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HOWL and HUNT the HEIR: HOWL 1-3 (Dark World)

Page 18

by D. S. Wrights

  The thought alone made her groan, and she could feel herself becoming wetter, her juices running from her pussy onto her inner thigh. The only thing that just didn’t fit was her imagining Nate to be the one molesting her backdoor, because he was way larger, in reality.

  As if she had unconsciously ordered him, her captor suddenly slapped her right butt cheek, making her flinch and tense around his and Rick’s cock. The sudden change of sensation made her moan. A part of her was hoping that her clenching around him would have made her captor come again, but he didn’t. Instead, it was Rick.

  “Fuck,” he exhaled, ramming his cock as deep inside her as he possibly could, pressing his thumb against her painfully, yet, it was just what made her topple over the edge, taking him with her.

  It was almost like with Nate. She could feel him inside of her, as if his body temperature was hotter than hers. It couldn’t be, but Lia felt every pulse of his cock that filled her up more and more with each thrust.

  Lia caught herself wishing that if Nate hadn’t gotten her pregnant, that at least Rick would. She could live with that, although she knew why he, who had kept a part of him secret to her, was acceptable. Then again, Nate hadn’t told her about his Wendigo father.

  This all is just a fucking mess.

  Rick stayed inside of her, even after he had emptied himself, almost as if he wanted to make sure that his seed would have enough time to claim the prize.

  Lia wasn’t sure if she had come, yet she definitely felt like it, worn and out of breath, panting, sweating, heaving, but the men violating her mouth, throat and ass didn’t seem to care, or mind; they weren’t finished with her.

  When his cock turned flaccid, Rick had to pull out and retreat. A part of her wanted to abandon the cock her hand was working on so it wouldn’t violate her mouth as well, so that she could reach out for Rick. For whatever reason, he was like a beacon of hope to her. Lia just knew that he cared. It had been his expression when he had stared down on her, minutes before.

  “Take the camera,” her captor ordered Rick and Lia felt as if a tsunami was crashing down on her, pushing the air from her lungs, any strength from her limbs and the hope from her heart.

  So long as he had been a part of it, she somehow had found a way to find pleasure in what was happening with her, but thinking that Rick would now record her getting raped by these primates, it made the air stick in her throat, and it tore the hope from her body.

  Suddenly the rush, the ecstasy she had felt during all of this, faded into black. Nothing that Liala now tried to endure was even a hint pleasant. But she continued to do her best, fighting back to her illusion, hoping that her action on the two men, who were taking turns with her mouth, would at least find their release quickly.

  But the spell was broken with Rick abandoning her and all the images from her memory returned to life; with them the sounds and the realization of this being real.

  The sound of a gunshot was back, repeating itself.

  Liala wanted to scream, or at least sob, or maybe something in between, but she was cast in stone, paralyzed. A part of her felt as if she deserved this happening to her, making up for her mother’s sins, making sure her brother would have a better fate; and yet, it felt so wrong.

  Her, being put onto a tabletop with a cock in her ass, another one in her hand, and a third in her mouth; it made Liala feel just as her captor wanted her to feel. She was nothing but a living cumdump.

  “Fuck,” one of the men at her head said and reached out to choke her slightly, bellowing. “You will swallow, bitch.”

  Just after these words, Brenna’s dad clawed into her hip and prodded himself into her harder than before, making her gasp from pain, which the guy in her mouth used to push him down her throat, ending up in the wrong pipe. Fresh tears shot into her eyes, streaming down her face as she fought for air in panic. As the guy fucking her mouth didn’t react, Liala started struggling, dropping the cock she had been rubbing so that she could push against the other’s stomach.

  “Pat, you’re fucking choking her!” The leader yelled at him and made him do what Liala had so desperately tried.

  “Fucking bitch!” He pulled out of her mouth and then squirted all across her face; his cum was hot and to her it almost felt like acid.

