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Guardians of Stone (The Relic Seekers)

Page 5

by Clenney, Anita

“I got distracted by your perfume.”

  “I’m not wearing perfume.”

  Then she had the sexiest smelling skin known to man.

  She surveyed the room, eyes lingering on the bed.

  “You can sleep on the sofa if you’d prefer,” he said. “Looks small but you could curl up.”

  Her eyes narrowed, accusing. “Roberto said he just gave the last room to someone else, so why didn’t you book two rooms instead of one in the first place?”

  “He didn’t have it when I called. Don’t worry, I won’t attack you. I like my sex friendly.”

  “This is insane,” she said, looking at the large bed.

  He left her stewing and went to check the room. He was inspecting the lock on the window when a blue car rolled up the drive and pulled to a stop. He was vaguely aware of Kendall moving toward the bathroom as the car door opened and a leg appeared. Female. There was something about that leg...Before the rest of the woman could exit the car, Kendall cried out, and Jake ran to the bathroom.

  Kendall stood in the middle of the floor, smiling. “Look at the tub.”

  “You’re admiring a bathtub? I thought you’d been attacked.”

  “Sorry.” She squatted beside the tub, gazing at it like a mother looking at her newborn. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”

  It was a tub. It was white. What was the big deal?

  She reached out and ran her hand along the edge. “It’s old, like one I had before...” She flinched and jerked her hand back. She stood and wiped her hands on her jeans. “How’s the rest of the room?” she asked, her voice shaky.

  “Secure.” Jake frowned at the tub, expecting a tarantula. “What just happened?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “You looked like something bit you.”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  She wasn’t fine, but it was his job to protect her, not sort out her quirks. “You ready to go downstairs?”

  “You told Loretta we weren’t coming.”

  “I changed my mind.”


  “I want to check out the other guests. I like knowing who I’m sleeping under the same roof with.” That leg troubled him. He wanted to see its owner. Someone had followed them to the hotel, maybe even to Saint Peter’s Square. In spite of precautions, it was possible that they’d been followed here.

  “I need a few minutes,” Kendall said.

  “Don’t leave the room without me.” While she did whatever women did in the bathroom, Jake checked out the inn. After eavesdropping on guests and learning more about bowel movements and ghosts than he wanted to know, he slipped outside and walked the perimeter. When he came back, he ran into Roberto in the hallway.

  “The room? It is fine?”

  Jake nodded. “Yes, it’s fine. Thank you. We decided to grab a quick snack and then look around the area. Maybe go for a hike or visit some castles. Kara loves castles. There’s my lovely bride now,” he said through clenched teeth as Kendall appeared on the stairs. Couldn’t she follow any damned instructions? She had changed into khakis and a shirt that hugged her breasts. Perfect breasts. Firm. Just the right size. But he didn’t need to be focusing on her breasts no matter how perfect they were.

  “There are several castles in the area,” Roberto said. “A few within walking distance or a short ride.”

  Jake pulled his eyes from Kendall’s perfect breasts. “Anything haunted? She likes ghosts.”

  Roberto tapped a manicured finger against his cheek. “We have the haunted tour in town. It runs for the next three nights. There are reports of ghosts. Like the graveyard down the street, but—”

  “We were hoping to find something...darker,” Jake said. “Have you heard of the Protettori?”

  Roberto froze. “Where did you hear about them?” he whispered.

  “From a friend who’s interested in old legends.”

  Roberto took a quick breath, his eyes wide. “You don’t want to go there, even if you could find it. The place is cursed.”


  KENDALL RAISED HER eyebrows and looked at Jake. “Cursed? You’ve been there, Roberto?”

  “No. But I’ve heard stories since I was a boy. Whispers about them. There was a family in a nearby village who claimed an ancestor had helped build the castle.”

  “What stories?” Jake asked.

  “That there were ghosts and strange lights, and if anyone went there, they disappeared, never to be seen again.”

  “Do you know where the place is?” Kendall asked.

  Roberto looked wary. “Beyond the hills.”

  “Which hills?” Kendall asked.

