Princess in Lingerie: Lingerie #12

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Princess in Lingerie: Lingerie #12 Page 5

by Penelope Sky

  “Just like that?” she asked incredulously.

  I snapped my fingers. “Just like that.”

  She looked at me with new eyes, as if she didn’t understand how powerful I truly was.

  I grabbed her bag from the trunk and carried it inside.

  She followed behind me then took in the house, a mansion that was far too big for a single man. She examined the hardwood floors, the plaster walls, and the Italian craftsmanship that made this house strong despite its decades of age. She explored it on her own, admiring the double grand staircase and the different living rooms. The dining room itself could accommodate twenty guests.

  I set my wallet and keys on the entryway table then scrolled through the emails on my phone. There was a text message from Conway.

  Heard you moved to Tuscany. You need to get a life and stop following me.

  I grinned then wrote back. What can I say? I missed you.

  I missed you too, asshole.

  Conway was practically a brother to me, and having him close by was just another perk to making the move. I slid the phone back into my pocket when Mia met me in the living room.

  “This place has three floors. Did you know that?”

  I tried not to grin at her ignorance. “Yes. I noticed that when I bought it.”

  She held up three fingers. “Three.”

  I nodded. “The top floor gives great views of the countryside.”

  “It’s unbelievable,” she said. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked around the living room, admiring the carefully designed furniture and the large flat-screen TV.

  My home was beautiful, but it didn’t compare to the woman in front of me.

  She turned around and came back to me. “So…how is this going to work?”

  I upheld my end of the deal and liberated her from the hands of a psychopath. Now we were five hours away, enclosed behind a thick wall in a mansion. Mia was officially mine—because I’d paid for her with my sacrifice. “It’s your job to make a home. I expect this place to be clean at all times. I want home-cooked meals throughout the day. According to my friends and family, you’re the maid of my estate. Do we understand each other?”

  “What about Vanessa and Griffin?”

  “They know otherwise.”

  “But you still want me to fill that role?”

  “Yes.” They would keep the secret to themselves. No one else needed to know the extent of the relationship. I might tell Conway…or he might figure it out on his own. He could read me pretty well. “I have to tell my parents what really happened…since they deserve to know the truth. But I’m going to tell them I gave you a job because you had nowhere else to go. And that’s the extent of our relationship.”

  She watched me with observant eyes. “Alright. What about when Luca gets here?”

  “You guys can have the west side of the second floor. He can have his own room, and you can have yours. I don’t mind letting him live here, but I want him to stay out of my way. I’m not going to lie, I have no experience with kids. Know nothing about them.”

  “I understand, Carter.”

  “There’s another living room up there, so you guys will have plenty of space. The third floor is mine and off-limits to him. When I want you, that’s where we’ll meet.”

  “Do you think it would be better if Luca and I lived somewhere else?” she asked. “Because I can work here during the day, drop him off at school, go home after work, and be with him. When he goes to sleep, I can come back…”

  I wanted her underneath my nose at all times, to make sure Egor didn’t take her away without me knowing about it. And when Luca was at school, she would be available throughout the day. “No. I want you here.”

  “You’re sure you want to share your space like that?”

  “I said the third floor is off-limits. So I won’t have to share my space.”

  She didn’t react to my cold demands. She’d vowed she would be obedient and grateful, and she kept her word.

  I wondered if it would continue that way. “The room next to my bedroom has everything we’ll need for our relationship.” I leaned against the counter and watched her expression, wondering if I would see fear or hesitation.

  She didn’t show either.

  “Do we understand each other?” I asked quietly. “Those are my terms. I expect you to fulfill them.”

  “And I will.”


  Her eyes flashed slightly. “Sir.”

  I felt my dick harden in my jeans when I watched this sassy woman respond to me so easily. She was the same woman who jumped out of a car, who tried to kill me with a knife. She cut a tracker out of her own ankle just to get away from me. But now, she submitted to me, giving in to my cruelty without objection.

