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Taking Her

Page 5

by Banks, R. R.

I feel a spasm down low as she teases the head of my cock with the tip of her tongue and jerks me off even harder. It feels so good, I honestly don’t want her to stop. But I know if I don't, this is going to make me blow my load all over her.

  Taking a step back, I suck in a deep breath and grit my teeth, trying to pull myself back from the precipice. She looks up at me, a questioning look on her face, but her eyes still on fire with lust and desire.

  “Stand up,” I say.

  She eagerly complies, getting to her feet. She stands there looking at me, as if unsure what to do next.

  “Take off your blouse,” I say.

  As she fumbles with the buttons on her blouse, I kick off my boots and slide my jeans the rest of the way off. Holding them up, I fish the condom out of my wallet and then toss it all to the side of the room where they land on my boots. Next, I slide my t-shirt over my head and throw it on my pile of clothing.

  All the while, she can't take her eyes off me. She looks me up and down, her eyes drinking me in. I don't have the physique of say, a professional athlete, but I know I've got a decent enough body. After kicking the drugs, I started to work out and take better care of myself. Eating right. Living right. Basically, the opposite of my life during FUBAR. And, as far as I'm concerned, it has paid off well.

  “Misty” unhooks her bra and lets it fall to the floor, her full, round breasts spilling out as she does. I step forward and take her breasts in my hands, kneading them, teasing her stiff pink nipples with my thumbs. A soft moan passes her lips and she shudders beneath my touch, biting her bottom lip as she stares at me.

  Reaching behind her, I unzip her skirt and let it fall to the floor where it pools around her feet. She raises her leg to take off a shoe.

  “Leave them on,” I say, my voice forceful and low.

  She stands before me in nothing but her stockings, heels, and panties, her cheeks flushed. As I drink her in from head to toe, she looks embarrassed. Her silky black stockings contrast with her soft porcelain skin in a way that's almost too appealing. She doesn't even realize that she oozes sex appeal. This woman is a fucking goddess.

  I lick my lips, feeling my cock getting impossibly hard as I contemplate all the ways I'm going to fuck her. It's her first time, so I'm going to make sure it's memorable.

  Chapter Six


  I feel the heat flaring in my cheeks as “Andy” stands there looking at me. When I first opened the door, I thought I recognized him and was ready to slam it in his face. It felt like I had seen him somewhere before but couldn’t place him. The feeling quickly passed though, and I was sure I was only being paranoid – easy to do, given the circumstances.

  Standing there in nothing but my stockings, heels, and panties, I'm nearly overwhelmed by how self-conscious I feel. But as I watch the way his eyes move up and down my body, taking in my every curve, I can see the naked hunger and desire he has for me. The way he silently drinks me in is unsettling yet incredibly sensual at the same time. He looks at me like I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Like I'm a real-life goddess or something.

  It's flattering and makes the heat already burning between my thighs burn even hotter. I'm wetter than I've ever been and my need to have a man inside of me has never been higher. To this point, porn and my vibrator have always been enough.

  But, after the way he'd gotten me off just by fingering me, I know I need more. I need all of him. It's almost comedic that my initial nervousness about doing this has been wholly replaced by my worries about being able to accommodate a man of his size inside of me. It's a valid concern though – my vibrator isn't anywhere near as large and thick as he is. At least those initial misgivings about the situation have disappeared though.

  I've never felt like this before. I've never used the words he's making me use – I usually don’t swear – and I never thought I'd be so turned on by a man being so forceful and domineering with me. I've always assumed that since I experience enough pushy, domineering men in my real life, I would be the more assertive and dominant one in bed.

  But, he's showing me something completely different about myself. I feel powerless. Completely out of control – and I love it. It makes me want more. So much more.

  “Come here,” he says, his voice gruff.

  I walk to him, my eyes fixed on his, my body trembling with anticipation, the warm, wet center of me absolutely dripping. I feel my juices running down the insides of my thighs and I think back to the way he'd licked them from his fingers. Just watching him taste me that way, looking like he was savoring every last drop, almost makes me orgasm again.

