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Bk 1 Dracones Awakening

Page 35

by Sheri-Lynn Marean

  He had prayed to the moon goddess they’d find his nephew at the mine, but they didn’t. If he was honest, even if he’d known he wouldn’t find Toren there, he’d still have gone. Because as soon as he realized Tierney planned to go looking for Jax and her dad, he had to accompany her. To make sure she stayed safe.

  None of this made sense. He hated humans. But then again, she wasn’t human—as if that made everything okay.

  Now he ached to pull her into his arms and savor her sweet lips, to ravage her and quench his thirst. But she didn’t belong to him. He needed to forget about her. Maybe he should find a female, just for one night. Surely that would satisfy him. Someone to make him forget about Tierney. At the mention of Club Purgatori, Soroyan decided to go and stay until Sin showed up. Maybe he’d find someone there to take his mind off his other problems.

  When she offered to take him to the city he wanted to say yes, but fear of what he might do if he was alone with her held him back. No, better to ride with the two males. But when he said as much, her eyes narrowed on him. Did she sense his emotions? She was an Empath, after all. And when she asked if there was anything she could do, it took everything he had to lie and say no. With a silent groan, he turned and walked away from her, his heart aching.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  First Flight

  TIERNEY STARED AT HER MATE. “You plan on shifting into your dragon tonight?’ she asked, sensing how badly Jax itched for his first change.

  “I’d like to try,” he answered.

  “Can I come?’

  Brilliant blue eyes, now luminous, stared back at her, suddenly shy. “You want to?”

  “Of course.” She gave him a big smile and wrapped her arms around him, loving the groan she wrung from his lips.

  Outside, she gazed up at the night sky. “The stars are dazzling tonight!”

  “So are you.” Jax’s gaze sent heat racing through her, making her smile.

  “What?” she asked, suddenly self-conscious.

  “I love you,” he whispered as his lips descended on hers, and stars shot through her brain.

  “I love you too.” She melted at the rich, manly flavor of him, and it took some effort to pull away, when all she wanted to do was drag him back up to bed. “Let’s go.”

  Jax wrapped his arm around her, and they hurried up the trail toward their favorite spot overlooking the valley. A place they often visited to be alone or to think. “I can’t wait to get you naked again later,” Jax growled.

  Tierney gasped as he used their link to share his desire and need for her. Looking up at him, she did the same. “Oh, baby, I’m gonna have fun with you tonight.”

  “Ah, what’s the deal with Thaniel in your bed when I woke up? Did he miss me that much, or is something else going on?” Jax teased.

  Tierney chuckled and then sighed. “I found him sleeping—well, not sleeping. He hasn’t slept in his bed once since he got here.” She paused and shook her head. “When you left, after we realized where you really went, I couldn’t sleep. I got up and found Thaniel awake, huddled in the corner of his room where he sits every night. Seeing him so alone broke my heart. I never even thought—”

  Jax stopped and pulled her against his chest. “Shh, that’s not your fault.”

  Tierney held on. “I love when you hold me.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. “Your compassion is one of the many things I love about you.”

  Tierney laughed, embarrassed, and twined her fingers with his as they continued up the trail. “Anyway, I told Thaniel he could sleep in my room. I offered him the couch, or to sleep on the bed since it’s so big. It felt weird, but I didn’t want to be alone, and after everything he’s been through—I can’t believe I never asked if he was okay by himself. I told him I wouldn’t touch him.”

  She laughed weakly and tried not to start bawling as she thought of all the hurt and broken people living with them. “At first, he curled up on the floor by the bed, but after we got you home he climbed onto the end of the bed and slept there until you woke up. Last night Sami said he slept outside Dad’s room. I hope you don’t mind, but, I hate to think of him being alone and scared.”

  “No, of course I don’t.” Jax shuddered, understanding all too well.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stir up bad memories.” She let go of his hand and wrapped her arm around his waist.

