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Rock Me Hard (The Rock Star's Seduction)

Page 14

by Thorne, Olivia

  “But she’s locked up inside the cage and can’t see him.”

  “And she takes him in her trunk,” he said, getting choked up…

  …but so was I. “And she rocks him back and forth.”

  “And then when he has to go, their trunks are the last thing to touch.”

  “And as he walks away all alone, she waves to him through the bars in the window.”

  Suddenly I couldn’t help myself.

  I started to cry.

  The memory of it – and my own issues with my mother, and with loving and being loved – were too strong.

  I wiped my cheeks with my hand and then laughed a little through my tears.

  “Now you can make fun of me,” I sniffled.

  “I’m not going to make fun of you,” he said quietly.

  Then he put an arm around me and pulled me to his side.

  I melted into him and rested my head on his shoulder.

  He leaned his head against mine and held me like that, side by side, my body shaking a little as I cried.

  We stayed that way for at least two minutes, him holding me silently until my tears ran their course.

  Looking back, that was when I knew – when I knew, deep down, that I had fallen in love with him…

  …and that I loved him, too.

  With all my heart.

  Even though I still tried to deny it.


  Nothing happened that night. I think we both knew we had gotten dangerously close to the fire. He walked me back to my dorm room and hugged me good night, and then he walked back home alone to get ready for his job.

  I didn’t invite him up, and he didn’t ask. I offered to drive him home, but he declined.

  That was probably for the best. My emotions were too raw, too vulnerable. If he had tried to kiss me, I would have given in, completely and with abandon.

  And if he’d come up… and if Shanna hadn’t been in the room… I’m not sure what would have happened.

  So I was glad he hadn’t come up to the room.

  Even so, I ached deep inside until hours later, when I finally fell asleep.


  Exams approached fast. I tried to study as much as possible, but Derek was a constant distraction – and one I hungered for. He stopped by every day, and I could never say no. He didn’t try to kiss me, he didn’t try to do anything… but just being with him was enough to make me lightheaded. I waited for that knock every day like a starving prisoner waits for his daily rations… and it was like a seven-course meal with a bottle of champagne when I heard it and opened the door to his gorgeous smile.

  Finally, though, it all came crashing down.

  He stopped by one evening later than usual, after 8 o’clock. “Good news – I got the next three nights off from work.”

  I groaned. I knew he’d done it for me – I was leaving for home after finals – but the fear of God (and of a C in my classes) had finally crept into me. I had a three-hour exam in English the next morning, with half devoted to multiple choice, and half to an essay on an unknown topic.

  “I can’t do anything tonight… I have to study for my test tomorrow.”

  He frowned. “How long?”


  “You want some company?”

  I gave him a sideways look. “You want to hang out while I study.”

  He shrugged. “Sure. I can quiz you off your notes.”

  “You’re not going to help me study, you’re going to distract me.”

  He held up his fingers in a ‘V’ sign. “Scout’s honor.”

  “You were never a boy scout,” I scoffed.

  “Yes I was,” he said as he shook his head ‘no.’

  I laughed, then looked back at the empty room…

  …and my bed, where my pages and pages of notes were scattered.

  Shanna had gone to the computer lab to write a last-minute term paper, so I was alone.

  Well… I had been.

  Not anymore.

  Don’t do it! Tell him no, tell him NO –

  “Uh… sure… come on in,” I said as nonchalantly as I could. “If you want.”


  It started off innocently enough. I brewed us some fresh coffee, and he actually did read through my notes and quiz me on them.

  That lasted about three hours. Mind you, it was three hours punctuated by a lot of breaks – chatting, laughter, more coffee. I probably got in an hour and a half of real studying.

  That was actually a pretty big accomplishment, considering I was sitting on a bed next to the hottest guy I’d ever seen in my life.

  But around midnight, the caffeine just wasn’t doing its job anymore. I kept yawning repeatedly. By that time we were sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing each other.

  “I didn’t know I was so boring,” Derek joked.

  “You’re not. Chaucer is,” I said, and yawned again. “How come you’re so wide-eyed and bushy-tailed?”

  “You forget, I usually work till 3 in the morning.”

  “Oh yeah…”

  “You should go to sleep and get up and study in the morning.”

  I shook my head. “I am not a morning person. I’ll be useless if I try to do that. I have to stay up as late as I can.”

  “You want to stay awake?”

  “Yeah, of course,” I said, and yawned again.

  “Okay… I’ll keep you awake,” he said softly, and leaned in to kiss me.

  It took me completely by surprise.

  Maybe it was that he’d kept things decidedly platonic ever since our conversation in the parking lot.

  Maybe it was that I’d been lulled into a sense of false security.

  Maybe it was because I was so tired.

  All I know is that I jerked back a little – just an inch or two, and stared at him in shock.

  He didn’t stop. He just leaned in a little farther.

  And this time… I didn’t move.

  I just stayed there and let him kiss me.

  His lips touched mine so softly that it was a surprise. He brushed them against me like a caress, testing me. When I didn’t pull away or say ‘stop,’ he closed his eyes and began to kiss me harder – but not much. It was more like a gentle, soft pressure… his full, sensual lips against mine.

