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Jinx's Mate

Page 3

by Marissa Dobson

  “I elect Tex.” Ben stepped onto the platform and stood next to her. “He brought us help and fought to save us. There’s no one else I’d rather serve under. Will anyone second me?”

  “Second.” Mario stood. “Tex saved us. If anyone can lead us, it’s him.”

  “Will you accept, Tex?”

  Tex stepped forward. “I accept.”

  “Then it’s carried. I’m at your service, Alpha.”

  “If anyone would like to leave the clan for solitary living, or to seek a new clan, now is the time to do it.” Tex waited, giving anyone a chance to depart. “As my first order of business, I’d like to appoint Ben Evans as my Lieutenant. Do you accept?”

  When Ben froze, Summer squeezed his shoulder. “Do it,” she whispered.

  With a glance in her direction, he said, “I accept.” Then he left her side and went to stand next to Tex.

  Summer stepped back into the audience and listened as Tex reassured the clan.

  “We have a lot of work to do to make this clan what it once was, but if we all work together I know we can do it. You have my sworn oath that no one will be tortured or punished for sport while under my command. For anyone caught in the act of harming someone in this way, it will be an immediate death sentence. I will not stand for it.”

  Sometime during Tex’s speech, Jinx moved next to Summer. When he nudged her gently, she glanced up at him. “That took some courage to stand up in front of your clan when they were ready to riot,” he said. “It could have forced their attention on you.”

  “Ben wouldn’t have allowed anything to happen. They respect him. He’s always tried to keep everyone safe, even at the cost of himself.” She frowned, adding, “He has scars on his body because he’s looked out for me. I’m lucky to have a brother like him, and I’m so proud of him. He’ll make the perfect Lieutenant for the clan.”

  “He certainly will. I can tell he’s a good man. But look—” Jinx brushed up against her as he nodded toward the stage. “Tex has come such a long way.”

  “He has, and he’ll make an excellent Alpha.” Summer watched Tex with admiration. “I can see the changes in him like night and day. He cares deeply for the clan.”

  “We tried to get Avery to surrender so it wouldn’t come to this. That’s what took so much longer. I checked into the resort this morning hoping to discover the passages so we could sneak in.” He glanced around as if making sure they weren’t being overheard. “We didn’t find out about today’s torture until Ty called Avery to tell him we would return Tex to the clan.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Summer eyed him with suspicion.

  “Because I can feel your questions. You’re wondering why we didn’t come sooner. Why Autumn had to die.” He placed his hand on the small of her back, pulling her closer. “Tell me…how is Autumn your sister but not Ben’s?”

  “It’s confusing. Ben’s father is also mine. Our father was mated to Ben’s mother, but she had a rough pregnancy and died in childbirth. It’s when he found my mother. She was the midwife that delivered Ben.”

  “That explains part of it. How does Autumn play into it?”

  “She was from my mother’s first mating. She and Ben fought all the time. She couldn’t stand him, said mother always wanted a boy and favored him. I never saw it but they kept their distance. She wanted to leave the clan, to find somewhere away from Ben, but Avery wouldn’t let her.” She watched her brother as he stood before the clan; this was what he’d been born for. “He’s always been my protector—everyone’s protector.”

  “I have a feeling that won’t change.”

  There was an edge to his voice that pulled her gaze away from Ben. Jinx appeared proud, despite the blood and dirt smeared on him from the battle. Everything about him screamed Alpha, which should have sent her running in the opposite direction. The coldness in his gaze when he wasn’t looking at her said two things about him: he wouldn’t tolerate nonsense from anyone, and he had seen too much death and suffering in his time. When he looked out among the clan, she didn’t see pity in his eyes, but sorrow.

  “Why do you say that?” she asked.

  “When Ben looks at me, I can see he wants to fight for you. To have you mated with someone above him that he’ll have no control over worries him. If it were someone in the clan, he could put fear into them so they wouldn’t hurt you. With me, he can’t do that. That makes him agitated.”

