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Of Minds and Masters

Page 25

by Paul Ormond

  It was only a few hours before the game of ‘InReal ball,’ or whatever Robert had called it. Mitch knew that he had no way out of it. He was on MindHIve turf and there was no escape. He had gone over it thousands of times in his head, but he had no idea how he could possibly take on all of those guys himself, free Drak and SoHee and get away with it. He would have to be completely nuts if he thought he could take on the entire corporation by himself. He had seen what had happened to Drak and what had happened to SoHee. Should he do anything out of line they would hunt him down like a dog and it would be his face they were showing on the news.

  He tried to slink his way out of the incubator, but Cindy saw him leaving and chased after him. “Mitch, I’m supposed to tell you that you need to report to the main dome. They are going to fit you with your uniform and you’ll get a chance to practice before the game. It’s pretty exciting, isn’t it?” she said.

  “I guess you could say that,” Mitch said trying to remain affable.

  “Well, I hope that you can handle the pressure because it looks like the whole world will be watching. I couldn’t imagine having to get up there with all those people watching, but I guess that is something you are used to by now,” she said with a smile. “Anyway, they are expecting you at the main dome. You should head over there now.”

  “Uhh, just give me a second. I’ve got to get something from my bunk,” Mitch said. He walked out of the incubator and headed towards the stacks of sleeping cells. He was filled with dread as he walked quickly past the columns. He wondered if security had inspected his bunk as he ate lunch. They had probably already discovered his rogue phone. They could swoop in at any moment and whisk him off to the bowels of the complex where he would join Drak and SoHee. He gulped hard and quickened his pace.

  He sighed a deep breath of relief as he rounded the corner and saw that no armed goons were awaiting him. He cautiously climbed the staircase that led to his bunk and looked around before he scanned his pass and entered his capsule. Nothing had been disturbed and he found his phone where he had stashed it under the mattress. He carefully placed the phone into a side pocket on his pants and he lay down on the bed. He was exhausted, but the stress of the situation made sleep impossible. He tossed his new inReal sport device on the bedside table. He did not want to go, but if he didn’t report to the main dome soon, they would become suspicious and send somebody to come and find him. He pulled himself up and sat on the edge of the bed. He had no idea what was going to happen or what he was supposed to do. Suddenly he felt a vibration in his pants and he looked down and realized that his old phone was ringing. He pulled the phone out his pocket and it read “Mom wants to video chat.”

  He sighed again and pressed the green button. Suddenly he saw his mother, father, and his little brother looking at him.

  “Mitch, it looks like you’ve had a pretty interesting time over there. We’re looking forward to this game you’re going to play in. What an amazing opportunity,” Mike Mythic said.

  “Way to go, Mitch. We’re so proud of you honey,” Mindy Mythic said.

  “Kick some butt, Mitch,” said his little brother.

  “Ha, I’ll try. It’s a little crazy, but I think I’ll get the hang of it,” Mitch said.

  “That MindHIve guy is a real jerk. He’s being saying all kinds of stuff all day. Show him how we do it in Kingsford, son,” his Dad said.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Mitch said. He couldn’t believe how happy he was to talk to his family. The last few days had been so stressful. He wanted to tell them everything, but he couldn’t risk it. MindHIve was probably monitoring his calls and anything he said was probably being recorded.

  “I don’t like that guy at all,” his mom said. “You let him know that you can stand up for yourself, Mitch.”

  “Ha, there’s a lot he doesn’t know about me. I think I can show him a trick or two,” Mitch said.

  “You probably don’t have much time, but we just wanted to let you know that we will be watching. We’re proud of you, buddy,” his father said.

  “Have you heard about that girl from Korea? Nobody knows what happened to her and her mother has been making quite the scene. It’s all over the news,” his mother said.

  “I haven’t seen any news at all. I’ve got no idea what happened to her, but I’m pretty sure she is in good hands,” Mitch said as he tried not to give anything away if somebody was listening in.

