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#MomFail: 24 Authors & 24 Mom-Coms

Page 15

by Shari J. Ryan

  “I think it’s best to give this back to you and suggest you purchase Julie a new one for class on Friday.” He offered me the contraband and stood again. “You’re free to go, Mrs. Green.”

  “Jessa,” I corrected, not knowing how to wrap this up without running away, never to return again. I wanted out of here before he could make any further judgments about what an ultimate fuck up I was.

  As we reached the door, Chris placed a hand on my back and turned the knob, meeting my eyes.

  “Thank you so much for being so cool about this,” I said. “I wish we’d had our first meeting under less awkward circumstances, say a parent-teacher conference perhaps, but . . .” I looked down at my toes and shook my head in utter defeat.

  Closing the door again, Chris cleared his throat and stole my attention. “Hey, you know what? I’m new around here. I only just moved to the neighborhood a few months ago and I’m still getting to know the ins and outs. You think you might like to show me around some time?”

  I swallowed hard, unable to believe what I was hearing. “Are you seriously asking me out?”

  His strong shoulders lifted in a shrug and he gazed back at me wistfully. “Um, yeah. I think I am. Yes.”

  “This doesn’t have anything to do with what you read today, does it?”

  “Well, it was quite . . . colorful,” he admitted with a toe-curling grin.

  My hand flew to my hip and my eyes narrowed. “I’m nothing like the characters I write about, Mr. Jackson. It’s called fiction, you know?”

  His lids descended over his caramel-colored eyes as he laughed. “I’m well aware, Jessa. My asking you out has nothing to do with the files on the flash drive or anything school related, for that matter. You seem like a nice person, you’re single, I’m single, and I’d love the company. I am a very private person and I promise you, how I spend my time off the clock and who with is not something I broadcast to my co-workers or students. If you’re worried about anyone finding out, they won’t. I’ve got it all covered, Mrs. Green. So, what’ll it be? Yes or no? You think you can handle some adult time with the geeky new technology teacher?”

  Before I answered him, I should’ve contemplated what this would mean in the future. Did I have to tell Julie and Lila? How would the PTA feel about a parent-teacher relationship if anything came out of this awkward but unexpected meeting? Would Principal Lopez think I’d lost my mind? Would Chris lose his job?

  For some reason, none of the answers to any of my unending questions came to mind before I said yes to Chris’s proposition. All I knew in that moment was, if my daughter hated me for what happened today, she’d want to kill me if she ever learned I was going on a date with Mr. Hottie. We had a long road ahead of us. My daughter and I would surely screw up along the way. And just when our love-hate relationship was creeping out of the woods, it would be Lila’s turn to test my parenting sanity.

  Looking into the kind eyes of the coolest technology geek I’d ever met, I couldn’t help thinking it might be time to take Julie on that shopping spree she’d been whining about. Oh, come on! Don’t tell me you didn’t know bribery was the most effective tool in the mommy arsenal.

  About the Author

  Faith Andrews is living out her dream right outside the greatest city in the world, New York City. Happily married to her high school sweetheart, she is the mother of two beautiful and wild daughters, and a furry Yorkie son named Rocco Giovanni. When she’s not tapping her toes to a Mumford & Sons tune or busy being a dance mom, her nose is stuck in a book or she’s sitting behind the laptop, creating her next colorful daydream. Coffee addict, lover of wine and cheese, and sucker for concerts and Netflix, Faith believes in love at first sight and happily ever after.

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  Books by Faith

  Garden of Goodbyes

  Moore to Love

  A Taste of Love, a St. Helena Vineyard Kindle World Novella

  Man of My Dreams, Dreams #1

  Back to You, Dreams #1.5

  After the Storm, Dreams #2

  Keep Me, Grayson Siblings #1

  Keep Her, Grayson Siblings #2

  Keep Us, Grayson Siblings #2.5

  First Came You, Fate #0.5

  Feel Again, Fate #1

  Freeing Destiny, Fate #2

  Faith’s Firsts Box Set

  Want a Hug?