  “What happened to me when I was a kid, still isn’t easy to think, or talk about, but, now that you know … it’s not as bad, if that makes sense.”

  “Because you’re no longer scared of what I’ll think,” she said softly.

  “Yeah, well, you mean too much to me. I’ll always worry about what you think.” He glanced away as she squeezed him.

  After a few seconds, he cleared his throat. “When those men—that time—I wanted to die.” He paused. “But this time, with the Ilyium, it was my decision to go. And, no matter how badly they hurt me, I could handle it, as long as I knew you were safe.”

  “Well, I can’t handle you being held captive, so enough is enough, got it? No more. I don’t care who you plan to save,” she admonished, heart clenched at the thought of losing him.

  Jax grinned. “I’ll try.”

  “You better do more than try.” She glowered.

  Jax’s grin grew wider. “Yes, boss.”

  Tierney loved seeing him happy. It warmed her heart. Then she told him about Thaniel guarding Zander, and how he had changed into his leopard and killed the two guards when they came out of the mine.

  “Shit, I like Kitty.” Pride shone in his eyes as if he had anything to do with it, but she understood and chuckled.

  “Me too.”

  They looked out over the valley below, marveling at the millions of little lights reflecting off the lake and serenity swept over her. “You can do this, love.” She squeezed his hand and released him, moving back to sit on their rock.

  She studied the contours of his handsome face, silhouetted by the light of the moon and sighed. I love him so much. Jax’s hungry gaze raked her and the love shining back at her, made her want to grab him, hold on tight and never let go.

  She waited patiently as he concentrated on changing into his dragon. But after a while he started to become frustrated.

  “You’re trying too hard,” she said, and sliding off the rock, walked over and wrapped her arms around him. Jax ducked his head, embarrassed.

  “Let it go, love. Stop worrying and get out of your head, let yourself be free.”

  Jax sighed and her heart sped up as his lips lowered to hers in a sweet kiss, setting her blood on fire. “How did I ever survive without you?” he asked.

  She sent her desire through their link.

  “Tierney,” he groaned, and their passion combined to flow like an electrical current through them. His hands roamed over her body. “Tiern, I want you.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair and around to the base of his neck and whispered. “Soon, I promise.” She grinned as the weight of the vow settled on her. This was a promise she’d actually enjoy keeping.

  Jax shivered with excitement and a moment later, he pulled away and gazed into her eyes. “Tierney—” Her name came out on a ragged breath.

  “Yeah, babe.” With a smile, she lowered her lips to trail kisses across his chest, while running her hands over his hard, muscled body, making him shiver with desire.

  “I want to see your dragon,” she said and glancing back up, let all her love and desire shine through her eyes. Sudden power rippled over her like a caress. Then his eyes darkened.

  “That’s it, my love.” She grinned as electricity crackled in the air. Her skin tingled as his power grew, building and swirling around her and her heart thumped in anticipation. She went back to lean against the rock, giving him space and his dragon took over.

  Golden flakes, charged with dragon magic, swirled around him in a vortex, furious for release. Jax went from human to a magnificent midnight blue dragon in about one

  Tierney, heart pattering, marveled at the sight. Pale, fluorescent blue light shone from under each midnight scale, from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail. Large eyes glowed brilliant blue, while his irises, vertical slits, blazed blood red.

  Jax’s dragon stared at her with a promise of a life filled with wonder and delight, and she could feel him calling to the dragon deep inside of her. Tierney’s dragon purred back in response. She approached him, watching his dragon eyes fill with the fire of desire. “You are magnificent,” she whispered.

  Unable to keep from touching, she trailed her fingers lightly over his shoulder and down his large chest, sensing the magic in each and every scale. Craving more, she made her way up to the strong, but delicate wing closest to her, touching the soft, velvety skin in wonder. She explored back up and along the scales of his neck, pausing as one of his long, wickedly sharp spikes pierced the tip of her finger, drawing a drop of blood.


