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The Kansas Rascal

Page 7

by Terry Aspinall

  Chapter 7


  Brad awoke feeling very dazed and bewildered, not knowing where he was. A quick glance around at his surroundings told him it was not his motel. He was laying on a very hard wooden litter shaped bed with just a blanket thrown over him. Over the far side of the room was a door with what looked like steel bars on the upper section. At first he thought that he was dreaming, then suddenly the bared door swung open and a uniformed person walked in with a mug of coffee in his hand, asking if he was okay. Brad nodded that he was, but was not being honest, as his body ached from head to toe. He sat up and ran his left hand across his face as he yawned, it felt like the contours of a map with lumps and bumps all over it. As he brought his hand passed his face he noticed a small amount of blood on his fingers. He suddenly realised that he was experiencing excruciating pain from his right hand. "What's happened and where am I". He asked quietly of the uniformed guy standing in front of him, whom by now he had worked out to be a police deputy. "That's what we would like to know" came the reply. "All I remember" said Brad "Was these three people attacking me".

  Just then a second person walked into the room and introduced himself as Tim McGraw the local Sheriff. Who also asked what had happened to him. Brad started again. "Not you as well, all I remember was these three people attacking me from behind". "Well must admit that you were in a bit of a state when my deputies brought you in". "They found you in an alley with no ID and no money, in fact no nothing". "In this state that's a crime, you're classed as a hobo, so they brought you in" said the Sheriff. "A hospital would have been a better place," quipped Brad rubbing his right wrist. "They did not know where you lived, thought you were just a drunk" added the Sheriff. Brad was starting to get flash backs from the night before. He remembered one of his assailants digging his heal into the back of Brads out stretched hand, and grinding it squashing his fingers. The pain was bad, but at this stage Brad did not think anything was broken, although the pain told him that he did have some sort of problem within the wrist and one of his fingers.

  Brad went on to tell the Sheriff that he was staying at the Vagabond motel, but he had no keys to prove it, his pockets had been stripped clean by his assailants. Brad proceeded to tell the Sheriff most of what had happened to him in the last couple of weeks but in an abridged version. He finally got around to asking when he might be able to leave or at least be able to have a wash to clean himself up. The Sheriff informed him that until they had proof of his identity he would be staying right where he was, for the time being anyway.

  To pass away the time Brad asked if they could lend him a pack of cards, one of the other deputies brought them to the cell for Brad and introduced himself as Arch, short for Archie. Brad started to run through some of his routines, but with great difficulties only being able to use his left hand. Brad's skill with a deck of cards was so advanced that he could use either hand but at times while he tried to use the right it became very difficult shooting terrible pains up the whole of his arm. However, he still had enough skill to completely dazzle Arch, who stood in the doorway of the cell watching. Finally asking if it was he who had been coursing a big sensation at the Professors during the week. Brad answered with a smile and nodded his head. Arch walked over and sat on the side of the bed with him completely mesmerised by the display that he was being privileged to witness. Brad had to leave out certain tricks from his repertoire because of the right hand and at times did worry if it was going to affect his performance in the future.

  An hour later Sheriff McGraw returned to the cell to find deputy Arch still sitting on the bed alongside Brad with the cell door wide open. At first he lost his temper with Arch, calling him a fool, for all you know he could be a notorious criminal, he could have smashed you on the head and escaped. Arch went on to say that he had heard about him performing at the Professors during the week with a deck of cards. The Sheriffs face lit up "Oh got a work permit to perform in the States have we" he asked. Brad shook his head slowly.

  The Sheriff had more bad news for him, his assailants had taken his motel keys and completely ram shackled and emptied his room, and everything had gone other than his clothes. Brad was already beginning to fear the worse, asking if they had found his lap top computer. "Computer" they laughed "That's the first thing they would have taken here, they have a good second hand value and would be able to shift it very easy". Brad went on to say that the computer he didn't mind, okay it cost a lot of money, but he could replace it sometime later. However, it was his story that he was writing on the laptop that he would not be able to replace.

