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Teague (The Dark Shadows Book 3)

Page 12

by Ariel Marie

  He grasped her by her ass, pulling her up high while she wrapped her legs around his waist. He quickly took off in the direction of his bed as Bella worked at getting him naked. His shirt was the first thing that she ripped off, while she trailed kisses down the side of his face to his neck. She gently bit his neck, eliciting a groan from deep within his chest just as his fangs descended.

  It was time to claim his mate.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  A fever burned in her body as the need for Teague to be inside of her increased. She needed him now. The past couple of months, she had missed him so much. While training to be the Goddess of Death, she was allowed to watch over him from Heaven. She didn’t even have to beg to come back to be with Teague. Apparently, it was in the stars for them to be together and not even the Gods would separate fated mates.

  And right now, her mate’s hands were all over her body, which tingled as he ran his hands down her breast to her thighs. Her rock hard nipples ached for him to touch them again, as her breast grew heavy. He spread her thighs wide, settling his naked form between them.

  She moaned as his thick cock brushed her slick pussy, causing her to move for him to slide right inside of her.

  He claimed her mouth in a deep, controlling kiss, taking her breath away as he held her hair tight in his hand. Instincts led her to turn her head and present her jugular artery to him.

  “Do it,” she whispered, wanting to be his in every sense of the word.

  He was hers and she was his. After tonight, nothing would separate them. He slowly ran his tongue along the side of her neck. Her core clenched in anticipation of his bite as he prepared to claim her in the ancient ways of his people.

  “You are mine,” he muttered against her neck. “My mate, for all eternity.”

  His arms surrounded her head as one gripped her head, pulling it further, exposing her neck more for him. His fangs pierced her neck at the same time he shifted his hips, sliding his cock deep inside of her. She gasped as his cock invaded her, stretching her. The sensation of him drawing substance from her had her clenching down and falling into the most intense orgasm she had ever had, as his hips continued to thrust into her.

  She could barely catch her breath as he continued to brutally thrust his hips, forcing his cock deep inside of her womb as she called out his name. Locked in his embrace as he continued to take her, she reached up to tangle her hands in his hair as she felt a tug at her heart. She knew in that instant, that the bond between them was completed.

  She felt him pull away from her neck, once again licking it; his hips paused, resting heavily against her. He flashed a fang at her, right before he bit gently into his own wrist and placed his bloody wrist up to her mouth.

  “You are mine,” she said automatically without hesitation. “My mate, for all eternity.”

  His tangy coppery blood filled her mouth as she swallowed a few gulps and knew that she would forever be addicted to the taste of him.

  “That’s enough,” he whispered, pulling his wrist from her.

  He quickly licked the tiny holes shut before again crushing his mouth to hers. She held on tight, as he loved her throughout the rest of the night and well into the morning.

  The mating bond snapped into place as two hearts joined and became one. Fate smiled down on Teague and Arabella who were officially mated for all eternity.

  * * *


  Bella was back. Good for Teague, Nicu thought. Gossip spread like wildfire throughout the mansion when Teague ran like a bat out of hell through the house toward his living suite. Nicu walked away from the door, deciding not to interrupt the mating between his brother and his mate and by the way Bella screamed Teague’s name, he would say it was going quite well.

  Nicu was damn glad that she had returned. It was a little crazy that she returned from the dead but at least now his brother would not die from a broken heart. They all had known that it would be a matter of time before he succumbed to his broken heart. They didn’t want to let on to Teague that they had known he was dying. Nicu, for one of the first times in his life, felt helpless but knew that Teague wouldn’t want anyone to give him special treatment.

  Thanks to Bella and her valkyries, Rowena was dead and his mother and vampires everywhere are safe.

  For now.

  But Nicu knew that the necromancers were only biding their time before they attacked. The Dark Shadows would need to be a step ahead of them. He ran down the steps in search of Adrian. He had just the job for him.

  ~The End~

  Sneak Peek

  Adrian (The Dark Shadows 4)


  The Dark Shadows 4

  ~Sneak Peek~

  Adrian Olaru was on a mission. He parked his dark SUV in front of the club he was to observe. A young valet came up to the car and opened the door.

  “Prince Adrian, welcome,” the valet gushed, as Adrian stepped out of his truck.

  Tonight he was solo. Nicu wanted him to just blend in and wait to see if a certain rogue vampire would show up at this club. A local vampire owned the Temptress. It catered to humans and vampires alike.

  Vampires were allowed to feed in this club as long as the donor was willing, not harmed, and not witnessed by a human who were still unaware that vampires or any supernaturals existed. This went along with the vampire nation laws.