  “Well, you just take care of yourself and keep your stick on the ice,” Mike Mythic said.

  “There isn’t any ice, Dad,” Mitch said.

  “Well, you know what I mean,” Mitch’s dad said with a laugh.

  “We won’t keep you too long, honey. Just know that we’ll be watching and we love you,” Mitch’s mom said.

  “I love you guys too. Don’t expect too much from this game. It’s more for show than anything I think. I’m just gonna try and have some fun,” Mitch said trying to play down the situation.

  “I’ve gotta get going. I’m gonna have to hang up now.”

  “We love you, Mitch” his family said in unison and the call ended. Mitch groaned to himself and stood up.

  “What a nightmare,” he said to himself as he stuffed his phone in his pocket. He opened the door of the cell and stepped out onto the walkway and got on the elevator. He didn’t want to attract any attention to himself, so he threw his hood over his head and made his way towards the exit. He managed to get himself out of the dome without drawing a crowd and there were minimal people in the connecting tube leading to the main dome. Two security guards stopped him as he came to the entrance.

  “Nobody’s going in there right now, buddy. Authorized personnel only,” one of the guards said.

  Mitch removed his hood as a banner of his face passed by along the wall. “You might have to make an exception,” he said as he tried to keep his cool.

  “Ohh, I see,” said the other guard. “Just scan your pass over there, Mitch. Loved your video by the way.” One of the guard said as they stepped away and let Mitch pass by.

  “Well, hopefully I can keep you entertained tonight,” he said as he scanned his pass and he was granted access to the main dome.

  The dome was even larger empty than it was when it was filled with people. The stands reached nearly to the top of the structure and they seemed to take on an impossible angle as they reached climbed up the side of the structure. The giant sphere maximized the space at the centre of the dome. Within the orb, Mitch could see several members of the security team practicing maneuvers of some kind. As Mitch got closer he could see that their uniforms were red, tight-fitting, one-piece body suits. There was some type of armor on the shoulders and everybody had been equipped with an aerodynamic helmet that sported a semitransparent visor.

  The players shot around the dome and batted the ball of light back and forth. Mitch stared up at the scene as he cautiously made his way into the dome. Even from a distance, the players looked huge. Mitch gulped as he watched two muscle clad brutes tussle for the ball along the edge of the dome. They shoved against each other as they tried to get the ball. They were only practicing, but they displayed an animal ferociousness as they jostled with each other.

  “Are you Mythic?” a voice called out .

  “Huh?” Mitch turned around and looked to see who had called him.

  “Yup, it’s you,” a bearded soldier said as he tossed a uniform at Mitch. “Put this on. Let's see if it fits.” The soldier tossed a blue uniform in plastic wrap at Mitch. He tried to catch it, but it went right through his hands.

  “Well, you certainly catch like a hockey player,” the soldier said with a laugh. “Go on. We ain’t got all day.”

  “Right here,” Mitch asked while he looked around.

  “Yeah, your dressing room isn’t quite ready yet. We’re still shining up the chandelier,” the soldier said. “Somebody get the princess a tiara. She’s late for the ball.” There were several other security force members standing nearby and they a
ll laughed.

  “Get your butt in gear, Mythic. We’ve got a lot to do to get ready for this game. We’re blue. I’m Lieutenant Davis. You’re on our team and your video was hilarious,” Davis said. Mitch looked around and began to undress and Davis looked at him and started to laugh again. “Look everybody. He’s gearing down right here. Somebody get a camera, Mitch Mythic is putting on a show.” Davis said and everybody laughed again.

  Mitch was deeply embarrassed and he struggled to put on the tight-fitting suit, but he managed to get it on somehow. “Looking good, Mythic. You might wanna start hitting the gym a bit more, but there ain’t no time for that now. You still got you’re inReal sport on you,” Davis asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve got it right here,” Mitch said and he started to go through his pockets, but his heart seized when he only found his hacked device in the side pocket of his pants. He must’ve forgotten to bring the sport with him after he talked with his family.