  The situation was looking very bleak for Brad and there did not seem to be a break in the gloom for him. Here he was stranded in a foreign country with no money, no wallet or mobile phone and with the Sheriff breathing down his neck. To make matters worse he had no means of being able to earn some money to purchase a ticket home.

  Arch was ordered to take Brad to the hospital for a check over, this turned out to cast more gloom over Brad, when it was discovered that he had two small bones broken in his right wrist plus a fractured cheek bone. However, he did have the last laugh when he was confronted by a hospital administration staff member who inquired as to who was going to pay for his treatment. Brad with a smile on his face gave the police headquarters as his address and that Sheriff Tim McGraw would vouch for him.

  Back in his cell after giving the whole complement of Deputies an amazing display of card magic, that blew them all away. Even with the pain that accompanied the display, Brad was able to leave them all breathless, which was quite a feat to accomplish, considering it was all done with only the use of one hand. Many good magicians have to struggle to obtain this sort of excellence using two hands. Sheriff McGraw even had a smile on his face, he had by now accepted Brad's version of events. However, he had to up hold the law for the town citizens. And the law said that he had to move on any undesirable people who had no money or means of supporting themselves. The town of Hays did not like this sort of person hanging around. Upon the completion of his display and to the sound of very loud cheering and clapping Brad was put into the Sheriffs car and driven to the out skirts of town where it pulled over to the side of the highway. Pointing straight ahead the Sheriff said "That's the way you came here, that's the best way for you to head back out". "I'm sorry but those are the rules mate" he grabbed Brads bag of clothes that were found at the motel, from behind him off the back seat of the police car and laid them on his lap. He then thrust $10 note into his hand "Here mate thanks for the Magic show the boys loved it". "Made you more popular than me at one stage, it was much appreciated". "Get yourself some food further down the road. Sorry that it worked out this way, but maybe you're better off heading home".

  Brad sat by the roadside on his bag, amongst the dust and pebbles for almost an hour. During that time just to relieve the boredom, for the first time Brad went through his belongings just seeing what he had been left with after the mugging. All he found were clothes and some of those had been torn. As he was going through the back pocket of a pair of jeans his fingers brought out a small card. He turned it over and read the name of Emily. For a minute he had to think who Emily was. Before it came to back to him, Emily had been the young girl that had sat beside him on the Greyhound bus with from Las Vagas. There was also a phone number and address where she was staying with her mother on holiday. He was suddenly shaken from his thoughts as a pickup truck stopped to offer him a lift. The driver was a young local farmer who said he could take him to Salina, he introduced himself as Tom and explained that it was as far as he was going. There was no hesitation upon Brads part as he had no choice, he had just been railroaded out of town by the local Sheriff. It had only been a couple of weeks since Brad had travelled along this same road on his journey into what was then the unknown. Now he was retracing his footsteps in a different frame of mind, he was bewildered broke and feeling very sore from his injuries. The biggest problem he had was within his head, how on earth had he
got it all so wrong. After all Brad was a grown man and had travelled the world before, he knew enough about life not to have made this sort of mistake. How had he made such a mistake, why had he not been able to read the signs earlier? However, that's love for you, over the years he had always used a favourites saying. "Love will draw you further than gunpowder will blow you". In this instance it had certainly been proven correct.

  The trip to Salina did not take long for Brad anyway, during the whole trip he had been in a world all of his own, a world of deep thought a world of wondering what his next move should be. He was so engrossed within himself that he rarely heard a word that Tom was uttering during the whole trip. It was a good thing that he was talking otherwise there would have been a deathly silence within that vehicle.

  Tom dropped Brad at the centre of town and they said farewell. It was time to eat as his stomached was rumbling, and anyway the $10 was burning a hole in his pocket. It was no good hanging onto it. $10 would not go far, and so once it's gone it's gone. For lunch he found a McDonalds, at least the food would be cheap and he would not be embarrassed by being found short of money at the counter, it was bad enough being hard up, but at least he would not be humiliated as well. His appetite was very ravenous and could be seen by the amount of change he received from the cashier, which was just a few cents.