  Liala managed to close her eyes before that stuff landed inside of them, while she was still coughing and heaving for air. Before she had recovered herself, her mouth was once more penetrated by Will.

  “Go and get the others, Pat,” their leader ordered.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Will pulled on her hair at the back of her head, while he fucked her in sync with his boss. Soon, he placed his other hand around Liala’s breast and started to squeeze it, not caring if he hurt her. With her eyes closed, she couldn’t see it, but she was sure that he was grinning approvingly as his cock muffled her whimper. As if her captor had enjoyed her reaction, he brought his hand to her pussy, pushing his thumb on her clit, trying to repeat what Rick had done.

  Liala couldn’t prevent her body from squirming, it was just too much. Everything began to hurt, her skin felt as if she had an open rash all over her body and her anus and throat even worse. Throughout the entire time, being quiet had been her only triumph, but she couldn’t anymore. She hated every wail and whimper, and wished that there were other sounds drowning hers. There weren’t. And listening to her surroundings had her hear footsteps approaching the tent and then entering.

  Will didn’t warn her when he came in her mouth, and not knowing how many men were now standing around her terrified and distracted her. Unprepared, Liala coughed on the gross and thick liquid in her mouth. Swallowing a bit of it, accidentally, her stomach was revolting. Since it was already running from her mouth, Liala spat out the rest, gasping for air once more.

  When she came to, something had changed. Liala was rolled on her back and she flinched, as something warm landed on her lower abdomen in weak squirts. She used the rags of her shirt to wipe her face somewhat clean.

  Pat had brought four men with him, who were now re-using the rope and started binding her wrists and ankles to the table rendering her incapable of moving. Her head was off the table, so that it could be pushed back into a perfect position to be fucked.

  At least like that, they won’t be able to tear up my butt.

  Right now, she could see the entrance of the tent again, and she saw her captor, the leader of the hunters, leave.

  “Fuck, I had hoped that she turned,” one of the new guys said. “I wanted to see if there is any difference.”

  “The fuck?” another asked.

  “Yeah, it has to feel different with a shifter bitch.” Liala didn’t know if it was the first speaking again, but someone else.

  Why didn’t I think of it?

  She could shift into a werewolf form and try to hurt them and escape. The problem was, she didn’t know how. Liala wasn’t sure what had triggered the change last night. She assumed that it had something to do with Nate. More precisely, with Nate fucking her and making her come. She had to find a way to turn.

  “So, let’s give her a shower.” These words brought her attention back to the men, who had started to grope her breasts and shove fingers into her pussy.

  Liala barely noticed. After the break, she got, her body had started to become numb, as had her mind. She tried to switch off her senses, to ignore the man shoving his cock down her throat, or those now standing at the middle of her body, squeezing her breasts, while rubbing their cocks against her skin, or the one inside her pussy.

  But a shower? For some reason, the way he said it, she knew that he didn’t mean for all of them to come on her body but actually pee on her.

  “That’s not what he said,” Rick spoke from the other side of the tent. “I’m pretty sure that Jason wants a round with her, too, and would be pissed if she’s stinking like a rest stop toilet.”

  Again, he sounded so cold and detached that the brief glimpse of hope hearing him had created
in Liala, instantly died again. It took her a moment to completely understand what he had just said. Liala jerked instinctively, but was held by her restraints and pushed down by the men having their way with her.

  Wait… what? Jason? He died in front of me! It has to be a different Jason, but why isn’t he here right now then? No, I must have misheard. Nate killed him. In front of me. He snapped his neck. And my cousin isn’t a hunter!

  Liala missed the reaction to Rick’s words entirely. She hoped that they had at least made sure that they wouldn’t do that to her. The thought alone was not only disgusting but degrading at the same time. They hadn’t done that to Brenna.

  “I want her pussy, too!” Someone said, and Liala tried to pull herself away from what was happening to her.

  She sensed the movements, how her body was used, penetrated, pinched, and prodded, but somehow, Liala didn’t feel it, or care about it. She wasn’t really there with her body and these men, being filmed while they used her. She thought about the dream, when she was running as a wolf and a bird of the night following her.


