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Alicron_Aliens Of Xeion

Page 30

by Maia Starr

  “I give this honor to Commander Cerik Hade for his courage and quick thinking. He has twice saved us all from extinction!” the King said.

  The crowd cheered, and I stepped over to him. He lay a large medallion on my neck. It was an honorary medal and was only given out every five years or so. It was a very rare honor, and a Draqua had to do something extraordinary to be given it.

  “Thank you, King Hydros,” I said with a nod.

  “I now name this commander… Captain Cerik Hade!” the King shouted.

  I looked at him with shock. I was not expecting this promotion at this ceremony. I nodded in gratitude and saluted the King. Then I looked at the side of the platform where Maria stood. She smiled at me. I could see the pride she had for me in her eyes. It was all the honor that I needed. I only wanted to please her. After the ceremony, there was a grand celebration in the village. It had been a week since the invasion, and we had waited in order to make sure the threat was truly over. It was. So now we had the ceremony and celebrations. It felt good to be the honorable guest of the celebration. All were in gratitude to me, and it felt good to have my antics acknowledged as crazy as they were.

  As I walked around with Hiwa in hand, I saw Maria sitting with Amelia and some of the other females. She was adapting well to Draqua life. She was helping with the food preparations to feed the young offspring. I liked seeing her happy, and she had a big smile on her face. It filled me with joy. I continued to walk around the celebrations. I saw Hekan standing with a drink in his hand. He raised his cup to me in cheers. I responded with the same, but I knew I owed him more. I walked over to him.

  “Hekan,” I said.

  “Commander… I mean, Captain. Apologies; I will have to get used to that,” he said.

  “No apology needed. It is I that owe you the apologies,” I said swallowing my pride.

  “Is that so?” he said arching a brow at me.

  “I was an ass when it came to seeing you with Maria. I really thought there was something between you two and that set me off,” I said.

  “I think I know better than to take the human of a commander, especially one as crazy as you,” he said playfully.

  “Yes, you have a point there,” I said with a grin. “Maria told me why she confided in you about the thought that she might have the virus. I am glad that you were there for her. She needed someone, and you are a true friend for not taking advantage of her confiding in you.”

  “I appreciate the acknowledgment,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “And I hear she is with offspring, so congratulations. And it seems she truly was not infected with that damn virus.”

  “Thank you. No, she was not, and I am extremely happy to know she is with child.”

  “Yes, good news,” he said.

  “And what about you, Hekan? Have you been matched to a human female yet?”

  “No, but I am hoping there is some daring mission that will send me to Earth to get one at some point,” he laughed.

  “No, you don’t. Trust me. Just wait for one to come here to Kelon.”

  “Yes, but until then, I will fill my nights with random lustful encounters,” he said, eyeing a human female across the way. “Excuse me.”

  “You are excused, warrior. Have fun, celebrate,” I said. Then I continued to walk around making the rounds. It was a good night. After all the eating and drinking, I again met up with my love Maria. We made our way back to my hut, our hut, and enjoyed each other’s company in the bed. It was the perfect ending to a perfect celebration.

  A week later, I was called into a meeting in the healer’s hut. When I arrived Jrarka, Ravinn, and the King were there as well as several official Draqua.

  “What is going on here? I was summoned?” I said.

  “Yes, good, we are all here,” the King said. “Go on, Jrarka.”

  “Yes, my King. I have summoned you here with good news. My team and I have thoroughly examined the virus. We know how it is made. What’s more, we know how to make a vaccine. We have already made a batch.”

  “This is great news,” the King said. “Congratulations, Jrarka!”

  Everyone clapped. Then the King looked at me. “Well, Captain. What is the best way to deal with this news?”

  “I think we let it be known. We spread the word far and wide that we have the vaccine to the opposition virus. Let us send a message to all of our moon bases across the galaxy in a way that we know the messages will be intercepted by the opposition. Once they know that we have a vaccine, then they are less likely to try to use the virus again.”

  “I like that idea. I will let you see that it is done, Captain,” the King said.

  “Of course. I will get right on it.”

  “All are dismissed,” the King said. I followed the King out onto the platform and quietly spoke to him.

  “King Hydros, a word?”


  “Have you thought about my request?” I asked.

  “Oh yes, your human is with child, and you want to move your marriage up to a sooner date.”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “Since we the village owe you so much, I do not see any problem with granting that to you. How about in ten days?”

  “Yes, that will do. Thank you, King,” I said with a nod.

  “You are welcome. Now go see to your assignment,” he said.

