Cross My Heart

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Cross My Heart Page 18

by A. M. Hartnett

  ‘You’re not funny,’ she snapped, and with a sneaky smile gave him a gentle hip-check.

  Laughing, Ryan slung his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her close to kiss her damp forehead. ‘Evie, chill the fuck out. We’re not moving into a war zone. We’re moving into a nice professional neighbourhood. No shared walls, no shared ceilings or floors, and no sneaking past Mrs Boyd. Oh, and wait – I almost forgot. Patio chairs. Real patio chairs to sit on and not some hard windowsill, on our own deck.’

  ‘Not really our deck,’ she countered.

  ‘But our patio chairs.’

  She turned her face up to his and narrowed her eyes. ‘Are you trying to domesticate me or something? Because I’m not taking up gardening or baking.’

  ‘Not even a little baking?’

  ‘Does instant pudding count?’

  Ryan crinkled his nose. ‘Let’s leave something in the budget for bakery cupcakes.’ He kissed her again, then licked the salty sweat from his lips as the two of them turned to the sound of a groan coming from the entrance.

  All on his own, Seth carried Evie’s favourite chair through the double doors. Aside from the throaty sounds, he gave no indication of feeling any strain about a piece of furniture Evie and Ryan had bickered over for fifteen minutes.

  ‘Hate him a little more with every mammoth piece of furniture he moves on his own,’ Ryan said.

  Evie snorted and gave him a light punch in the stomach. ‘We could fake an injury and let him do all the work.’

  ‘That might make me feel better.’ He gave her a quick squeeze and then went forward to offer a hand that was dismissed.

  ‘If I put it down my back might give out,’ Seth hissed through his teeth. Both Ryan and Evie parted to let him pass, and he hefted the chair into the truck. ‘Change your minds when you get across town and I’ll kill the two of you.’

  ‘Tell it to Evie. She’s the one worried we’ll have a chronic masturbator with exhibitionist tendencies living next door.’

  Seth walked back to the stoop and grabbed the can of Coke he’d tucked between the rails, then glugged half of it down noisily before looking at Evie.

  ‘Sounds more like the type of guy who would fit in here,’ he joked, then glanced back at the building. ‘Much more?’

  ‘A couple of plastic bins with kitchen stuff in Ryan’s. Garbage in mine.’ Evie blew out a sigh that sent her bangs skyward and leaned against the railing. ‘What time do your new tenants roll up?’

  ‘The ones going into Ryan’s are coming next week, after I paint. Yours should be along any minute.’

  It had been about two weeks since Evie’s apartment had really been hers. They’d got rid of half her furniture and half of Ryan’s in days, and, as soon as they had the keys for the house they had rented, they’d started moving. Evie’s place – now former, Ryan supposed – had been fixed up the day before with Seth painting around the small pile that was left, and, with the exception of a cookware set they deemed better quality than Ryan’s, they were ready to move on.

  Ryan didn’t think it would bother him like it did. He didn’t think he had any sort of emotional attachment to Winsloe Court. One apartment was no different than any other, after all.

  But as he stood in the exact spot where he had first kissed Evie, he felt a tug. It was the same tug he’d felt when he checked his mail for the last time, when he had first spied her coming in out of the rain and looking gorgeous and messy all at once, and it was the same tug he felt when he closed the window on the fire escape for the last time. He’d never again hear that rattle that announced she was on her way up.

  But he’d wake every morning with her warmth curled up next to him. He’d open the front door and find her shoes left in the front closet next to his trainers. He’d share a mailbox with her, and a bathroom, and he’d get to look at her over that kitchen island as they ate and laid out the events of their day.

  He wasn’t over almost losing it just yet. He’d still feel a shameful kick in the gut sometimes when he looked at her, but the burn of worry was gone. He wasn’t worried about losing her. He’d always had her, just like she’d always had him.

  Lost in the euphoria of her presence even now, Ryan slipped his arm around her waist and dropped a kiss on to her bare shoulder.

  Seth chuckled. ‘I suppose neither of you two will see the light of day until some time next week.’

  ‘We’ll call you with a play-by-play,’ Evie teased.

  Seth shook his head and reached for the cell in its holster as it began to ring. ‘I’ve seen the live show and done my share of audience participation. That’s good enough for me. Hello? Yes…’

  He twisted away, and Evie wrapped her arms around Ryan’s stomach. ‘We should get the last of it and get going. We still have to buy groceries.’