  Liala had always thought it was just part of her dream, but now, knowing what her little half-sister could do shed a completely different light on her dreams, which she tried to remember when Malia had been with her. Maybe they could even talk to each other when both were awake?

  “Bitch, stay here!” Someone shouted at her and slapped her face, pulling her back to the surface of reality.

  A groan broke from her throat as the ache of her body reached her mind. Everything was sore and her body felt not only worn but sticky. How long had she been gone?

  Not long enough.

  Liala could feel the men coming on her stomach and chest and the one who had hit her, pushed his cock so far down her throat that his testis were covering her nose and was choking her. She did her best not to struggle and was grateful that like this, she couldn’t smell. If she managed to hold on, he would make her pass out. But he pulled out of her, making her head fall back and aimed for her breasts.

  “That looks like a modern piece of art,” a guy laughed and the others joined him.

  “Let’s take pictures!” Another one suggested.

  Liala cringed at the thought of her being eternalized like this on several guys’ smartphones. She could hear them pulling up their pants, retrieving their devices and then shooting the photos.

  A part of her wanted to insult them; another for her to fight against the restraints, or, even better, finally shift, but her body was limp, refusing to follow her orders. It was almost as lifeless as Nate’s.

  When they were finished, the men left, all of them in a celebrating mood, cheery and laughing.

  Liala wanted to lift her head, but couldn’t. She wanted to know if Rick was still here, maybe was still filming her, but she couldn’t. It was the noise of footsteps within the tent that gave her the information she had desired. Rick approached her and she had no idea what he was about to do to her. Her body tensed instinctively, but it had used her last amount of strength.

  Rick stopped at the head of the table and reached out to place his hand at the back of Liala’s head. He lifted it slightly and brought it into a more comfortable position. His expression was once again a riddle.

  “I will try to get you out of here, Lia,” he said quietly and a thin smile appeared on his mouth. “I am sorry I couldn’t prevent this.”

  Why does he sound as if he had the power to stop this from happening? Who is this guy?

  Liala’s throat was sore and when she wanted to answer she couldn’t. All that came from her mouth was a croak.

  “I must wait until they are asleep, okay?” Rick asked. “Can you hold out until then?”

  Liala nodded barely.

  “I can’t clean you up, or loosen the ropes, because he will notice,” Rick explained and then looked up as if he had heard something.

  Gently, but quickly, Rick let go of her head and moved away, incredibly fast, sitting down in a chair, as Liala could see from the corner of her eye. Then, she could hear the footsteps, too.

  Who are you, Rick?

  She looked at him, how he was sitting there, the phone with which he had taped everything in his hands as if he was re-watching everything. He wasn’t as tall as Nate and his blonde hair shimmered golden where the artificial light hit it. His eyes looked black now, but she remembered that they had been brown. It was an odd combination, making her almost doubt that blonde was his natural hair color.

  Rick got up when two men entered the tent and Liala instinctively turned her head to see who it was, although she felt as if she already knew. But she couldn’t believe it, not even when she saw it with her own to eyes. Next to Brenna’s father stood Jason, her cousin, alive and well, but the expression on his face showed that he was everything but well. The moment he stepped inside, he glared at Liala as if she herself had killed his father and his girlfriend.

  “Rick, you can leave,” the leader of the hunters ordered and she could hear him obey the command.

  He left without turning around to Liala, reminding her that he didn’t want to draw suspicion, and that he had promised her that he would come back to get her out of here. So, she kept looking at her cousin, her expression pleading. Jason had to understand that what was happening to her now was just as wrong as what had happened to his girlfriend.

  “If I had known that your whore of a mother would let Brenna or my dad die, I wouldn’t have taken her along on the trip,” Jason growled at her, his voice thick with sorrow.

  “I… I’m sorry,” Liala managed to say, and shook her head at herself.