  Crystal Grizzard Burnette

  Want a Hug?

  "Mommy, I’m gonna sleep in my own bed. I’m a big boy. Big boys sleep in they own bed!"

  We’d been at this hard for weeks trying to get Parker to sleep in his own bed instead of sleeping between my husband and me. He was there every single night killing any chance of us cuddling or sleeping without a little foot in his back or hand in my face. I didn’t need to go to yoga or Pilates at the gym. You try sleeping with a three-year-old. I can almost bet I had perfected downward dog. Okay, maybe not downward dog, but I’d definitely mastered sleeping on the edge of the mattress with no covers.

  "Okay, little man. You're right! You are Mommy's big boy. So, guess what? We get to show Daddy what a big guy you are when he gets home!"

  "Yay! We going to get Daddy? Now, Mommy? Can us go?" Parker shouted with so much excitement his eyes bulged, and then he went tearing through the kitchen to the den to grab his tiny shoes. I understood his joy. His dad had been gone for eight long weeks. He worked as a consultant and had to attend an extensive training assignment in New England.

  God, how I have missed him.

  It had been eight long weeks of lonely nights and lots of batteries. If the dirty texts and the oh-so-alpha commands I had received over the last couple of days were any indication, my gorgeous husband was feeling a whole lot frisky, too. Now, if our son would simply cooperate and go to sleep in his own bed. Even if it was just for tonight then maybe, just maybe, this momma could have her own Christian Grey, toe-curling moment.

  Lucky man, getting all the benefits of his wife reading hot erotica while he’s away working.

  "It's not time yet, Parker. Daddy's plane hasn't gotten close to home. But we'll go to see the planes soon, okay?"

  "No, Mommy! Now! Let's go get my daddy! I want my daddy!"

  Oh, Parker. I know, sweet boy. I’ve missed him, too.

  "Parker, I promise you. We'll see Daddy tonight. I know he's been gone a while, but he'll be home to tuck you into your Spider-Man bed. Okay?"

  I knew as soon as I said those words I would regret making that promise. My phone chimed with an incoming text from my husband. That meant one thing. If he was texting me, he wasn’t in the air yet.

  Sorry, sweetness. Flight has been delayed 15 minutes.

  My heart sank. A delayed flight meant he ran the risk of missing his connecting flight. My heart sank even further not ten minutes later as his next text came through.

  Forty-five minutes, baby. I’m so sorry.

  At this point, I knew he would miss his connection from Charlotte — the one that would bring him home. Of course, there were never any delays when he was on his way to an assignment. No, only when he wanted to come home to his family. Only when I needed him home.

  "Mommy, is it time to go? Can we get my daddy?"

  Nothing felt worse than having to look into those soulful chocolate eyes of my little guy and tell him the truth.

  "Parker, baby. Daddy's plane had to be fixed. We might not see Daddy until tomorrow."

  "But he's ‘posed to see me and my Spider-Man bed. No, M

  “Sweetheart, it’s going to be okay. I promise you. You’re going to see Daddy. He wants to see you just as much. He’ll be here soon. The planes are just going to be late.”

  I watched those beautiful eyes fill with tears, and my heart was just as broken as his. After five years of these assignments, I should be used to them. I hated having to drag myself out of bed before dawn on Monday to take him to the airport, our groggy and very grumpy little man in his car seat knowing that Daddy had to go to work but never quite understanding Daddy wouldn’t be home when he got in from daycare. It was the awful anxiety of stalking flight departures and arrivals in the hopes that nights like this wouldn’t happen.

  My precious boy dissolved into tears. He had been such a good boy waiting to get his best buddy home for the two short days we would have him. Only two short days for us to cram in playtime with the dinosaurs, close cuddles turning into naptime, weekend cleaning, and maybe a warm family meal. Not to mention trying to squeeze in some moments alone to be husband and wife, only to have to pack that suitcase on Sunday night and face another week without my other half. As I gazed at my son, I was grateful in that moment that my husband wasn’t home to see Parker. One thing for sure, Sean adored his son and this would break his heart.