  I backed her up into the wall of the living room, my size outmatching hers. When her small frame hit the wall, I gripped both of her wrists and pinned them above her head. I squeezed her hands tightly as I looked down into her face. I felt her pulse increase against my fingertips, watched her chest rise and fall harder as my proximity made her squirm. She was in a V-neck t-shirt and jeans, and I stared down her top to the delicious cleavage line between her swollen breasts. The last time I’d fucked her, I didn’t know she had a child. Now that I knew, I looked at her in a new way. Her body had given life, and that made me respect her figure even more. I couldn’t tell that a little person grew inside her, that she’d survived one of the most challenging events in life.

  It turned me on.

  Her eyes met mine, the brown color sexy against her soft skin. Her slightly parted lips were ready for mine. She was absolutely still as I cornered her against the wall. “Carter.”

  “I didn’t tell you to talk.”

  Her eyes flashed in momentary revolt, but she covered up the anger quickly, remembering her place.

  I wanted to enjoy this moment, enjoy the toy I’d just secured. She was mine as long as I wanted to keep her. She wouldn’t run, not after what I did for her. She would behave because it was the sacrifice she made.

  I stared at her soft lips as I squeezed her hands further, feeling her pulse spike as I touched her. Ever since she came into my possession, I’d wanted to dominate her. I wanted to hurt her the way Egor did. No other woman turned me into this kind of man, the kind of man that wanted to control a woman rather than enjoy her. She was a good woman who deserved a good man, but something about her didn’t turn me into a good man…quite the contrary. “I’m not sure what I want to do first.” I brought her wrists together above her head with a single hand so my free palm could dig into her hair. I secured my fingers in her strands and tugged down, bringing her gaze directly onto me.

  “Can I suggest something…sir?”

  I moaned under my breath, loving the way she called me sir, the way she asked to speak. I was harder than I’d ever been, getting off on this woman’s submission. She wasn’t the kind of woman that allowed a man to conquer her…but she gave me permission. “Yes, sweetheart.”

  “I want you…the way you’ve taken me before. I want it slow and good. A man has never made me feel that way before. I just got you back, and I miss it… I missed it for the past week.”

  Listening to a woman ask you to fuck her was the sexiest thing in the world, especially when Mia was that woman. She wasn’t afraid to tell me exactly what she wanted, even though I was the one in charge. “It doesn’t matter what you want. It matters what I want.”

  “I know…but I know you like it when I want you.”

  My spine shivered at her words because she was right.

  She didn’t fight against my hold, but her breathing increased as she waited for my answer. “Once in a while. I’m not sure how much I’m going to like what you want to do to me…and it would be nice to have something I want.”

  “Again, it’s not about you.”

  “But I know you like feeling me come.”

  She was right. I got off
on it.

  “It doesn’t hurt to ask, right?” she whispered. “Because I do enjoy being with you. And if this is how the rest of my life is going to be, I would like to be satisfied sometimes.”

  “What makes you think I won’t satisfy you? Even when we do things I want to do?”

  “Because that’s how the last three years of my life have been…and I didn’t enjoy it at all.”

  I pressed my mouth closer to hers so my lips barely touched hers. “You’ll enjoy it with me.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “You will, sweetheart. And just so you understand, no other men allowed. I own you.”

  “Do I own you?”

  I held her gaze, my hostility obvious in my look.

  Her eyes filled with disappointment when she got her answer.

  There’d better not be any objection to it because this relationship had never been romantic. It had always been physical. It had always been about ownership. The only goodness I would show her was rescuing her from Egor and getting her son back. She’d better not ask for anything else.

  And she didn’t.

