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White Knight (The Callaghan Green Series Book 2)

Page 25

by Annie Dyer

  I nodded. She was the only person other than Marie who knew. “He took it well. He understood why I didn’t tell him and didn’t judge. He’s been amazing though everything that’s gone on this past week and a half.”

  We’d been back in London for almost twenty-four hours. I hadn’t been back to my apartment yet, instead staying at Killian’s, in his bed and his arms. This morning, he’d gone to work and I’d been met by Denico who talked me through exactly what had been happening with Dean Lacey and the divorce. My step mother had seemingly been on fire. I was heading into the office after lunch with Vanessa to catch up on what I’d missed, before going to my own apartment, but probably not to stay. I suspected I’d be collecting more of my clothes and heading back to Killian’s and I wasn’t sure if that was likely to stop.

  “He’s a good man. I never understood why you were so hard on him when we were all together,” Vanessa said. “Now I do. What have your brothers said to you about it?”

  “Nothing,” I said. “I’ve had a few messages from Max about work and the same from Jackson, but nothing about Killian.”


  I raised my brows at her, immediately on the defensive. “Oh? What does that mean?”

  Vanessa laughed and sliced her steak, the slight pink oozing from it making my wretch, though I managed to keep it hidden. “I heard Jackson on the phone to Killian. He made it clear what would happen if Killian messed you about.”

  My eyes rolled so far back they nearly got stuck. “Really? Jackson would get eaten alive if he tried it on with Killian. That is so not going to happen.”

  “I don’t think they’ll be any need. Killian told him – Jacks had him on speaker phone – that he was in love with you. And then they had a bit of moment where I couldn’t hear any more because it was getting obvious that I was trying to listen in when I was meant to be blending protein shakes.” She looked disappointed which only made me laugh.

  “You need to stop stalking, Van.”

  A cacophony of cluttered noise walked into Black and Blue where we were eating, caused by my two younger sisters. Payton was in her usual suit, blonde hair swept back into a tiny pony tail, while Ava was in jeans and a t-shirt, both of which were coated in dried paint, her long blonde hair curling right down her back to the top of her ass.

  I stood up to hug them, surprised at how much I’d missed them over the last few days, especially as I hadn’t been able to receive any messages.

  “You look really well,” Ava said.

  She was possibly the loudest and most outgoing of all of us and I was still surprised she hadn’t ended up on stage in the West End, although not being able to sing was probably something to do with that.

  “The bruise is barely there and the stitches are out.”

  She inspected me closely then gave me a kiss on the cheek, hugging me tight.

  “We need to know about Killian.”

  Payton swapped in for her, hugging me tighter.

  “Does he still have the hugest cock ever?”

  I sat back down and prayed for patience.

  “I’m with Killian. It’s been a thing for a long time,” I said, ignoring Payton’s cock comment.

  “You hated each other. Or at least, you hated him. He just seemed to tolerate you. And then we hear you were a thing at college and you broke his heart,” Ava said. “So when are you moving in with him?”

  “For the love of sheep,” I said, glaring at her. “I’m not. Not yet. How’s mum been with working?”

  “Nice attempt at sidestepping the conversation,” Payton said. “We like Killian. Out of all the bad dates and half-assed relationships you’ve had, he’s the only one I think can actually manage you, given what a hard-ass you are.”

  I shook my head. “You’re probably right, but we need some time to get used to things ourselves,” I said.

  Ava nodded. “As do we. We’ve known him as Max’s best friend for forever, and now he has the potential to be our brother-in-law. I think Payton’s a little bit gutted that you got there first.”

  I glared at Payts.

  She laughed. “I suppose you did get him first,” she said. “Although he does have the most impressive cock I’ve ever seen. Does he know how to use it? Does it actually fit?”

  “When did you see it?” I said, staring at her.

  She shrugged. “Years ago. I think I was about fourteen. I have to admit, it scared the shit out of me thinking that all men were that big. Luckily for me, I was disappointed early on.”

