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Page 5

by Autumn McKayne

  But Jared had seemed to be doing okay. Sure, he had been hesitant when they had first arrived at Gideon Hatch’s little cottage. Jared never really did well with new people, and new places, and knowing what his little brother- okay, not so little anymore, but to Declan he always would be- had gone through growing up, Declan didn't blame him one bit. Declan and Rae had grown up in a loving home, never knowing what it was like to have to watch their back every night or scrape by on food left behind by other people.

  He and Rae had grown up spending playful summers here at Gideon’s, walking the woods, swimming in Hidden Lake, huddling together around the fire pit listening to Gideon and their father tell old stories, but for Jared this was uncharted territory. Strangers made Jared nervous; he never knew how they would react to him once they saw his scar. It pissed Declan off that Jared had to worry about such a thing, and he hated watching Jared’s nerves and anxiety get the best of him. But Declan had learned over the years just how to cut through the panic, how to support and touch in just such a way that would help to soothe the anxiety. He tried to follow in his dad’s example and let Jared know he wasn't stained and dirty, he was wanted and loved. He might not be as good at putting it into words like their dad had been, but Declan thought he and Rae did a decent job of showing Jared that he was still safe, that he didn't need to be scared anymore.

  That crippled Declan the most; that the promise of safety had now been jerked away from Jared, from all of them. More often than not since being at Gideon’s, Declan heard Jared enter his room at some point in the night, making a neat pile of blankets on the floor, preferring that to sleeping in his room alone. Declan had stopped offering his brother the bed after several nights of this, every time hearing the same grunt of refusal from Jared. Declan would listen to his brother’s soft snoring before being able to settle back into sleep again. Knowing all Jared needed was the comfort of not being alone, Declan had started leaving his door open a crack whenever he turned in for the night.

  Declan had been too mired in his own grief to pay attention to the faraway looks Jared would take on during the day. Declan had ignored the almost constant hunch of Jared’s shoulders, a reflexive pose that had been ingrained long ago to make himself smaller during his years on the streets. When Jared spent every dinner in silence, Declan had chalked it up to Jared just being used to either himself or Rae carrying on more of the conversation. He had ignored the way Jared’s leg constantly bounced up and down anxiously underneath the dinner table, ignored the way his hands always shook slightly when he brushed his teeth in their shared bathroom before bed.

  Declan had taken Gideon’s silent but persistent watchdog stance over the youngest Cooper for granted. He’d been so buried within his own head that he hadn't once sat down with Jared since arriving at Gideon’s to see how he was doing; a former rescue in a new place, a new house, knowing no one except his grief-stricken and too absent older siblings. The ones who were supposed to protect him, to comfort him. Declan had been doing a shitty job of that. Guilt sliced into him, quick and sharp.

  He jogged back to the house, trying to catch up to Jared who had stalked away. “You okay, bro?” Declan kicked himself for the mundane question, but the truth was that for once, he didn't know what else to say. He didn't know what to do with himself, being out of the field for so long. He was itching for a job, their current idleness making him feel useless. Not being able to help Jared, that felt even worse.

  “Fine.” Jared shrugged him off and had almost made it to the house when the loud rumble of a motor had them both looking to Gideon’s front drive. Forgoing the back door, the brothers rounded the side of the house, leaving Gideon and Rae to debate sparring techniques in the backyard.

  Immediately forgetting their recent tension, Jared instinctively edged behind Declan as they made their way to the driveway. Declan moved to block Jared from the dark figure that was coasting onto Gideon’s drive on a sleek black motorcycle with silver trim, hidden behind a dark helmet and visor. Declan was about to open his mouth, but the stranger beat him to it.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  Jared tensed, knowing that the man’s confrontational tone would automatically set his brother on edge. He tugged at Declan’s sleeve, trying to see past him to whomever had pulled up in front of the house, but his brother was about as moveable as a stone statue.

  Declan smiled tightly and returned the man’s question. “Funny, I was just about to ask you the same thing.”

