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His to Master and Enjoy [The Billionaires and Their Playgrounds 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 7

by Jan Bowles

  After turning the key in a counterclockwise direction, he pushed open the heavy oak paneled door.

  Paige put a hand to her chest as she peered inside. “Oh, Leon, it’s enchanting.” Whitewashed walls and a wooden vaulted ceiling captivated her imagination. “It’s like something from a fairytale.”

  He looked around the surprisingly spacious interior, then nodded. “Hmm, I can see why you would think that. Apart from a few mod cons to make it habitable for the twenty-first century, it’s fundamentally the same as when my great-grandfather Pietro Caparelli built it with his bare hands in 1929. My grandfather lived in this very house until he went to seek his fortune in the US. That was the beginning of Caparelli Motors.”

  “Ah, that’s such a lovely story. So it’s been passed down from generation to generation?”

  “Yes, and I will pass it down to my son.” He stared deep into her eyes when he spoke as though searching for tells in her body language. For some unknown reason, she immediately lowered her head, feeling a tingle of embarrassment, and she knew she blushed. She liked Leon, she really did, and every morning she woke up she liked him that little bit more. In truth, she now realized that like was slowly turning to love. She hadn’t mentioned her growing feelings for him yet, just as he hadn’t mentioned how he felt about her. However, the way he looked at her made her want to believe that she was more than just his fuck buddy, who he might eventually tire of. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking to believe that Leon’s son could be her son, too. But maybe, just maybe, if their relationship continued to blossom, then daydreams could become reality.

  Feeling self-conscious about her thoughts, and wishing to change the subject, she tentatively asked, “Er…and these mod cons you mentioned?”

  “Ah, I see, I thought I saw concern in your eyes. I’m guessing it’s because you’re a city girl at heart, one who likes her comfort.”

  He strode across the flagstone floor and pushed open another door. “The kitchen. I think this will meet with your approval. It has every convenience a modern girl could want. I’ve also had a walk-in shower installed, and last but certainly not least, there’s an outdoor pool. Look, baby.” With a hand to the small of her back, he guided her to a window at the rear of the villa. “Satisfied?”

  “Yes, very.”

  Because the windows were small, the traditional Tuscan interior was slightly dark, but that had the beneficial effect of keeping the inside of this charming retreat lovely and cool, something she welcomed unreservedly as she fanned a hand in front of her face. “It sure is great to get away from that goddamn heat, and my feet are killing me.”

  She kicked off her shoes. “Traitors.”

  He spread his arms wide, palms upward. “What is it with women and shoes anyway? Why not wear a more comfortable pair when you’re working?”

  Paige had to bite her lip to stop herself from coming out with some acerbic quip or other. Huh, men, what do they know? Despite being jet lagged and hungry, she was in an upbeat mood, so she smiled and said, “I’ll have you know my work shoes are very practical, but when a girl’s been on her feet for five hours, looking at engines and gearboxes, they’re bound to hurt, especially when she hasn’t even had the time to sit down and eat some lunch.”

  He smiled. “Ah, lunch, but I can do much better than that.” His expressive face lit up with delight when he said, “I’ve been invited to the opening of the Cosmo Art Exhibition in Florence. It’s a big occasion, and many important and influential people will be attending. I hope you’re not camera shy, because the paparazzi will be out in force, too. Baby, you’ll adore Florence. It is an exquisite city full of dreams and culture. A city made for lovers.”

  “Camera shy? You mean—”

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her passionately on the lips. “But of course you’re coming with me. I wouldn’t dream of going without you.”

  “Oh, boss.” It had always been an ambition of hers to visit Europe, especially the great cities linked with the Italian Renaissance, and trying not to hyperventilate too much, she repeatedly patted the palm of her hand to her chest in an effort to slow her racing heart. “Florence sounds wonderful, but—”

  He raised an index finger, stilling her words midsentence. “If Rosa has done what I requested of her, I have a surprise for you.”


