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The Bride's Rescuer

Page 19

by Charlotte Douglas

  “But we just had news of Noah a few weeks ago. Captain Biggins won’t pick up mail at Solitaire for two more months.”

  Cameron sipped his tea, set his cup aside, and rubbed his hands with pleasure. “The news isn’t from Noah. It’s about Noah. Remember how Noah was hiding from the police because, ironically, like me, he’d been wrongly accused of murder?”

  Celia nodded. “I’ve thought of him often over the past months, poor man, stranded all alone on Solitaire.”

  “He won’t have to stay a moment longer if he doesn’t want to. I’ve sent Captain Biggins to tell him.”

  “But he’ll be arrested.”

  Cameron shook his head. “One of the men who accused Noah has been arrested for another crime. As part of a plea bargain, he’s told the authorities the truth. The real murderer has been arrested, and Noah is free.”

  “That’s wonderful news! Do you think he’ll come here to live with us?”

  “I’ve invited him. But he has money of his own and can go wherever he wishes.”

  Celia smiled, filled with happiness for her old friend and with the secret she was about to share with Cameron. “It seems today’s a day for good news. I have some of my own.”

  Cameron draped his arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead. “You’ve found the roses you wanted to add to the garden?”

  She shook her head. “But you’re warm. My news does have to do with a nursery.”

  Cameron’s gaze held such love and reverence it brought tears to her eyes. “A baby?”


  He seemed to shrivel with disappointment, and she took instant pity on him. “Not one baby. Two. We’re expecting twins.”

  Cameron whooped with joy, pushed back his chair with such force that it clattered on the terrace floor, and swept her into his arms. “Celia, you are marvelous!”

  She laughed with delight. “Me? You deserve at least half the credit.”

  “You’ve made me the happiest man alive.”

  He twirled her around the terrace until the sea and the green Devon hills formed a kaleidoscope of colors and textures, broken only by the stout figure of Mrs. Givens in the doorway, wiping tears from her eyes with the corner of her apron.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-4303-3


  Copyright © 2002 by Charlotte H. Douglas

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