Princess in Lingerie: Lingerie #12

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Princess in Lingerie: Lingerie #12 Page 4

by Penelope Sky

  My woman. I’d never called her that before or thought of her in that way. But I did save her in exchange for ownership. She was mine. The thought made my spine tighten, made me miss those pretty brown eyes. I’d been sleeping alone every night, thinking about her and also preparing for another confrontation with Egor. Workmen had begun repairing the damage done to the house, and once that was finished, I would be putting it on the market. “Yes.”

  “Good. Because I feel like I don’t have a woman anymore.”

  “I apologize,” I said sarcastically.

  “No, you don’t, asshole. If I didn’t love Vanessa so much, I wouldn’t put up with your bullshit.”

  “Good thing you do.”

  “By the way, I think we need to tell Crow about all of this.”

  I’d planned on keeping it a secret from my family as long as possible. “Why? I thought you hated him anyway.”

  It was the first time Griffin was silent. He took a long time to ponder before he spoke. “He’s not so bad.”

  Wow. That was the first time I’d heard him say something nice about my uncle. “Did something happen?”

  “I think we buried the hatchet. That’s all you need to know.”

  “That’s good to hear. My father told me how much my uncle stressed about you.”

  Griffin sidestepped the subject. “It feels wrong keeping this a secret. I helped you because there wasn’t time to think of anything else. But now that the mission is complete, we need to think about how we’re going to handle this.”

  “My family has dissolved the issue with the Skull Kings. There’s no issue on that front.”

  “But Egor could become an issue.”

  “Unlikely,” I answered.

  “Alright, even if that’s true, how are you going to explain Mia?”

  I shrugged even though he couldn’t see me. “My family doesn’t really ask about my personal life. Sometimes my mom pesters me about kids, but her questions don’t go too deep.”

  “But they’ve never seen you with someone, right?”

  “I suppose.”

  “And you won’t be able to hide Mia forever. Since she has a kid, that’s even more suspicious.”

  I hadn’t thought that far in advance. “I could tell them she needed work, so I decided to help her out.”

  “Out of the goodness of your heart?” he asked incredulously.

  “What?” I demanded. “Crow has a butler. My parents had a butler, but now they just have a maid. It’s not that strange.”

  “But Mia is young and beautiful.”

  “Maybe I sleep with her once in a while. So?”

  He chuckled. “You’re getting awfully defensive, man.”

  “I just don’t think I need to explain her purpose. Not when I’m not even sure what her purpose is.”

  He sighed into the phone. “Conway’s wife was basically a slave to him for a while. Seems to be a Barsetti trait.”

  “Just because Conway did that doesn’t mean the rest of the Barsetti men have.”

  He was so quiet it seemed like he’d hung up.


  “Just giving you some friendly advice. You’re right, everything is probably fine. The dust has finally settled, and peace should reign. But Crow butted into my relationship without mercy, and with your family being so close, I think it’ll happen to you as well. And since you did go to the Underground again…your family might have the right to know.”

  When my father had confronted me about it, I told him I wouldn’t return. I felt bad for lying to him, even after the problem had been fixed. Sometimes my father was difficult to talk to because he was so aggressive and emotional. Ironically, my mother was the more pragmatic one. I loved my father, but I’d always been closer to my mother. “I see what you’re saying.”

  “I think they’re going to find out anyway. May as well be the one to tell them.”

  “And if I don’t, will you?”

  He scoffed into the phone, clearly insulted. “I’m no snitch.”

  “That’s not what I meant—”

  “I may come from the streets, but I’m not a rat. I’ll take your secret to the grave—because I’m a man. But you’re lucky enough to have a compassionate and loyal family. They’ll understand a lot better than you think they will.”

  “I can’t even picture that conversation…”

  “You can spin it a little,” he said with a chuckle. “Don’t mention she’s stuck in indentured servitude. You can skim over that part.”

  “Alright. I’ll take care of it once I’m out there.”

  “Good. And that better be soon. I don’t like sharing Vanessa with anyone. I’ve paid for her with my blood and sacrifice. The only reason why I’m on my best behavior is because Mia seems like a nice person who’s been through a lot. But trust me, my sympathy won’t last long.”

  “I believe it.”

  He hung up without saying goodbye.

  It was the most extensive conversation I’d had with Griffin, and I realized we’d bonded—in a strange way. It was the most interaction I’d had with him, and it was obvious he was just as loyal as Vanessa claimed he was. He’d dropped everything to help me, despite the crazy circumstance. He’d already proven himself, so he didn’t need to prove himself further. He did it because he wanted to—because he was part of the Barsetti family.

  Once the money had been transferred, the house was officially mine. The movers packed my essentials, and I drove to Tuscany in one of my million-dollar rides. On the drive, I called Griffin through the speaker system.

  “Coming to get her?” he blurted, cutting right to the chase.


  “Thank fucking god. They went to get their nails and have lunch.”

  “That sounds nice. Girl time.”

  “Girl time means not Griffin time.”

  I chuckled. “Man, you sound like an egomaniac. It’s not like you don’t see Vanessa.”

  All I got was a growl in response.