  Bending down, I gathered him in my arms. Oh, he wasn’t so little anymore, but he was my baby always. I wiped his face and shushed away the last of his sniffles, bottled up my emotions and gave him a big smile. Once he’d calmed down and I had moved past my own desire to cry in the corner, we headed into the kitchen for his favorite dinner of spaghetti and parmesan cheese.

  Trying to make up for the delay, I ate slowly and washed the dishes even slower. When the kitchen was clean and there was nothing left to do, I curled up with Parker on the couch to watch cartoons, where we drifted asleep. Parker had a tummy full of pasta and green grapes, even though most of the noodles ended up on the floor, in his hair or down my shirt. How in the world I ended up with spaghetti in my bra, I will never know. Oh, let’s not forget all that he fed to the cat that I knew wouldn’t sit too well on Tifa’s stomach. Sometime during our after dinner nap, my cell phone had fallen into couch cushions. So, of course, I slept through the text alerts from my husband. I was awoken by a warm hand on my cheek and a soft kiss on my forehead.

  “Sweetheart. Wake up, beautiful. I’m home. Let’s get you two into bed.”

  I stared into the eyes of the man I loved so dearly, and my heart felt like it would burst from my chest. I was so overwhelmed, so excited to see him back in our home. His shirt was wrinkled, and his eyes appeared tired from the long trip. Still, there he was. I smiled and sighed with happiness as I pressed my cheek into his hand.

  “I missed the first connection home from Charlotte but was able to get on standby for the last flight in. I sent you several messages so you would know what was going on. I guess you fell asleep with little guy. So I grabbed an Uber.”

  “Parker will be so happy to see you.”

  “It’s damn good to be home. Eight weeks is a long time to be without my family.”

  The man with beautiful hazel eyes rimmed in emerald green and big soft hands gently picked up his son and held Parker close to his heart. I watched Sean transform right in front of me. His tiredness seemed to fall away, leaving only this incredible joy as he breathed in the little-boy scent unique to Parker. Little man always smelled like fresh air and baby wash. More importantly, he was covered in the love of his father. All the traveling that Sean had to do for his work had taken a toll on him. I could see it in the slump of his shoulders. Fear over missing out on Parker’s life only made it that much harder every Monday morning when he had to kiss us and say goodbye. He worried about the important moments he would never get back. None of that mattered right now. In this moment, nothing was more important than holding his precious miracle close to his heart.

  It looked like Parker would get tucked in by his daddy tonight after all.

  It was barely light outside when I felt two strong arms pull me in close, my back to his front. He rained warm kisses on my ear and the side of my neck trying to wake me from my slumber.

  Oh, his lips were amazing…

  “Eight weeks without my wife was too damn long. Wake up, sweetness, and let me have you.”

  As I rolled onto my back and stared into the smoldering eyes of the man I had missed so desperately, all I could think about was getting as close to Sean as I could. He lowered his face to mine and took my lips in a kiss that tasted of pent up passion and two months of loneliness. But I gave back as good as I got. I tugged on his bottom lip, pulling the sexiest moan from his throat. Falling into the kiss, I grabbed onto his face, while he moved my panties aside, sinking his long, thick fingers into other places that had missed his touch.

  A ragged sigh escaped my lips as I melted into the mattress. God, how I had missed the feeling of his weight and strength and his hands doing things that should be illegal. I was already drenched — after eight weeks I knew it would not take long.

  “I think you missed me.”

  With a short laugh, I whispered, “I think you’re right.”

  With his own husky chuckle, he billowed along the side of my face before his gravelly words grazed my ear. “Oh, I know I’m right. I missed you more. Welcome me home, sweetness.”

  No more words were needed - only touches, sighs and moans. Pulling him closer, I trailed my hands down his back, making my way inside his boxers to grab his ass. He nibbled down my neck to that ticklish spot that he knew made me go insane… oh, my God….

  “Daddy, you’re here!”

