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Romance: “Broken Heart” A Young Adult and Adult Romance Novella

Page 4

by Morris Fenris

  “Morning Gillian,” Maggie said lightheartedly.

  “Geoffrey dear, you left your phone on the hall stand. I thought you might need it.” Maggie passed him the phone she had taken out of her bag. Gillian was staring at her so hard that Maggie thought her eyes would pop right out of her head.

  Geoffrey looked at Maggie sheepishly.

  “Thanks.” he said. “I wondered where it was.”

  Finally Gillian spoke.

  “OMG,” she said looking at Maggie and then at Geoffrey. “OMG,” she repeated.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Maggie asked. Then she turned to look at Geoffrey.


  “You,” Gillian pointed at Maggie. “And you,” she pointed at Geoffrey.

  Geoffrey nodded and took Maggie’s hand.

  “You’ve got it,” he said. Turning to look at Maggie he continued. “She sussed me out, although I didn’t give away any details.”

  “Well, the way you were trying to push us together, I wonder why you’re surprised.” Maggie said almost accusingly to Gillian.

  Gillian’s mouth dropped open.

  “How, how did you know that?” she asked “Geoffrey didn’t catch on.”

  Maggie smiled at Geoffrey.

  “Well of course not, he’s a man. It would take more than putting two people in the same place at the same time for a man to catch on. I knew the moment I saw him. I couldn’t figure at first why you would ask me to help you with the children, after all you know what I’m like with them.”

  “You seem to have something going with Raymond there,” Geoffrey changed the subject.

  “He’s rather a sweetie isn’t he? I said I would go through his reading book with him so I will leave you two to the decorations and I’ll go find Raymond and a pot of coffee if I’m lucky. There wasn’t much time for breakfast!” she said with a cheeky glint in her eye as she left the room.

  “MOTHER!” She heard Gillian shout after her through the closed door. She could just imagine that poor Geoffrey’s face would be bright red.

  Raymond sat patiently in the kitchen with two reading books from school in front of him. When Maggie sat down she noticed the books looked rather basic for a boy of Raymond’s age.

  “Are these your books, Raymond?” she asked the boy as she picked one up.

  Raymond looked embarrassed

  “Yeah,” was all he said as he hung his head low.

  “Fine,” said Maggie lightly. “O.K. Tell you what, why don’t you read so I can see how good you are.”

  “I was given these because I can’t read properly,” Raymond admitted his head still down.

  Maggie lifted his chin gently.

  “Well then, we will have to get you reading these and onto the harder ones won’t we?”

  “Really?” Raymond asked excitedly.

  “Of course. Even if I have to come every day and practice with you.”

  “Oh right,” Raymond said a little less excited. Maggie laughed and ruffled his hair, then she opened the first book and started their first lesson.

  After going through both books and Raymond seemingly better at reading than he was given credit for, Maggie decided that was enough for the day. She did think she might pay a visit to Raymond’s school though and have a chat with his teacher. After all, the poor child didn’t have anyone else to look out for him. As they were putting the books away, the kitchen door opened and Geoffrey came in.

  “I wondered if you fancied a spot of lunch maybe.” He asked Maggie.

  “That would be lovely,” Maggie smiled back. She really did enjoy this man’s company and she couldn’t get enough of him, in more ways than lunch!

  Chapter 14

  A lot happened in the months that followed. Maggie made inroads with Raymond; not only had she been to see Raymond’s teacher but she also had him join the school choir and was paying for him to have piano lessons. Music seemed to be one of his gifts. Gillian complained that Maggie was spoiling him. One day she even commented that Maggie was becoming too attached to Raymond and therefore ran the risk of getting hurt when a new family was finally found for him. Maggie surprised her by saying she thought she might like him to come live with her. She explained she hadn’t mentioned it to Raymond but felt sure he would be happy about it. Gillian was over the moon and Raymond would be too. But first Gillian would have to set the wheels in motion. After all, Maggie would need to be approved just like any other foster parent.