  By early afternoon he was back on the road heading south towards Wichita or at least that's where he hoped the road would take him. A large cattle truck pulled up and offered him a ride, Brad climbed up into the cab and settled back into a lovely plush front seat. This was not your usual truck, this was a top of the range, owner-driver well cared for luxury roadrunner. The cab was even sound proofed, for once you could hear each other talk. Brad was ready for some talking, he had stewed his brain long enough. During the trip to Wichita Brad opened up his heart to the driver, who went by the name of Todd He told him the whole story of his disastrous trip to Hays. The story was so long and in detail that it left Brad doing all of the talking, at least he was getting the sad sorry state of affairs out and not bottling it up inside of him.

  The story had been so long and drawn out that before Brad knew it they were driving into Wichita and the truckie pulled over to let him out. He thanked Todd just asking him to point him in the direction of Oklahoma. While climbing out of the cab he hesitated, but then turned back looking at Todd. He was embarrassed but felt he had to ask Todd if he could lend him the cost of a phone call. During the trip Brad had started to put together a rough draft of an idea to help get him out of his predicament. As his pockets were empty, a phone call might just be the answer to a prayer. Jumping from the cab he placed the coins in his pocket and felt very humble, the thought of asking for a loan that would never be repaid put a lump in his throat. Brad had never been so hard up in his entire lifetime.

  Brad found a local call box and rang the number on Emily's card, and was amazed that she answered. He had been wondering what to do if maybe she had returned to Las Vagas, or if her mother had picked it up, or heaven forbid her boy friend had answered.

  "It's Brad here" he said, " We met on a Greyhound", he continued with a slight wobble in his voice. "Brad!" she gave a little giggle. "Never thought that I would ever hear from you again". "Well must admit, I never thought that I would be making this call, I have to be quick as I'm in a call box". Emily took his number and rang him back. So Brad could tell her that he was stranded in Wichita and had no idea what to do next. The conversation went on for some time while the whole story was unravelled to Emily. She could hear with in his voice that he was truly in trouble and not knowing what to do next.

  Emily had liked Brad on the bus trip and had even offered to put him up at her mother's even though at the time her mother had not been consulted. She could almost detect that he might be fighting back a few tears. Suddenly the impulse to go to him came over her, and she found herself saying that he was to stay put, she would drive to Wichita and pick him up. Brad knew it would take her several hours and that she would not be there until the early hours of the morning. So they made arrangement to meet at the Greyhound bus depot. Maybe he would be able to grab a couple of hours sleep on a bench somewhere. He had to just hope that the local Sheriff did not pick him up after all he did not have any form of ID to show. It suddenly occurred to him that he had no passport either, how on earth was he going to be able to return to Australia.

  Brad was asleep curled up on a wooden bench outside of the bus depot. When he was awakened by a set of powerful headlights shining right in his eyes. He had no idea how long he had been asleep. However, the aches and pains that his body was experiencing, told him that it had been laying in an uncomfortable and cold position most of the night. In order that he might be able to grab some very welcomed sleep. The head lights came closer and closer, in fact Brad started to get up thinking that the car was not going to stop. It was just possible that he was going to be run over while laying on the bench, now that's a novel ending to my troubles he thought. He gave a little sigh as the car came to a holt just in front of him. Brads first thought was that it was the local Sheriff, as the lights were still blazing in his eye he could not see the make of car. Next minute the lights were switched off and he saw a person step out and walk towards him. Slowly he made out the figure of a female. Brad was very relieved when he heard Emily's voice call out, "Is that you Brad". "Sure is " he replied, "Boy am I glad to see you".

  Brad stood up to greet her giving her a light kiss on the side of her cheek. "Thanks for coming" he whispered in her ear. Emily was shocked at the state of his face, the blood had gone but there were now signs of bruising all over.

