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HOWL and HUNT the HEIR: HOWL 1-3 (Dark World)

Page 26

by D. S. Wrights

  Lia could see Nate’s eyes narrowing, his thirst for vengeance not satisfied. It was understandable.

  She was about to speak, as Rick stayed silent, waiting for something that was making him tense. For a moment, she believed that he was just uncomfortable with the second part of their agreement, but she learned the truth right away when she heard a bark slicing through the silence of the night.

  A dog? She shouted at Rick silently. Why?

  For the first time, he didn’t answer her, but when she looked at him, he was staring at Nate, and Lia froze.

  Why? She repeated.

  “We had an agreement,” Liala spoke through her teeth, clenching her fists, glaring at Nate.

  “We agreed on your mother being punished with shame and degradation,” Rick answered, his voice thick from the lump in his throat. “And you watching it. This was Nate’s demand right from the start, even before I joined. This was what was promised to him for his aid.”

  Lia shook her head full of dread as she watched one of the hunters enter the center of the circle.

  “I won’t allow it!” She insisted stepping in front of her mother, who was snarling with her ears laid back. “Nate!”

  As she addressed him, the twins realized whose demand the dog really was and they started moving away from him, leaving the circle and walking around it to top as closely as possible to their new alpha.

  “Eye for an eye is not the way I want to lead this clan,” Lia bellowed.

  She wanted to tell him that he would lose her over this, as she couldn’t stand the idea of him being responsible for this punishment, but he lowered his head.

  “Please, don’t,” Lia turned towards Rick again.

  I will lose both of them over this.

  She couldn’t bear the thought of either of them being in any kind responsible for her mother being degraded like this. There were limits to what she was willing to accept, and even though she despised many of the decisions her mother had made, she was still her mother.

  Bile was crawling up her throat with every step the dog closed in on her mother, who lowered her head and tensed, ready to fight.

  “This isn’t the right punishment for her because it’s not the worst it possibly could be,” Liala gritted her teeth. “Breaking the bloodline is.”

  Her mother started barking loudly and tried to fight against the leash Rick was holding. He didn’t budge even an inch as if there wasn’t a huge wolf trying to break free from his hold, because he was too busy staring at Lia in disbelief.

  They had talked about this and it had been a part of their agreement that telling the hunters that she might have gotten pregnant in the last two nights was already enough to clean the slate of their relationship. Her now bringing up the topic that already had been resolved made everyone, who were silently glad over the fate the former alpha was about to meet, look at Liala instead.

  “And right now, the bloodline has not been broken,” she said, realizing in which position she was putting herself. “You will not touch my mother. You will not harm her. She will serve her sentence until you are satisfied, but she will not be defiled. Instead, she will have to witness her worst nightmare coming true; the very reason why she sent out her warriors to bring me back to her. To prevent that her heir might become pregnant by someone not divine-blooded.” She turned towards her mother, speaking lower than before so that only her and Rick could comprehend. “I’m pretty sure that you didn’t know that Nate fucked me, that it was him making me come what made me turn for the first time?”

  Her mother snarled loudly.

  “What are you doing?” Rick asked her in disbelief. “Don’t you know what it means if your firstborn is a daughter and her father is not divine blooded?”

  “I am very aware of that and I don’t care,” Liala spoke and realized that she was lying, so she added disheartened and lower. “Let’s hope it will be a boy.”

  That was when her mother suddenly nudged her and then Rick, looking her daughter straight into her eyes, trying to tell her something, but Lia had shut her out.

  “What does she mean?”

  “She means that I am divine, too,” Rick answered to her, his face devoid of any expression.

  Was that what he didn’t want to tell her, and what her mother refused to share. Lia already assumed something like that when she heard someone call him ‘angel’.

  “Does anyone know that original hunters are divine blooded?” She asked and Rick answered right away: “No. There were times when everyone knew. It was the reason our judgment was respected and our laws were followed. But we grew tired of our responsibility, of losing our loved once to mortality, lovers and children alike. I never had children of my own because I saw how the others were suffering. It was forbidden to us to lay with another divine blooded, and that included the alphas. We are only allowed to have mortal offspring. And it makes sense. Imagine how many immortal creatures would roam the earth by now, thousands of years later.”

  “So, why did you have sex with me, if it’s forbidden?” Liala was stunned and Rick fell silent.

  “That is a story for another time, Lia,” he eventually answered and gestured at the circle.

  “What do you say?” He suddenly shouted, addressing the men and women watching the scene in the middle of the camp, some of them were wounded, and all of them looked tired and beat. “Nate’s punishment, or…” while Rick was still searching for the right word, one of the men yelled. “We’re not sick bastards.” And another added. “We only want justice. If she’s willing, have her, boss.”

  “There has been enough rape,” Nate’s voice drowned any other and everyone fell silent.

  Many of the hunters agreed on that loudly. Soon all of them were speaking their minds, suggesting that some would have to watch to make sure that Lia was keeping her end of the bargain. Others said, that it should be Nate, having his way with her. In the end, Liala’s legs started shaking as Rick made the final judgment.