  Gillian finally told Maggie about her and Kevin. Maggie was surprised at first but found Kevin to be rather a pleasant young man and realized that Gillian was totally in love with hm. Best of all, Maggie and Geoffrey had grown much closer. It was almost exactly a year to date that they first met. It was quite disturbing to Maggie though when she found herself comparing Geoffrey to Leonard. Why she did that, she didn’t know. The two were complete opposites. Maybe that was why Maggie couldn’t quite believe she had fallen for Geoffrey. Just the other day, he had told her he loved her but she couldn’t bring herself to admit it to him. She didn’t know why but Geoffrey just said he was fine with things the way they were and he was sure she would come to love him eventually. Maggie really hoped so.

  She had to get some writing done or face a ‘special’ visit by Lucy to personally see what she was doing. She had started a blog for the magazine, about a woman in her late fifties, recently divorced and all that goes on in her daily life. Of course the ‘blog woman’ was far more adventurous than Maggie. Perhaps that’s why she wrote what she did, these were all the things Maggie would do if only she had the courage. She had just settled down at the laptop when the doorbell rang. At first she thought it might be Geoffrey, forgetting that he was banned for the day, but then remembered he said he was going out of town. Something about seeing an old friend he used to work with. Maggie considered ignoring the door but then the bell was pushed again and yet again. Somebody surely was impatient. Maggie strolled into the hall when she heard not just the bell but a woman shouting also. That made her rush faster to the door. When she opened it, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Sally Montague, Leonard’s assistant and longtime campaign manager stood at the door looking quite distressed with tears in her eyes.

  “Oh Maggie, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know where else to turn,” she sobbed.

  “Sally, what on earth has happened, come in, come in,” Maggie urged Sally into the hallway. “Can I get you something? You look shocked.”

  Sally stepped into the hallway.

  “It’s Leonard,” she said simply. “I wouldn’t have come but I didn’t know who else to go to. I found your address in the files.”

  Maggie took Sally’s arm and tried to coax her into the living room.

  “Come in, sit down Sally and explain what’s happened.”

  “There isn’t time, will you come? Please, will you?”

  Maggie was totally confused and getting more worried by the minute. “What about Leonard? What’s he done this time?”

  “He had a heart attack,” Sally began to sob again. “He’s been in the hospital for the last two weeks but then he came home yesterday.”

  “Well, is he alright?” Maggie enquired.

  “Physically, yes. I suppose. I mean he has a nurse with him, but mentally, I don’t know. He keeps asking for you.”

  “Me!” Now Maggie was confused. “Why me? I bet Miss World didn’t like that, did she?” Maggie said sarcastically referring to Leonard’s girlfriend.

  “She doesn’t know. She’s gone. When Leonard was in hospital she visited a few times but as soon he was coming home, she said she couldn’t cope with the illness. It made her realize what an old man he was.” Sally hardly came up for air. “He’s in such a state, even the nurse can’t calm him, he won’t eat, won’t take his medication. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “But what can I do? We haven’t been together for almost two years now. He’s not part of my life any more. I’ve moved on.” Maggie felt more like she was trying
to convince herself.

  Sally put her hand on Maggie’s arm.

  “Just come and see him. Maybe you can convince him to at least take his medication. He’ll have another heart attack if he doesn’t and the doctor says the next one could kill him.”

  Maggie wasn’t sure. Still, Leonard was the father of her daughter. He might have wronged her but she still owed him something if only for Gillian. Against her better judgment Maggie agreed.

  “Let me get my coat.” Even as Maggie took her coat from the closet she doubted her own motives.

  Chapter 15

  As the two women left the apartment, Maggie noticed that Sally had parked her car just outside the building and was lucky not to have gotten a ticket, not that Sally was in any state to care. It took almost two hours to get to Fairfield County through the Manhattan traffic. As soon as Maggie saw the house, her heart melted. She had loved the old building the very first time she set eyes on it and had worked hard, to lovingly restoring it to its former glory. Sally pulled the car to a stop at the top of the long crescent driveway. Without hesitation, she was out of the car and opening the front door. She looked back for Maggie and saw her frozen beside the car. All Maggie could do was stare at the old house. All the memories came flooding back.

  “Maggie, please hurry,” urged Sally.

  Maggie closed the car door and rushed around to Sally. They entered the house with Sally running straight up the wide staircase. Maggie followed while taking her time to look around. She remembered Gillian trying to climb up the stairs before she could even walk. Maggie caught her just in time before she banged her little head on the oak floor.

