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Mutant Hunter (Clone Worlds)

Page 33

by Tobias Roote

  “What’s changed ?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Everything,” he answered honestly. “It has taken a long time, but you remember the interrogations we had back in the day when you tried to convince yourself that I was the enemy and we kept coming back to the same question... what if... ?” he asked.

  “Yes, but I was just trying to trap you into admitting you were with that heathen cult,” she spat at him, the anger returning as she reverted to her fear of what he represented.

  “Well, that ‘what if’ just happened and it’s going to change everything,” Grady replied calmly.

  “Excuse me if I don’t believe your stupid dogma, I’m not in the mood for any hypothetical discussion with a Dissie Core traitor and spy,” she answered. Leaning back she turned her face away and Grady observed the tic of the pulse in her neck. It was fast, she was frightened at what he’d said.

  “I’m not hypothesizing, Fuego, I’m telling you it’s happened, there is a Dispersal planet out there in the Archon sector and the Core is trying to cover it up. That’s why you were sent in. We already uncovered the plot between the Core and one of the directors of AWA. Director Preston is in custody in the next cell. Look !” As he said it Grady spun a dial and increased the transparency between the two cells and Fuego, already looking in that direction gasped as she saw the director leaning back in his bunk, a resigned look on his face.

  “I know him, he was the – , “ she stopped herself as she realised she was giving too much away. Turning back to face him her look hardened to the normal Fuego. Grady knew she wouldn’t budge again, or listen. As he turned to go she couldn’t resist a parting shot.

  “You’re way too late Grady, you and your friends. There’s going to be a war and the Core is going to win.”

  Grady looked at her in disappointment. “I’ll advise Range that we no longer need to hold you. You will be returned to the Flag if it’s still in system, otherwise you will be dropped off at the space terminal.” He walked out the door and turned to make his way to the AW Command entrance. He was done here.

  Range and another guard were waiting for him. His look told Grady everything.

  “You were listening ?” It was more of a statement than a question.

  Range nodded. “We already had word that you were possibly a sleeper agent while you were on Archon. It came in response to enquiries at a higher level. You pissed off a lot of people, Grady.” He moved and the guard moved with him.

  Grady relaxed his body. He wasn’t going to allow himself to be taken in today. His stance changed imperceptibly as he prepared to fight his way out. It wasn’t lost on Range, who hesitated before signalling to the guard to hold back a moment.

  “I’m supposed to arrest you for consorting with the enemy, piracy of a naval vessel, abducting a Core crew, firing on allied ships, destruction of a Core battleship and the murder of its crew as well as espionage and sedition through being a member of a banned cult,” Range advised him formally.

  “and...” Grady asked, concerned at the speed with which his involvement had been assessed. He was nonetheless unsurprised at the outcome.

  “...and nothing ! Kildark has instructed me that your credit’s still good with him, but that you have to leave, and quickly, before the warrants are publicly announced. You will be public enemy number one, especially as they need to divert attention from the Core’s involvement in the attack on the AWC. It would be better if you go quietly, anything else right now is going to bring a ton of trouble down on the AWC,” Range advised.

  Grady sighed, then nodded and they moved off together. The guard fell in behind.

  They walked the length of AW Command in silence while Grady absorbed the news. The other guard was holding back partly to give them privacy, but also to watch for any threat response from him. Range was being careful, he decided.

  The newly constructed door out of AW Command was being held open for them by two guards. Both were serious looking individuals, but Grady’s impression was that they weren’t hostile. He nodded to them as they walked through and received a curt, almost invisible response. Word had obviously spread, probably as a result of Range preparing his team for a potential break-out by Grady.

  The Citrix had been landed and was just beyond the fighters, within easy reach, but Range took his arm and turned him away from it and towards him.

  “The ship is AWA property, you can’t... I’m sorry, it’s been locked down and the AI has been wiped on Kildark’s orders. He doesn’t want anyone from internal security sniffing around your ship for answers,” he said the regret evident in his voice. “Sorry, I know you liked that AI, but it was a risk you didn’t need right now, understood ?”

  Grady was disappointed. “That was a fast response. How do I get off the station without a ship ?”

  Range indicated across the landing basin. “You need to get across to the space terminal. Passage has been arranged.”

  Grady looked at the distant buildings, it would be a dicey half-hour walk. There were plenty of snipers still out there. He wondered if this was a high-level plan to take him out and close the book on the whole issue of his involvement. Kildark wouldn’t have allowed that. He must be under orders from above.

  Range had more to say, but Grady wasn’t really listening. His comm was buzzing, but there was no-one there. He turned back to Range.

  “I’m... I’m sorry Grady, you deserve better, but AWA’s position is extremely fragile. In light of the attack we need to appease the witch-hunters and your involvement with the DIA on top of Preston and the Core... Well ! Let’s just say that cleaning house is essential to move forward with the Alliance on our side.”

  “It’s okay, Range. You did your job well and I’m proud of your achievements. You will do OK. Protect the AWA and Kildark and tell Shrilla, no hard feelings,” Grady replied and began to walk towards the terminal. He diverted slightly to take temporary cover via the fighters and the Citrix. If they were waiting for a clear shot he wasn’t going to make it easy on them.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Kildark’s Office

  “We have things to discuss while Mr Grady is busy,” Kildark gestured while still smiling, for Shrilla to resume her seat.