  He pulls me to him roughly, his hard-muscular body pressed to mine. He's tall and trim, filled out with lean muscle. His light brown hair falls to his shoulders and his green eyes sparkle devilishly. He's tan as if he spends time in the sun, and on his chest are tattoos that are absolutely beautiful.

  My fingers travel across the hard angles and planes of his body and I feel my heart racing, my pulse quickening. His eyes are fixed on mine and my insides turn to jelly. His gaze is so penetrating. So direct. It bores down into the very center of me and sets it on fire.

  Still holding on to me, his thick cock pressed against my stomach, he leans down and kisses me, his tongue pushing past my lips. His hands are rough and calloused as he slides them across my body and they feel so good. He cups my ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

  I hear the sound of flesh meeting flesh a moment before I feel the sting on my backside. A yelp bursts out of my throat and I look up into his face. He's wearing a devilish grin, his hands still cupping and squeezing my ass.

  “I don't –”

  My words die in my throat as I jump and yelp again when he delivers another stinging slap to my backside. The two sensations of pleasure and pain mix and light me up inside in ways I could never have imagined possible. My body is humming with electricity and my every nerve ending is on fire. Everything is so much more vivid and vibrant than it was before.

  “Put this on me,” he says, handing me the condom.

  I fumble with the packaging, but quickly tear it open, tossing the wrapper to the floor. My body is so tight with anticipation and so overwhelmed with the need to feel that hard cock inside of me, that I have a hard time lining it up to slip the rubber over the head of his dick.

  He grabs my hand and when he speaks, his voice is firm and commanding. “Relax,” he says. “Slow down.”

  Easy for him to say. He's obviously done this before and doesn't have a million different conflicting feelings and sensations rocketing through his brain and body. The most overpowering feeling inside of me is desire. Need. My raw, naked lust. I want him inside of me. Need to feel every inch of him – or, at least, as many inches as I can take.

  I take a deep breath, let it out, and try to relax a little though. I'm not going to have anything inside of me if I can't get the condom on. Though my hands are still trembling, and the butterfly wings of anticipation are still battering at my insides, I finally manage to slip the condom over the head of his cock. Concentrating – probably harder than I need to – I unroll it, letting my hand slide down along his hard length.

  “Good girl,” he says, his voice low and gruff.

  I let out a little squeak when he unexpectedly grabs hold of me and spins me around. With my back to him, he forces me to lean forward, and I plant my hands on the wall in front of me for support. I feel him behind me, his breath hot on my neck. His fingertips slide upward on my back, making me shudder, and I moan quietly with anticipation as I feel his hard cock pressing against my ass.

  “Tell me you want it,” he says softly.

  I nod eagerly. “I do,” I say. “I want it.”

  “Tell me what you want,” he says.

  “I – I want...”

  My voice trails off and I bite my bottom lip, unsure of what I should say. There's another loud crack of flesh and a sting in my backside as he spanks me again.

  “Tell me,” he growls in my ear. />
  “I – I don't know what to say,” I admit. “I've never done –”

  He spanks me again, even harder this time. The rush of pain flows into the waves of pleasure and I let out a soft moan, feeling myself growing impossibly wet.

  “I want you to tell me what you want,” he says.

  I rack my brain, trying to come up with the right words. The words he wants to hear. But, I'm coming up empty. Suddenly though, my mind flashes back to my movies. My porn. I try to recall how they talk. The things they say in the heat of the moment.

  “Fuck me,” I say, feeling the heat of embarrassment rising in my cheeks. “I want you to fuck me.”

  The man moans, as if my words are pleasing him. I try to pretend I'm one of the actresses in the movies I watch. I try to recall their words. Recall what they do. In my head, I try to become one of them. And as I sort of assume their persona, take on their character, I feel a small surge of confidence growing within me. I suddenly begin to feel a strength I didn't have before – and it feels glorious.