  I released her hands then gripped her slender waist with both hands, my fingers underneath her shirt and directly against her soft skin. My mouth moved to hers, and I kissed her, greeted by her warm breaths and her reciprocation. My embrace started off as soft, and within minutes, it turned hot and heavy. The sounds our moving lips made filled the room, and I could hear it reverberate back at me. I could feel her breaths turn to pants. Her hands slid up my back, and she clawed at my shoulders, the pressure of her small fingertips digging through my t-shirt. Her chin was tilted up she could access my complete mouth, so I took her tongue as she gave it.

  I had all of her now.

  I could take her as slowly as I wanted. I could take her as quickly as I wanted. This woman was officially mine, belonged to me in a way she never belonged to Egor. She was there out of devotion and loyalty, not fear. She kissed me because she wanted to.

  My hands slid farther up her shirt, and I unclasped her bra in the back so I could feel her tits. I squeezed both of them and flicked my thumbs across the nipples, making them pebble and harden. I breathed into her mouth as I felt her tits harden in my palms. I could feel her arousal absorb directly into my skin, feel our heat mix together and create an inferno.

  And we were only kissing.

  I couldn’t wait to sink my hard dick inside her, to feel the pussy that ignited my obsession. I wanted to take it slow, to fill her inch by inch and watch her reaction to me. I wanted to see the gratitude in her eyes as I fucked her, to be thankful I was fucking her instead of Egor. Then I wanted to watch her come, to watch her come for her master.


  She spoke against my mouth. “Fuck me, Carter. I miss it…”

  I paused against her mouth, taking an involuntary breath when she said the words. The fact that she wasn’t saying them for my benefit only made it better. I lifted her in my arms and carried her up the stairs. I already knew my way around, so I kissed her as I carried her to the third floor. Lighter than air, she was like a feather in my arms. I got harder in my jeans because I knew I was finally about to have her.

  I stepped into the master bedroom and dropped her on the bed. My hands went to her jeans right away, and I pulled them down her legs at the foot of the bed. Her panties came next, and I felt a rush of adrenaline when I saw how soaked they were. The slick residue was shiny, fresh from her cunt. When I got them off her ankles, I laid them on the bed beside her, so I could look at them as I fucked her. My hands moved for her shirt next, leaving her naked and beautiful.

  I undressed slowly, taking my time as I removed my shirt and jeans.

  Mia watched me with the same arousal. Just as I felt when I saw the moisture in her panties, I could tell her eyes adored the way the tip of my cock drooled for her.

  I wrapped my hand around my length and smeared the residue over the head of my cock, to lubricate myself before I slipped inside. I wanted that cunt so much, hadn’t stopped thinking about it since the last time I saw her.

  I stood at the edge of the bed and positioned two pillows under her head. I wanted her perfectly angled to look at me, to watch me fuck her. My hands hooked behind her knees and spread her wide apart before the head of my cock found her entrance. Like it had a mind of its own, it knew exactly where to go. I slipped inside her, pushed through her tightness, and slowly sank deeper and deeper.

  Mia moaned when she felt me, bit her bottom lip in the sexiest way. She held on to my forearms while her knees were pressed into her waist. “Carter…this feels even better than I remember.”

  I wasn’t even fully inside her yet. My sensitive tip could feel her tightness and wetness. She wasn’t kidding when she said she missed me. She didn’t want me to chain her and whip her, not right away. She wanted to enjoy me first. When she gave an erotic performance like this, I didn’t mind in the least.

  I pushed until I was all the way inside, balls deep and completely sheathed in her arousal. This pussy was better than the others I’d had before. It was so tight and so slick. Despite giving birth to a son and being raped by a monster, she felt like a virgin I hadn’t popped yet. I squeezed the backs of her thighs with my fingertips and felt my cock attempt to twitch inside her. It was tempting to come then and there, to dump my come inside her since it’d been so long since the last time I did it.

  With her mouth open and her teeth visible, she breathed loudly through the pleasure, stuffed with a big dick that stretched her just right. Her nails cut into me, and she looked so sexy with her legs open for me like that. Her tits looked perfect, and her pretty hair was sprawled across the pillow around her. “God…Carter.”