  “He should be delighted that I’m to be mated to someone in your position. Unless…”

  “Yes, lass. Your brother is concerned I’ll be like Avery. He’s knows nothing else in an Alpha, so it’s understandable that he’s fearful of what might happen to you, especially once I take you away from here.”

  “I’m not leaving.” This was her home. It might be in shambles at the moment, but it was still her home. She was annoyed he didn’t see that. She needed to be there, to help the clan rebuild, to help Ben.

  “For us to be together, you must. I’m Alpha of the West Virginia Tigers. Currently I’m dividing my time between there and Alaska. I have no time to divide it between here as well. Mates need to be together.”

  “You expect me to leave here when they need me the most?” She almost couldn’t believe what she was hearing. But why should he be any different? He’d just walked in and started demanding things of her.

  “They don’t need you, they need Tex and Ben. What would you have me do? Do you want to stay here and have the mating desire claw at you until it drives us both insane with need? Is that what you want? If so, how am I supposed to do my duties to my clan, to assist Ty, free others who are in positions like you were just hours ago?”

  The questions flew at her before she could answer them, and each one brought her snarling tiger closer to the surface. She was being irrational, but she didn’t like change. Jinx was an unknown to her. When he got her away from Ben and the others, she might find herself under someone’s thumb again without Ben to protect her.

  “You’re scared and it’s understandable,” Jinx continued. “Even someone who hasn’t been through everything you’ve been through would be, but don’t let that stop you from what you’re destined to have.”

  “You make it sound like there’s no choice. I’m stuck with you, unless I’m willing to kill myself or you.” She couldn’t stop herself from smiling. He didn’t seem that bad. The body of a god and the heart of a saint. Could she really ask for more?

  “I never put anything past a woman.” He smirked at her. “There are too many ways for you to try to kill me, not even including Ben.”

  “Ben?” She whispered low enough not to draw his attention.

  “He’d do anything to protect you, including take on an Alpha from another clan even if it meant he’d die. If Ben came after me, even if he killed me, my clan would have the right to demand his life. So before you think about using him, know that either way it will cost him.”

  “I’m not so heartless that I would risk him. After all, it would destroy me if he died. If I wanted you dead, I’d do it myself.”

  “Feisty. I like that.”

  “Not feisty,” she snapped, glaring at him. “I simply wouldn’t risk him, not when I could do it myself.”

  “You say you’re not feisty, but I can see it in you. You’re willing to take me on.”

  She turned to him, giving him the best hard look she could manage. “I couldn’t take you down physically. You’d pulverize me before I had the chance to do any damage.”

  He cut her off with a shake of the head. “I’d never lay a hand on a woman in violence. Subdue without hurting her if she was a true threat, yes, but never would I raise my hand to her.”

  Could he be that honorable? “Shifters are always battling over something, and now women are taking part in the battles. One day you might find yourself up against a woman, then what?”

  “I told you, I’d subdue. It’s how I was raised, and I can’t change that even if it means my own death. I couldn’t live with mysel
f if I harmed a woman.” He reached out and took her hand. “To some it might sound sexist. Someone once accused me of thinking women are lesser beings. That’s not the case. I believe women should be cherished, protected. I also believe a woman can do anything she wants. Nothing makes them unequal to men.”

  For once in her life she was speechless. His words lifted the load on her shoulders and in that moment she realized just how much she had feared him. He seemed nothing like Avery, but in the back of her mind she had doubts. With that simple statement, her worries were washed away.

  This man—her mate—was honorable, and she should be proud to be mated to him. She barely knew him, but fate knew what it was doing when the match was made between them. Maybe he was right by suggesting he’d been brought to her now because she needed him.

  “Thank you,” she said softly. He raised an eyebrow in question, forcing her to explain. “For being you, I guess. For not forcing the mating issue, and letting me wrap my mind around it. You could have said nothing, letting me think you might hurt me. Instead you put my mind at rest. The bond between us is still light because we haven’t finalized the mating, but I can taste the truth of your words. It makes this easier.”