  “Yes, she’s my housekeeper. She looks after the villa when I’m home in Colorado. Come with me. I have something to show you in the bedroom.” Smiling like only a genuinely happy man could, he took hold of her hand and led her down the narrow hallway.

  Immediately feeling sexy as hell, she quipped, “Oh I see, that type of surprise.”

  He laughed as he pushed open the bedroom door. “Oh, yes, baby, we shall certainly enjoy each other’s bodies tonight, but that is after we return from Florence.”

  Enjoy each other’s bodies? Oh, God, the time is now. I need to tell him everything, but…

  The bedroom was larger than she’d imagined, and an impressive four-poster bed dominated the center of the room. Her pussy became wet with need when she imagined Leon’s huge cock sliding inside her, his warm breath fanning against her neck as she lay staring up at the ornate overhead canopy. In just a few short hours, she wouldn’t need to imagine how great it would feel, because she’d know for real.

  That’s if he’s not disgusted by what he sees when I stand naked before him.

  In the center of the gold satin bedspread lay a large cardboard box, measuring about three feet by two. Intrigued and excited in equal measure, she turned to him, then standing on tiptoe, reached up and kissed his lips. “Oh, Leon, is this for me?”

  “Open it, baby. A beautiful woman should always have beautiful things.”

  She was right, like was turning to love, and just the way he looked at her now, with such affection showing in his beautiful dark eyes, made her realize that she was falling head over heels in love with this man.

  Excitedly, she lifted the heavy cardboard lid from its base to reveal several neatly folded layers of tissue paper. She glanced at him. “You’re spoiling me.”

  Leon stood with his arms folded across his chest, expectantly awaiting her response. “You deserve it. It’s a dress, more a creation really, designed by my good friend, Ugo Zito.”

  Her mouth fell open, holding the perfect O. “Ugo Zito? You mean the famous fashion designer from Milan?”

  “Yes, and I may add, a connoisseur of Caparelli cars. As a special favor, I asked him to design a dress just for you. It’s a one-off. That’s how special you are to me, baby. In my opinion Ugo has excelled himself.” Obviously excited, he gestured with his hands in theatrical style. “Take it from the box.”

  “Okay,” she said breathlessly. Paige pushed the tissue paper aside and carefully lifted the black velvet creation from its sumptuous packaging. It was so beautiful it made her want to weep with joy. No man had ever lavished such attention on her before, and Leon’s thoughtful actions unlocked the love in her heart.

  “I insist you hold it up to yourself. I want you to show me just how beautiful you are.”

  Leon was an impatient man and looked in no mood for compromise. “Certainly, sir.” Over her clothes, she molded the expensive fabric to the contours of her body, allowing her fingertips to caress the sensuous velvet material. “It feels lovely, Leon. Thank you.”

  He studied her with an intensity that bordered on the obsessive. “You look stunning. Ugo must have worked through the night to get it finished in time. It’s an exquisite creation, baby.” He momentarily stopped speaking, then wistfully added, “But without you it is merely a piece of material.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.” His sexily spoken words made her feel like a goddess. When she lowered her gaze, she saw his erect penis pushing against the front of his pants. Leon possessed a burning passion for the beautiful things of this world. Beautiful cars, beautiful dresses, beautiful women.


  With a smile to her f
ace, Paige let her hand drift over the soft black velvet once more, but as she stroked the comforting cloth, a cold clammy realization suddenly took hold, making her feel vulnerable and scared. The dress had a plunging neckline. One so low, her breasts would be on display for everyone to see. But that was exactly what Leon wanted. He was proud of his woman, and wanted to show her off. But there is worse to come…oh no, oh dear God no. The dress is sleeveless, too. How could she have been so stupid? She’d been carried away by the attention Leon lavished on her. He’d made her feel like a million dollars—made her feel so special and desirable. Made her feel like she was perfect. Only she wasn’t, she was far from it. Needing to think fast, she inwardly cursed herself. Why the hell hadn’t she told him already—trusted him? But then, if she’d done that, he’d have insisted she explain herself, and she didn’t want to do that either. Not now. Not ever, because that meant she’d have to dredge up unwanted memories from that dark period, a time in her life when she’d been made to feel worthless and used. She’d been foolish and naïve, crazy even, to think that she could keep up this pretense forever. Suddenly feeling lost, and devoid of direction, she felt herself start to tremble. Just how was she going to handle the situation now? Almost in the blink of an eye, her happiness had turned to despair. What should have been a joyful experience was turning into a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions.