  Maybe this is what Izzy meant about taking control of myself and my sexuality. Maybe, allowing myself to give and receive pleasure is opening the door for me to feel more confident in my own skin. To be stronger than I ever imagined possible.

  Or, maybe I'm just incredibly horny and looking to get off. I really don't know at this point.

  All I do know is that it's not the time to wax philosophical right now. I need this man inside of me. I look back over my shoulder at him, my eyes blazing with an animalistic need. I brace myself harder against the wall and push myself backward, grinding my backside against his stiff cock.

  “Give it to me,” I say, the confidence suddenly flowing through me like a river. “I want your cock in me right now.”

  He grunts and spins me around, pulling me over to the bed. My heels fall to the floor as I tumble back, bouncing against the bed. Before I can move or say a word, he’s laying over me, positioning his engorged member at my entrance. The next thing I feel is my eyes growing wider and my mouth falls open into a perfect “O” as he slowly sinks his hard, thick cock inside of me.

  The length and thickness of his cock fills me up entirely. It stretches me wider than ever before, and there is a sharp pinch of pain that shoots through me. But, just as before, it collides with the pleasure and creates the most vibrant and intense sensations inside of me.

  My vibrator is a cheap imposter compared to this.

  A high-pitched, stuttering gasp bubbles up and out of my throat as he slowly moves his cock, pushing himself a little deeper with every thrust. I'm overcome by waves of pain-tinted pleasure as my body vibrates with a carnal electricity. My breath catches in my throat and I squeeze my eyes shut, as I get used to the intense sensations coursing through me.

  He's so deep inside of me – deeper than I've ever had my vibrator before – and my body erupts in feeling. I cry out so loud, my voice echoes around the room as he hits that most sensitive spot deep within me. It's like a dam burst inside of me and I'm awash in physical sensation, my body trembling so hard with it, I feel like somebody is holding a live wire to my skin.

  “Fuck,” I say.

  The words come tumbling from my mouth and for the first time, I don't feel ashamed or embarrassed by them. All I can really feel is his cock thrusting ever deeper, and the resulting explosion of sensations inside of me.

  He thrusts himself deep, hitting that spot inside of me again and I practically scream in delight and amazement as an orgasm – harder and more powerful than any I've ever felt – unexpectedly comes crashing down over me.

  I'm unable to speak. Unable to even form a coherent thought as the waves of pleasure roll through me hard and fast. My muscles are spasming and my eyes are practically rolled back in my head as I sputter and gasp, my breath ragged, my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

  Slowly, my orgasm loosens its grip on me and I'm able to breathe again. He pushes me against the bed, pinning me with his body, and plants a line of kisses down my neck and breasts. I shudder as a wave of chills sweep over me.

  “You like this, baby?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I gasp.

  “Do you want more?”

  “I want more,” I say, channeling my inner-porn star. “I need your cock. I need to feel you come inside of me.”

  I can see the raw need in his eyes. The hunger and desire. He looks at me like he wants to devour me whole. He lifts me up like I weigh nothing and pins me against the headboard, sliding his hands underneath my butt to hold me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, grab hold of his shoulders, and cling to his body tightly.

  A low grunt escapes him as he pushes himself back inside of me and though I grimace through that initial stab of pain, he sets off an explosion of ecstasy inside of me. He starts pushing his hips in a steady rhythm, driving his stiff cock into me again and again, making me cry out. Leaning forward, he kisses me hard, our tongues stabbing and darting together.

  I run my hands over his taut biceps. His jaw is clenched, and his breathing is more ragged. He thrusts himself into me deeper and harder, making me cry out. I grit my teeth and dig my nails into his shoulders, making him draw in a sharp breath.

  I cry out as our bodies hit the headboard behind me, making a loud, hollow thump-thump-thump noise as he pumps himself into me with a dizzying intensity.

  “Fuck me,” I gasp. “Yes, baby. Fuck me.”