  “Please erase the image from your mind,” I said.

  Payton shook her head. “Maybe when I’ve found one of my own that’s just as pretty.”

  I looked to Vanessa for help. It was going to be a long lunch.

  Katie and Marie were sitting at the conference table in the back-meeting room, looking over a document. My first observation was that Ireland had agreed with Katie: she looked less tired, the dark shadows under her eyes had gone and she looked as if she had put on a little weight. Marie was wearing what I suspected was a new suit, and I imagined she’d treated herself to a whole new wardrobe for working a couple of weeks. They both smiled as I walked in and took a chair the other side of Katie.

  “Where are you up to?” I had a rough overview of what had happened since I’d been in Cornwall, but no detail.

  “The pre-nup’s been declared void. However, Lacey’s lawyers are going to contest it and I think this is the way it’s going to go,” Marie said. “They take their sweet time getting back to me and anything they do they’ll find a reason to argue against to delay any divorce. In the meantime, all assets have been frozen.”

  I looked a Katie who was still smiling. “It’s okay. I have my personal accounts and an income. I signed a couple of new contracts yesterday for modelling and being a spokesperson for a skin brand. And I’m selling my house. I can’t live there after they went in.”

  I gave her a quick nod. “We need to expedite the divorce otherwise you could be looking at two years or longer. Have you thought any more about the evidence you have?” She had pictures showing the injuries Dean Lacey had inflicted on her; a black eye, bruised jaw, enough so that she hadn’t made it out of the house for two weeks. But it was circumstantial and Katie had said he’d deny it and as he had friends in high, untouchable places, she’d be dismissed as a fantasist. But there was more; she’d just never said what, to me at least.

  “Dean Lacey isn’t the only one who knows people,” Marie said. “I’m going to get us in front of Diane Rivers who’s likely to be dismissive of all of his halting tactics and set some deadlines in place for Lacey’s lawyers to be done by.”

  “I’m also getting involved with a domestic abuse charity,” Katie said. “I know it will cause gossip as to why, but I can use my fame,” she rolled her eyes, “to highlight the issue. And it will worry Dean.”

  “We’re keeping the security?”

  Marie nodded. “Killian’s firm have been looking into the attack on Katie and you and the break in at the cottage. There are links to known associates of Mr Lacey. Just a bit more digging and there may be cause to go to the police and at least get an injunction. Anything like that will also go in our favour when we ask for the divorce to be expedited.”

  She continued to go through the finer details, drawing up a battle plan that would’ve sent most opposing lawyers running to the nearest bunker for cover before waving their white flag.

  Eventually we were interrupted by a knock at the door and Nick entered, the twins and Killian following him. Both girls ran round to Katie and clambered onto her knee, pulling at her hair and the necklace that look like it cost a lot more than a piece of costume jewellery.

  “Have you been good for daddy?” she said, kissing them both.

  I looked over to Killian, communicating exactly what I thought about the greeting. He shrugged and I figured I’d find out more later.

  “They’re developing twin language,” Nick said. “When you thought raising girls
couldn’t get any worse, they develop their own language and then they gang up on you.”

  Katie nuzzled into what I thought was Kitty’s hair, inhaling the smell of baby. “You’ll have to teach it to me then we can gang up on him together.”

  The twins giggled, turning round at exactly the same time to stare at Nick.

  “Are you ready to go? I need to lie down in a darkened room,” he said. “Given that the builders haven’t finished with the windows in two of the rooms, I shouldn’t have a problem finding one.”

  “You’re staying at your place?” I said, surprised.

  Nick nodded. “It’s secure and it’s just for one night. Then we’re heading back to Oxford.”

  “How long are you staying with Nick for, Katie?” I said.

  She bit her lips together, looking a shade uncomfortable. “I’m not sure. The house is going on the market tomorrow so once that’s sold I’ll have funds to buy a cute apartment.”

  “She’s staying for as long as she wants.”