  “Anyway, I’m on my way. I was wondering if I could talk to Mia.”

  “Like I said, she’s out with Vanessa.”

  “I’ll call Vanessa, then.”

  He hung up without saying a word, just like yesterday.

  I called Vanessa next. Mia answered right away, knowing she was the person I wanted to speak to. “Hey.” Her voice was always soft when she spoke to me, not filled with the sass and hate like when we first met. It was brimming with affection, like she’d been thinking about me constantly, waiting for this phone call to take place.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Griffin tells me the two of you have been having fun.”

  “Oh my god…there are no words.” She turned cheery instantly. “We’ve been to restaurants, coffee shops, art galleries, clothing stores…everything. I haven’t been outside like this in years. It’s so nice.”

  I was grateful Vanessa had taken the time to show her around, especially when Griffin was breathing down the back of her neck. “I’m happy to hear that.”

  “Your cousin is so nice. I love her.”

  “Yeah…she’s pretty cool.”

  “I understand why you love your family so much. Griffin is a little tense, but he’s great too.”

  “He’s just possessive of Vanessa.”

  She chuckled. “I noticed that. So…when am I going to see you?”

  She should hate me for the deal I made with her. I only gave her freedom in exchange for her submission. I wasn’t willing to risk everything just for her. No, only when I got something in return. In business, that was fine. But this wasn’t business…because she was a human being. I could make it right by letting her go, but I didn’t want that. I wanted her to fulfill her end of the bargain. “Today.”

  “Today?” she asked happily.

  “Yes. In a few hours.”

  “Really? Did you get the house?”’

  “I did. It’s about thirty minutes outside Florence. Close to my family but not too close.”

  “I’m sure it’s lovely.”

  “I’m gonna swing by and drop off my things with the movers. Then I’ll come get you.”

  “That’s great,” she said. “I’ve loved staying here, but I want Griffin and Vanessa to have their privacy back. They’re so in love, and I feel like I’m getting in the way.”

  I didn’t tell her about Griffin’s frustration. He was like a caveman who could only speak in anger and nothing else. “They’ve enjoyed having you. But I’ll enjoy having you more.” After this time apart, I was eager to be with her again. I’d risked everything for this woman, and I wanted to cash in my reward.

  Mia didn’t say anything to that. “Any update on Luca?”

  “Still doing paperwork. It’ll be at least a week before I can pick him up.”

  “One more week,” she said under her breath. “I can go one more week…”

  I knew Luca was the main thought in her mind right now. Maybe she did miss me, but her affection for me would never compare to her need for her son. I understood that. “It’ll be over soon, sweetheart.”

  “I know…thanks to you.”

  I drove with one hand on the wheel, my eyes focused on the road ahead of me. The fields passed on either side of me, and I hung on the line even though there was nothing else to say.

  “I’ll let you go, Carter. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “Alright, sweetheart.” I hung up.

  I considered calling my father to tell him the truth. It was something I should man up and do, but it seemed wrong to do it over the phone. A face-to-face conversation was a lot more respectable. I called him anyway, to tell him something else.

  He answered right away. “Son. What are you doing?” He breathed heavily over the line, like he was in the middle of moving something massive at work. He growled when he set something down then turned his attention to me completely. “I just finished loading the barrels into the truck.”

  “Are you at the main winery?”

  “Yep. What are you doing?”


  “To Tuscany, I hope?”

  “Actually, yes.”

  He paused, his happiness becoming palpable. “You’re staying with us for a visit?” My father was usually abrasive and difficult, but when I was coming to stay, he became audibly happy. “Your mother will be so thrilled. How long will you be staying?”

  “Actually, I won’t be staying with you guys.”

  “If you think you’re gonna stay at a—”

  “I bought a place. It’s about fifteen minutes away from you and Mom.”

  Speechless, he sat on the line.

  “I’ve decided to make the move. I do most of my business virtually anyway.”

  He still struggled to find the right words to say. “Carter…I don’t even know what to say. You have no idea how thrilled I am. I miss you so much…” My father didn’t get sentimental often, so when he showed his emotion, it was profound. “I see Carmen a lot more often, but the idea of having both of you here… It’s a dream come true.”

  I was only moving there because it was easier to hide Mia, so I felt bad for letting him think I was doing it to be closer to family. “I got a great deal on a house that I couldn’t pass up. I’m a few hours away.”

  “I can’t wait to tell your mother. I’m gonna tell your uncle first because he’s standing right here, but I’ll call her next. We’ll have to get together to celebrate.”

  “Absolutely,” I said. “Maybe tomorrow. I still have a long drive and have to move my stuff in.”

  “Of course,” he said. “The timing is perfect because Sapphire is about to pop at any moment.”

  The thought of Conway made me feel better about this move. I used to see him all the time, and now we hardly spoke. I would get to spend time with him again, even when he was a father. “I’m excited to see what the new Barsetti is gonna be. Hope it’s a girl since it’ll drive Conway crazy.”

  Father chuckled. “Yeah. Raising a daughter isn’t easy…and when she’s an adult, it’s even harder.”