  “I know I can’t rush you,” he said, gently caressing her fingers. “Not if I want you to accept me.”

  She squeezed his hand and leaned her head against his shoulder. Maybe things did happen for a reason. The clan was getting a fresh start, and so was she.

  Chapter Five

  Jinx sank onto one of the plush leather chairs in the conference room. He was beyond exhausted, unsure how he’d managed to keep himself upright for this long. The last thirty-two hours since they’d eliminated Avery had been a whirlwind of excitement, problems, soothing fears, and more that he didn’t even want to think about it. Only this meeting with the Elders stood in the way of sleep. That was unless something else came up.

  He thought about closing his eyes for a moment while they waited for the newest Alpha, Tex, and his Lieutenant, but he knew it would mean missing the meeting. Instead he leaned forward and poured himself another cup of coffee. Caffeine. That would keep him going for a bit longer.

  The door opened and in filed Tex, Ben, Adam, and Robin. Each of them looked as exhausted as Jinx felt. Robin had been meeting with the Texas Tigers, trying to get them to see she was there to help. Tex had ensured the clan that as long as they meant no harm to themselves or others that anything said to Robin would remain confidential just as it would with a psychologist. So far, she’d had little luck in getting them to open up. Most of them were still in shock, but at least she was there to let everyone know she was available when they needed her.

  Robin’s mate, Adam, had been her shadow since arriving, since no one was really certain who might still be loyal to Avery. “I could sleep for a week.” Robin plopped down on the chair across from Jinx with a moan. “At least I’ve gotten through everyone. Most have nothing to say, everyone seems in shock, but I’ll be here when they’re ready.”

  “Thank you, Robin.” Tex poured a mug of coffee and stood just to the side of the table. “The guards need a lot of training. Very few of them know how to shoot accurately.”

  “I’ll take whoever you want to the shooting range and teach them how to shoot, as well as gun safety, after I get some sleep,” Styx offered.

  “I can work with them on hand to hand combat. I’m sure Styx or Taber wouldn’t mind giving me help with that as well.” Milo took a sip of his coffee.

  “I appreciate the assistance.” Tex nodded. “I’d never be able to do this all on my own.”

  “Yes, thank you,” Ben agreed.

  “We’re not just doing it for you, but for them.” Jinx leaned forward, setting his coffee aside. “They’ve been suppressed by Avery for so long that you’re going to have a long road ahead of you. But you’ll have our support along the way.”

  “It seems you have an invested interest.” Ben cocked his head to the side.

  “Summer…yes. You have nothing to worry about, she’ll be in safe hands.” He didn’t feel like reminding Ben this wasn’t the time to deal with family issues.

  “Across the country,” Ben mumbled.

  “There or in Alaska, but she can visit as she likes and I’ll do my best to accompany her as my schedule allows.”

  “Your schedule allows?” Ben growled, irritation in his voice.

  “Before you get angry with Jinx, I think there’s more you should know.” Ty stepped forward, coming around to the head of the table. “Being that you were raised in a clan, I’m going to assume you know the legend of the Queen of the Tiger that will one day unite all tigers.”

  Ben nodded. “Eventually she’ll unite all shifters as well, and we can live in harmony with humans. Yes, I know all about that, but what does it have to do with my sister and him?”

  “Take a seat and let me finish.” Ty waited for Ben to do as he asked. “It’s not just a legend. My mate, Tabitha, will be announcing soon that she’s claiming her destiny as the Queen of the Tigers. She has the book and the mark to prove she is who she claims.” Ty turned his hand over revealing the moon design that had been burned into his skin when he claimed Tabitha.

  “It’s true.” The awe sparkled in Ben’s eyes.

