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Alicron_Aliens Of Xeion

Page 9

by Maia Starr

  “You have feelings? You can feel rage? I didn't think a tin can like you had any feelings,” I said sneering at him.

  “You try to insult me. You cannot insult me because you are my prisoner now. You are my prisoner forever. I will never let you go. You will not slip away again,” he said.

  “I am not yours. I do not belong to you. I do not belong to anyone. I am a human, and nobody own me,” I said.

  “You are wrong, human; I own you. You are mine. I will do with you as I please. I am not entirely sure what that is yet considering I have not explored what you are,” he said as he ran his hand from my shoulder to my neck. He grabbed my neck squeezing it slightly. He was terrifying. I was scared, but I did not want to show him that he was making me scared. Then his hand continued down my body. “I am sure that I will find out more about what you are once I get this clothing off of you,” he said as his hand moved over my breast. Then it moved further down over my belly until it was resting on my crotch.

  “Get your fucking hands off of me!” I shouted.

  “I will do what I want,” he said. I wanted to push him away, but my hands were tied behind my back behind a post on the ship. Then he stood up.

  “I will never be yours,” I said.

  “You are already mine,” he said. Then he slid his long tongue out of his mouth. I was surprised that it was not mechanical. It was flesh. He licked my chin and continued clicking up my cheek. I pulled my face away. I was completely disgusted.

  “You taste good. I cannot wait to taste more of you,” he said. I was scared. Was he going to chop me up and eat me? It was possible. I didn't know anything about these creatures on this strange planet that I was on. Suddenly being with the Kynon who wanted us as wives was not so bad compared to this.

  “I cannot wait to kill you,” I said in return.

  Then he laughed. It surprised me. I did not think that the machines could laugh or know what humor was. “You? You are so smart, and so weak. You have no mechanical parts. Yet you think that you are going to kill me. You cannot kill me. No one can kill me. I am the leader of the Vindon. Killing me would cause a war on this planet. Many leaders want to kill me, but they cannot. None of them will out of fear of retaliation of the Vindon. Yet you, the tiny human, think that you can kill me. I have never heard of something more ridiculous than this,” he said.

  “I am not a leader. I am just a human, a visitor on this planet. Therefore I have nothing to fear in killing you except that I won't be able to kill you again, and again,” I said.

  “You are going to be fun. This is just what I have needed. I have been bored these many years. I am glad that you crashed onto my planet. Once we get to my city, the fun can begin,” he said.

  Finally, he stepped away from me. He went to a different part of the ship. I was glad for it. I did not want to be near him. He scared the shit out of me. But what did he say about the city? That made me nervous. I was hoping that we would go back to another camp like the one I was in to begin with. The camp was easier to run away from. This city that he talked about sounded like it would be harder to escape from. It was probably a city full of cyborgs. I tried to look out of the glass, but it was still a blur.

  “Alicron, please come for me,” I whispered to myself. I pulled on the chains on my arms. They were too strong. I could not get loose. Even if I could, I couldn't exactly jump off of this ship.

  All I could do was wait. Half an hour later, the transport began to slow down. I grew nervous, this meant we were near our destination. This was not good. I did not want to be with K8L alone. I looked out the glass again, but this time I could see. It was not a blur. We were in the desert again. There was a large rock wall; I could see carvings into it. Then I realized that the entire city was carved into the rock wall. It was several stories high. Shit. this was like a fortress. There would be no escaping it.

  “Human, it is time,” a cyborg said as he entered the room. I was glad that it was not K8L. I assumed as the leader he had other important things to do. The cyborg unlocked my chains. But he held the chains in his hands and pulled on them. I had no choice but to follow him. Then I felt a familiar jolt of the transport coming to a stop. We had landed.

  “Mango, the human…” the cyborg said as he brought me to the ramp. Mango was standing there with several other cyborgs.

  “Put her with the other. I will have to deal with her later,” K8L said. He didn't even look at me. This was good. I had time. The cyborg yanked on my chains and pulled me to the ramp. I walked down it, following him. But what did K8L mean by the other? Crap, did he mean Nancy? I had almost forgotten that she was with me when I was first taken. Alicron wasn't able to rescue her and me because we had been under pressure and hunted. Was Nancy still with these things? I hoped that she was all right and they had not hurt her.

  As I walked off the ship, I got a good look at the city. It was massive. The brown rock wall stood very high. It was like a massive castle fortress built into the wall, complete with towers. I could see the shiny chrome of the cyborgs walking around. There were millions of them; it was obviously a cyborg city.

  “Hurry up. Keep up, human. Too slow,” the cyborg yanked on my chains. I kept up with him. It hurt when he pulled on my arms with the chain. I kept going. I was trying to memorize everything that I saw so that maybe I could find my way out of here later. But it was a labyrinth of carved walls. It would be very hard, and we kept walking uphill into the fortress higher and higher on the wall. We zigzagged up a ramp that went across from one side to the other climbing higher and higher into the fortress.