  “Come on, our practice session is starting now. We’ll get a warm up and then this place is gonna fill up with people. You’re gonna need some time to get your bearings, so let’s go. Don’t forget your ID. You’ll need it to enter the orb,” Davis said as he tossed Mitch a helmet. “Put this thing on and fire up your device. We’re going in now.” Davis activated his device and a blue glow covered his body. He spread his arms to his side and he elevated himself up towards the entrance to the orb. “Let’s go, Mythic,” he shouted.

  Mitch gulped and looked around. He couldn’t see Robert Chapman anywhere, but Mitch knew that he must be close by and watching intently. He donned his helmet and activated the phone that Drak had hacked inside the cave. That all seemed like so long ago. For a moment Mitch could still see Drak’s grinning face as he had shown Mitch how inReal worked. Mitch crossed his arms over his chest and felt the blue light cover his body. Luckily the color of his device matched the inReal Sports color or he would have been in real trouble. He dropped his arms to his side and he bent his knees and carefully raised himself off of the ground.

  “Move it, Mythic,” Davis shouted at him again. Mitch scowled and raised himself off of the ground.

  What is this guy’s problem, Mitch thought to himself as he approached the entrance into the orb. There was a round hole at the base of the sphere that allowed people to enter and as Mitch approached the orb it scanned his ID through his uniform. A translucent barrier disintegrated before him and he cautiously slunk into the massive sphere.

  The blue team had gathered around Davis in the center of the orb and they beckoned for Mitch to join them. “You really drag your butt around, Mythic,” Davis said. “Everybody knows who you are so don’t worry about introducing yourself. Nobody is expecting you to do anything, but Chapman wants you in the game when it starts. All you need to do is stay out of the way. You understand, Mitch?”

  “I guess,” Mitch said as he looked around.

  “It’s a simple game: get the ball into the other teams net. There are no off-sides or anything and body contact is fair game, just no punching or kicking. Use the paddle on your arm to smack the ball,” Davis said as he produced a ball of light using his left hand. A large inReal paddle extended from his right hand and he smacked a ball of light at Mitch. Mitch instinctively brought up his shield to deflect the ball.

  “Whoa, look at this guy go. Shields up and ready,” Davis said. “Bring up your paddle like this,” he said and raised his arm and made a fist. Mitch copied the motion and he imagined a paddle appearing along his arm. An opaque extension manifested itself in front of him.

  “It looks like you’re ready to go. Just hang on the edges and you’ll be out of harm’s way. Watch the game for a bit and if the ball comes at you just bat it away,” Davis said and smacked another ball of light at Mitch. He was ready this time and he deftly sent the ball back at Davis.

  “Now you’re getting the hang of it. Don’t get cocky and stay out of the way,” Davis said as he smacked the ball towards the opposite goal.

  Let's get into position. You’re on the right wing, Mitch. You’re a hockey player. You’ll get the hang of it.” Davis shouted as the other players spread around the sphere.

  Mitch went to the right as he was told and watched as the other players scrambled after the ball of light. They passed it back and forth and suddenly it was hurtling in Mitch’s direction. He bounded towards the ball and easily batted it back in the direction it came.

  “Not bad, Mythic. It seems that Chapman was right. You are a natural. Just don’t blow it like you did in that video,” Davis said from nearby.

  “I’ll try not to disappoint you,” Mitch said under his breath. He had come across guys like Davis before. It was best just to ignore them. Davis was trying to get a rise out of him. If he reacted, it would only make things worse. The ball came at Mitch again. Instead of batting it back, he decided to keep it close and see what he could do against these guys. He had watched the other players pick up the ball with their paddles and Mitch did the same. He took off towards the net at the opposite side of the sphere. Immediately the other players took notice. Even though it was only a practice session, they came at him full speed.