  Emily told him that it had been a long and arduous tiring trip, and that she needed a break and have something to eat and drink. The car belonged to her mother and was a large Plymouth station wagon that had seen better days, but had been no trouble to her on the trip. They walked across the road to where an all night diner was open, so that Emily could refresh herself and have a drink.

  Brad spent a long time explaining to her how he had ended up in the position that he now found himself in. Leaving nothing out, it would be pointless telling her a pack of lies. After all somehow it would all come out in the end and then if he had lied, he guessed that the situation could get even worse with Emily leaving him stranded.

  Brad was very inquisitive as to why she had decided to help him and drive all that way. After all they had not really got to know each other on that bus trip from Las Vagas. Emily leaned over and gave him a kiss saying that she wanted to help and that she also liked him. "Liked" Brad thought to come all this way she would have to have more than just liked me, maybe he'd read the signs wrong on the bus. He studied her face while she was talking realising that she was a very pretty young woman. Suddenly the small age gap between then did not seem to matter. He whispered to her that she was very pretty and thanked her once again for coming.

  Because Emily was very tired Brad offered to drive even though he had no licence it had been lost in his wallet. Emily was just too tired, they would have to take a chance. Maybe after a rest Emily would be able to take over, further down the highway

  The front of the old Plymouth had a large leather bench seat. With Brad driving, Emily huddled up beside him not bothering with a seat belt. Just a few miles out of town and Emily was already fast asleep, with her head lying on Brads shoulder. He had a rough idea of the way to Oklahoma, anyway it was well sign posted.

  The sun was just starting to appear from the east, and its rays were coming into the car and resting on Emily's head, making a type of golden halo around her. Brad had never looked at her in this way. Here sleeping beside him was a very pretty desirable young woman. While he had gone off wandering the world looking for a Mrs right and all the time she had been sitting beside him on a bus a couple of weeks earlier. He felt a bit of a mug, there was no way that he could ask Emily to go out with him, after all she was going to feel like she was a second choice. Or would she at this stage he
could only cross his fingers and hope.

  The journey was long tiring and tedious, but Brad didn't mind he now had his arm around Emily's shoulder and for once he felt relaxed. He was actually taking in the countryside that was gently rolling by. They had a couple of breaks to stretch their legs and to grab a cup of coffee, and with each stop they became closer and closer and at times going into a short embrace. This journey was doing for Brad what he had tried and wanted to do with other female company for the past ten years. Something he had worked very hard on but somehow had never succeeded. Although here it was happening to him out of the blue and with no effort it was an amazing feeling. The nearer they got to their destination of Oklahoma, the closer they were getting to each other, in body and in mind. During the moments that Emily was awake, they both told each other about their past and generally filled in the gaps of their histories.

  With Brad still at the wheel, the Plymouth was fast approaching the city limits of Oklahoma. He found himself just wishing that it were not true. The journey was coming to an end, and was over to quickly for him. Brad wished that it could go on forever. He pulled over to the side of the road and generally gave Emily a shake, as she opened her eyes he leaned over and gave her a light kiss on the lips. "Were here" he said quietly, "Time for you to take over, I haven't a clue where to go now". After a few minutes they both got out and had a walk around for Emily to wake herself up. Then she got in behind the wheel and drove them through the city to where her mother lived.

  Mum was a very down to earth old lady, but frown on young people living in what she called sin. It was decided that they would not let her know that an affair might be taking place between them. She made Brad most welcome, making up the spare bed at the back of the house for him. Emily had told her the basics of the position that Brad had found himself in and she just accepted it. However, it did not take her long to realise that there was a loving feelings between them. She took an instant liking towards Brad and accepted him into her house.

  Brad had been very lucky because Emily's holiday was fast running out, within just a few days she would have to return to her job in Vagas. The thought just did not bear thinking about. What could he do to get himself out of this mess? During one lunchtime at the table, Brad explained about an idea that he'd had for trying to make a little cash. So that he would be able to repay Emily and her mother for their kindness and hospitality. However, more importantly, how to get some money together to somehow return to LA and then home to Australia.