  She chuckled at the fierce growl.

  Jax’s voice, yet deeper, huskier, as she seductively sucked her finger into her mouth. Eyes gleaming with the promise of later, she pulled her finger out and continued on to his head. Jax rumbled at her touch, and she clenched her thighs as his pleasure filled her, making her ache with her own need.

  “Jax.” Her eyes welled with tears. “You are Dracones!” she whispered, looking into his eyes, the she took his head in both hands and kissed him.

  Jax’s amazement, along with pride and overwhelming happiness, screamed through their bond. Grinning, she ran her hands over his head once more and stepped back. “So, what are you waiting for? Go on, fly!”

  Jumping out of the way of his tail, Tierney watched as Jax gathered his powerful wings and leaped off the ledge. Her heart soared as her love took wing and flew. The sound of magnificent wings snapping in the air brought back painful, but good memories, and soon she lost sight of him. He was the first of them to sail on the wind and become one with the sky, something they’d dreamed of all their lives.

  A few minutes later, she sensed him as he descended from above, gliding into view. He slowed to a hover before dropping silently onto the ledge in front of her. He folded his impressive wings into his sides with a quiet snap, sweeping the ground as his long tail curled around him.

  “Will you join me?” He tried to hide the hope in his voice.

  Tierney moved up to him. “I’d love to,” she said, humbled by his request. Massive clawed arms gently wrapped around her, holding her firmly against him.

  “Are you comfortable?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” Butterflies filled her stomach in anticipation.

  Powerful wings thrust out, and Jax’s tail flicked behind him as he dived off the ledge. Tierney whooped with laughter. With another powerful thrust of his wings, they shot out into the starry sky.

  “You okay?” he asked as they soared under the stars.

  “Oh yeah, my love!” she yelled aloud. They glided on the thermal air currents with spread wings, and Tierney closed her eyes, savoring the wind rushing by.

  She opened their connection even wider, as her heart sang with wonder at the thrill of flying with her soulmate. The only thing better, would be when she got to fly beside him—when she became Dracones as well.

  “I guess you could’ve ridden on my back,” Jax said later as they walked down to the house.

  Still breathless after their flight, Tierney grinned. “Maybe next time,” she teased. “I rather enjoyed the position I was in.”

  Jax chuckled and squeezed her hand. “I can think of other positions for you to be in.” Then his lips claimed hers, scorching her with the heat of his passion. “You’re all mine.”

  “Yes, and you’re mine,” she said, voice fierce, meeting his tongue thrust for thrust.

  “I am.”

  Together, they hurried to the house, eager to get to bed.

  “When do I get a ride on that mean bike of yours?” he teased.

  “Anytime, babe. I’d love to have you wrapped around me as we fly down the road,” she teased back. Jax groaned as she wiggled her butt at him.

  The End

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  Narrated by Tor Thom and Charley Ongel

  Read on for a SNEAK PEEK of Bk2 Dracones Revelations

  Dracones Revelations

  Book Two Sneak Peek

  THE MASTER, annoyed at having to wait, stood when the double doors finally opened and Val Jean’s lackey beckoned with his hand. Walking into the large, ornately-furnished room, which looked as if it should belong in a castle a few centuries back, the Master moved between a pair of bad-tempered, male Were-hyenas sprawled out on the marble floor.

  Trying not to be obvious, the Master took in all of Val Jean’s pets. Were-animals and other supernatural creatures either sat, stood, or lay along the walls on each side of the room about every five feet or so. Strong silver shackles secured most of the pets, though some, like the Were-hyenas, had earned the right to be unchained. Some preferred their animal form, while others took their human one. One stunning beauty reclined languidly in human form on a bench against the wall like she’d been thoroughly fucked. A trickle of blood ran from her long slender neck and her eyes were heavy.