  Killian caught my eye and gave me a knowing smile. “Best not arguing with big brother,” he said. “Are you all set to head to your place and pick up some more stuff?”

  I nodded, standing and stretching. I’d been sat at the table for at least four hours and after more than a week in Cornwall where we’d walked every day I’d become more used to being active. Going back to work was going to take some adjusting. “Let’s head off. I’ll see you Monday, Marie. That’s if you’re carrying on?”

  My mother nodded. “Your dad’s heading to the winery to appoint some more staff over there so I’m at a loose end. You’ve also had a lot more work come your way this past week. I told Jackson you’ll need to start recruiting for two, possibly three, more family lawyers, including someone senior. And you need someone else in litigation to help Seph out too as he’s bringing more work in than they can cope with, silly boy.”

  “In that case I’ll see you at seven am Monday morning for a briefing,” I said giving her smile and moving towards Killian. His hand automatically went to the small of my back, my body recognising his touch and responding by melting like ice in sunshine.

  We headed back to my apartment in Killian’s car as I intended to pack up as much as I could and walking to his with a couple of suitcases would look a little too obvious. We were halfway up the stairs to my floor when an alarm went off on Killian’s phone. He stopped, checked it and then looked at me with an expression blanked of any emotion. It was his war face; the mask he wore when he needed to hide how he felt. I’d only seen it twice when we’d talked about his time in Afghanistan and his details had been sparse.

  “Claire go downstairs and get back in the car. Lock the doors and phone the police,” his voice was clear and calm, staying quiet.

  “Why?” I said because there had never been a day in my life that I did as I was told without questioning it.

  “Someone’s in your apartment.”

  I nodded. “One person or more?”

  “I don’t know. I do need you out of here. You’re a distraction.”

  I gave him a quick nod. “But there’s only one of you…”

  His expression gave me one word. Seriously?

  I headed down the stairs, hitting the bottom as I heard yelling and swearing, a loud bang and a whimper that definitely wasn’t Killian’s. There was more shouting, my panic deafening me, stopping me from understanding the words. I dialled the police, explaining what had happened, desperately trying to get the words out, giving the address and managing not to let the panic seep into my voice so that I was unintelligible.

  “Where’s Killian?” Nick’s boom was loud from across the road.

  “Upstairs!” I shouted, not in the car where I was supposed to be.

  Nick flew over the road, an irritated beep directed at him from an oncoming car but he paid no heed, half jumping up the stairs.

  I heard more swearing and then sirens as a police vehicle skidded from around the corner. I was ignored as the two officers passed me and headed into the building, identifying themselves loudly. A police van screeched to a halt, blocking some of the road. I headed to the car, realising that my hands were shaking, watching for anyone coming out of the building.

  It was another five minutes before anyone appeared, although it felt like an hour. Nick came out first, talking fast in to his phone, then the first two officers with a man in a black hoodie whose gait looked familiar. Another police car pulled up, two more officers got out and ran inside, re-emerging with someone in a suit. Someone in a suit that I recognised. Someone in a suit that I’d worked with once.

  “Niall?” I said, getting out of the car.

  He stood up, one hand cuffed to the officer next to him and looked my way. “Shit,” he said. “I’m sorry, Claire. I’m so fucking sorry.”

  I watched wide-eyed and frozen until an arm came around me and some of the tension left my body. “That was Niall Underwood. He used to work for us. He’s assisting the lead lawyer employed by Dean Lacey.”

  I looked at Killian. He had a deep gash under his right eye and a red mark to his cheek. “You’re injured,” I said.

  He shook his head. “Not really. I’ve had a lot worse. I’ve had worse from Max actually, when we had a go at fighting one night. The guy in the hoodie was the same person from the cottage, believe it or not. I think Lacey’s going to be pissed. Someone has really fucked up.”

  A third police car pulled up, one of the officers coming over to speak to us and Nick, who was now standing nearby. “We’ll need you to come down to the station so we can get your statements.”

  I nodded. “I know the man in the suit,” I said. “He’s a lawyer for the opposition in a case I’m on.”