  I flew off the platform and went to the long-range communications building in the military barracks and got to work. When I was done, it was dinner time. I went to my hut; Maria was not there. I flew down to the village and found her helping in the kitchens. I stood by in silence watching her. She did not know that I was there. I watched her move with precision as she worked. Her long brown hair was in a braid. Her sheer dress showed her ample cleavage in the tied cloth across her chest. Her shapely hips and thighs were visible under the sheer cloth of the yellow dress. She was exquisite and glowing. Finally, she looked up, and our eyes met. A feeling of warmth flowed through me. She was the best damn human female on Kelon, and I deserved her. I was the best damn hero in this village and needed a real woman like her. She walked over to me.

  “What are you smiling about?” she asked.

  “I am smiling at you. You are so beautiful, and I am a lucky Draqua to have you,” I said grabbing her hand.

  “Good answer,” she said. I laughed.

  “Do you want to eat dinner here in the communal?” she asked.

  “Yes, why not? We are already here. But I have come to tell you news,” I said.

  “Yes? I am listening, my alien lover,” she said playfully.

  “In ten days you won’t have to call me that anymore. You can call me husband,” I said.

  “Do you mean…”

  “Yes, I just spoke with the King. He has granted us to move the wedding to ten days,” I said.

  “Aag!” she shouted and threw her arms around me. Everyone turned to look at her scream.

  “We are getting married in ten days!” I shouted.

  The villagers erupted in cheers. Everyone shouted congratulations. Maria and I laughed. The tone of celebration was once again filling the night. We sat down to a boisterous dinner of seafood and Hiwa. The male Draqua congratulated me and the females fussed over Maria. It was a good time. I knew that I was the luckiest Draqua. It was very unreal that it had all worked out the way it had. When I first went to Earth searching for a human female, I was mostly thinking of the entire mission. Never did I think that the female I found would be my life’s mission. I truly was lucky that I landed my ship in that desert on Earth and found her. She was swimming in a pool of water with hardly anything on. I remember it fondly. Now she was going to be my official wife, mate, and mother of my offspring. I could not ask for anything else. The fact that I was promoted to captain and fought well in battle was only a bonus to life with Maria Covallos.



  It was the last day that I would be Ma
ria Covallos. It was everything that I hoped for and nothing that I expected. When I thought back on being in the Joshua Tree Desert in California, it seemed like a lifetime ago. I hoped that Claudia was alright and able to move on from my disappearance. I did feel guilty about it, but in these circumstances, there was not much that I could do. I could only enjoy the here and now.

  “You look exquisite,” Amelia said as she braided flowers in my hair. I was sitting her hut as she helped me get dressed for the ceremony.

  “Thank you,” I said. “I am nervous.”

  “As you should be. You are about to give yourself away to an alien.”

  We were silent. Then we burst into laughter at the absurdity of what she had said. “It does sound ridiculous, doesn’t it?” I said.

  “Yes it does,” she said. “Now let’s get you down to the beach so you can get married.”

  I stood up. I looked lovely with flowers in my hair and two sheer white dresses on that it made it look more like a solid white dress. I wore white cloth underneath them. I looked like a bride on Earth. “I am ready.”

  The grand marriage ceremony as promised by the King was absolutely lovely and quaint. It reminded me of a marriage ceremony on Earth. I stood next to Cerik Hade with my hands in his as we listened. Everyone was in good spirits on the beach to watch us become a union. We did not recite any sort of official vows. Instead, there were official words that were spoken by the Draqua official.

  “This bond you both partake in. You are taking each other in union as mates and as husband and wife. From this bonding ceremony forth, you belong only to each other,” he said.

  A long vine was wrapped around our hands. It was lovely and tears were falling down my cheeks.

  That was the end of it. Then there was a grand feast. We were officially husband and wife. After the feast, we went to our little love hut to spend the night in our new marriage bed. I could not have asked for anything more.

  Nine months later, our son was born: Kazon Hade. He was beautiful and perfect. He would have a perfect playmate too, as Amelia had given birth a month and half before I did. Everything was perfect. I could not believe that I had been abducted by an alien, and it actually turned out to be the best thing in the universe that could ever happen to me. I was happy, and I was in love on another planet with an alien dragon shifter that stole me, and stole my heart.

  The End

  Dragons Of Kelon(Complete Box Set)

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  Evlon-Zenkian Warriors

  (Zenkian Warriors)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  I had it all. Not to mention that I was the most skilled Zenkian soldier of the Waysaw Army. I was the star soldier of the Waysaw soldiers in our war games as well as on the real battlefield. I was second in command to Leader Rangellis, and everyone knew it.