  She was laying naked, bathed in the cum of several men, arms and legs bound to the table, spread open, and she was apologizing to her adoptive cousin that she thought was killed in front of her.

  “How are you alive?” Her voice failed her.

  Jason struck out and slapped her face, drawing blood as her lip cracked open.

  “You don’t get to say or ask anything, bitch,” he spoke through gritted teeth.

  His eyes were mad with anger and pain, glaring at her with hate and disgust.

  “I didn’t kill them,” Liala said, bracing for the next hit that struck her just a moment later.

  “You brought us here,” Jason hissed.

  “You brought her here,” Liala responded, expecting to get hit again, but this time in vain.

  Instead, she watched Jason unbuckle his belt and pull it from his pants.

  Is he going to rape me, too?

  Even before her thought ended, Jason already struck out and hit her across the stomach with his belt. Once, twice, and a third time. The pain was a violent pang, like a jolt from an electric fence, but the aftermath was worse, burning through her nerves, pushing the air from Liala’s lungs.

  “Wait, or you will make her shift,” her captor grabbed Jason’s wrist before he could strike her a fourth time.

  “Don’t worry about that,” Jason responded. “She’s so full of anti-anxiety meds that pain and fear won’t trigger that, remember?”

  “Yes, you’re right, let me grab the camera,” Brenna’s dad answered. “I’ll make sure your face is not on there. Do with her what you want, just do not kill her.”

  He moved from her field of vision, and the only one left to look at was Jason. Yet, he had stopped glaring at her since he was mustering her body.

  “You can fuck her, you know,” the older man told him but Jason shook his head.

  So, instead, he struck out again, bringing the leather down across Liala’s breasts. He didn’t stop after the third strike, he just moved further down her body to ensure that her body wouldn’t get used to the pain. And yet the burning changed into a sharp tickle and Liala managed to not cry a single time. Until he struck her pussy. The pain was indescribable, but the aftermath was worse, because it aroused her. Liala bit her lip, tasting her own blood, so that she wouldn’t moan, but it was impossible.

  “Look at that, little whore,” Bren
na’s father said. “Let’s turn her around.” With that, she could hear him put his phone aside and walk up to her, and then she heard how he cocked the trigger of a gun.

  “Do anything stupid and I will shoot into one of your limbs,” he told her. “I will leave it untreated and let it become infected so that it will have to get amputated.”

  Liala pressed her mouth shut and nodded. When she was unbound she turned around and got down on her stomach on her own. The violated skin was burning even more, as if the table had been covered with vinegar or worse. She didn’t move, when Jason bound her to the table again, her ankles to the outside of the table-leg.

  Now she could at least put her chin on the table.

  Although she had agreed to comply, what Jason told Brenna’s father was stuck in her head. He was right. Pain and fear didn’t have any effect last night, sex had, or rather the amazing orgasm Nate had given her. But what if that wasn’t what triggered her to shift for the first time? What if it was the release? All Liala ever did was restrain herself, hold back her emotions and swallow them.

  I just don’t know how to just let go.

  Before she was able to continue finding a way to the wolf inside of her, Jason struck her again. It did hurt the same and yet different, because now she felt everything in her bones, making her fear that he might even break a rib of hers. Jason started at her shoulders and then worked to her behind. After striking her, making sure to leave out her pussy, he went for the thighs. Liala yelped, incapable of composing herself when the leather felt like a dull knife cutting her skin. Three times each leg and she sobbed and cried without restraint. The first strike that was aimed at her pussy went a bit too far right, cutting the edge of the belt across her anus and clit.

  This time, the aftermath was even worse pain, and when he hit her again, Liala started screaming. She had no idea how often he hit her, but he didn’t pause anymore.

  Liala was dragged back into consciousness by feeling something hard, cold, and edgy being shoved into her burning pussy, and gasped for air.

  “Do you like that?” It was Brenna’s father. “Or do you prefer it here?” He asked, shoving the object into her anus, violently, making her scream again.


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