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Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical

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by Sciabarra, Chris

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  ———. 1983b. Review: Reality at Risk by Roger Trigg. Reason Papers 9 (Winter): 85–90.

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  ———. 1984. Quine and Aristotelian essentialism. New Scholasticism 58 (Summer): 316–35.

  ———. 1990a. Natural rights, philosophical realism, and Hum
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  ———. 1990b. Rand on obligation and value. Ayn Rand Society Address, Boston, 28 December. Published in a revised version in The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 4 (Fall 2002): 69–86.

  ———. 1992. Capitalism and morality: The role of practical reason. In Business Ethics and Common Sense, ed. Robert McGee. Westport, Conn., and London: Quorum.

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  ———. 1982. The disowned children of Ayn Rand. Reason, December, 57–59.

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  ———. 1988c. Marx on the precipice of utopia: Review of Brien’s Marx, Reason, and the Art of Freedom. Critical Review 2 (Fall): 76–81.

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  ———. 2005b. The Rand transcript, revisited. Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 7 (Fall): 1–17.

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