  The officer nodded. “I take it this isn’t a straight forward breaking and entering? I believe the other man is known to you as well?”

  Nick explained briefly and showed the officer the footage from inside my apartment. I watched, seeing Killian creep in and take both men by surprised, disarming the man in black and making Niall cower. It wasn’t pretty to watch, but it made me realise just how skilled he was and how safe I would always be.

  We headed down to the station, finding Katie there with Denico. Her face was stony and determined and she clutched a bag to her chest.

  “I’m so sorry, Claire,” she said. “I’m so fucking sorry.” Her eyes went to Killian’s face and the cut there. “Who did that?”

  “The same guy from the cottage,” Killian said. “He had a knife for about ten seconds. Then I had him.”

  Katie didn’t smile. “Enough’s enough,” she said. “I’m here to make a statement and present evidence.” She took a huge inhalation and looked at Nick who nodded. “Dean used me to blackmail a rival business man who was putting in an offer to buy out another business.” She looked from me to Nick and he gave her an encouraging nod. “He took photos of us in a compromising position – one I didn’t want to be in - and threatened to show them to the man’s wife if he didn’t withdraw his bid. I have copies of the photos and the emails that were sent. That’s why the cottage and your apartment were ransacked. He was trying to get these.” She hugged the bag closer to her. “There’s enough here to bring charges.”

  I nodded, feeling slightly numb and sat down, Killian’s heat next to me. We were in a waiting area, the five of us including Denico and a woman who looked like a police officer, possibly a sergeant or higher.

  “I take it I’m best taking your statement first?” she said to Katie. “I’m Detective Chief Constable Maureen Ninian. Looks like you’ve been having an interesting few days.”

  That was an understatement.

  We spent the next few hours at the station, Nick talking through the evidence caught on camera and going through the connections between the guy in the black hoodie and Niall Underwood. No one had any idea as to why Niall had been there: it was an act of immense stupidity that meant there was no way Dean Lacey could argue out of being involved, even if if he could pr
ove it wasn’t under his direct instruction.

  “Where are the twins?” I asked after we’d been at the station for just over two hours. It had only just occurred to me that they weren’t there.

  Katie smiled, the most genuine smile I’d seen since we’d left the Callaghan Green office. “With your mum. We were still at the office when Killian messaged Nick to check the camera feed on your apartment.”

  Killian and Nick were in with the Inspector and one of her colleagues, leaving just Katie and I on our own. I remembered just over a fortnight ago when she’s been in my office, concerned she was pregnant and having no idea how she was going to get over the mess Dean Lacey had left her in.

  “You and Nick…” I said, questioning.

  She shook her head. “Too complicated. We talked about it and decided we couldn’t. Not right now.”

  “Maybe that’s sensible.”

  “Maybe.” She looked up with a faint smile that told me she wasn’t sure. “He’s a good man and he’s as hot as sin, but I have so much going on and this will put me further into the spotlight. He has the girls to consider.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe it’s simpler than that. What’s Vanessa suggested about the media?”

  “Press release tomorrow. It will just say that I’m petitioning for an expedited divorce due to abuse that I suffered at the hands of my soon to be ex-husband.” She rolled her eyes and wrung her hands together. “Jackson has an injunction prepared to stop the media publishing anything about what he made me do.”

  I nodded. “My brother’s shit hot with things like that.”

  “Social media isn’t as easy to control though.”

  “And that’s why you have Vanessa.”

  “And we have a statement prepared. Dean’s going to hell in a very expensive handbag,” she said, almost muttering it. “It was the last straw. He told me to seduce the guy after I got him drunk.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  “Because I thought it would mean he’d start being like he used to be. He would tell me I didn’t love him anymore, that I didn’t support him and generally make me feel like shit. He was so nice to me when he persuaded me to help him out ‘with his business’. I just found myself agreeing and it sounds so weak and pathetic,” she said, straightening her back and tipping her chin up. “But I was completely under his spell.”


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