  “This belongs to K8L. I have to put her with the other creature,” the cyborg said as he came to a large wooden door that was guarded by two cyborgs. I noticed that this area of the fortress was more ornate with carvings. This was obviously the castle of the leader, K8L.

  The guards nodded and opened the door. I was lead inside. It was cavernous, like a grand hall. Then I was the lead down more hallways. We walked up several flights of stairs. Then he unlocked a door. I was surprised there was not a guard there. The door opened, and he pushed me in. I fell to the ground. Then the door locked behind me.

  "Vicki? oh my God, Vicki! I'm so happy to see you! I did not know if they still had you or not,” Nancy said running to my side.

  “Nancy. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” I asked.

  “I am not hurt. But I wouldn't say that I'm okay. I am being held prisoner by these damn robots!” she said helping me to my feet. I looked around the room. It was furnished. I was expecting a prison cell, but this was a room to sleep in.

  “Yes, you are right. This is really fucked up,” I said.

  She hugged me. “I am just glad to see you again. I am glad to see any human.”

  "Yes, I know the feeling,” I said.

  “Where have you been? The last time I saw you was in the camp. Have you been at the camp this whole time? What happened?” she asked.

  “It is a very long story. No, I was not at the camp. I was rescued, but then I was captured again and brought here,” I said.

  “What? Are you fucking kidding me?” she said.

  “No, I am not. It is a long story. I will tell you everything, but first, tell me what you know about this place. Did you see what it looks like out there? This is like a castle. How are we ever going to get out of here? I need to know everything that you know about this place. Then I will tell you everything that has happened since I last saw you,” I said.

  “All right, come, sit down,” she said walking me to the bed.

  Chapter 17

  Captain Alicron Qinov

  The ship could not go fast enough for me. I knew that I did not want to be without this human female creature named Vicki. I had bonded with her; I wanted her. She was mine. Even though she was stubborn and had wandered off, it did not give this cyborg scum the right to take her from me. She was rightfully mine. I was the one that had taken her from her home planet of Earth. That meant that she was my bounty. I claimed her
. I had already pushed my cock inside of her. She was mine, and the more I thought about that cyborg with her, the more rage built up inside of me.

  “We are closing in on C2,” Keyna said.

  “Good. What's the plan?” I asked.

  “We have to land on the backside of the rock wall that the city is built into, about a mile away. Then we will go on foot the rest of the way. The way we can get in is through drainage on the backside. We have done it before; we have not been caught. You will see,” Keyna said.

  “And once we are inside?” I asked.

  “Then we have to stay quiet. There are millions of cyborgs in the city. The only way that we stand a chance is to be invisible. If we come across a cyborg, then we take it out quietly. Do not use your guns. We have found that a knife through the side of the neck short circuits the cyborgs and they fall. We can show you how. Do you have a knife?” he asked.

  I smiled and pulled out the long knife in my boot holster.

  “That will do. Is it metal? Stone blades will not work,” he said.

  “Yes, it is metal. It will work,” I said.

  “Good. Then let's get your property back,” Keyna said.

  Minutes later, we were landing behind a massive rock mountain. The Lana were obviously skilled. I watched them prepare for the mission.

  “This way,” Keyna said as we got out of the ship and quickly ran across toward the massive wall. When we finally were next to it, there was a large iron grate covering a massive hole. There was a series of pipes.

  “This is it. This is how we got in last time. The key is to cut it open, and then seal it when we leave. This is how they don't to know that we have been coming and going through here. It is very important that we keep up with this,” Keyna said.

  “How do we cut it open and seal it back up?” I asked.

  "Tila…” Keyna said.

  Tila stepped forward. He pulled out a small device. A purple laser beam came out of it and sizzled away the metal along one side. Then he stopped. He pulled open the iron gate. Tila turned to us and smiled.

  “That is handy. Remind me to get one of those from you,” I said.

  “Follow me. Remember, we do this quietly,” Keyna said as he pulled out a massive knife. I did the same. We quietly walked into the drain. It was dark. Keyna turn on a small light on his wrist; it was red and did not cause too much light where we would be noticed.

  “We have to follow this up to the castle. That means we have to climb. Mango has his quarters in the tower. It is the only way. Once we get to a certain point, we will have to come out of the drain and down the halls. Ready?” Keyna said.

  “I am ready,” I said. I could not believe how lucky I was that I hired the right hired guns for this job. They had already been through here, and that was a big help. If it was up to me, I would be coming through the front of the city or trying to climb up the rock on the side. This was so much better. The longer we stayed unnoticed, the more successful this could be.