  He stalked up to the entrance, ignoring the long line of patrons waiting their turn. The bouncer nodded to him and immediately granted him entrance into the club. It was a little after midnight and Adrian could tell that the music and partying had been in full swing for a while.

  He made his way over to the VIP section set aside for vampire royalty or anyone else high in the vampire society.

  “Prince Adrian, welcome to the Temptress,” the hostess said, leading him to an empty booth. She too was a vampire. Her long red hair fell straight down her back. Her uniform left little to the imagination, as his eyes roamed her. Her skirt stopped just under her ass cheek and he was sure if she bent over just a little, he would catch an eyeful of her ass. This gig might not be so bad after all, he thought to himself.

  “I would prefer that one,” he said, pointing to an empty booth in the corner of the room. He would rather have his back to the wall, which would allow him to see out into the whole club. He needed to keep his eyes opened.

  “Yes, of course,” she said without arguing, changing her direction to lead him to the booth he requested.

  The booth held two semi-circle leather couches that faced each other with a small glass coffee table between them. He was pleased with the layout. He would be able to see the bar and the entire room. The dance floor to the left was packed with dancers and the bar to the right of the club. He could even see the entryway from where he sat.


  “Thank you,” he nodded to her.

  “Your waitress will be over shortly,” she said. “Will you be needing certain, um … entertainment tonight?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. She leaned closer to him. “Our club has special wards, so if you need a private drink or any service; humans cannot see what goes on in this booth.”

  He smiled. He knew what she offered and that he could multitask if need be tonight. His brothers would miss out on the fun.

  “Certainly,” he said. “I’m here to relax and enjoy myself.”

  He leaned back, stretching out on the couch with his arms across the back of it. Her eyes held a pleased look as she slowly took all of him in.

  “Yes, Prince Adrian,” she said, nodding as a sensual grin spread across her face. “I shall send your entertainment over shortly.” She quickly turned on her heel and walked away.

  It’s good to be a prince, he thought with a chuckle. Adrian was the second oldest heir to the vampire king. His oldest brother, Nicu, was next in line to be vampire king and also the leader of the Dark Shadows.

  The Shadows were vampire warriors charged with the responsibility of pro
tecting the vampire nation. Their local unit was run by Nicu and included their brothers Toma and Teague along with Gadiel, Khalid, Ronin, and the only female member Phaelyn.

  “Good evening. May I get you something from the bar?” a soft husky voice broke him out of his thoughts.

  He turned to find the largest set of doe eyes staring at him that took his breath away.

  The tiny eyes and sexy voice belonged to a young vampire female who was slightly taller than five feet compared to his six foot four status. She was dressed in a low V-neck black t-shirt that had the club’s name splashed across her amble breast, tight leather pants that hugged every curve and knee-high boots with thin fuck me heels.

  “Have you looked your fill or do you need me to turn around so you can see what my ass looks like?” she snapped, her eyes shooting daggers at him.


  There are just so many people that I would like to acknowledge! Here we go—

  To my husband and children, thank you for your continued support. It means so much to me! I love you all!

  To my editor, Sue, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to tackle this project!! You are amazing to work with!

  My beta readers, what would I do without you? You always drop whatever you are doing to help me and I love you guys for that. My proofer, Timothy Bateson, you are amazing!!

  To the bloggers who helped spread the word of my releases, I really do appreciate it!

  Ariel Marie’s Screaming Sirens, you guys are the best street team ever! Thank you for sharing every post, book, picture and event. I can’t thank you enough!

  To anyone else I may have forgot, just know that it was not on purpose and you are remembered in my heart!

  ~Until next time~

  Ariel Marie

  About the Author

  Ariel Marie loves the world of paranormal, action and hot steamy romance. She combines all three in each and every one of her stories. For as long as she can remember, she has loved vampires, shifters and every creature you can think of. This even rolls over into her favorite movies! She loves a good action pack thriller! Throw a touch of the supernatural world in it and she’s hooked!

  She grew up in Cleveland, Ohio where she currently lives with her husband and three beautiful children.

  She was inspired one day when she read a quote that said, "Write the book that you would want to read." That really touched her after searching and searching for a new book to read. After looking into self publishing, she decided to put pen to paper and therefor the first book in the Mirrored Prophecy series, Power of the Fae was born! Before she knew Fight for the Fae was here and the Dark Shadows!

  Find Ariel Marie Online!



  Also by Ariel Marie

  The Dark Shadows Series





  Adrian (TBD)

  Nicu (TBD)

  The Mirrored Prophecy Series

  Power of the Fae

  Fight of the Fae

  Future of the Fae (TBD)

  Stand Alone Books

  Summer’s Destiny

  F*ck Cancer: An Anthology




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