  It was with his well and trusted skills with a pack of cards, something that he had used very successfully in the past. He had not a lot of time so he went out with Emily and hawked his skill around a couple of clubs until he was lucky enough to worm his way into one of the owner's confidence. It was only working for tips but Brad didn't mind that, all he wanted was a chance, his magic would do the talking. Mind you he was still only able to use his left hand, but that was enough to seal the deal once the owner saw for himself the mastery Brad had over a pack of cards.

  Brad was soon pulling large crowds into the club, which was pleasing for him. The money was now coming in, not in large amounts at first but it was a liveable amount although it did pick up very fast. Giving Brad the opportunity to repay Emily and her mother. However, what Brad really wanted was to be able to purchase a ticket to Las Vagas and return with her. Once there he would have to have a rethink. At the moment it looked like it would be a good move to try and show off his magic there for a few weeks. At least until he'd earned sufficient cash to buy an air ticket to Aussie.

  Brad would have to be very careful though, he still did not have a work permit for the US. Once the local magicians got to hear he was in town, their possible jealousy might lead them to report him to the police. Anyway he would cross that bridge when he got to it, at the moment it was a long way off.

  Brad made that bus ride, even convincing the cashier at the bus depot to let him sit next to Emily for the whole trip through to Vagas. They were like a couple of youngsters with their arms around each other, they're whispering in each other's ears, they're laughing and kissing. Although it was nothing over the top, but even so it left the other passengers in no uncertain terms, of knowing that they were in love.

  In Vagas Brad went along with Emily to the apartment that she rented with her friend and fellow croupier Mary. She and Mary were only to pleased to let him stay there while it was decided what his future would be. However, he would have to sleep on the couch for the time being. This arrangement was made so that Mary would feel more comfortable and not out on a limb.

  It took only a day to hunt down Rudi the magician he had met up with just a few weeks earlier. Over a beer Brad went into a few details about the whole affair. Ending by saying that he needed a job to get him on his feet and pay off a few bills. He had not relied on Emily to try and get him a job in the casino where she worked. However, Brad was worried that the casino people might not like somebody showing the patrons how to cheat with a packet of cards. While at the same time trying to guarantee them that their gaming house was clean.

  Eventually Brad ended up with Rudi once again. Together they made a good team selling the packet card tricks that Rudi managed to obtain. They became a formable force working very well with the public. Rebounding off one another and each complementing the other in a slick display of magic.

  Brad and Emily settled in with each other and the love between them grew strong. Not wanting to compromise Emily's friend they found their own accommodation and set about setting up a home together. Brad liked the life style in Las Vagas, but realised that he still had problems ahead of him if he wanted to stay. Firstly he did not have a work permit that would have to be his priority, so he could stay in the country.

  It was Emily who proposed to Brad, knowing that it would help his case if he were married to a American citizen. Brad was over the moon with Emily and spent the whole evening whispering yes into her ear.

  It was a small ceremony that took place in one of the many Las Vegas small chapels that litter the city. With Rudi as the best man and Emily's old flat mate as a lady in waiting. Then they all returned to their rented accommodation for a drink and a small celebration.

  Life became good to them with Brad obtaining a very good job at the 'Monte Carlo' resort and casino. The famous magician Lance Burton, one of Brads idols, was its owner. It turned out that Lance had seen Brad working the public with Rudi, and invited him to the hotel for a private meeting. Once there and in the privacy of a back room Brad had made a very big impression on Lance, who offered him a job. He was allowed to perform his brand of card magic to the patrons in the gaming rooms. However, the big challenge for him was the roll he was going to play in helping Lance invent and perfect new card material for the big magic shows that were performed nightly on the main stage.

  Brad had finally made it in the big time. After years of planning and trying, it had just fallen into his lap. Not just the magic but a pretty wife as well. Brad had never thought that he would find true love ever again. After all those years that he had grieved for his first wife and had not wanted to fill that void. However, Emily was the person who had showed him that there was always place for new love in his heart, and true love not the silly sort that he had imagined with the Rascal.