  “Those.” He pointed out the window at the rolling hills dipping harshly across the landscape, covered in thick trees that gave way to mountains. “I don’t know exactly where. I was forbidden to go near as a child. Please stick to the tourist sites. Let me get you a brochure.” He hurried to the lobby and returned a moment later, opening a brochure. He pointed to a church. “This church and graveyard is on the haunted tour. It has catacombs and everything.”

  “I love catacombs,” Kendall said.

  Of course she would.

  Jake started to usher Kendall toward the dining room, where he could hear some lingering diners talking and laughing. He stopped and turned back to Roberto. “I saw a car arrive after we got here.”

  “Yes. The guest who was supposed to get your room. Another American. Lots of Americans. Lucky I speak good English.”

  When they neared the dining room, Loretta spotted them immediately. “Hello honeymooners,” she called, and every head in the place turned.

  “Come join us,” she said, patting a chair next to her.

  Jake would’ve bolted right then and there, but Kendall gave him her warning glare and put her hand on his arm. Before Jake knew it he was seated next to Gilbert Jenkins, who was as quiet as his wife was loud.

  “Oh look, there’s Brandi,” Loretta said. “She’s the last to join the tour group.”

  A redhead entered the dining room. She was midtwenties and pretty, with curves toned to muscle and hair fiery enough to make a man wonder if she ran hot in the bedroom. She glanced at their table and looked like she wanted to turn around and leave. Jake wondered if she was trying to avoid Loretta or them. Curious. She must have been the one who arrived in the blue car. She was wearing a green skirt that gave him a good look at her legs. Nice. And familiar. The nice part didn’t bother him. The familiar did.

  “Brandi, this is Jason and Kara,” Loretta said. “Brandi’s a nurse.” Brandi took a seat at a nearby table.

  “Where are you from, Brandi?” Kendall asked.

  “Wisconsin. This is my first trip to Italy. What brings you here?”

  “We’re honeymooning,” Jake said, rolling the words around in his mouth like rocks.

  Brandi’s gaze dropped to Kendall’s hand. Kendall quickly hid it in her lap as Brandi shifted her attention to Jake’s bare ring finger. They’d have to find some wedding rings or come up with a reason for not wearing them.

  “This is a nice place for a honeymoon,” Brandi said. “I think it’s the most charming inn I’ve ever visited.”

  “Everything I’ve seen is charming,” Loretta said. “I love Italy.” She took a bite of pizza and sighed. “So are you two sightseeing today? I heard you asking Roberto about a cursed castle. Do they do tours? I’d love to see a cursed castle.”

  Jake wished he could suffocate the woman. “Someone mentioned it on the way here. Tell me about this tour group,” he said to distract her.

  Loretta’s eyes lit up. She wiped her mouth, smearing what lipstick had survived the pizza grease. “There’s a bunch of us from Georgia. We’ve had a few others join the group. Like Brandi here. The more the merrier, I say. We’ve seen the most wonderful ruins and castles. There was a haunted church in Rome. It had catacombs and everything. It was so exciting. Wasn’t it exciting, Gilbert?”

  Gilbert shrugged. “Just a bunch of lanterns a
nd bones.”

  “When were you in Rome?” Jake asked, giving Loretta and Gilbert closer scrutiny. They were the last people anyone would suspect as attackers. A perfect disguise?

  “We left there yesterday,” Loretta said. “What a great city. Brandi, have you been to Rome?”

  The redhead was focused on her phone, apparently reading a text message. She looked up. “Not yet.”

  Loretta took a long drink of water. “You should see the Colosseum. It was like I could hear the cries of the gladiators. And Vatican City, now that’s a lovely place.” She tapped on the brochure Roberto had given Jake and Kendall. “You should join us tonight. It might not be as nice as Rome or Vatican City, but we might see some ghosts. Are you coming, Brandi?”

  “I can’t. I have some things to take care of tonight,” Brandi said, putting away her phone.

  Loretta adjusted her hair, which was tilting to one side. “Too bad. Jason, Kara?”

