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Alicron_Aliens Of Xeion

Page 21

by Maia Starr

  “I told you that I would come for you. I promised.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Now let me get you out of there,” he said as he began to fiddle with the lock.

  “What is that cart for?” I asked him.

  “For you, I am afraid. It is the only way that I can get you out of here without anyone noticing.”

  “That? You want me to hide in that? I don't think I will fit,” I said, remembering just how claustrophobic I was.

  “You will be fine. Here is the plan. I am going to put you in this cart and take you out onto the landing port I am going to put you on a ship and then take off. I will come open the cart whenever I know that it is safe to do so. Do you understand this plan?” he asked.

  “Yes, I do. I wish it were a different plan, but anyway out of here is good enough for me.”

  “There, it's open,” he said opening the door.

  I quickly ran out of the cell and for some reason I jumped into his arms. I hugged him tightly. I was just so thankful that he had come back for me. I was so thankful that he knew what he was doing and had the skill to unlock the door and get us out of there. He put his large hands on the small of my back. I could feel the heat from his skin. Even in this moment of danger, I was completely aroused by him. I looked up at his towering form into his soft brown eyes. He gave me a little sideways grin. It was that arrogant grin once more.

  “I know you want me, Maria, but it's going to have to wait until we have more time. I want to make sure that I fuck you properly,” he smiled.

  “Ugh, I was just giving you a hug to thank you. Now how do I get into this thing?” I said pushing myself off of him.

  He opened a large silver box on the cart. It was very long, like a trunk; I climbed into it and laid down on my side in fetal position.

  “I am going to leave the lid open just a crack. To let some air in. I don't need you suffocating,” he said in a teasing way. I didn't know how he could be so playful at the moment like this.

  I could see out of it but just a sliver. Then the cart began to move, and it was very loud. I could only hear the sound of the wheels on the floor. It was very hard for me to not see what was going on. I did notice when it went from dark to light, and I knew that we had left the prison area. I could hear lots of voices going about their daily routine; that was good. It was better than hearing shouting. Shouting would mean we had been busted. Then I heard very loud talking and I wondered where we were. It looked very busy out of the small sliver on the box. I heard engines roaring, and I wondered if we had made it to the area that they kept the ships. Suddenly the box moved as though I were being pushed up a ramp. That was a good sign. Perhaps it meant I was being pushed into a ship cargo area. The cart was put into place, and I could see other boxes around me. Then the cart stopped. I heard a whisper; it was the commander. He was leaning down over the cart as though he was checking the cargo, but instead he was talking to me.

  “We made it onto a ship. Be very quiet. I will come for you. You will feel the movement of the ship and a fast escape. Don't get out.”

  Then he was gone. I lay there in the darkness. I did not know what was happening. It was very unnerving not to know. What if he was caught and I stayed in the trunk? What if the ship took off but he was not the pilot, and it was one of these other warriors, and then I would be separated from him? He would be kept a prisoner on the space station, and I would be taken to god-knows-where never to be seen or heard from again. I tried to keep my breathing quiet and regular. Then I felt the movement of the ship, just as he said, and I felt the vibration of an engine come on.

  Then the ship jolted, and the cart moved a few inches. All the boxes around me also moved. I felt the sensation of a slight incline and fast movement. I was happy. The ship had taken off, and I hoped that it was, in fact, the commander at the seat and no one else. I hoped that we had gotten away without anyone noticing, just a routine flight leaving the space station like normal. I waited for almost thirty minutes, and I was beginning to get very scared. How long would this take?

  “Maria?” I heard Cerik’s voice, and it was music to my ears.

  “Yes, I am here still,” I said lifting the lid.

  “We did it,” he said as he opened the lid all the way and pulled me out and picked me up until I was on my feet. I sighed in relief and hugged him again. Without warning, he grabbed me and planted a kiss on my mouth. I was not expecting it, but as soon as he kissed me, I could not stop. I was telling myself that it was a kiss of celebration and nothing more, but if that was the case, then why were my hands moving up and down his strong chest? Damn it.

  “Come on. I have to get back to the flight deck. We are not exactly safe yet; we are still in range of the space station radar.”

  “Okay,” I said, following him out of the cargo and into the main area of the ship. It was not the ship that we had come there on. It was a bigger ship. It was one of the opposition ships.

  “Strap in,” he said to me. I took the seat next to his and strapped in with the belt. I was glad to be able to do it myself and not be a burden. I knew he had to concentrate to get us out of there. He sat down and was very focused.

  “We have to make a different plan. I cannot take you to my home planet. As soon as they find out that we are missing, they will quickly follow us and catch up with us.”

  “So what do we do? Where do we go?” I asked feeling very confused. I did not know space. I didn't know anything about anything with the galaxies. Hell, until a few days before, I didn't even know that aliens existed. I could not be of any help.

  “We are going to go in the exact opposite direction. They will go toward my planet of Kelon and we are going to go in the opposite direction to a small moon known as Ikik. it is the perfect hiding place for now. Until I can figure it out. I have a few friends there that can help us,” he said.