  With a startled jerk, Sean whipped his head around to gaze upon our son. Of course, everything, absolutely everything, came to a halt. I glanced over and saw the happiest smile I had ever seen on Parker’s face. His eyes danced with excitement, while he jumped in place. Parker had gotten his best buddy back. If it weren’t so absolutely adorable, I would have screamed.

  Come on in, little cock-blocker.

  “Hey, buddy! Come here!” my love said to our boy as I rolled to my side of the bed and Parker made a running leap at his father. Sean picked him up and snuggled him close. Right between us. True to form. Sweet to see but frustrating as hell when Mommy and Daddy were in the middle of an amazing welcome home celebration.

  “I missed you, Daddy.”

  “I missed you, too, buddy. Have you been good for your mommy while I’ve been away?”

  “I tried. I really did, but I got white noodles down Mommy’s shirt. I don’t think she liked it. Did you like it, Mommy?”

  I definitely did not like finding spaghetti in the cavern of my cleavage.

  I watched my two loves laughing and smiling at each other as they tried to catch up on two months worth of cartoons, dinosaurs and airplane rides. Sean petted Parker’s curly head, pulled him into the crook of his arm and laid back. Parker was none the wiser that he had interrupted his parents. I caught my naughty spouse glancing over at me with knowing eyes and wiggling eyebrows. He even looked me up and down and licked his lips. I laughed out loud. Who were we trying to fool? As long as we had Parker between us, playtime was over. He wanted every single moment his father had to offer. I couldn’t blame him, but I certainly wasn’t planning to spend the early hours of Saturday morning this way. Oh well... I snuggled into the pillows, lulled back to sleep by their happy voices with a smile on my face.

  “Hey, baby. Wake up.”

  I was so warm and relaxed. I didn’t want to move at all, but I slowly opened my eyes and saw my son turned toward me. He was fast asleep, but his father certainly did not look tired.

  “Want to finish what we started?” he asked with a dimpled smirk.

  I looked at him and then looked at Parker. I scoffed and gave him a minute to really concentrate on my face. Was he crazy?

  “Do you see where your son is?”

  “Not here! Get up, woman, and go to his room. Wait for me.”

  “Are you insane? The Spider
-Man bed? Do you know how long it’s taken for me to get him to stay in that bed?”

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited to get inside you?”

  Well, he had a point. Spider-Man bed it would be then.

  I eased myself from the bed and quietly crept across the carpet. Those naughty tinkling eyes followed me the entire length of the room until I reached the door to our bedroom. He whispered to me as I opened the door to leave, “Get those clothes off and wait for me. I’ll be right there.” I tossed a grin at him over my shoulder and wiggled my hips.

  “Better hurry, mister.”

  As I headed across the hall to my son’s room, it dawned on me. We were going to our son’s room to finish the early morning welcome home. This really could backfire on us very badly. Still, Parker slept soundly once he was out, and since he had not been sleeping well without his dad, I figured we were safe. I eased into the room and began to undress. I was in the process of taking off my shirt when I heard Sean step into the room, the telltale sound of the latch clicking into place on the bedroom door sending a throbbing need to the apex of my thighs.

  “You still have clothes on.”

  “You sure about this?”

  “You’re wasting time.”

  “Uh, bossy!”

  “Horny. Get naked. Right now.”

  Yes, sir.

  I threw my shirt to the floor along with my sleep shorts and headed toward the full-size bed with rumpled sheets and a comforter partially on the floor. A split second later I felt his hands on my hips, and I was turned around for a kiss that left me boneless and so greedy. Not wanting to waste a single second, I pulled his boxers down around his ankles, which he then kicked them across the room. I stood and landed another kiss to his lips before slowly moving down his chest. Sean moaned as I moved lower and lower. Things were getting hot and heavy until I sat down on the bed. A loud squeak sounded in the otherwise quiet room, making us both pause. Holding my breath, I bit my lip and listened for movement from the other room. Nothing moved. No little feet headed our way to investigate.


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