  “Evlon, you looked very skilled on the war game field,” a scantily clad Zenkian woman said as she sat on my lap in the tavern.

  “I know. I am the best,” I grinned at her.

  She gasped. “You are an arrogant Zenkian, aren’t you?”

  “I have reason to be, Zenkian female.” I looked down at my crotch.

  “Oh, is that so?” she smiled. She ran her hand down my broad chest, over my abs, and onto my rigid cock. Her green eyes grew wide with shock.

  “I see, soldier. You do have a very grand reason to be cocky,” she said.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “So, when will I get to see this reason for being so cocky? I want to see your skills, soldier,” she said.

  I looked at her. She was all right for a Zenkian, but my tastes lay elsewhere.

  “No, you’re not a human. I only want human females,” I said. I pushed her off of me.

  “How dare you! I am just as good as a human. Learn to respect your own kind!” she said before stomping off.

  I laughed. The tavern was loud this time of night and was in complete debauchery. It was what I liked. There were Zenkian females engaged in pleasing Zenkian males in the dark corners, and human female slaves were kept upstairs. Those were coveted and expensive. It was what we did as the Zenkians of the Waysaw region of our planet Anvin. We took from Earth. We took their resources and their women. We were not like the Grantsion Zenkians from the Grantsion Mountains on Anvin. They were trying to make peace with the humans. They were foolish and soft to do so. No, if we wanted something in Waysaw, we would take it.

  “What was she angry about, Evlon?” said another Zenkian female. I turned to see her at my side, trying to seduce me. They were crawling all over me at all times; tonight was no different.

  “I don’t know, and frankly I don’t care,” I said.

  “You are Evlon, the victor of the war games, aren’t you?” she asked as if she didn’t already know.

  “Yes, I am,” I said proudly.

  “I am called Hemina.”

  “Well, Hemina, what is it that you want from me?” I asked.

  “Evlon, I think you already know the answer to that question,” she said taking a drink from glowing yellow beverage, a liquid drug.

  “Yes, I do know, Hemina. You want me to take you to my home and fuck you. That is what you want, isn’t it?” I said looking at her up and down.

  Her green eyes grew wide with excitement. “I guess that’s one way to put it.”

  “You are wasting your time with me, Hemina. You are not my type. You’re are not a human,” I said. “That is the only taste I have lately.

  She narrowed her eyes at me and got up from the bench. I didn’t care. I didn’t care what any of them thought of me.

  “See anything you like tonight, Evlon?” Tormunt sat next to me. He was a soldier that worked alongside me often. I trusted him with my life. We were like brothers even though there was no blood relation.

  “Not so far but I have not been upstairs yet. That is where I know I will find what I want,” I said.

  He laughed. “Yes, you want a human. I don’t blame you. After I first had one, it is hard to see the Zenkian females the same way. Though it is hard to speak with the humans. They are so different.”

  “I never said anything about talking to them,” I said, grabbing my drink off the table and gulping down a drink.

  He laughed again. “Right, not your style. But you will see, Evlon, in time. One day you will want a mate to share your life, and it will not be a human. It will be a Zenkian. The humans are just contraband and for fun.”

  “Maybe,” I said.

  “Right. I am calling it a night. Heading home. We practice for the war games tomorrow, remember?” he said.

  “You are going home alone? Why alone? Any one of these Zenkians would be happy to go with you and fulfill your night. Shit, take as many as four with you; they won’t mind.”

  “But I do. I need my rest tonight. I will see you at the war game practice,” he said.

  All this talk of orgies and human females had me ready to go. I swallowed my drink and headed upstairs. I was ready to indulge. I picked out a human with yellow hair and showed her what I could do.

  The next day, Leader Rangellis called me into his offices.

  “Evlon, as you know, these upcoming war games are more important than last years’,” he said.

  “Yes, I am aware, Leader Rangellis. I will not let you down,” I said.

  “I know that you will not. But there is something that might throw us off. The humans are sending an envoy from the alien relations agency on Earth. The envoy wants to speak with us about a possible peace treaty.”

  I laughed. “They cannot be serious. Why would we speak peace with them? We are stronger than they are. We could take Earth at any moment if we wanted to. We will in time take over the entire planet.”

  “Yes, that is true. We only take their resources right now, and slaves, but we must not forget that they w
ant a war with us, to stop us once and for all. We want that war too, but in time. We do not want the humans to destroy Earth in the process of this war. We need the planet pristine and unharmed.”

  “Yes, that is true,” I said.

  “You, Evlon, are my second in command, and although you are preparing in practice for these war games, I want you to entertain this envoy,” Rangellis said.


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