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Seducing the Playboy (A Hot Nights Series Book) (Entangled Brazen)

Page 17

by Amanda Usen

  “Wrong,” her father spoke from the wait station. She hadn’t noticed the door to the dining room open. How long had her parents and Angela been listening? “Love is everything.”

  Her parents walked to join her, and Cole went to put his arm around his wife. “Without love, life is nothing but work and sleep.” Her father reached forward to tug an escaped curl, then tucked it behind Jenna’s ear. “That was some story,” he said, confirming her suspicions about how much they had overheard.

  “You sure do have a gift for creating disasters, sis.” Cole chuckled, and if she’d still had the knife in her hand, she might have launched it at him.

  “What is wrong with you people? Why am I the only one who can’t see I did something good here?” She gestured around the kitchen, then toward the dining room, finally using both hands to encompass the restaurant. “I did not get hitched in Vegas and desert my family!”

  Her mother took her hand. “No, but you came home a sad shadow of yourself and have been haunting us ever since.”

  She felt herself shrinking. “So I can’t do anything right, is that what you are saying? My impulsive decision to not ruin my life was wrong? I thought you wanted me to grow up. I thought you might appreciate me stepping up to the plate and helping you keep Cooper’s from folding. I guess I’m still too young, too impulsive, and too me to be of use around here.”

  Her mother clasped her in a tight hug. “Oh honey, is that what you thought? Not even close. We’ve always known you were capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. We’re so proud of you, but when you own a restaurant, you’re married to the job. We wanted more for you, just as we wanted more for your brother.”

  “No nights, no weekends, and no holidays when you go corporate, sis,” Cole broke in.

  “Chicken fingers and number ten cans of chili,” she retorted.

  “Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” her mother said mildly. “Your father wanted to own a restaurant, and I wanted a family. We made it work because we love each other, but you can’t blame us for wanting you to choose an easier path.”

  “I want Cooper’s.” Jenna lifted her chin. “I always have.”

  “It’s all yours, baby. You earned it.” Her dad wrapped his arms around both of them. “As for all that too young, too impulsive stuff, you got that from me. Your mother has been keeping me in line for thirty-three years,” he said proudly. “Maybe you can find a guy like her.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  With Angela in the lead, they all headed into the dining room, and Jenna only felt a twinge of sadness as she took her place at the table, forking up a big bite of the cheesecake the server set in front of her. The scent of bourbon smacked her again. Would she always think of Roman on Christmas? Probably.

  A commotion at the hostess desk drew her gaze and she gasped.


  “Gallagher, party of three,” Roman called over his shoulder as he strode across the dining room. He left his mother and Jeff in the foyer and took off across the dining room toward Jenna. Every part of him cried out for her. It had been murder to stay away, but he’d kept tabs on her progress through Jeff’s media contacts in New Jersey. Now that Cooper’s was every bit the success he’d known it would be, he was starving for her.

  Cole stepped in front of him before he reached the table. “Not so fast, buddy. What are your intentions? You better talk fast and give me an airtight reason why I shouldn’t clean your clock for messing with my little sister. I haven’t heard from you in months, and she’s been moping around like crazy.”

  Roman could barely shift gears. It wasn’t possible that he could have come so far and changed so much and Cole would still think he wasn’t good enough for Jenna. “Strictly honorable. I love her, man. I want to marry her. I know I’m not exactly a poster boy for long-term relationships, and you have every reason to want somebody better for her—”

  Cole cut him off with an impatient gesture. “Are you kidding me? We’ve been friends for almost a decade. Why would I think you’re not good enough for her? Is that why you haven’t been calling me back? Now I am going to hit you.” Roman kept his hands at his sides, so glad to have Cole’s approval he’d let him have a free shot. He’d been afraid once he got Cole on the phone, he wouldn’t be able to control himself, offering money for renovations, advice for the grand opening, hell, maybe even his right kidney. He had hated letting his friend believe the worst, but he hadn’t wanted to interfere with Jenna’s plans.

  “Cole, sit down.” His friend flinched but didn’t take his seat. Roman was impressed. Nobody disobeyed Mrs. Cooper when she used that tone.

  Roman ducked his head to the side and grimaced. “Hi, Mrs. Cooper. Hi, Mr. Cooper. Sorry for barging in.”