  “Sounds good to me,” I said quietly.

  “All right. It is now time,” he said.

  “Time for what?”

  “I am going to disengage the radar. We are still on the space station radar, and I had to do that in order to look normal. But now that we are far enough away, I'm going to disengage so that I disappear from their radar. Then I'm going to change direction and jump into hyperspeed. Right now we are heading in the direction of my planet; that is the last that they will see of the ship when they finally realize we are gone.”

  “You are throwing them off. That is smart,” I said impressed with his clever plan. He had obviously thought this through.

  “Here goes,” he said as I watched him push a bunch of buttons and then out of nowhere the ship changed course with a sharp U-turn. Then it jumped into a very fast speed. Everything was a blur around us.

  “Oh my God! This is very fast!” was all I could say as I held onto the seat. I was not expecting it to be this fast. It was amazing, but also very scary at the same time.

  “Hold on,” he said.

  “Yes, that is exactly what I am doing,” I said.

  I watched as he expertly handled the ship. It was very different from before. It was as though he had taken more lessons in flying because he was doing a better job than he did when we were trying to not be captured. I thought it was very strange, but what did I know about flying a spaceship? Perhaps it was just because this ship was very different; it was bigger. Maybe it was more advanced than the ship that he had. I was not going to ask questions. I did not want to distract him. I sat in the chair quietly watching him. As I watched him, I found myself getting turned on. He had kept his promise to me. He had rescued me just like he said he was going to. He promised that we would get out of there and we did. We were now far away from them, and as I sat there, I remembered one thing. Experiments. I remembered it was what Ephane said to me before I passed out after he gave me that shot. I sucked in a sharp breath of air as I remembered this. I did not want to ask the commander about it; I did not want to distract him. But a panic was welling inside of me. What the hell did they d
o to me? He said that I was being given the shot so that it would make it easier for them to experiment on me. That's what he had said. What the hell did he mean by that? I looked at my body up and down, looking for marks without being too obvious. I did not want the commander to notice. I had to remember that as soon as we were out of this ridiculous fast speed to go to the washroom and check my body.

  About an hour later, we pulled out of hyperspeed. The ship slowed down, and I could see the stars in space once more.

  “I am going to go find the washroom,” I said, unbuckling the seatbelt.

  “You will find it somewhere in the back. This ship is much larger, but you should find it.”

  I stood up from the seat and made my way to the back. I found the washroom and stepped in. I took off the sheer blue dress and my bikini and stood there naked. I looked over every inch of my body and could not find anything. There were no marks. But this was a very advanced alien race and maybe they did not need to even touch me. Perhaps the experiments were done with scanning and lasers. I got dressed and then went back to join the commander. I said nothing. I was too scared to. What if he knew what kind of experiment they did on me and I was contagious or something? He would probably throw me out into space. No, I could not take that chance, not until I knew what had been done to me.

  I stared into his brown alien eyes and got lost in them. Cerik, this dragon shifter alien, was so damn attractive that just looking at him made me hot. I could not stop thinking about how he made me cum before with his fingers. At that moment, Cerik leaned over and kissed me just like he had before. I could not hold on any longer, and I allowed myself to indulge, again. I put my arms around his neck and my hands into his long black hair and kissed him back. He groaned as his massive hands went around my waist. He pushed me onto the floor of the spaceship and rolled his strong and heavy alien body on top of me. I opened my thighs instantly, as though I ached to feel his body on my center. He pressed his long, lean, and muscular body between my legs. His hand pushed up my leg, taking the sheer dress with it.

  “Oh, Cerik, fuck me,” I whispered.

  “Yes, I will. Like you have never been fucked before. But not until I’ve tasted you first, Maria,” he said as he moved his mouth down the length of my body. His hands pulled off everything that I was wearing until I was lying there naked. He grinned as he looked at my body. I felt so damn sexy. I had never felt this sexy before. But he saw me differently than any man on Earth, and I liked that. He plunged his face directly into my wet center and licked. I arched my back up, and I ached for him to push his cock inside of me. But I would have to wait. Instead, he pushed his tongue up and down inside my slit. He had a very long alien tongue. “Oh god, yes,” I moaned as my fingers twisted into his thick hair. I was already on the brink of cumming again, and he was only getting started.

  “Damn you taste so good, Maria,” he groaned between licking me in a husky voice.

  “Make me cum again, Cerik. Just like you did before,” I whispered.

  His hands moved up my body. His arms were so long that his hands reached my breasts with ease and he massaged them. His long tongue flicked and pressed against my clitoris; he moved it back and forth, left to right.

  “Oh yes. That’s it. Don’t stop. Lick my slit; please, Cerik, don’t stop,” I said, begging for it. I was losing myself in him and my ridiculous rules. Then I exploded into sweet, sweet surrender and release. “I’m cumming, Cerik.”

