessive, territorial, and aggressive, he stared down at me like I was his forever. He palmed one tit with his large hand and gave it a firm squeeze while his hand remained in my hair. His eyes roamed down the valley between my breasts, over my flat stomach, and to the lacy panties that were about to be stripped away. “On your knees.” He issued the command like a general, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

  He was in charge tonight.

  I wanted to be the one calling the shots, but tonight, my body didn’t seem to mind. It came to life at his command, making me feel submissive. I wanted to be ordered around. I wanted to obey. I wanted to be whatever he wanted me to be.

  So I sank to the ground. My knees hit the rug, which was little respite from the hardwood floor. My legs folded, and my ass sat on the back of my heels. My stilettos were still on, and they slightly dug into my skin. I tilted my head up to look at him.

  He stared down at me with a look of aggressive violence. He enjoyed the view long before he did anything about it. His chest puffed out with a deep breath, he clenched his jaw, and then he undid his jeans. The zipper came undone, and soon his pants were around his ankles. His boxers came next, revealing his enormous cock that was already oozing at the tip. His hand moved into my hair, and he grabbed himself by the base. He pointed his dick at my mouth and pushed inside before my lips had even begun to part. “Open wide.”

  I opened my mouth as wide as I could and flattened my tongue.

  He didn’t hesitate before he plowed deep down my throat, fucking my mouth vigorously. Saliva pooled at the corners then dripped down my chin. My eyes burned with unemotional tears and streaked down my cheeks. The sensual and soft kiss we had just shared was replaced by a deep-throat fuck.

  But it felt good.

  He gripped the back of my neck and pushed harder. His big dick wasn’t gentle against my tongue and mouth. He hit me deep and hard, plowing me ruthlessly like I hadn’t sucked him off in years.

  His face was etched in fine lines of pleasure. He breathed hard as he enjoyed my wet mouth. The saliva dripped down his base and to his balls. From there, it leaked to the rug beneath us. “Fuck.” He pulled himself out of my mouth suddenly, edging himself so he wouldn’t release in my throat.

  He got to his knees on the rug and positioned himself behind me. His hand dug into my hair, and he pressed my face against the rug, making my ass pop up in the air. He widened his stance then shoved himself inside me.

  I moaned at his size. I’d had him so many times, but I was never prepared for how amazing it felt. He was all man, thick like a tree trunk and long like a pipe. His hand gripped me by the back of the neck, and he kept my face to the ground as he fucked me right in the middle of the living room floor.

  I’d never been fucked quite like this.

  His other hand held on to my hips, pulling himself into me with every thrust. He commandeered the night, taking me roughly just the way he w
anted. A moan emerged from him between his thrusts, enjoying every second of my immense tightness. I had the perfect pussy for his big dick, and he enjoyed every second of it.

  He scooped his arm around my chest and yanked me upward, giving his dick to me at a different angle. He pressed his mouth just behind my ear and thrust into me, his other hand wrapped around my stomach. He hit harder and harder, fucking me like he’d never had me before.

  My hands reached behind my back, and I gripped his hips, using him as an anchor to pull myself back into him. I wanted more of that cock than he could possibly give. Another inch and he would hit my cervix and make me cringe in pain. My ass smacked against his body over and over as we fucked on the ground like a pair of wild animals.

  My hands gripped his wrists as I was pushed into a powerful orgasm. My moans turned into screams that filled my penthouse. It felt so good, so deep. My screams became incoherent, and my head felt lopsided from the high I had just achieved.

  He held on to my hips and made his final thrusts before he came deep inside me, making sure I got every drop of his precious come. He groaned in my ear, not suppressing his obvious pleasure.

  I loved feeling full of him like this. I loved his weight, his warmth. It made me feel like the most desirable woman on the planet when I was pumped full of his arousal. When he released me, I moved my hands to the floor as I held myself up on all fours.

  He slowly pulled out of me and disappeared into my bathroom.

  I took a minute to gather myself, to remember the exact spot where we fucked. I hadn’t done it on the floor like that for as long as I could remember. I may never have done it that way. It was carnal and aggressive, ruthless and borderline barbaric.

  Hunt returned a moment later after he was cleaned off.

  I sat up then slipped off my heels before I rose to my feet.

  Hunt pulled on all his clothes, ran his fingers through his hair, and then kissed me on the cheek.


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