  However things panned out, Leon was not going to be pleased.

  Chapter Eight

  As Leon observed Paige with the twenty-five-thousand-dollar dress, he noticed a subtle change to her demeanor. Gone was the unbridled enthusiasm and excitement. The sheer joy she’d exhibited just a few fleeting moments ago seemed to have vanished into thin air.

  “You do like the dress, don’t you?”

  “It’s beautiful, Leon. Really it is.”

  “But the look in your eyes tells me otherwise. You suddenly seem ill at ease with yourself.”

  She forced a smile, one that didn’t convince. “No, no, I’m fine. Really I am. I’m just a bit overwhelmed by your generosity. That’s all.” She laid the dress back in the box, carefully covering it with the tissue paper, before replacing the cardboard lid.

  There was something wrong with the picture before him. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on, yet. Whatever the problem was, he didn’t like the strident way she acted. How dare she put the dress away without so much as asking. Enough was enough. “Paige.” The way he barked out her name made her head snap to attention. “Take the dress from the box, and put it on for me.”

  “Er…it’s been a long day, Leon. I’m tired…and I haven’t had a shower. Um…maybe later.”

  What the hell was going on? He’d make it his business to find out. “You’re tired. I’m tired. Everyone’s tired, but both Ugo and myself have gone to a lot of trouble on your behalf.”

  After searching her eyes for the cause of her strange behavior, she suddenly lowered her head, only this wasn’t submissive role-play, because she looked genuinely afraid. “I know, I’m sorry, and I’ve got a migraine coming on, too. I think it must be all the traveling.”

  Migraine? She was a liar, and not a very accomplished one. Her body language gave her away, and he strode across to her and roughly cupped her chin in his fingers, contorting the shape of her pretty little mouth. Leon then angled her head, forcing her to look him in the eye. “Put. The. Dress. On.” He spoke slowly and authoritatively so there could be no misunderstanding.

  “Please don’t make me, Leon. I’m begging you, please don’t make me.”

  All the fucking trouble he’d gone to, and yet she treated him so dismissively, disrespectfully even. No Caparelli man would ever tolerate such behavior from a woman, and feeling growing anger surging within him, he bared his teeth and said, “I insist you put the goddamn dress on.”

  “Leon, please be reasonable, I—”

  “I insist again.”

  Catching him unawares, she suddenly pulled away, and seemingly unafraid to hold his gaze, stared right back at him. Her wide green eyes looked sad and frightened, and yet they sparked with confrontation. “If you insist. Then I refuse you, because I have to,” she screamed.

  Leon wasn’t about to let her talk to him like that. Keeping as calm as the situation allowed, he strode to the door, then quietly clicked it shut. He then turned and rested his weight against it.

  Finding it hard to control his rage, he jerked an insistent finger in her direction. “You’re going nowhere, lady. Either you take off your clothes and put on the dress, or I’ll do it for you.”

  Clearly distressed, and for a reason he didn’t yet understand, she shook her head and whispered, “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I do. Let’s get one thing straight. This relationship is based on me being the dominant partner and you being my submissive.”

  “I know and I–I like it that way, but—”

  “Am I asking you to do something so unreasonable?”

  “No, not normally, but—”

  “Good, then I’m gonna count backward from five, Paige, and the deal is this, as I start counting you start undressing.