  Gideon’s sudden appearance saved Jared from having to stay Declan. “Reese.” Gideon clapped a hand on the stranger’s back. “Good to see you, boy.” Taking in the brewing situation before him, Gideon cleared his throat. “Declan. Ease up.”

  “I was just about to introduce myself to your friend here.” Declan drawled.

  Jared rolled his eyes but he was grateful for Declan’s presence. Sixteen years since he had been hunted on the streets, yet Jared still couldn't help the automatic twinge of anxiety that struck his chest whenever he came across someone unfamiliar, and having recently been accosted by an Agent in his own home didn't help. Jared balled the cuffs of his sleeves in his fists to give his nervous fingers something to do.

  “Yeah, like hell you were.” Gideon grumbled. He gestured between them. “Reese, this is Declan Cooper and his brother Jared. Declan, Jared, this is Reese Slater. He works with me. He’s a Renegade.”

  No longer able to hide behind Declan after Gideon’s introduction, Jared took in a deep breath through his nose to help steady himself, and then glanced at their visitor. His heart gave another jump, but this time it had nothing to do with nerves.

  Reese Slater was the sexiest man Jared had ever seen. The collar of his dark leather jacket was turned up, brushing against the stubble lining his jaw. His lips were chapped from his ride but they looked soft, and Jared wanted nothing more than to taste them, to feel the press of them against his own. In a quick splash of sunlight Jared noticed a small scar on Reese’s left temple cutting through what was otherwise a perfectly chiseled face, snaking its way into hair so brown it was almost black. Jared’s fingers, still curled tightly into his sleeves, itched to run through those thick locks. He was tempted to say something, anything, that would prompt the man to respond just so Jared could hear that husky voice again.

  Reese’s intense gaze landed on Jared and where normally Jared would shrink back and try to make himself invisible, hiding from the world around him like he used to hide from Agents, Jared now did neither of those things.

  Declan’s hand clamped around the back of his neck, shaking the stars from Jared’s eyes and crashing him harshly back into real time. “Jare,” his brother said through gritted teeth, that tight, fake smile still plastered onto his face. “Could you do me a favor and go grab my gun? I left it out back after our target practice.”

  Gideon cut a sharp glance towards Declan. “Be nice.” Reese started to chuckle, but Gideon scolded him as well. “You, too. Vivienne’s Agents just ran them outta their home.”

  Reese’s expression turned serious, and though he addressed the both of them, his gaze was once more fixed on Jared. “Shit. I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Jared almost broke then, at seeing the pity his face. Seeing a stranger respond to their situation made it seem real, like they couldn't hide from it anymore. Rather than make a fool of himself in front of Gideon, his brother, and the most attractive man he had ever met, Jared turned away to walk back to the backyard to do as Declan had asked, rapidly blinking tears from his eyes as he did so.

  Rae met him halfway, jogging towards him from the backyard. “Hey, Jare. You okay?” She fitted her slender fingers around the ball of his fist, still hidden beneath his sleeves. Looking over his shoulder, she called out to Declan. “Yo, bro. You left your gun back on the stump. Idiot move, rookie.” The teasing light left her eyes when she noticed they had company. “Oh.” Rae looked at Reese, then back at Jared. “Oh,” she said again, quieter this time. She didn't let go of his right
hand, and Jared slid his fingers out to squeeze hers in thanks before walking with her back to the driveway.

  Gideon headed towards the front door, holding it open. “Get on inside then, all of you.” He said gruffly. “Things are a bit different this time around, Reese. I would have given you more notice, but it’s been a little crazy ‘round here lately.”

  “No worries.” Reese smiled, and Jared’s stomach took a dip.

  He preceded Reese inside the house, and swore he could feel Reese’s eyes on his back the whole time.