  “What ?” Shrilla was confused, but equally uneasy about continuing to work with her partner.

  “I know you two have only been working together for a short while, but your report sent in via the Citrix indicated you have serious reservations about your new partner. I’d like to know more about what you mean by that,” Kildark explained.

  Shrilla was inexplicably nervous. She had simply said there were unanswered questions about Grady and his past that she felt needed clarification. At the time she hadn’t cared about exposing Grady, but now ? Now, she suddenly wasn’t sure she could go through with it.

  “I just think his history before joining AWA and prior to his enlistment in the Core navy might be enlightening in that he’s a complicated man and very adept in a wide variety of situations,” she prevaricated temporarily while she gathered her thoughts. “I wasn’t aware we were partners in anything other than this last mission and I wasn’t planning on joining him on any in the future unless you had other plans for me,” Shrilla dissembled. Still not wanting to break her promise to Grady she was nonetheless finding it hard to justify her position.

  “Well, nevertheless, there are aspects to Philus Grady that you don’t know and on reflection and viewing his records, neither do we – “

  “Sir, I didn’t mean to – “ Shrilla interjected, trying to forestall what she thought was coming.

  “Well, whatever you meant to happen, the issue of precisely who or what Mr Grady represents is suddenly of great interest to us. Especially in light of the fracas with the Core lieutenant and her subsequent detention. An act, I might add, that has caused considerable fallout and additional fatalities on both ours and the Core navy’s side. I’m not disputing the correctness of Grady’s actions, but now would like to be
tter understand the reasoning behind it. I also think you know more about this than you’re reporting. Need I remind you that your loyalty to the Alliance supersedes any feelings you might have for anyone here - including Mr Range ?”

  “You.. you know about Range and me ?” Shrilla was aghast. They’d kept it so low key.

  “Of course, Kelly here keeps a close eye on everything. It’s just a shame that while concentrating on smaller potential security risks that we collectively failed to find the big one that tripped us up. However, I feel sure that Grady and Range are getting to the bottom of that one even as we speak. So, let’s have it Ms Beyeur, what concerns do you have about our number one agent ?”

  So Shrilla explained the incident on the beach on Archon-5 and subsequent meetings with Dalt and the Dramatus that left Grady deeply embroiled in the banned cult, leaving her confused, betrayed and concerned for the man she actually respected. As she was winding down her explanation she saw Kelly out the corner of her eye getting agitated.

  “Sir, I think you really need to see this,” Kelly interjected apologising with his eyes at Shrilla. He moved around so that he could run some commands from Kildark’s desk and the screen on the wall instantly switched to showing the inside of the cell-block. Grady was just sitting down in front of Lieutenant Fuego’s cell. They heard the scrape of the chair on the floor and Kelly quickly optimised the sound level.

  As the interview unfolded on the screen Kildark picked up his phone and explained the situation briefly to Range and told him what he wanted.

  When it was over the two of them sat for a few moments absorbing the new information while Kelly confirmed orders to others in AW Command.

  Kildark sighed. and leaned back in his chair.

  “Well, that explains a lot, but doesn’t help me I’m afraid. Firstly, Shrilla, I’m sorry, but Grady is out of here because he won’t be safe and nor will we while he remains under our roof. I must also tell you that the AWA has known about the Dispersalists and have worked closely with them on many an occasion to protect the mutants and clones. Frankly, without their help we would not have been able to protect a good 80% of the worlds we have intervened in. They are a necessary complication in our undercover operations.”

  “Then why did you want me to tell you all that ? I don’t understand.” Shrilla didn’t yet, but was beginning to have suspicions.

  “Because I needed to know what you knew, and what you only suspected. Call it an exercise in damage limitation. Grady has been an outstanding asset, but now his use to us is over.” He was thinking at the same time as explaining and stood up to pace the floor while Kelly was keeping up with what was occurring outside the office.

  “I’m not keen on feeding him to the wolves, but I have to protect us from being closed down by our enemies. Range has been ordered to escort Grady to the door. If he can make it to the terminal he stands a good chance of getting off-station and to safety,” Kildark finished.

  “You mean he’s going to have to cross the landing zone on foot ? What’s wrong with him having the Citrix ?” Shrilla rounded on them both keeping both Kelly and Kildark in view.

  “Err’m !” Kildark had the dignity to look embarrassed. “The Citrix is an AWA vessel. If it’s seen leaving with Grady on, then the Core will destroy it and continue to engage our fleet, besides we just had the AI remotely wiped, it won’t fly yet.”

  He tried to explain. “Look ! I’m under strict orders to try and defuse the situation without compromising AWA assets. Grady is the only one I can afford to lose, but the DIA will take care of him, they always do,” Kildark explained.

  “I don’t think they can this time.” Shrilla got up and flew out the door.