  My heart stopped – and then began to pound in my chest.

  But I closed my eyes and kissed him back.

  It was like a dream… like a slow, sensual state of half-waking. He gave me smaller, tinier kisses on my top lip… my bottom lip… the corners of my mouth... and then pressed his lips fully against mine once again.

  I was aware of the tiniest things: the warmth and softness of his lips. The taste of mint on his breath. The smell of soap and a slight hint of aftershave.

  He put his hand lightly to my jaw, and I could feel his calloused fingers brush against my neck and the curve of my chin, and then gently cup my face.

  I felt the tip of his tongue slip between my lips – just a soft, slow, wet, sensual pressure… and I knew what he wanted, what he was asking for.

  And I gave it to him.

  I opened my mouth and let him inside me.

  He took his time, his tongue as gentle as his first tentative kiss. At first it was slow… wet and hot and soft… and gradually I began to match him, moving my tongue across his, feeling the wetness and tasting the mint on his breath. He used his lips to catch at my tongue, pulling gently on me, his own tongue retreating, inviting me into his mouth… and I did. I kissed him deeply but softly… slow and gentle, like I was hypnotized.

  And then he pulled away.

  We were only a few inches apart when we opened our eyes at the same time.

  I stared into those emerald green jewels, and they twinkled in merriment.

  “So… is that going to keep you awake?” he whispered mischievously.

  Later, I wondered why my inner voices weren’t screaming in horror – Don’t do this! Remember Kevin! – but I think it was that he’
d caught me by surprise. And once I started kissing him, my brain turned to melted ice cream. Awash in sweet deliciousness, with no coherent thoughts at all.

  And my body… God, I had never been that turned on before in my life.

  Whenever I’d kissed Kevin before, I usually remained semi-detached, kind of like, Oh, this is a nice experience.

  Kissing Derek was like time standing still, nothing but pure sensation and animal instinct, nothing existing but overwhelming sensuality.

  My brain had pretty much short-circuited.

  The rest of me hadn’t, though. My breasts ached to be touched, and my panties were soaked. I usually didn’t get this wet until halfway through sex… and Derek had done it to me with two minutes of kissing.

  Okay, to be honest… it had probably only taken him ten seconds. I just didn’t notice how wet I was until we stopped.

  I said my brain had short-circuited. As it booted back up, there was only one thought in my mind:

  That wasn’t what I expected.

  I had thought he would be rough and brutish… that he would kiss hard and fast and violently. That had excited me, but also scared me.

  But this… this had been like slipping bit by bit into a deliciously warm bath. Toes, feet, calves, knees, thighs… and beyond.

  Sensual. Gradual. Gentle.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, searching my eyes.

  I said the only thing that I could think of.

  “You kiss like a girl,” I whispered.

  He looked surprised – and then he laughed. “You’ve kissed a girl?”

  I have never, ever kissed a girl in my life.

  I blushed fire-engine red. “NO – I just meant – ”

  “Okay,” he interrupted with a whisper, “this time I’ll kiss you like a man.”

  And he leaned in and kissed me again.

  Ohhhhhhhhh sweet God almighty.

  He started off soft and gentle again, but that only lasted for a couple of seconds. Then his intensity began to ramp up, the pressure building, and I felt his tongue again, pressing, entering me, and I let it, and his lips were pressing harder against mine, his passion building, and mine rising to match his.

  He scooted his whole body closer to mine. Suddenly his arms were around me, lifting my ass up from the bed slightly, and pulling me against him. I felt the hardness of his muscles against my curves – his muscular chest against my breasts, his massive arms encircling me. His hands, so big and strong, clutched at my ass and then moved up my spine. He carefully lowered me onto my back, his hands supporting me, his body pressing against mine, as we sank down together onto the bed.

  By this point I was out of my mind with desire.

  When they talk about electricity, about a kiss being electric?

  They’re not kidding.

  It was like a soft, warm, gentle current moved from his body to mine – and grew more powerful and insistent by the second.

  As he lowered me onto my back, he rearranged his body so that he was on top of me, his weight bearing down on me, and it felt so good and so right and I wanted him to be pressed into me completely, hard against me, hard inside me.

  I lifted my arms up and circled them around his neck, and I opened up my legs.

  Even with both of our jeans between us, I could feel his cock, stiff and hard and hot as sun-warmed stone, pressing against my thigh, then pressing between my legs.

  I moaned into his lips, and he redoubled the power of his kiss, taking my breath away as he entered my mouth and swirled his tongue around mine. He braced his weight with his left arm as his right hand moved from my back to my face, tracing lightly down my neck, then past my collarbone to my chest, his fingers brushing against my breast, then circling it, cupping it, squeezing it sooooo good. I moved my hands down to his ass – GOD how I’d been longing to touch it – and I felt the powerful globes of his cheeks under my hands. I clutched at them, kneaded them, pulled his pelvis against me, arching my hips against his, the hardness of his cock pressing through both our jeans and against my clit, sending thrills of pleasure through my whole body. I was so hot down there, so wet, and I ached to feel him inside me –

  And then I heard the scrape of a key in the lock.