  Reese Slater wasn't used to coming upon anyone when he came to Gideon’s place. The entire appeal of Hatch’s house as an arrival and departure point lay in the fact that he was a solitary man, much like Reese himself. No one was ever around to see him come and go. Reese would immediately park his bike in Hatch’s garage, get debriefed, and jump behind the wheel of whatever vehicle Hatch had set up for him for the current mission.

  Lather, rinse, repeat.

  Instead he found himself lingering, leaning against Gideon’s kitchen counter, beer bottle in hand. Which in itself wasn't too unusual, he supposed. He and Hatch often shot the shit in between jobs, and Reese had crashed here more than his fair share when various holdups would keep him from heading out the same day he arrived. More often than he wished, Reese had holed up here when recovering from a job that went south, or when he needed a safe place to stay without fear of being found. The woods, not to mention the lake, behind Gideon’s house were damn relaxing, and it was a peaceful, refreshing place to take a break from the sickness and hate that he often saw on the job in the streets. Gideon Hatch, like the rugged land he lived on, was one of the few constants in Reese’s life. Hatch was hospitable, and he was comfortingly familiar.

  The three people standing around Gideon’s kitchen table, however, eyeing him like he was some novelty in a circus freak show? That was new.

  Reese resigned himself to dealing with this new development and made himself more comfortable, crossing one booted ankle over the other as he studied Gideon’s newest hatchlings.

  The oldest, Declan, looked about as skeptical and welcoming as Reese felt. His steel grey eyes were shuttered, his thick arms crossed over his chest. The fabric of his sweatshirt pulled across his shoulders, and, shitty attitude aside, Reese actually found him quite handsome, albeit in a raw, arrogant sort of way. Reese didn't miss the way he edged his body in front of the other two, as if Reese was someone from whom they would need protection.

  Read you loud and clear, buddy, Reese thought. News flash, he didn't trust them much either. Reese wasn't here to make new friends. His work was company enough, and the occasional beer with Gideon and some of the other Renegades, not to mention the casual, one-night encounters with whatever pretty stranger would warm his bed for the night between jobs was more than enough interaction to keep Reese happy. Speaking of pretty strangers...

  Reese once more found himself staring at the younger man, Jared, just like he had outside. Soft, chestnut hair that was two weeks past needing a cut fell just above thick eyelashes, and even from this short distance Reese couldn't quite tell if his eyes were brown or gold. His cheeks were flushed, as if he had just finished a sprint, or, Reese thought, a good hard session being tossed around in bed. Reese felt a tug of arousal deep within his belly.

  He would gladly volunteer to be the one to make Jared look like that.

  Nervous tension kept Jared’s muscular shoulders taut and even beneath a navy blue long sleeved shirt that was a size too large, Reese could make out a lean body tapering into even leaner hips. Long legs and strong thighs were wrapped in soft denim and Reese caught the subtle movement of Jared’s booted feet inching towards the man in front of him. For being brothers, they really didn’t look much alike. Jared’s fists were pulling the cuffs of his sleeves into little bunches, and he was tucked behind Declan just like he had been outside, but those beautiful, golden chocolate eyes were clear when they finally met Reese’s gaze. Reese found an intrigue there, a curious innocence that sent every last one of his alarm bells sounding off in his head.

  Damned if Reese didn't want to ignore each and every one.

  “Someone want to explain what’s going on here?” The girl at the table asked cheerfully, breaking the heavy silence that had descended onto the kitchen. She turned to Gideon. “Or are you going to wait for us all to stare each other to death?” Reese chuckled, liking her in an instant for her candor.

  He levered himself up from the counter and held out his hand to her, which she took easily, her delicate fingers belying the strength they held. “Reese Slater,” he said, enjoying the flash of her dimples as she shook his hand. “We were a bit rushed outside. It’s a pleasure.”

  “RaeLynn Cooper,” she returned, her eyes alighting in a soft grey blue of a partly cloudy day, rather than the hard steel gaze of her brother. “And indeed it is,” she returned, giving him a wink.