  ‘Let’s get a pizza. I’m not quite ready to be a responsible adult yet.’

  She led the way and he followed, up the elevator to the fourth floor for the last time. He got a chill when he entered the empty space and his footsteps echoed all around. Before he could reach for the bins, Evie pulled him close and drew him into a deep kiss.

  When his hand meandered down to her ass, she pulled back with a grin. ‘Think we have time for one last quickie?’

  ‘On the countertop? Seth will be pissed if he walks his new tenant through and finds your ass print on the Formica.’

  ‘Not the way I planned to do it,’ she teased, and laughed as he raised his brows. ‘All right, I suppose I can wait until we’re at the new place.’

  ‘Like we’ll be able to move by the time we get everything in the house.’

  ‘I’ll make you do all the hard work, and then you can just lie back…’

  Her hand started to move down his belly, and as she tugged the hem of his shorts his cock stirred and he leaped away from her.

  ‘If I’m still alive after we get the last of it in the house, you can do whatever you want to me.’

  ‘You can count on it,’ she purred, ‘if I can find my new best friend in the carnage, that is.’

  He rolled his eyes, but he shared her exuberance. He’d been sceptical when Evie had bought the strap-on and had laughed at her the first time she tried it on, but the girl was a pro with her hips. They’d used it just twice since she’d brought it home, and the high he’d gotten both times was as much about letting her take the lead as it was about actually getting fucked.

  And they talked, broaching the subject of balancing their playtime together and bringing someone else in. Neither was very keen on the idea of opening up their bed to another person just yet, but agreed that the next time they did they wouldn’t take the idea so seriously. Both had been online, steering clear of dating and hook-up sites, instead visiting sites and forums for local bisexuals and actually having conversations rather than sharing only the intimate stuff. In this, too, Ryan let Evie lead. It made sense, given that she was the more level-headed of the two.

  They took one bin each and slid them into the hall, and at the doorway they paused and peered back in.

  ‘I guess that’s that,’ she said, a little sadly.

  ‘You thinking of chaining yourself to the radiator until Seth changes his mind?’

  ‘No.’ She sighed and looked up at him. ‘That wouldn’t change our minds, would it? Come on. Let’s get going – and let’s get beer to go with that pizza so we can really enjoy that patio.’

  ‘Hey, there you are.’

  After searching around the bottom level for him, Evie found Seth in her old apartment by the window where he was putting the screen back in.

  ‘Sorry, I completely forgot about that. I imagine the next person to live here won’t be hopping up and down the fire escape.’

  ‘I would hope not. The couple going into Ryan’s are in their sixties. Not to be ageist, but that’s kind of gross. There.’ Screen in place, he settled back and cracked his knuckles. ‘It’s just that Marco is so used to coming and going where he pleases at this point, it would be
easier to keep him out if there was a screen.’ He looked at Evie just as she repressed a smile. ‘What?’

  ‘Nothing, it’s just…’ A giggle spurted out. ‘Did Ryan ever tell you about the night I brought Marco back down after he came for a visit?’

  ‘He didn’t crap on your floor, did he?’

  ‘No, not that. I took him back down the fire escape and, uh, you weren’t exactly alone.’

  Seth raised a brow, and Evie recounted flinging the cat through the window and attempting a quiet escape. He chuckled and shook his head.

  ‘I might have been embarrassed about this back before I made my own trip up the fire escape.’

  ‘Who was she?’

  ‘Just someone I met online.’

  ‘That’s what Ryan thought. You really are the biggest man-slut, aren’t you?’

  He swatted at her and she dodged, then draped her arms around his thick neck. She rested her head against his and sighed, ready to put her foot in her mouth for the last time.

  ‘I really wish you weren’t alone.’

  ‘Alone, not lonely.’

  She didn’t believe it, and she could tell by his tone that he didn’t, either. ‘Are you going to come visit us? Ryan’s getting a barbecue.’

  ‘You’re not even out of my face yet and you want to get back in it.’ He shrugged her off and leaned back against the window. ‘Once you two are settled.’

  ‘God, I hate that word.’

  ‘Maybe so, but that’s what you’re doing. Another year, and then there’ll be a ring and maybe a –’

  ‘Don’t even think about saying what you’re about to say, unless you want Ryan to go totally crazy. Are you going to see us off?’