  Cerik groaned and grunted like an animal, a dragon, as he licked me. I was so sensitive as the vibrations and the pulsing moved from my center through my tremoring and excited body. He looked up at me and smiled. He had that damn arrogant grin on his face, and I knew that he was right. He was right about everything. I did want him, and I liked it. I was begging him for it. Damn him. But even in my annoyance, I was enjoying the epic orgasm, and I was eager to have his cock inside of me.

  Cerik sat up and pulled the belt off of his waist. He dropped the loin cloth around him. I looked at his crotch. He had a long and thick cock. It was big and perfectly smooth and pink. I bit my lower lip as I looked at it and admired it. I didn’t know what to expect from a dragon alien, but it was better than I thought it would be. He smiled at me. “Like what you see, human female?”

  “I do,” I said.

  “Good; you’re going to like it even better when it is inside of you. I promise you that. You are going to scream wildly.”

  He was so damn arrogant, and his words were filthy and filled me with desire. I wanted him to prove that statement to me.

  I wanted him so damn badly. All of my problems had faded away, and I forgot that I had been abducted by him and that I should hate him. I only wanted him. He crawled on top of me, all nine feet of him. His large body pressed against mine and I felt sexy as hell.

  “You’re so beautiful, Maria,” Cerik whispered as he kissed my neck. I sighed, enjoying his words and his touch. Then he climbed my body higher and his chest and abs aligned with my face. Then I felt the thick, round tip of his cock press against my center, and I opened my thighs wider. I wanted him inside of me. He moved and lunged forward and entered me. “Oh yes, yes, Cerik,” I moaned. It felt so good, just as he promised. He was filling me in a slow, deliberate movement with his thick and rigid shaft. His moans and growling were very sexy, like a beast. “Mmm, you’re so tight, Maria, and delicate.”

  I wrapped my arms around his back and ran them up and down. I felt strong and toned muscles as I did so. I allowed my fingertips to explore every inch of that strong and broad back. He was physically fit and absolutely perfect. He was a real warrior; I could tell.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this. You’re an alien. This is wrong,” I whispered as he moved in and out of me.

  “I know, but because it is wrong, it feels good. You are being bad, and that is what you like, isn’t it, Maria?” his husky voice asked.

  He was right. Being bad felt good, and I was being a bad human female. “Yes,” I answered. This was hotter than anything I had ever experienced, the best sex of my life. That was thrilling!

  As he held himself over me, I looked at Cerik’s thick arms as his biceps and forearm muscles flexed. Damn, he was strong. I moved my hands up and down those arms wanting to feel every inch of his muscles. I wanted to savor his masculine form. I kissed his chest softly, then aggressively. I wanted to ravage him like an animal and lick every inch of him.

  “Harder, Cerik; fuck me harder. Don’t hold back. I’m begging you,” I whispered.

  “You asked for it, Maria, and I’m going to give it to you hard,” he whispered. He began to pound me harder and faster. His fat cock moved in and out of my wetness with ease as our bodies collided. Our skins smacked loudly together loudly as we fucked in space. An emotional surge welled up inside of me as I never thought anything this wild or beautiful would ever happen to me. Just how long had I wanted something like this, adventurous and different, to happen to me?

  The throbbing of my wet center was powerful as I exploded into orgasm again. I moaned loudly, and I felt electricity shoot through me. “Oh fuck. Oh Cerik, I’m cumming.” I could barely get the words out of my mouth.

  “I’m going to cum, Maria,” he grunted and tensed too. I was glad that he felt it too. I felt like I wanted to please him and knowing that he felt the brink made me feel good. Then I felt his warm liquid shoot inside me, filling me up as he groaned and growled like a beast. He was so damn hot.

  I melted into the floor of the spaceship as he lowered his body onto mine and I felt the weight of him. I could smell his delicious scent on me, and I inhaled it again. I moved my hands up and down the sides of his strong body. I did it because I wanted to memorize as much of him as I could, because in the back of my mind, I knew that we could never do this again. This absolutely had to be one of those one-time things. But for now, I was going to enjoy his strong alien dragon body on top of me while his thick cock was still inside of me.



  Being with Maria was better than I thought it would be. It was damn amazing. She made me feel like I was drunk on Hiwa. I knew that it was wrong to take her when things were not exactly safe yet. I should have been watching the radar and making sure that the opposition was not on our tail. But once I got a taste of her, I could not stop. It was like my body took over and my mind simply left me. I had no control over it at all. She seemed to enjoy it too, and that only made me want to do things to her to please her. I allowed my senses to be indulged in every way.

  “We’re getting close to Ikik,” I said as she got dressed.

  “Okay. I understand,” she said. I noticed that she had been quiet since we left the space station. I did not know if it was a result of the sleep agent still, or something else. What did Ephane do to her? Did she know what they did to her, or was it something that she was wondering about?

  “We should be safer once we are on this moon,” I said. “It is coming into view now.”

  “Good. I will feel safer once my feet are on solid ground,” she said.


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