  We followed the maze of pipes, and up a couple of ladders here and there. It was wet and dark. We went quietly as small creatures like rats scurried about. It took us almost ten minutes to get to the level that we needed to be at. But I was fortunate that we were able to get this deep underground without being noticed. It was definitely working on our side.

  “This is it. We have to come out of the drains now. But we are on the level that we need to be. There will be cyborgs. Everyone, get ready,” Keyna said pulling out his long knife again. He turned off the light on his wrist.

  He climbed up a few stones steps and slowly moved a giant slab of square stone above his head. I assumed it was a tile on the floor of the castle. He did it slowly. He listened; there was no sound. He slid it some more and looked into the crack.

  “It looks clear,” he said. Then he slid it all the way open and climbed up. I followed him. We had entered a long hallway. It was empty. But that did not mean there were no cyborgs around. We each quietly came through the floor. Then Keyna grabbed the tile and slid it back, leaving it open a slight crack.

  “Take notice of where we are. This is our way back, and we might be in a hurry,” he said.

  “Which way do you think that she is?” I whispered.

  “Down that way is the living quarters in this area. In that direction are the meeting rooms,” he said.

  "Then let's head toward the living quarters,” I said.

  “Quietly, and stay against the wall,” Keyna said. We are wind our backs against the wall and slowly slid against them to the end of the hallway. Keyna put his hand up to stop us. His knife was in his hand, and he held up two fingers. I nodded. I knew what that meant. There were two cyborgs around the corner. He would take one, and I would take the other. I held up my knife. Keyna gave me the signal. In a flash, we moved around the corner. I grabbed a cyborg and pushed my knife into the neck right where Keyna had told me to. The cyborg fell to the ground instantly. Keyna did the same thing. Yivo came around the corner with Mabi and they quietly opened a door to a room. They checked it out.

  “It's clear; I am here,” Mabi said. Keyna and I dragged the cyborgs into that room. It was an empty room with a bed. It let me know that we were in the living quarter areas. We hid the cyborgs in there. Then we went back out into the hallway.

  “She has to be in here somewhere,” I whispered.

  Just then I heard a scream. “Aagh! Get off me!”

  "Vicki,” I said. It was her. I ran down the hall. The Lana followed me.

  I could hear her screaming. I burst through the door. Mango had her on the bed, and he was on top of her. I went through a flash of rage as I dove for him. I pulled him off of her. I was glad to see that she was fully clothed. I had got there just in time.

  “You. How did you get in here?” Mango said.

  “Don't kill him,” Keyna said to me. He saw the anger on my face.

  “Are you all right, Vicki?” I asked. She was looking at me with big eyes. She was completely surprised.

  “How did you… where? I am all right,” she said getting off the bed and moving far away from Mango.

  "I should kill you for taking what is mine,” I said holding up my life to him.

  Mango laughed. “You cannot kill me.” I took a step toward him.

  “Don't. Remember what I said,” Keyna said stepping toward me.

  “I want you to remember this moment. I want you to remember that the only reason you will stay alive is because I decided not to kill you. Know that I could,” I said stepping toward him.

  "You will never get out of here alive,” he said.

  I looked at Keyna. How are we going to get out of here, because as soon as K8L was left alone, he would call his guards?

  “Leave that to me,” Keyna said as he walked toward K8L.

  “What are you doing?” Mango said.

  “Hold him,” Keyna said to his team. Tila, Yivo, and Mabi, held Mango down. Mango opened his mouth to yell for the guards just as Keyna pulled on a wire on the back of his head. Mango fell to the floor.

  “I thought you said not to kill him,” I said.

  “I did not. I just disabled him. They will be able to re-activate him in no time. Put him on the bed. It will make him look like he is sleeping. We have to get out of here now,” Keyna said.

  The others put K8L on the bed.

  “Nancy, we have to get Nancy; she is in the next room,” Vicki said heading for the door.

  “Nancy?” I said.

  “She is another human that was with me when you took us from Earth. We cannot leave her here. I won't leave without her,” she said opening the door.

  “Wait, let us make sure it is clear,” I said.

  I looked out the door. The hallway was empty. I nodded to Vicki. She quickly ran out, and we followed her, closing the door to the room that K8L was in. She opened the door to another room.

  “Vicki. What happened? I heard you screaming,” the other human said. I walked in.

  “You again,” Nancy s

  “No time to talk, Nancy; they are here to rescue us. Let's go,” Vicki said to the other human.

  “You don't have to tell me twice,” Nancy said.

  We lead them down the hallway back to our escape in the floor. We were lucky. We had only had to take out two cyborgs and disable the leader. I knew that he would be pissed off about it and want revenge, but I could deal with that later.

  “We are going down there?” Nancy said as Keyna open and the tile on the floor.

  “Or you can stay here,” I said to her.

  She gave me a look. I help to Vicki down the ladder and Nancy followed.

  “Gross, it's the sewer,” Nancy said.


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