  The Master jealously noted a few new acquisitions before stepping carefully around Seville, a mammoth-sized Were-tiger. He rested in a spot he’d claimed long ago in the middle of the floor, tail flicking every few seconds. Such a shame he preferred his animal form since his human one made the mouth water. Filled with lust for the tiger, the Master came to a stop ten feet from where Val Jean sat.

  The self-appointed king of the Nightwalkers wore a silk robe as he reclined on an elaborate gold-cushioned throne. Four naked women hovered around him. One sat astride him, moving up and down in his lap, while the other three fondled and fed him. To the right of him sat little ten-year old Taraven. The pale, golden-haired child was half Raven shifter, half Daigon wizard. Val Jean had spirited the boy away from Darkhall eight years ago. Taraven sat drawing, oblivious to everything going on. Or maybe he just ignored it all?

  The Master, seething at being ignored while Val Jean played with his woman, almost jumped when he finally acknowledged her.

  “Amelis.” Val Jean raked arrogant hazel eyes over her as he tapped his fingers on the arm of his throne.

  “Val Jean.” Amelis fought for calm as she spoke to the gorgeous, narcissistic male in front of her. With long bronze hair and pale porcelain skin, Val Jean’s body both thrilled and terrified her, sending a wave of heat straight to her core. Val Jean hadn’t changed at all since she first met him twenty-four years ago. But then, why would he? As a six-hundred-year old nightwalker, he would forever appear twenty-eight, the age he was when he died.

  As Val Jean dismissed his attendants, Amelis tried to hide her jealousy as the naked females went and sat down.

  “I’m not pleased with you,” he said, staring pointedly at her.

  “You fed recently,” she said, envy wrapping itself around her, squeezing.

  “Jealous, my dear?” His evil grin set her on edge.

  “You’ve acquired new pets.” She ignored his question, glancing at the two new Wolves curled up close to each other. The smaller one was chained to the wall, while the larger one lay unchained.

  Val Jean’s gaze drifted over to the wolves and he studied his new acquisitions. “Yes, my Okami wolves.”

  Then, noticing Amelis’ wistful gaze, Val Jean scolded her. “You let the stock I sent you go.”

  “I didn’t let them go, they escaped—with help.”

  “What of
the female Dracones you promised me? You do not have her, nor the male, or even Zander I am told,” Val Jean said scathingly.

  Amelis swallowed her fear. The blood she had injected earlier was not giving her the courage she needed. “Though unfortunate, it’s a minor setback. Besides, I still have your product, that hasn’t been interrupted, but—”

  “You failed to get me the female Dracones!” Val Jean roared, sending tremors of fear slicing through her.

  “It—it wasn’t my f-fault and w-we have another problem.” She detested how her voice shook.

  “What?” he asked, eyes narrowed on her.

  “Genna escaped and took Caden—”

  Val Jean waved dismissively. “Genna is a foolish woman-child, unpredictable, besides, I have a lead on another and Caden is not my concern.”

  “Caden is our son,” she said, voice sharp.

  “Where is he now?” Val Jean stood and walked over to her, glancing at the larger of the two wolves, Zeveride. But the wolf rested, eyes closed. Still, Val Jean stared as if he knew the wolf was aware of his every move.

  “I believe he’s with our enemies, the ones who rescued Zander and the Dracones male. There was another Okami wolf with them,” she said and glanced at the two wolves. They didn’t even twitch at her words.

  “Interesting. But Caden lacks magic. Has he altered yet?” Val Jean asked, finally glancing at her.

  “No, but he’s twenty, his alteration will be soon—” she said.

  “Then leave him.” Val Jean glanced at the younger russet colored wolf who she heard was called Toren. She had also heard that in human form, the twenty-five-year old was a beauty. Amelis caught the hatred in his eyes and knew that Val Jean had as well. She also knew that he did not tolerate misbehaving pets. Still, it wasn’t her concern what he did with his pets, unless he sent any her way. Those she gladly took.


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