  “Sorry, we have plans,” Jake replied.

  “Maybe tomorrow night, then. It starts at eight thirty.” Loretta drained her bottle of water and wiped her double chin. “Get me another bottle of water, Gilbert. I shouldn’t have ordered pepperoni pizza. They make it with real peppers, you know.”

  “I’ll get you a bottle,” Brandi said. “I was going to get one myself.” She returned with four bottles of water and set one in front of each of them. “You’ll need to stay hydrated if you’re planning to do much walking.”

  “Is anyone up for shopping later?” Loretta asked, finishing the last bite of pizza crust. “I saw a little store in town that sells clothes. I need some new pants. Mine shrunk.”

  If she kept eating they’d have to remodel the inn to get her out the door.

  Brandi’s phone rang. She pulled it from her purse, looked at the display and frowned. “Excuse me, please.” She hurried from the dining room.

  Jake watched her go. Something wasn’t hitting him right about the nurse. There was a carefulness about her speech and stance, even her facial expressions, that usually indicated a person was hiding something. He’d used the tactic many times himself when he wanted to keep his identity hidden. Nathan...He’d damned near perfected it.

  Jake considered following Brandi but Loretta chose that moment to choke. Kendall pounded her on the back and Jake handed her his bottle of water.

  After Loretta caught her breath, she pushed back her chair and stood. “I think I’d better lie down. I’m not feeling so well. My acid reflux is acting up. Come on, Gilbert.”

  Gilbert rose like a piece of petrified wood and followed.

  “If you change your mind, we’ll see you at dinner,” Loretta called.

  “Like hell,” Jake muttered after they’d moved out of earshot.

  Kendall picked up her bottle of water and stood. “I’m going upstairs to check in with Nathan.”

  She seemed to check in with Nathan a lot. Jake looked down the hall where Brandi had disappeared. “I need to do something. Then we can try to find the road to this castle.”

  He followed Brandi’s scent to the library, a large room filled with bookshelves and an assortment of cozy chairs scattered here and there. Long windows looked out over the grounds of the inn. Brandi stood at the window, talking on her phone. The afternoon sun streaming through the glass lit her hair, making it look like a flame. She hadn’t realized she had company yet. Jake stayed outside the doorway, listening.

  “It’s too risky. You said yourself that you think someone is watching you. Just let it go, please. We don’t even know for certain...” Brandi tensed. “You’re sure?” She dropped onto a chair, her body stiff. “My God, after all this time.” She listened for a minute, tugging nervously at her hair. “Even if you’re right, don’t do this. It can’t change what happened, and what if he finds out?” She turned, catching sight of Jake, and jumped up, her eyes wide. “I have to go.”

  “Sorry I startled you. I just stopped to get a book...for my wife.” The term didn’t sound as awkward as before.

  “Oh, what does she like to read?” Brandi asked, laying her phone down. “Maybe I can help you find a book.”

  “Mysteries and thrillers,” he guessed, wondering what that call was about. Was she having an affair and worried about a spouse finding out? Or was it something darker?

  “Let’s see. How about Dan Brown? I saw one earlier. My brother loves...” She stopped and pulled out a book. “Here it is.” She handed it to him, her face blank except for the nerve jumping under her eye. Jake took the novel, and when he turned, he saw Kendall watching from the doorway. Damned if he didn’t find himself moving away from Brandi like a guilty husband.

  “Brandi helped me find a book for you to read,” he said, handing it to Kendall.

  “A book? Thank you.” She didn’t look thankful.

  “I think we’d better get moving, love,” he said, taking Kendall’s arm. They said good-bye to Brandi and left the library. He looked back and saw Brandi staring out the window, her forehead wrinkled in a frown.

  “What were you doing with her?” Kendall asked when they were in the hallway.

  “Careful, darlin’, you sound like a jealous wife.”

  Her eyes flashed. “I’m not jealous.”

  “I was eavesdropping.”

  “Did you learn anything?”

  “She has a brother who likes Dan Brown.”

  “I found out something better.”