  My eyes snapped open, and panic and guilt blasted through me.

  What the FUCK are you doing, Kaitlyn?!

  I pushed Derek off me with a jolt of adrenaline so powerful it took us both by surprise. He toppled backwards onto his ass, a look of shock on his face. I scrambled upright and snatched up a bunch of crinkled notes, then stared at them with an intensity people usually reserve for notices of foreclosure and bad medical reports.

  Except I don’t think most people in that situation have faces red as a tomato and hot as a coal.

  The door swung open and Shanna entered, groaning as she dumped her backpack on the floor. “OH MY GOD, my paper’s finally done and emailed and I want a drink so BAD – ”

  She stopped in her tracks, her mouth open, as she actually looked into the room for the first time. What she saw was Derek on my bed, sprawled out on his ass and propping himself up with his hands, and me completely ignoring him as I stared intently at a fistful of paper. Oh, and my face probably looked sunburned.

  “…uhhhhh…” Shanna said, her face still frozen in shock.

  My eyes flickered up, then darted back to my clenched handful of notes. “We’re just studying,” I said loudly, my voice verging on hysteria.

  The appropriate line in Shakespeare is The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

  Shanna was still too shocked to make fun of the situation.

  That came later, after she’d recovered her wits.

  But for now, she was entirely helpful and solicitous.

  “…okaaaay…” She pointed back towards the hallway. “I could go get a drink at a bar and come back in, like, an hour – or two – ”

  “Why?!” I asked, my voice getting even louder and more frenetic. “We’re just studying!”

  The guilt pounding inside me was overwhelming.

  For the first time since Derek had kissed me, I was thinking of Kevin… and my mother… and my father… and what a shitty, horrible, fucked-up girlfriend and human being I was.

  “I should probably go,” Derek said.

  I looked over at him. He seemed slightly amused and absolutely calm. Like we really had been studying, but now he was bored and it was getting late.

  Not at all like your average guy who was about to score and then got stomped on the one-yard-line.

  In the back of my mind, I imagined how Kevin would have acted in the same situation.

  ‘Pissed-off,’ ‘irritable,’ and ‘self-conscious’ were the top contenders.

  When I looked at Derek, though, he gave me a smile and a wink as he slid off the bed. “Study hard, okay?”

  Unfortunately, when he stood up, his erection was pretty damn obvious. It was kind of cocked (pun intended) off-center from the zipper, and strained against the front of his jeans.

  Although I’d certainly felt it pressing against me, this was the first time I’d actually seen it. Or at least its outline.

  It wasn’t porno humongous or anything, but it was… a pretty big bulge.

  Shanna saw it immediately. Her gaze dropped below his waist briefly, and then she did a double-take – she tried to look back up at his face, but her gaze dropped back down again like she was drawn by a magnet and she just fixated on his crotch with a glassy, dreamy look in her eyes. She unconsciously shifted her weight onto one leg so that one hip was higher than the other, then crossed her left arm across her stomach and propped up her right elbow. The fingertips of her right hand found their way to her mouth, and she just kind of rested them on her lower lip as she continued to stare at Derek’s jeans, mesmerized.

  It was a look that basically said, Ohhhhhh BABY, break me off a piece of THAT.

  I couldn’t blame her – but it did piss me off.

  “Shanna!” I snappe

  She jolted awake like somebody had zapped her with electrical wires. Her hands flew to her sides and she looked at me in panic, then her eyes pinballed back and forth between me and Derek.

  Derek was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  I was scowling like the Red Queen. Which was appropriate, considering how badly I was still blushing.

  “I really gotta go get that drink,” Shanna said, and half-turned –

  “No, it’s cool, I’ve got to get to work,” Derek said.

  I almost blurted out, No you don’t! but then I forgot that, hey, we’d… uh… been ‘studying,’ too.

  “See you, Shanna,” he said as he walked across the room.

  “…yeah…” she said dreamily. As he passed by, she turned to watch – first the front of his jeans, then the backside.

  “SHANNA!” I yelled.

  She turned around to look at me, guilty as a little kid who snuck downstairs before everybody else on Christmas morning. “I can totally go to a bar – all night if you want – ”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Kaitlyn,” Derek said, and I saw that he had – um, ‘straightened things out’ so that ‘things’ were hidden better in his jeans.

  Then he winked at me.

  “I enjoyed studying with you,” he grinned, and then he was gone.


  As soon as Derek left, the fun really started.

  “OH MY GOD what were you up to?!” Shanna squealed.

  “Nothing,” I insisted. My blushing, which had started to die down, returned with a vengeance.

  “OH MY GOD you were totally gonna bone him, weren’t you?!”

  “NO!” I shouted, sick to my stomach.

  But what I did was bad enough.

  “Dude is packing some serious heat,” Shanna said, and turned her head back to the hallway as though she could see around the corner and down the hallway if she tried hard enough.

  “Shanna – ”

  “I mean, I’ve seen bigger, but not attached to a bod like that – ”

  “Shanna – ”


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