  “Hello, Roman. You know you’re always welcome,” Mrs. Cooper smiled, and they sat back in their chairs as if they were at a Broadway show.

  Roman glanced around the full dining room. The place looked incredible. A fire blazed in the hearth on the far wall. There were candles in the windows, and the biggest Christmas tree he’d ever seen right next to the door. His stomach churned, and his heart ached with the desire to be a part of this. It felt like home…if home were filled with a hundred strangers waiting to hear what you planned to say next.

  Jenna stood and shouldered her brother out of the way. “Neanderthal.”

  Roman had a feeling he and Cole would be revisiting this later, but at least the guy got out of his way. He took Jenna’s hands, pulling her into close contact with his body. Every part of him rejoiced. She smiled up at him, and hope beat inside him in a quickening rhythm that echoed his pounding heart. “I quit my job. Gallagher Holdings has a new chief operating officer and my mother isn’t going to retire until…well, probably ever. I’ve been baking cookies at the Beach House, driving Max crazy, and waiting for you to get Cooper’s up and running so I could come home…if you’ll have me.”

  “And you waited so long—why? Just to torture me?”

  “Because you wanted to make Cooper’s a success by yourself. I knew you could do it, and I wanted you to know it, too.”

  Her smile widened, and her eyes shined. “I did do it, didn’t I?” She squeezed his hands tightly. “But my heart wasn’t in it. It’s been on ice ever since I left you in Las Vegas.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, taking deep, gulping breaths of her sweet scent. Joy washed over him. “I’m sorry you were unhappy, but I’m so glad you missed me. I love you, Jenna. God, I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too. I always have, ever since we went sledding six years ago and you didn’t kiss me.”

  He crushed his lips to hers, and tasted cinnamon, oats, and heat. For long moments he luxuriated in her scent, taste, and touch, and then he grinned. “You’re stuck with me now. Do you know how hard it was not to butt in? I almost had to stake myself to the beach to keep from calling the bank and putting in a good word…or opening a credit line for you.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You didn’t call the bank, did you? I got a loan to cover the renovations. It was almost too easy—”

  “Nope. They knew a good idea when they heard it.”

  She snuggled closer. “I think that makes me love you even more, but I also want to kill you. I can’t believe you waited so long.”

  He kissed her again, almost getting lost in the pleasure of being near her. Then he remembered there was more he needed to say. He pulled back. “I grew up in kitchens, one after the other, as my mother made a name for herself. When I looked into my future with Gallagher Holdings, that’s all I saw, more kitchens. I didn’t have anything other than money to share with a woman, so I never got involved in a serious relationship, I never thought about having kids because I didn’t want them to grow up like I did, lonely and working from the minute they could do something useful. My life was empty, and I filled it with work and partied hard so I could make connections and fill it with more work. Then you walked into my kitchen
, reminding me of happy times spent around the table with your family, and everything changed.” He gestured around the room, festooned with holly garland, lit from the inside, and shining with love. “I want this. I want you. Please let me show you I can be the man you need.”

  A tear spilled down her cheek. “Never in a million years did I think you would give up Hollywood for Lambertville.”

  “Give me a chance. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  Laughter and heat shimmered in her eyes. “I remember saying something similar to you a while ago. Does this mean you’re looking for a job, Chef?”

  “You bet I am.” He struggled to recall what she had said to him that afternoon in the Beach House kitchen, grinning when it came to him. “Give me a few decades, I promise I’ll knock your socks off.” He bent to whisper for her ears only. “And your pants, your shirt, and whatever scandalous lingerie you happen to be wearing.”

  She cocked her head to the side and batted her eyelashes, eyes glinting with golden light. “I don’t know…there’s nothing wrong with our desserts. Our pie crust is delicious, and our sauces don’t come out of a can. How far are you willing to go to get this job?” A few chuckles broke out around the room.

  “All the way and then some,” he said firmly. “I’ll work beside you in the kitchen. I’ll sit down with you for dinner every night. I’ll walk the dog, and I’ll put the kids to bed if we are lucky enough to have any. Your happiness will be my full-time job.”

  “Say yes, or I will,” a woman called from the next table.

  Jenna grinned. “Sorry, but I think I’ll keep him.” She pulled something out of her pocket, and when he saw the blue glint of a diamond, gratitude filled his heart. He took it out of her hand, glancing quickly at her parents who nodded their blessing.