  The first player reached Mitch as he charged at the goal and lunged at him, but Mitch easily stepped around him. It seemed like the security team hadn’t yet understood how inReal worked. They were slow to react and they moved as if they were on land, not in the air. The next player came at him and tried to tackle him, but instead of going sideways, Mitch inverted himself and pushed down. As he rocketed to the bottom of the dome, he heard the other player curse. Mitch looked up and he could see that he was near the goal. He shot upwards just as a swarm of players tried to intercept him. He changed direction again and freed the ball from his arm as he avoided another tackler. He swatted the ball into the net and he cheered to himself, raising his hands in the air. As he did, Davis came charging over.

  “What are you doing hot-dogging around like that? If you pull any stunts like that in the game I’ll bench you in a heartbeat,” Davis said as he got in Mitch’s face.

  “It seemed like a fair move. Did I do something wrong?” Mitch asked confused.

  “I told you to stay outta the way, but you couldn’t help yourself could you? You completely ignored my orders and you just embarrassed your teammates,” Davis said.

  “I was just playing the game. What’s wrong with that?” Mitch asked.

  “Don’t ever disobey my orders again.” Davis said as he glared at Mitch “Everybody, let’s bring it in. We’re done here,” Davis shouted.


  “The kid’s got some moves. This is gonna be interesting. Who are you betting on, Gerald?” Robert said as he and his chief security advisor watched Mitch Mythic and the rest of the blue team exiting the orb from the security command center situated underneath the main dome.

  “I’m not a betting man, sir,” Gerald responded. “But if I were to wager, I’d bet on the home team.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Robert asked perplexed.

  “That’s for you to decide, sir,” Gerald said straight-faced.

  “I’m not sure why I bother with you sometimes. If you weren’t so goddamn useful I’d have fired you a long time ago,” Robert said with malice.

  “Understood, sir,” Gerald said. “I’ll continue being useful as needed.”

  “Very funny,” Robert responded. “How are we with the broadcast? I want to make sure that we are getting the widest reach as possible.”

  “Our entire network is fully dedicated to the broadcast at the moment; however, it appears that the media has taken notice of the plight of the Korean girl. After her mother made a scene at the front gate, the flood gates were opened and the story has steamrolled over the past few hours,” Gerald said.

  “Stick to the script on that one,” Robert said. “The girl is fine and the incident was minimal.”

  “The South Korean embassy has started to make a stink. I’m not sure how much longer we c
an keep them at bay,” Gerald said.

  “It’s a quarantine situation. Although she isn’t in any danger, we can’t risk exposing everybody else and blah, blah, blah,” Robert said.

  “It will be difficult without a statement from the girl,” Gerald said.

  “We haven’t broken the bond yet. Once we have extracted her, we’ll release her to her sweet mommy dearest. Until then, everything will have to wait. That stuff is my property and it may be one of the most significant developments in bioengineering history. There’s no way I’m letting her walk out of here with it,” Robert responded. “Another 24 hours won’t kill her and it’ll give the press something to talk about. In the meantime, I’ve got bigger fish to fry.”

  “Understood, sir,” Gerald said.

  “Keep at it. I need a one on one with our friend down the hall before the game starts,” Robert said as he made his way to the door.

  “Be careful with that one,” Gerald said as Robert left. “He’s hiding something. I’m sure of it.”

  “Oh, I’ll be careful,” Robert said with a laugh.

  A doorway adjacent to the command center was flanked by two guards and they stepped aside as Robert rounded the corner. “Good evening sir,” they said as Robert swiped his pass on the panel and the door slid open.

  “It is a good evening. Are you guys gonna watch the game? It’s gonna be a good one,” Robert said with a grin.

  “We’re on duty sir,” one guard said.

  “That’s right. You are on duty and don’t forget that for one second. You are guarding a dangerous criminal. You must be ever vigilant,” Robert snapped as he walked by.

  “Yes sir,” the soldiers chimed in unison as the door slid closed leaving Robert alone in the hallway.


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