  “Nate and I will be your proclaimed mates from this night on. Your mother will have to watch every single time until you are pregnant. Once it is confirmed she is not to see you again until the child is born. She will never see it. If the child is to be a son, and the father is determined, you will bed the remaining one, to receive a second child. No matter what gender this child has, the debt will be paid and your mother will be released from her service four years after that. Do you accept?”

  “I accept,” Liala nodded without hesitation, but her mother barked angrily, not wanting to accept the deal her daughter just made.

  “Don’t you dare shift back, you made your choice, you are reaping the storm you sowed.

  Her mother whined as a response and drooped.

  Liala began to undress, and was surprised when many of the hunters turned around, crossing their arms, or taking positions that made the impression that they would stay like that until what was about to happen was over. It gave Lia some sort of consolation that there really was some decency among these people. Maybe peace was really possible.

  Nate walked towards her fully dressed, until she realized that he was only getting her mother, guiding her to one of the hunters who hadn’t turned around. Only then he returned to the center of the circle, where Lia now stood fully naked and had no idea what to do with herself. Especially when Nate began to pull off his clothes, too.

  This is embarrassing, and everything but hot. She thought to herself.

  You’re going to feel hot very soon. Nate spoke in her head and she could feel how her cheeks started burning.

  She loved that dirty mouth of his and for a second she forgot everything around her until she sensed Rick closer behind her. If they were all alone, in her room, this would have been her perfect fantasy. So, that was what she was trying to imagine. She tried to blend out everything around her, or at least the people and her mother watching.

  “Oh God,” she breathed out, doing her best to switch off her mind that was starting to race again.

nbsp; “They know that I will have to shift,” Nate told her and she swallowed dryly.

  “Will I have to, as well? I don’t know if I can,” she said lowly, and anxiety started to gnaw on her nerves.

  “You will get there,” Nate said, but his face froze.

  The blink of an eye later, she knew why, because Rick was finished with undressing himself and touched her shoulder to turn her around.

  “Hey,” he said gently, with a timid smile on his face.

  “Hey,” Lia responded and felt a rush of calm washing away her tension, even more as he cupped her cheek with his hand.

  She couldn’t help but nuzzle her face into his palm and it felt as if the world around them was vanishing. Rick stepped closer and brought his lips to hers, gently kissing her. Liala felt as if she had never been kissed before as she tasted him and all of a sudden was eager to let in his tongue. This alone would have been perfect, but it all was elevated to a whole new level when she suddenly felt Nate’s hands on her hips and his mouth on her neck.

  Her mind had no idea what to do with these different sensations and simply quit. It was paradise.

  Rick continued to kiss her, but it was Nate’s hand that was snaking around her body and down between her legs to tease her clit with his fingers. While she brought her right hand to her back, quickly finding Nate’s hard-on, her left hand slid up Rick’s chest and neck, to dig her fingers into the hair at the back of his head and pull her closer.

  Liala heard a sound that wasn’t fitting to her fantasy. A whining wolf or dog in the distance. Quickly, she pressed her eyes shut, trying to ignore the noise, and instead lifted her ass. Nate’s hand slipped away from her clit, grabbing her hip and Lia expected to feel his cock at her entrance, that already was wet, but she misjudged Nate. Suddenly, she felt his tongue licking up and down, making her moan. Incapable of remaining standing up straight she almost fell over, if it hadn’t been for Rick in front of her. Holding on to him, she could feel his hard cock against her face and instantly took him into her mouth. Hearing him hiss just encouraged her to suck on him harder.

  Maybe it was the full moon, maybe it was just her, maybe she just needed to have her mind wiped clean of it all because she wanted to forget. Liala didn’t want her mind to function, all she wanted was to come, to be filled, to be fucked by these two men she couldn’t choose from.

  She could feel Nate’s fingers entering her, while he was working her clit, sending jolts of pleasure through her body which made her eager to suck on Rick’s cock, allow her tongue to lick and slide all around. She wanted him to not be in control of the sounds he made, just like she was incapable of composing herself because of Nate.

  When he dug his fingers into her hair, Lia knew that he was losing himself into the sensation, just like her. She couldn’t help but move her hips against Nate’s mouth while she was sucking on Rick’s cock. She flinched, but only briefly as one slick finger of Nate’s suddenly entered her butt. It was strange and wrong, but pleasant. And the shame she felt when Nate continued to move his finger in and out of her wrong hole was just adding to her pleasure.

  Although she already knew the feeling, Lia couldn’t wait to feel both Nate and Rick inside of her, but she knew that her body had to get used to being spread at the wrong place before she could revel in that sensation. Still, slowly she grew impatient. She wanted both of them inside of her and she wanted it now.

  Following an impulse, she straightened up and turned around, grabbing Nate by his chin and forcing him to stand up straight as her other hand enfolded his cock and started working on it. She led his mouth onto hers and kissed him eagerly, while she pressed her butt against Rick’s cock.

  Spread me, she ordered him silently, and he obeyed, pressing his cock against the tight muscle of her butthole.