  A low, animalistic growl passes his lips and he drives himself into me harder and with even more vigor. His body is tensing and I'm pretty sure he's close. He thrusts himself deep and hits that spot in me, pulling a strangled cry from my throat.

  “C – c - come for me,” I stammer. “I need you to come for me.”

  He tightens his grip on my backside, his fingers pressing hard into my flesh. His grunting is becoming louder, his movements more frantic.

  “Fuck,” he grunts through gritted teeth. “You're so fucking tight.”

  “Come for me,” I moan. “Come inside of me.”

  And that does the trick. His body tenses up and then jerks hard. I feel his long, thick cock start to pulse and throb inside of me. He throws his head back and groans, and I feel him burst inside of me. The sensation of him filling the condom with his hot seed touches off another orgasm and I moan loudly, my body trembling right along with his as we ride out the powerful waves of pleasure together.

  “That was amazing,” I say, my voice so breathy, I barely manage a whisper.

  “Yeah,” he says. “That was pretty good, wasn't it?”

  I hear a faint Irish accent in his voice, but it's been watered down. I'm guessing he's lived here for a while. I lift my head up and look at him, once again admiring his body. He's incredibly sexy and that had really been mind-blowing. Izzy was right. She was so incredibly right.

  “So –”

  I raise my hand to cut him off. I don't want things getting awkward now.

  “That was great, and I thank you,” I say. “But, now it's time for you to go.”

  “Time for me to go?”

  He looks at me like he's genuinely puzzled. Like he doesn't understand he's supposed to leave after the act or something.

  “Yeah, go,” I say. “You performed the service you were paid to perform. Time to go now.”

  I say that, but there's some small part of me that wants him to stick around and give me a repeat performance.

  “Tell you what though,” I say. “Leave your business card or number on the table just in case I want to hire you again.”

  The man chuckles and nods to himself as he pulls on his clothes. Dressed once again, he moves over to the desk and scrawls something down on the pad of paper. His number, I assume. Finished, he turns to me and gives me a mischievous little grin.

  “Do I at least get your name?” he asks.

  I think for a minute and grin at him. “Misty works,” I say. “Just call me Misty.”

  Looking clearly amused, he nods. “Well, fine,” he says. “My real name –�

  “Is Andy,” I cut him off. “That's all I need. You're Andy. If I do decide to employ – your services – again, you'll be Andy then too. Now, off with you.”

  The man laughs and shakes his head. “So be it,” he says. “Well, thank you for a lovely evening, Misty. It's been – memorable.”

  “Indeed,” I say. “Goodnight then.”


  I flop back on the bed as I hear the door close and revel in the sensations still coursing through my body. I can't keep the smile from spreading across my face and I have to fight to suppress the urge to giggle. God, that was amazing. I really feel sorry for the next guy I decide to sleep with – that's one tough act to follow.

  I'm tempted to call Izzy to thank her for such an incredible evening, but I look at the clock on the bedside table and figure that it's late. She's probably either sleeping – or in the middle of sleeping with someone. Either way, I don't want to disturb her. It can wait.

  I still can't believe I did it. Even more, I can't believe the things I did. The things I said. I acted like one of the porn stars I watch rather than myself. It's still a bit shocking and surprising to me. And as I think about it and recall what “Andy” and I had just done, a slow trickle of embarrassment and shame begins to creep into my subconscious.

  I push it away ruthlessly – and for the first time, I’m able to do just that. I feel good. Liberated, in a way. Reveling in that afterglow, for the first time in my life, I feel so relaxed. At peace. Izzy had been right about that too – I feel good. Great, in fact.

  For the first time in my life, I feel – free.

  Maybe, that inner-porn star really is a part of who I am. A part of myself I never knew existed. A part of myself that this man – this stranger – somehow unlocked with ease. Or maybe, it's been there the whole time and because I'd never been with a man before, I just didn't know it. At least, not until now.

  Whatever the case may be – and knowing me, I'll be spending a lot of time pondering it – I like the way I feel right now. I like it a lot. And I could get used to it pretty easily.


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