  When I was growing up, all my guy friends would tell me how hot my sister was. She was a hot commodity—still was since she was single. I knew my father hated dealing with it, just the way my uncle hated dealing with Vanessa.

  “So, tell me about your house,” Father said.

  “You know that place with the iron gates and cobblestone wall?”

  “The one that’s ten acres and three stories?” he asked in surprise.

  “Yep. That one.”

  He whistled. “That’s one fine piece of real estate…and a little big for one man.”

  “I’ll have a maid.”

  He chuckled. “Not what I meant, and you know it.”

  I smirked but didn’t address it. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Father. I should concentrate on the road.”

  “Alright, son. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  When I finished putting my stuff away at the house, I drove to Florence to retrieve Mia. I parked in front of the gallery behind Griffin’s truck, then walked to the front door of the apartment. I knocked and was greeted by Griffin.

  It was the first time he looked genuinely happy to see me. “Good, you’re here.” He grabbed the bag off the floor and handed it to me. “It’s got all her stuff inside it. It’s pretty heavy…they did a lot of shopping.”

  I felt the weight on my shoulder. “And they bought a lot of shoes, I can tell.”


  “I’ll send you a check for everything.”

  He brushed it off. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “No, I will. She’s my woman. I’ll buy her clothes.”

  He grinned, his arms across his chest. “Your woman, huh?”

  “You know what I mean.” I stepped farther into the apartment and saw Mia come toward me. She used to stare at me with disgust, her eyes full of raging flames. But now, the look was totally different. She came to me like she’d been waiting for me to walk through that door all day. She moved into my chest, her small body perfectly fitting against mine. She was over a foot shorter than me, and her hair smelled different because she’d been using a different shampoo. My hand cupped the back of her neck, and I felt the softness of the strands, remembering how they felt against my thighs and stomach when her lips were sealed around my dick.

  My other arm circled her body, resting in the deep curve of her lower back. I squeezed her against me, having missed her more than I realized. There was a connection between us now, a loyalty both of us felt.

  She stayed against me for a long time, sinking into my body like it was as comfortable as a pillow. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She tilted her chin back to look at me, and she rose on her tiptoes to kiss me on the mouth.

  I kissed her back, embracing her soft lips. My arm tightened around her waist as I squeezed her against me, and my fingers dived deeper into her hair. I nearly forgot my cousin was standing there with Griffin because Mia’s kiss did crazy things to me. When I pulled away, I saw Vanessa grinning at me, like she was getting a lot of enjoyment out of this. “You ready to go, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah.” She pressed her lips tightly together to absorb my kiss then hugged Vanessa. “Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it.”

  “We loved having you,” Vanessa said. “If you ever need a break from Carter, you have my number.”

  When she turned to Griffin next, all she got was a nod from him. “We’re always here if you need anything.”

  “Thanks.” Mia came back to me, not expecting any more from Griffin.

  Griffin wasn’t an affectionate guy, but I suspected he purposely didn’t touch Mia. Maybe it was because she had been a slave for so long. Or maybe he just didn’t touch any women besides Vanessa. Vanessa wasn’t the jealous type, so that didn’t make sense.

  “Thanks again.” I hugged Vanessa before I shook Griffin’s hand. “You always have my back, and I appreciate it.”

  “That’s what B
arsettis do,” Vanessa said. “Griffin told me about your conversation. I hope that means you’ll be speaking to your father?”

  “I will,” I said. “It’s a conversation that needs to happen in person.”

  She nodded in agreement. “Understandable.”

  I guided Mia out of the apartment and to my car at the curb. After the bag was dropped in the trunk, we got into the car and started the engine.

  She looked around at the buttons in the car, along with the glowing lights. “I won’t jump out of the car this time.”

  I chuckled. “I wouldn’t mind chasing you down again if you did.” I pulled onto the street, and we made our way out of Florence. There was a lot of traffic, so I couldn’t push the gas as much as I wanted to, but once we broke free of the city, I pushed the engine hard.

  She looked out the window with a slight smile on her lips, gazing at the sky as the sun set over the horizon. The lights were a mixture of purple, blue, and pink, the perfect colors of a distant sunset.

  After spending a week apart, we were together again, but I didn’t have anything to say. It was nice just to sit with her, to embrace what was going to happen next. Maybe all of our problems were really behind us. Or maybe they were lurking around the corner. Either way, we’d made our decision.

  I approached the front gate and hit the clicker in the car. The large metal gates swung inward to allow my car inside. I took the long drive farther onto the property, moving through the trees and alongside the perfectly manicured grass. The gate closed behind me, the cobblestone wall encompassing the property as the ivy grew over the walls. When Conway realized I bought one of the best pieces of property in Tuscany, he’d be pissed he didn’t beat me to the punch.

  When the house came into view, Mia gasped under her breath. “You’ve got to be kidding me…”

  I shouldn’t care about impressing her with my money, but I did. I wanted her to feel like royalty, to know she didn’t belong to just a random man. She was owned by one of the richest men in Italy, a descendant of one of the noblest Italian families.

  “You bought this place?”

  “Yes.” I pulled into the garage and closed the door behind me before I killed the engine.


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