  ‘I don’t know if my little heart can take it.’ Still, he took her hand and walked with her to the elevator. ‘I am going to miss our teatime.’

  ‘You’ll have to make teatime with the new tenant.’ He grunted, and she gave him a sideways look. ‘What was that?’

  ‘She’s barely out of her teens and just out of her parents’ house.’

  ‘So was I, remember? Not coming out of my teens, but still pretty sheltered.’

  ‘Yeah, well…’

  Outside, Evie put her sunglasses on and gave him a nudge. ‘Oh, look. Ryan found a stray.’

  Ryan leaned against the truck bed. A tiny blonde woman in sandals and a sundress stood before him, iced coffee in one hand and cellphone in the other. She bounced a little as she talked, and kept her gaze riveted to him when he answered.

  Seth gave Evie a nudge. ‘Don’t tell me you’re jealous.’

  ‘Hell, yeah. Look at them. If they bred, they’d create a real-life Barbie.’

  ‘And that would be your apartment’s new owner.’

  Ryan glanced in their direction, then pointed. The young woman waved. Evie waved back, and Seth merely nodded.

  ‘See? Teenager.’

  ‘She’s not that young. You’re just turning into a cranky old man. Now go over there and get her away from Ryan before she offers him a blowjob.’

  ‘It’s kind of hard not to. Like I said, Ryan is the prettiest man in the building.’

  Evie grinned at him. ‘Well, with Ryan gone, I guess that makes you the prettiest man in the building.’

  Introductions were made quickly. The new tenant introduced herself as April, and while she had a warm smile for Evie and Ryan, Evie noticed that she couldn’t quite make eye-contact with Seth, but took an eyeful the first chance she got.

  And so did Seth after he handed over the keys and she headed inside. As his gaze dropped down her shapely bare legs, Evie gave Ryan a poke and they grinned at one another.

  ‘Nice ass,’ Ryan teased, and Evie nodded.

  ‘Very nice. I especially like how you can see her thong through the skirt.’

  Seth scowled. ‘Maybe I should move into the nice house and you can stay here and build your den of sin.’ He thumped the edge of the truck. ‘I ought to get up there and give her a walkthrough.’

  Before she could stop it, a lump formed and burst in Evie’s throat and her eyes stung.

  ‘Aw, Jesus, knock it off,’ Seth groaned, but held open his big arms for her hug. She held tight, and had the urge to apologise to him for the way things had turned out.

  But she knew he wouldn’t take an apology, so she just enjoyed his tight squeeze as long as he would let her, then wiped her damp lashes as she stepped back.

  ‘Text me some pictures of the new place when you get set up,’ Seth said, grasping Ryan’s hand and pulling him into a hug. It struck Evie as funny to see the men engage in a bro-hug after they’d been so intimate together, but she kept her thoughts and her smile to herself.

  Ryan turned to Evie. ‘Ready?’

  She nodded and took another look at Seth.

  God, that April was in big trouble if she took a second look at him, as gorgeous as ever even with wet stains under his arms, but it was the slight sheen on his face that took her back to the moment when she spied him over Ryan’s shoulder. As shitty as it had turned out, she wasn’t sorry, and it would be a long time before that longing deep in her belly entirely went away.

  Glancing at Ryan, she could practically see the same thoughts on his face.

  ‘Ready,’ she agreed, dismissing the idea. No maybe. What had happened between them was memorable, but it was over, and now there was just us.

  ‘Don’t go climbing up any fire escapes,’ Ryan called over his shoulder as Evie climbed into the passenger side.

  ‘Shuddup,’ Seth growled, but there was a hint of laughter shaking on the word.

  Evie leaned out of the window and waggled her fingers one last time, and as Ryan pulled away from the kerb she looked from Seth to the building, until he made a left turn off their street and she could see no more.


  She twisted around and his wide smile wiped her blues clean away. He held out his hand and she took it, then scooted closer so she could rest her head on his shoulder.

  ‘You know, I do make a mean pan of peanut butter and chocolate fudge,’ she said. ‘I suppose it would be all right if you domesticated me a little.’

  ‘You know, that sounds dirtier than you intended.’

  ‘How do you know that’s not how I intended it? I’ll let you lick the spoon, and then maybe I’ll let you spank me with it.’

  Ryan chuckled and squeezed her hand. ‘We’re going to be those neighbours, aren’t we?’

  ‘Oh, we’ve always been those neighbours.’

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