  Reese let go of her hand and laughed out loud. It was always nice to be noticed, he mused, his eyes darting back to Jared. Reese shifted out of the way as Rae reached around him to the fridge to grab her own beer.

  “Who is this guy, and if you work with him then why are we just now meeting him?” Declan asked Gideon, though his eyes were fixed on Reese.

  “He’s been here once since you got here. Your drunk ass slept through it.” Gideon responded. Reese took pleasure in Declan’s scowl. He saw Jared perk up at this news, an adorable frown creasing his brow. Gideon seemed to read the kid’s mind, and he said, “You were out joggin’.”

  Rae twisted the cap off her beer. “Okay, so what makes you join our little island of misfit toys?”

  Reese set his empty beer bottle down on the counter. “I'm a runner for the Renegades. Gideon here is kind of my home base,” he said simply. He really didn't have time for this. He needed to crash for a few hours, then fuel up before his next job. If these kids didn't know what Gideon was into, well, Reese wasn't going to be the one to hang around painting the picture.

  When no one said anything, Gideon spoke up. “Declan here is a tracker. One of the best. Took after his father.” He gestured towards the other two. “Jared and Rae, they worked at a rescue shelter, back home in Illinois.”

  “Yeah, because dad wouldn't let me track for the Renegades,” Rae pouted. “Even though I’d be damn good at it.”

  Gideon slid open the back door off the kitchen. “No restrictions here, Rae. Declan, come help me with this grill.”

  Ignoring him, Declan pushed away from the table, crowding into Reese’s space. “What exactly do you do?”

  “I transport rescues to shelters, get them the hell away from the Agents trying to run them down.” Reese crossed his arms. “What kind of tracker doesn’t know what happens after the rescues get picked up?”

  “Maybe it works differently where I’m from.”

  Reese smirked. “Or maybe you aren’t as good as you think you are.”

  “And maybe the two of you should just drop trou and measure right here, so we all can see whose is bigger.” Rae rolled her eyes and put a hand on Declan’s chest. “Seriously, bro. Chill out.” She turned to Reese. “Sorry. We’re all just still a bit on edge, you know? Stay, have dinner with us. We can all get to know each other a bit better and figure all this out.” She looked pointedly at her older brother.

  Jared moved his sister aside so he could get to the fridge. “You say that like you’re actually going to cook something for dinner.” He bent over slightly and pulled out some steaks and several assorted vegetables and Reese allowed himself a second to enjoy the view.

  “Just because you guys never let me in the kitchen to cook-“

  “Yeah, because it almost went up in flames last time you tried.” Declan nudged her with his arm and Reese felt a strange pang of envy at watching the obvious closeness of these siblings that he barely knew.

  Gideon cleared his throat. “Rae, dear, no offense, but your cookin’ ain't exactly the kind th
at most find…that is to say, it can be a bit…”

  “Rank,” Declan supplied.

  “Deadly,” Jared filled in, his arms full of ingredients as he closed the refrigerator door with his hip.

  Rae picked up the onion she had been about to cut and threw it at Declan, who caught it deftly. “Fine.” She grabbed another beer and took a seat at the table, looking up at Reese with a sweet smile. “I’ll just start grilling the new guy.”

  “Why did you tell Reese you didn't know what a runner was?” Jared asked later that night as he spread out some blankets on Declan’s floor. “I thought you and dad worked with them all the time. Don’t you have to be either a tracker or a runner to be a Renegade, anyway?”

  “Or work at a rescue shelter, like you and Rae.” Declan nudged his duffel over with his boot, making more room for Jared’s makeshift bed, since Gideon had given Reese Jared’s room for the night. Reese had waved him off, saying he would sleep on the couch, but something had made Jared protest that idea. Maybe it had been the faint lines around Reese’s eyes, or the soft but tired way he had caught Jared’s eye across the table when Gideon had been filling Reese in on the briefest details of his upcoming job, but something in Jared didn't want him to have to sleep on anything but a comfy bed.


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