  His throat tightened, and he had to swallow before he could speak. “Jenna Cooper, will you marry me?”

  “Yes, I will.” She held out her hand, and he slipped the ring on her finger. She lifted her chin, and her eyes darkened to his favorite color, caramel just on the edge of burnt. “But don’t expect me to take it easy on you just because I love you.”

  “Darling, I’d be disappointed if you did.” He kissed her, and then pulled out her chair at the table. His mother and Jeff joined the family, and while introductions were made, Roman took his seat beside Jenna, and knew he was finally home.

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  I owe my love of food and cooking to my wonderful parents. My mom is a great cook, and would you believe she gave me free run of her kitchen from an early age, even though disaster often (always) ensued? In fact, Mom had a standing date with the plumber every time I threw a dinner party for my friends. Apparently, you can’t put just any old thing down the garbage disposal. Every so often, I relearn that lesson, much to my husband’s chagrin. (Sorry about the potato peels from the latkes a few years ago, honey! I promise I’ll only do that a couple more times in our lives.) My dad is a hell of a cook, too—especially on a campfire. From him I learned never to make scrambled eggs in a cast iron skillet and to start everything with bacon. Rules to live by.

  My love of romance novels was born long before I met my husband, but I have him to thank for turning my fantasies of everlasting love into my everyday reality. And for making me endless cups of coffee. And dinner. And…other vital stuff. I’m glad our kids are going to grow up thinking it’s normal to make out in the kitchen.

  There are few things I love more than getting lost in a good book, and I don’t know what I’d do without my book boyfriends and best friends! My everlasting gratitude to all the authors who have created worlds for me to enjoy over the years, and many thanks to Entangled Publishing for helping me bring my own stories to life, especially Liz Pelletier for taking me under her rockin’ editorial wing, Lewis Pollak and Alethea Spiridon Hopson for the trope-tacular revisions, and Heather Howland for the smokin’ Hot Nights covers. Big love to my copy editors, formatters, and proofreaders (because sometimes commas are harder than math). Squeezes to my publicists and all the other people who make my books look delicious. A lifetime supply of sea-salted caramels to my intrepid agent, Nalini Akolekar, who saves me. A margarita for Jessica Topper, wine for Natasha Moore, and a nondairy hot mocha for Alison Stone, who deserve many drinks for sharing the writing life with me. L’chaim! A henna tattoo for Erin Kelly-Park, who made me get one on Venice Beach when we were celebrating our fortieth birthdays, and a sun salutation to Melissa Cook who picks me up for yoga even when I tell her I should be working. A never ending supply of ripped abs and hot tattoos for Kimberly Kincaid, Robin Covington, and Avery Flynn for keeping me inspired every Friday with their FB Man Wars. Everyone wins!

  And thank you for reading Jenna and Roman’s story. Without you, sweet reader, this writing journey would be so lonely. Thanks for keeping me company!

  About the Author

  Amanda Usen knows two things for certain: chocolate cheesecake is good for breakfast, and a hot chef can steal your heart. Her husband stole hers the first day of class at the Culinary Institute of America. She married him after graduation in a lovely French Quarter restaurant in New Orleans, and they spent a few years enjoying the food and the fun in the Big Easy. Now they live in Western New York with their three children, one hamster, two guinea pigs, a tortoise, and a new-to-them beagle. Amanda spends her days teaching pastry arts classes and her nights writing romance. If she isn’t baking or writing, she can usually be found chasing the kids around the yard with her very own hot chef husband.

  Want chimichurri, chocolate cake or Chicken Alighieri? Visit Amanda at, where you can find recipes for many of the yummy dishes in her books. She can also be found on Facebook and Twitter if you want to chat about romance, writing, or recipes.

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  Discover the Hot Nights series…

  Into the Fire

  a Hot Nights novel by Amanda Usen

  Heir to the Calabrese restaurant empire, Jackson Calabrese can buy whatever he wants, but if his new restaurant is going to succeed, he’ll need help. There’s only one chef with the culinary creativity to reinvent their menu: former rival—and lover—Lila Grant. Seducing her back into his bed—and his kitchen—should be easy. But after the way things ended between them, Lila wants revenge, and she’ll take it served delicious bite at a time.

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