  “I didn’t realize it was a contest.” He put a hand behind her back as they started up the stairs.

  “Brandi lied about being in Rome.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Roberto just brought up some extra towels and he said she’d mentioned something about the airport in Rome being crowded. Why would she lie? After that note, I’m starting to suspect everyone.”

  That was the best way to stay alive. “Maybe she just meant she hadn’t seen any sights in Rome.” Jake unlocked their bedroom door.

  “You’re defending her?” Kendall said, stepping inside.

  “I’m not defending her. I’m just being logical.” He picked up Kendall’s backpack and handed it to her, and then grabbed his own.

  Kendall slung hers over her shoulder. “Sounds to me like you’re thinking with something besides your brain.”

  “Stop jumping to catty conclusions. I actually think she’s up to something too. I just overheard a strange conversation, but that doesn’t mean she’s guilty. She could be having an affair. We’ll keep an eye on her.” And it might not be a bad idea to find another place to stay. “Let’s see if we can get a location on this castle, and then we’ll figure out what Brandi’s hiding.”

  The town looked like a postcard. There weren’t many people out. Just a few tourists wandering idly about. Most of the shops were still closed for lunch. Jake stopped at a store and they picked up supplies, including bottles of water and snacks they could throw in their packs.

  “Isn’t that Brandi?” Kendall asked.

  Jake looked up and saw the redhead turn onto a side street. “That’s her.” A man was walking behind her. Jake saw him for only a second, but he got that prickly feeling in his neck again.

  “That man’s either with her or following her,” Kendall said.

  “Wait in the car. I’ll see where they’re headed.” He made sure Kendall was locked inside and then jogged toward the street Brandi and the man had taken. They had vanished. There wasn’t enough time to check it out. He and Kendall were already losing daylight. He hurried back to the car.

  “Lost them,” he said. “She’s probably cheating on a husband. This is far cry from Wisconsin. Good place to have hot sex without anyone finding out.”

  “You think about sex a lot.”

  “Next best thing to doing it.” Something he hadn’t done for a while. “Let me know if you want to give it a try.”

  “Don’t hold your breath. I don’t mix dating with work.”

  He didn’t either, usually. But what he had in mind wasn’t dating.

  Kendall looked back at the street where Brandi and the man had disappeared. “She’s up to something.”

  “Is this your sixth sense talking?”

  “More like female intuition. She’s hiding something.”

  “Most people are.”

  Small towns and villages changed to rural farmland as they drove toward the hills. The gentle roll of the land became more rugged, the trees showing the golden colors of fall. Suddenly he wished they were here for something more fun than searching for an ancient box. Italy was a paradise for lovers. He’d never been one for sightseeing, but with Kendall it might be fun. She had a way of digging into history, making the past come alive. The best part would be the nights in bed, lots of them, he would hope, and—hell, what was he thinking? Daydreaming like a damned teenager. She’d just said she didn’t mix dating and work. He sure as hell didn’t need any distractions. He needed to focus on his own search for answers to his past.

  He checked their surroundings. According to what Edward and Roberto had said, they were getting close to the area where the Protettori had lived. Jake glanced over and saw Kendall staring straight ahead, not blinking. She looked like she was in a trance.

  “Is that jet lag or a vision?” Jake asked.

  “Turn here,” she said, looking at an isolated stretch of land.

  He slowed the car. “You mean that goat path?” He hadn’t expected a paved road and a welcome sign, but hell.

  He eased the car off the road and parked behind some trees. This road wouldn’t get much traffic, but no need to advertise their presence. The area was hilly, covered with rocks and trees. Beautiful in a treacherous kind of way. A good place for a secret society. He opened the trunk of the vehicle and pulled out his pack.

  “We can’t stay long,” he said, checking the position of the sun. He put on his pack and tucked the gun in the back of his jeans for quick access. He preferred a holster if he was covering rough ground, but guns were easier to hide than a holster. “I’ll go first. Don’t want Jill breaking her crown.”

  She slung her bag over her shoulder. “If I remember correctly, it was Jack who fell,” she said, moving ahead of him.


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