  “Maggie!” Sally was getting more exasperated as Maggie dawdled up the stairs. Maggie looked up and ran after Sally as she went along the large landing towards the master bedroom she had shared all those years with Leonard. As Sally entered the bedroom, Maggie slowed. She wasn’t even sure why she was there. Sally’s head popped back out of the door giving Maggie a rather impatient look. Maggie slowly went in. She immediately noticed the dramatic change in decor. Gone were her soft velvets and the feature wall covered in her specially made luxury wallpaper with the faintest of roses etched onto it, with a slight sheen causing the sun to glint across the wall. The walls were now painted in more shades of red than she’d ever knew existed. The room was dark and all the rosewood furniture she and Leonard had taken hours to choose, had been replaced with stark white and steel fittings. Maggie felt something soft and thick under her foot. It was the most hideous shag pile carpet she had ever seen which was now covering her beautifully restored floorboards. Leonard! She thought, what happened to your sense of style?

  Chapter 16

  Maggie saw Leonard. He was dwarfed by the large sleigh bed. A friendly looking woman, probably in her mid-30s sat in the room. The Nurse, Maggie thought. As she neared Leonard, she could see he was pale and wan. He looked far older than his 59 years. Poor Leonard, thought Maggie. How could that bitch have left him like this? Maggie didn’t even love Leonard any more but she was beginning to feel glad she had come. She heard Sally speaking softly to him.

  “Leonard. Leonard, dear. Maggie is here. Look, see. I said I would bring her.”

  Maggie stepped to the side of the bed as Leonard opened his eyes.

  “Hello Leonard,” Maggie followed Sally’s lead, speaking softly. He turned his head slightly and a smile came over his face. He raised his hand ever so slightly.

  “Maggie?” he was hardly audible. “Is that really you, Maggie?”

  All the hurt Maggie had gone through and the loathing she had felt for this man, seemed to melt before her as she looked at him helpless as a kitten.

  “Oh Leonard,” said Maggie sitting down in the chair next to the bed. She took Leonard’s hand gently in her own. “What have you been doing to yourself? She smiled softly. “And what is this nonsense about not taking your medication?”

  Leonard looked away, moving his hand from Maggie’s grasp.

  “What’s the point?” He asked almost in a whisper. His throat sounded dry and sore, making it hard for him to speak. “I’ve lost everything that ever mattered to me. Why do I want to go on living here, on my own?”

  Maggie tried to lighten the atmosphere.

  “Oh, come on Leonard,” she smiled. I’m sure, erm...” try as she might she couldn’t think of the bimbo’s name. Maggie looked to Sally for assistance.

  “Candy,” Sally whispered.

  Maggie continued. “I’m sure, Candy will be back before you know it. She’s, well, a bit younger than us, she was probably just frightened to see you looking so ill.” Maggie tried to reassure Leonard but didn’t believe a word of what she was saying.

  Leonard closed his eyes and gave out a long sigh.

  “She isn’t coming back,” he said defiantly. “And what’s more, I don’t care.”

  Sally leaned over to Leonard. “Please Leonard, not now. Just take your medication. I’m sure Maggie wouldn’t mind getting it for you.”

  The three women in the room all jumped with shock as Leonard let out a loud shout of “NO!” which he repeated over and over. The nurse came across and tried to calm him but he wouldn’t listen. Maggie had seen Leonard like this before, when he was younger, much younger she would often have to deal with his selfish petulance. She stood up and spoke sternly to Leonard.

  “Fine! Don’t take the medication. But I am not going to sit here and watch you die just because you’re feeling sorry for yourself. Neither will I let Gillian come and see you in this pathetic state.” Maggie turned to leave but Sally grabbed her arm. She was so angry with Maggie and herself for allowing this to happen.

  “How dare you,” she spat at Maggie. “How dare you speak to him like that?”