  His world just got better and better, with the good news that he had been granted a work permit and would be allowed to stay in his now adopted new home of Las Vagas along with the new love in his life Emily.

  Brad finished the book that he had started way back in Australia, with a lot of help and prompting from Emily. Having to totally rewrite it, after the loss of his computer in Hays. Now it all seemed like a thousand years before.

  And Brad and Emily you ask, well they both lived happy ever after, but that's another story?

  "But Remember I'm a Rascal" Those words no longer haunts Brad, now he can sleep well at nights with Emily to comfort him, his nightmare was over.

  What of the book, well it has
never been published, or turned into a film, yet? However, the surprise is that you have just read it.


  Other Titles

  'Almost Total Recall' an Autobiography by Terry Aspinall. Who grew up in Stowmarket and the Teddy Boy gangs of Ipswich. Later to serve in the Royal Marines Commandos and saw active service in Borneo. Was involved in Hang Gliding during its early days of development in the UK. Played in several Rock n Roll bands around the world, before emigrating to New Zealand and a few years later to Australia.

  'Chasing Shadows' This novel is about Englishman Michael J. Thompson. Who joined the Australian Army so he could serve in Vietnam during 1968. There were only a very few British who got to fight in this theatre of war and Michael was one of them. Michael had his own ideas of jungle training and fighting that he had learnt in other theatres of war. Where they had worked well and saved many lives. He always wanted to help others survive in a hostile environment. Where your next step could kill you if you walked into a bobby trap or ambush. His ideas on cross border patrols where later to be adopted by other western countries. However, his special teams were at their best on information gathering patrols. His golden rule was 'To see but not be seen, and eat nothing red'.

  'The Autumn Reunion' a short novel of a school reunion that tempted James through the painful journey of having to chose one girlfriend above another.

  'The Fabulous Spawlszoff Brothers' a novel, that is based on actual funny events that the author has experienced during his 50 years in the music industry.

  'Johnny Morris and the Convertibles' is a novel that is based on actual events that the author has experienced during his 50 years in the music industry.

  'The British Hang Gliding History' is an updated history of how the hang glider was invented in Australia during 1963, and of how it arrived in the UK to be manufactured and flown for the first time during 1972. This book is a shortened version of the successful website of the same name there are working hyperlinks to the BHGA early Hang Gliding magazine 'Wings' and also the BMAA early Microlight magazine 'Front Line'.

  'The Adventures of Henri and Charlie' is a very young children's short story about the authors pet Peach Face Parrot and Canary that escape from their cages and are taken on a wild ride, with no hope of returning to the security of their own cages back home. In this story the birds talk to each other.

  'Matthew Returns' Is a short novel about Matthew who has been discharged from the British Army after serving 22 years. He returns to Suffolk and the small country side town of Stowmarket, in which he grew up. At first he finds it hard to settle back into the life he once knew. Finding it hard to obtain employment with skills he had picked up while serving in the Army. However, a shock awaits him when it comes to finding himself a girl friend.

  'Unexpected' Is a short novel about John who is in a great relationship with his partner until the day she disappears. His friends and the locals turn against him, thinking that he has done something wrong. Luckily he befriends somebody who takes him for who he is. However, he is in for a shock and an ending that he did not see coming.

  'Chasing Shadows' This novel is about Englishman Michael J. Thompson. Who joined the Australian Army so he could serve in Vietnam during 1968. There were only a very few British who got to fight in this theatre of war and Michael was one of them. Michael had his own ideas of jungle training and fighting that he had learnt in other theatres of war. Where they had worked well and saved many lives. He always wanted to help others survive in a hostile environment. Where your next step could kill you if you walked into a bobby trap or ambush. His ideas on cross border patrols where later to be adopted by other western countries. However, his special teams were at their best on information gathering patrols. His golden rule was 'To see but not be seen, and eat nothing red'.


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