  I scooped my hands around her thighs and pulled her toward me as I started to thrust. With slow and even strokes, I shoved my length entirely inside her and pulled out again, feeling her soft flesh around me from tip to base.

  Her eyes were on me the entire time, steaming like hot espresso. She licked her lips. Sometimes she would bite her lower lip. Her nails would carve into my skin. Like she was enjoying it even more than I was, she came apart right before my eyes.

  How the fuck would I last?

  I pulled my dick out of her and saw the glistening smear of arousal that covered me. Clear and shiny, it was all her, along with the cream that already built up at the head of my cock. A long thread of sticky slickness stretched between the head of my cock and her pussy. She was so drenched, we were connected even when we were apart. “Jesus Christ, sweetheart.” I shoved myself back inside her with a hard thrust, hitting her deep and making her wince slightly but moan at the same time.

  I moved into her hard and fast, wanting to push her to a climax as quickly as possible. A women’s pleasure wasn’t a challenge for me, but right now, it seemed to be the most difficult thing in the world. I knew she wanted those powerful orgasms I’d given her before, and I had to deliver before I enjoyed mine.

  She grabbed the edge of the bed underneath her ass so she could pull herself into me, meet my thrusts with her own. Her tits shook with her movements, her nipples hard and stimulated. Her moans turned to screams, and my name flew out of her mouth more times than I could count.

  “Come, sweetheart.” I was a man who could usually last longer than this, but right now, that seemed impossible. I rubbed her clit vigorously while I slammed into her, determined to push her over the edge and give her the climax she’d been craving.

  Thankfully, she did. Her eyes closed and her mouth flew open as she bucked her hips and enjoyed the orgasm my cock unleashed. She yanked herself farther into me, taking more of my length as I rubbed her clit continuously. Her pussy clenched around me with the grip of a warrior, and more of her slickness flooded my length. I was soaked from tip to base, drenched in this woman’s pleasure.

  Her orgasms seemed to last forever, but maybe that was just because every second she enjoyed one was a second I had to hold back. But bein
g the gentleman that I was, I kept my shit together, kept my dick hard and penetrating. I slammed into her with my thumb circling her clit, milking every single second of goodness out of the climax.

  When her hips stopped bucking and the momentum passed, her eyes opened again and settled on me. Her pleasure had been powerful, but she looked at me like she wanted more, like that was only the beginning. Her hands reached for my chest as her pussy slowly softened around me. “Please come inside me…sir.”

  My cock naturally twitched at her choice of words. Anytime a woman wanted my come it was hot, but she put a special spin on it.

  “I want it…so much.”

  Jesus. Christ. I gripped her by the neck and stared into her face as I finished, giving my final pumps before release. With my eyes fixed on hers like a hunter and its prey, I pounded into her pussy before I felt the explosion from the head of my dick. I ruptured inside her, filled her with so much come that it moved up my dick as I kept thrusting into her. Her little cunt couldn’t take it all. It never could. I moaned as I enjoyed the pleasure that circulated in every single vein. I could feel the heat all the way in my gut, feel the aftershocks of goodness ripple through me. It was a good climax, better than normal. Every time this woman made me come, it was better than the last time.

  “That’s exactly what I wanted…” Sweat gleamed in the valley between her tits even though I was the one who did all the fucking. Her hands felt my chiseled stomach as I continued to throb inside her, my dick slowly beginning to soften. “And I want it again…please.”

  I loved hearing that word from her mouth.


  Like she had to beg me.

  “Please, sir,” I corrected.

  Her nipples hardened, and the skin of her cheeks flushed crimson. “Please, sir.”

  I woke up the next morning with Mia beside me. Naked and beautiful, she had her hair spread all over my pillow. She smelled like a woman who had been thoroughly fucked the night before. I pressed a kiss to the back of her shoulder when I woke up, aroused by the sight of her beside me.

  This was real.


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