  “Sally, no,” Leonard tried to push himself up against his pillows. The nurse expertly assisted him so he was more upright. He took Maggie’s hand. “Maggie here is right. I am feeling sorry for myself, like hundreds of times before. But then, you were always there Maggie. I remember the last time we spoke and you asked if Candy, although you didn’t say her name, would look out for me as you had over all these years. Would she calm me down when worries threatened to consume me? Would she stay up all night with me when trying to write the perfect speech? Would she look after me through sickness and in health? I think we can answer those questions in one word, don’t you Maggie. I’m sorry Sally had you come all the way here.” Sally was about to protest but Leonard held is hand up to stop her. “I know you meant well, Sally and I do appreciate the thought but I shouldn’t burden anyone with my problems. All of what’s happened to me, I did myself. I’m so sorry Maggie. I knew within the first three months, I had made a terrible mistake, letting you go.”

  Now it was Maggie’s turn to interrupt.

  “You didn’t LET me go, so much as FORCED me out, Leonard. I never wanted to leave you. It took me a long time to get myself back together.”

  Leonard looked away. Maggie could see his eyes glistening with tears. This surprised her because Leonard was never one to show his feelings in that way.

  “Once gain Maggie, I’m sorry. I’m grateful to you for coming to see me but I mustn’t keep you any longer.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until I know you have taken your medication. A lot has happened between us and I’ve had some really bad feelings about you but I wouldn’t want you dead, Leonard.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  “No, Leonard. That is not enough, I want to see you take it, now and I’m not leaving till you do.”

  Taking that as a sign, the nurse went across to the cabinet and took out several boxes of tablets. Maggie didn’t realize there were so many. Leonard dutifully took them all.

  “That’s better,” Maggie said rather sternly. “I’ve got to get back home now but I will be back tomorrow to make sure you continue with it.”

  “You don’t have to do that Maggie,” Leonard looked up at her. “You have your own life, you don’t need this.”
  “Leonard!” Maggie stood abruptly. “I’m not moving back in, just ensuring that you get yourself well again. Your daughter would never forgive me if I didn’t.”

  “Oh, yes, of course,” Leonard answered. Maggie could hear the disappointment in his voice. She knew deep down most of this was playacting on Leonard’s part. He was always the same when he wanted something. It wouldn’t surprise her if he was getting his own medication behind the nurse’s back.

  “Sally, would you mind taking me back? Or even to the train station.” Maggie asked.

  Before Sally could answer, Megan the Nurse spoke.

  “I can take you back Mrs. Faulkner. I have to go back into Manhattan tonight anyway to stock up on medication.”

  “Thank you, that’s very kind of you.” As Maggie turned to leave she looked across at Leonard. “I want to see you sitting up properly tomorrow, taking medication and eating a good meal.”

  Leonard smiled at her and nodded his head. As Maggie followed the Nurse out of the room, she could hear Sally fussing over Leonard and as usual Leonard becoming tetchy with her.

  Chapter 17

  The drive back home didn’t take quite as long as going to Fairfield County. When Maggie got into her apartment, she saw the phone flashing with a message. She put her bag and keys on the bureau before pressing the button to listen. It was Geoffrey, confirming that he would meet her at the orphanage tomorrow. Maggie had completely forgotten she had agreed to take the children to see Santa Clause at the Mall with Geoffrey. She immediately remembered the previous year when she had taken the children with Gillian. It was one year since she’d met Geoffrey with a white beard and a large belly that jiggled when he laughed. Maggie smiled at the thought. It was hardly harmonious between them at first and how their friendship had grown since. Or was it love? Geoffrey seemed to think so but did she? Maggie was on the verge of agreeing but then along came Sally! Seeing Leonard again had Maggie in a total spin. She would have to cancel on Geoffrey. He would understand, after all he was the most generous man she knew and she would do the same if it was a friend of his. Leonard was hardly a friend though. What would Maggie think if Geoffrey was looking after his ex-wife? Maggie wouldn’t think anything, after all they were free people, and they didn’t owe each other anything. Maggie wasn’t sure who she was trying to convince. She picked up the phone and dialed Geoffrey’s number. Was she grateful when the machine kicked in? She knew deep down she was. Maggie left a message saying she had to help a sick friend and would be away all day, but she felt sure that Gillian or Lorna would go with him and the children. As she put the phone down, she realized that she wasn’t really sure why she didn’t tell the whole truth. She didn’t want to upset Geoffrey by putting her ex-husband first. Why was she doing that? After everything Leonard had done to her, why was she putting him before a man who thought the world of her. Maggie didn’t even know the answer herself. What she did know was that she would go back to see Leonard tomorrow no matter what.


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