  She tried to relax against him, tried to enjoy the taste of Nate’s lips between her teeth, but it was his hand, pressing against her clit that made her moan and forget about her worries.

  With one swift movement, Rick entered her, causing first pain and then a whole different sensation of arousal as he pushed himself inside her as deeply as possible.

  “Fuck,” she breathed out and grabbed Nate’s cock tighter, working on him eagerly. “I want to ride him,” she added, and they both obeyed her orders.

  Nate moved to lay down on the ground, his cock standing up straight, eager to bury himself into her. As Liala moved Rick slid out of her and the sudden emptiness and slight pain made her almost come. She saddled Nate, grabbed his cock, and guided it to her soft, wet entrance and lowered herself down, spreading herself, wrapping herself around his large cock. While still settling, she brought her hands to her butt and spread her cheeks, turning around to look at Rick, who nodded and kneeled down, saddling Nate’s legs. The second she felt his cock at her butt, she leaned over and relaxed, to welcome the second cock inside of her easily.

  Liala’s eyes wanted to roll from their sockets as soon as both men started to move inside of her carefully. It didn’t take long to make her come violently, clenching around both cocks. She wasn’t able to stay quiet and shouted out in ecstasy as the first of many orgasms shook her body. Lia was in awe and grateful that neither Nate nor Rick came when her first orgasm struck her, but now she was high and eager to find a way to torment them both. She started moving her hips in different ways, enjoying the sounds she stole from both men’s throats as they did their best to stay in control of their bodies. But Lia didn’t want anything more than to make them come inside of her.

  Now, with both of her holes being filled, she was tighter than usual, and it was Nate who was incapable of stopping himself as he came inside of her, releasing his semen in strong and hot squirts, making Lia feel every pulse within her. She came violently with every one of them.

  Liala collapsed on top of Nate, but Rick wasn’t finished with her yet. Grabbing her by her throat, he lifted her from Nate’s exhausted body and turned her towards him. She could sense that he was furious about the fact that Nate got to fill her with his semen first.

  That was something Lia hadn’t expect, and to her, it was extremely hot, even more so as Rick’s eyes started glowing in that perfect golden color. It made her want to fall to her knees and worship him at his feet.

  “I want you to be mine,” he whispered, hoarsely, and pulled her up even higher, his hand at her throat, not squeezing but grabbing her, making her feel like a doll.

  She could feel the wetness running down her legs, knowing that part of it was her arousal and another part was Nate. Lia would have been sated if it hadn’t been for the expression on Rick’s face. He, the original hunter, a celestial creature with divine blood in his veins, who was several thousand years old, who would burn with jealousy.

  Fuck me, she told him with her mind. Take me. Make me scream your name.

  Liala grinned at him, while he still had her fragile throat imprisoned with his fingers. He tossed her around and pressed her back down to the ground, still not letting go of her.

  I’ve broken all the rules for you. He told her with his mind. I will not rest until you don’t want anything else in this world but me.

  His words were almost already enough to make her come, but he had more in store for her. He denied her his cock, and sucked, licked and bit her nipples, grazing down his fingernails across her skin, for as long as it took until she started to writhe beneath his touch, whimpered and whined desperately.

  “Please,” Laila began but it had been all he had waited for, and he rendered her incapable of continuing as he plunged himself into her, hard and fast.

  Nothing seemed to wear him down, not even her pleas. He continued prodding, pumping, fucking her until she screamed his name in a painful and forceful orgasm. Still, he continued at the same pace, prolonging her ecstasy until he, too, came inside her, and collapsed on top of her, completely sated.

  I really want to do this on a regular basis. Liala thought to herself. Fuck, I love and want them both.

  The sunlight breaks through the thick crowns of the old trees, giving the forest this ethereal glow, which makes it appear like the place where fairy tales come to life.

  I can feel the moss beneath my feet and smell the moistness of the ground where barely any sunlight touches it. The sky is made of an unearthly blue, bright, and sunny and the moon stands tall and far away from us, devoid of any silver but white, clean and untainted, above us all.

  I am running, fresh air fills my lungs and leaves them hastily. The ground muffles the sound of my steps as I leap through the underbrush. I feel more free than I have ever felt before in my life. I am happy. I am full of life. All the dark memories of the past have vanished. All the debts of my loved ones have been balanced. I know this feels like a dream but it’s not.

  Giggles burst from my throat and I laugh out allowed as I slow down for my hunters to catch up with me.

  The sunlight is warm on my skin and my heart bursts with light as I hear them catch up with me. I turn around and continue walking backward as I see a shadow of dark and a shadow of light break through the underbrush.

  “Mommy!” The dark one protests, realizing that I allowed them to catch me. “This is no fun!”

  “We caught Mommy, Jonny!” The bright and smaller one cheers, her voice sounding younger, four years at least.

  “It’s not a success when Mommy lets us catch her Liara!” The dark one called Jon, protests, and I just know that his name is Jonathan, after his father.

  He is my first born. My son and he has a dark side that always tries to break through. But little Jonny is strong and disciplined and his father is always there to help him.

  I just know.


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