  She had no idea what she was doing. She had already told Grady she wouldn’t work with him, but that was before she realised that Kildark and the AWA were cosied up to the Dispersalistas. Hadn’t Grady hinted at that ? Now, they were hanging him out to dry after him saving their skins. It wasn’t right and as Shrilla realised that she was going to help him, she also realised she might already be too late.


  A light winked at him, just the reflection off the fighter, he thought, but it still drew Grady’s attention. The tail had cameras embedded and he swore they were following him as he walked past the back of the ship. As he drew near the cockpit, the hatch flipped and the side dropped down towards him. His comms buzzed again, this time he heard the voice.

  “Get aboard, Grady,” RAFA’s voice said in his ear.

  He stepped into the cavity and sat, pulling the helmet from its position. He looked back as the cockpit rose to enclose him and could see the puzzled look on the guards faces as he was pulled into the fighter’s innards. Range hadn’t seen him yet, he was looking at something in the distance.

  RAFA’s voice rumbled through the headset.

  “I’m instructed to provide you with immediate transportation off the station. You should be aware that the Core ships on the landing pad are as I speak looking for you. I analyse your potential of surviving the walk to the terminal at less than 13%. Your survival via me in the next two minutes computes out at 73%. Are we good to go ?”

  “Who ?... Yes, um ! Thanks, RAFA. Take us out of here, you have control. I’m not sure where we’re going to go yet, but I have an idea it's probably already decided.”

  Grady’s comms buzzed.

  “I don’t know how you worked that exit strategy, Grady, but I’m awfully glad you did. I just heard from our people that the Core have been instructed to remove you from the station and deliver you ‘dead or alive’ to the Flag.” Range’s voice crackled in his ear.

  Grady smiled grimly. He’d had suspicions that Range might have been aware of that already, but obviously he was mistaken. Meanwhile someone was watching over him - again ! He thought of Dalt and wondered where he was right now. He remembered something and keyed his microphone to answer.

  “Range, I meant to tell you that you can release Fuego. Her detention is no longer necessary,” he replied.

  “Oh that ! Sorry Grady, that’s out of your hands now. She won’t be released until she makes a full statement of her involvement. That will probably include a full resume of her history with you. It’s part of the case we’re building against the Core. It won’t stop anything happening, but will document the reasons why it all kicked off,” Range replied.

  “I see, well, thanks for the heads-up on the Core. I’ll be seeing you sometime, Range.” Grady signed off before any further communication could take place. The fighter was nosing up on its thrusters preparing to move into an exit stream that would take them off-station and he needed to keep his wits about him in case of a direct attack.

  “RAFA, are we being targeted by those Core ships ?” Grady enquired.

  “Yes, but I’m handshaking with their AI’s and we’re good to go. No problems are expected, but you should hold on tight. We’re going to have to get past the orbiting fleets who aren’t quite so obliging, or controllable,” the AI responded confidently.

  “You’re what ?.. ‘handshaking’ the Core ships’ AI’s ? ... What does that mean in my speak ?” he asked, then realised something that he should have checked before.

  “RAFA, where did your AI system originate ?” he questioned.

  “That’s classified information subject to security authentication, level Xon4,” the AI responded clinically.

  Grady pondered that. He knew all the Core codes and Xon4 wasn’t a normal Core security setting, nor was it Alliance. He had his suspicions, but now he needed to wait. They were picking up speed and taking evasive action which meant targeting was up and they had to run a wall of potential death before they could do anything about making for a destination.

  As expected the Core battleship, Flag, was being suppressed by the Alliance fleet, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t send out a fighter wing. Freedom must have given permission because there were three fighters on an interception course with them. He co
uld see from the grid they were still a few minutes out.

  “RAFA, are you permitted to fire on them if they target us ?” Grady asked.

  “This ship is equipped with an SES, Superior Evasion System. However, to answer your question, if it becomes necessary I am capable of shooting to defend this vessel and its crew.” The AI sounded confident. Grady had heard it before and wasn’t so sure, but the AI had disabled the ground ships by some means he was unaware of. They hadn’t fired on the errant fighter despite ample opportunity to do so.

  His suspicions were renewed by the ship AI’s wording of ‘capable’ which didn’t imply it was preparing to do so. He was missing something important as he thought back to the Xon4 security.

  He thought he knew why it was possible for RAFA to disable their targeting systems, but to be certain he would have to make a leap of faith. If he declared himself onboard a Core military vessel, even one protecting him, the AI’s protocols might be forced to view him as an enemy combatant and surrender him to Core authorities, which in this instance would be the Flag.

  “How much time do we have before enemy contact ?” he asked.

  “Currently, two minutes and forty seconds until Core wing are in missile range,” the AI responded.

  “Can we outrun them ?”


  Grady had no choice. He needed to make the leap. There was a specific reason this fighter had been made available to him at this precise moment and he needed to know why. His survival depended on it. Even under manual control he wouldn’t be able to take on three fighters single-handedly. Either he was in a sophisticated trap or there was a way out.

  “RAFA, standby for command over-ride,” Grady committed himself.

  “Over-ride requires verification. Standing by,” the AI responded.

  Grady licked his lips nervously. The fighters were still a minute or two out, but he needed to know that he was where he should be and that required data. He needed to know about Xon4.


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