  Ty nodded. “We have been dealing with things that needed to be done before the announcement. The West Virginia clan has been a great aid when it comes to what we had to do. Jinx has partnered with my clan and will be standing at our side when the announcement is made. As have the Kodiak Bears. So even though Jinx is tied up with this, it doesn’t mean Summer will lack for his time or anything, it only means their traveling might be limited over the next few months. Once the announcement is made, anyone resistant to this will see him as a threat as well.”

  “She’ll be in more danger than she was here.”

  “I will protect her,” Jinx said firmly, trying to suppress a yawn. “She’ll be doing this to better her kind. Now let’s get back to why we’re here. We need to know where you and Tex stand. If you’re going to be a help or hindrance in Tabitha’s mission.”

  “We’re behind you.” Tex smiled at Ty. “After all you’ve done for me, I couldn’t turn my back on you.”

  “With that settled, I’m going to get some sleep. You guys work out the details and let me know what you need help with the most. I’m flexible.” Jinx stood, ready to finally get some rest. After all, he and Ty were the only ones who hadn’t had a break since this whole thing started.

  “Tex, you’re going to make an excellent Alpha,” Jinx continued. “You have the heart, soul, and most importantly the will to keep this clan together and on the right track. With good people like Ben backing you, you’ll be successful and have Manetka Resort better than it was before. Just remember you’re in power now. Your authority is something that’s needed. Without it, they’ll walk all over you.”

  * * *

  Oranges, reds, and pinks danced across the sky as the sun sank low on the horizon, about to disappear from view altogether. Summer stood there under her first sunset in longer then she could remember, feeling the warm breeze on her face, still unable to believe only a day had passed since Avery had controlled her. No longer was she forced to live underground, hidden away from anyone who might have seen her.

  Tex had allowed anyone who’d lived in the tunnels to occupy the top floor of the resort. There were only a handful of them, but it was more freedom than they’d had in months, or even years. Avery had kept many of them on a tighter chain, using them to control the clan. She had been one of them, used to keep Ben submissive and under Avery’s control. Avery knew Ben would never risk her, no matter the cost to himself, and because of that she had been forced into one of the rooms in the tunnels, locked away from almost everything and everyone. Now things had changed and she was still trying to adjust to this new freedom.

  She missed the smell of the outside the most, the crisp air, the roses—everything was so new and fresh. All those months
she had missed out on so much, and now she had to make up for lost time. Between helping Ben and the clan, she had spent the day outside, and every moment she wanted to see Jinx. Her gaze scanned the rooms as she walked around the resort, never finding him. He was occupied with smoothing things over. Still, she had hoped he would have sought her out.

  “There you are.” Ben stalked toward her.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Things are fine. I wanted to let you know there will be a ceremony for Autumn tomorrow at sunrise. It’s early, but I know that was always her favorite time.” He placed his hand on her shoulder. “I can’t even begin to count how many times I found you two up on the roof as the sun came up.”


  “Jinx and I worked together to get it done. I’m not sure how many clan members will be there, but I know you wanted it. I’m having her cremated. You can decide what you want to do with her ashes. Since you won’t be staying here, I didn’t make plans for them to be buried in the clan’s spot. I thought you might want to take them to West Virginia.”

  “Oh, Ben.” She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her face into his chest, letting her tears fall. It didn’t bother her to leave Texas, after all a new start might do her good, but she didn’t want to leave him.

  “Hey.” He tipped her chin up to look at him. “This isn’t goodbye. We’ll see each other often, I promise.”

  It felt like goodbye, like her heart was being ripped from her chest. She wasn’t sure how long she stood there sobbing, and he held her while she cried. When the sobs finally stopped, she pulled away.

  “He’s not like Avery,” Ben said. “He’ll protect you and cherish you.”

  She looked at him, wondering what brought on the change. “That’s a different song than you sang before.”

  “I had time to talk to him today, and let’s just say I approve.” He ran his hands down her arms. “He’s a good man, but before you finalize the mating make him tell you everything. You need to know what you’re getting into.”


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