  “We’ve shared some great sex together. Mind-blowing sex. I thought we were connecting. I really did, but now for some crazy fucking reason that I don’t even pretend to understand, you’re refusing to wear a designer dress that I had specially made for you. Such blatant disrespect will not be tolerated.


  She was trying to hold it together, but the first signs of tears made her beautiful green eyes appear glassy.

  “There’s things you don’t know, Leon. Things you don’t understand. Things I don’t want to explain and relive, because…” She wiped the tears away with the back of her hand.

  “Tell me.”

  “No, I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I wanted to tell you in a time of my own choosing.” She sobbed. “I know I should have confided in you already, but I couldn’t find the courage, because I’m scared I’ll lose you if I do.” In obvious distress, she held a hand to her mouth. “And I couldn’t bear that.”

  Christ Almighty, he knew he came across as a compassionless, selfish prick, but in reality nothing could be further from the truth, and it broke his heart to see the woman he now knew he was falling in love with appear so defeated and broken. What was so fucking important that she acted this way? He genuinely believed that once he extracted this secret, however dark, it would only serve to strengthen their relationship.


  She breathed in a ragged breath. “You like beautiful things, don’t you, Leon? Perfection turns you on. Caparelli cars are so fucking perfect, aren’t they? You know the perfect wine for the perfect meal. You wear perfectly fitting suits for your perfect job, which allows you to mix with all the beautiful, perfect people.”

  He shook his head. “What the hell are you talking about, woman? Sure I like beauty, what man doesn’t? It would be a sad fucking world without any beauty in it. Goddamnit, I’m fast losing patience with you, Paige.


  “You just don’t get it, do you? You think I’m perfect, too, don’t you?”

  “You are. You’re a stunningly beautiful woman. Why do you find it so hard to believe that?”

  “Because I’m not, I’m not, I’m not,” she screamed.

  He’d tried using a carrot to encourage her to open up. He’d even appealed to her female vanity by telling her how achingly beautiful she was. The speak-softly approach hadn’t worked.

  Time for the stick.

  “One.” His booming voice echoed around the bedroom, leaving her in no doubt he was going all the way with this.

  However, his totally uncompromising attitude had exactly the opposite effect to the one he’d envisaged. At this late stage in the game of submission, he’d expected her to fold, to crumble, to beg one final time before inevitably submitting to his will. It hadn’t quite worked out that

  Instead, Paige suddenly stopped crying, and an icy calmness enveloped her. “Okay, Leon, you insist I put the dress on, then that’s exactly what I’ll do. You win.”

  “I always do.”

  Christ Almighty, he knew that women were unpredictable at the best of times, but Paige’s transformation was dramatic. The pitiful sobbing creature had vanished, only to be replaced with a woman exhibiting less emotion than a Stepford wife.

  “You wish to see me without my clothes, then so be it. But be careful what you wish for, Leon.” The fear in her eyes had gone as she rotated her skirt one hundred and eighty degrees, and then unzipped it before lowering it to her ankles and stepping from it. “I have beautiful legs, don’t I, Leon? Long and silky smooth.” Keeping her eyes focused firmly on him, she wiggled her toes. “And cute little tootsies, too.”

  “Perfect. You’re perfect.” What was the problem? This was how the script should have panned out in the first place.

  She slowly lowered her panties and stepped from them. “And my creamy, smooth pussy. Doesn’t get any better than that, does it, Leon? Makes your cock go hard whenever you see it, doesn’t it?”


  She undid the top button on her blouse before pausing. “Say, boss, have you ever noticed I always wear long sleeves while at work?”

  He shrugged. “Work is work. Practical is often best.”

  Without saying a word, she undid every button.

  “You haven’t actually seen my breasts, have you, Leon? Or my arms. Think about it, Mr. Caparelli, sir. When you fucked me on the hood of your prized automobile, you might have ripped my panties off, but I was fully dressed from the waist up, and yesterday when you fingered me to delicious orgasm after orgasm, it was the same again.”


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