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Romance: Mills and Boon Romance: The Boss's Proposal (Billionaire Bad Boy BBW Romance)

Page 10

by Horton, Amanda

  ‘’You can’t tell anyone what you saw tonight’’ he threatened, ‘’Do you know what my dad would say if he knew I was still doing this? And the guys from the team? Fuck!’’

  He rubbed his head with his hands and looked so vulnerable and anxious that she almost wanted to hug him and tell him everything was going to be ok.

  ‘’I swear I’ll destroy your life if a word of this ever gets out,’’ he hissed in her direction. Ok so maybe a hug was out of the question but her head was suddenly whirring with possibilities.

  ‘’But you’re so talented’’ she hardly dared to whisper, ‘’I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. So much power. So much speed.’’

  His face softened slightly and he walked towards her. ‘’Well, well, Pompoms. If I knew if it was that easy to get your knickers wet, I would’ve brought you here before.’’

  Laurel scowled with disgust. ‘’You’re not doing much to convince me to keep my mouth shut you know!’’ she shot back.

  He sighed. ‘’What, you want money do you? Will that keep your loose little cheerleader mouth quiet? How much do you want?’’

  ‘’What on earth do you have against cheerleaders? You started this ridiculous feud with your discrimination against all cheerleaders and pretty much women in general’’ she suddenly yelled. ‘’And no, I don’t want your money. I want… you!’’

  ‘’Baby, why didn’t you just say?’’ he jumped off the ice, pulled off his boots and sauntered towards her, cornering her against the wall.

  ‘’No, no, that’s not what I meant,’’ Laurel protested but he was towering above her, looking down at her with those dark mysterious eyes, forehead still glistening with sweat from his vigorous routine. His lips, so close, and so soft, for someone so rough and chiseled, captivated her. His skin was smooth, his eyebrows heavy, and his jaw strong. She admired his Greek-god like features and before she knew it his lips had landed on hers.

  I’m an idiot. I’m gonna get hurt. I can’t start liking him. He’s an arrogant, self-centered, pig of a man. She kept telling herself these things and kept telling herself to pull away but as his lips continued to encase hers, his tongue gently exploring, his arms holding her strong and close, all reason in her head became smothered by lust and adrenaline and desire.

  Their steamy embrace came to an end and he grinned down at her. ‘’There we go’’ he said, ‘’We’re square now, right?’’

  ‘’You self-obsessed idiot’’ she said, coming back to her senses, ‘’If I found a penny on the street I wouldn’t trade it for a kiss with you!’’

  But she had seen something in his eyes. The kiss was real. He had felt it too. She just knew he had.

  ‘’The information I have is worth far more than a penny on the street’’ she continued, ‘’and with it I will get much more than a kiss with an egocentric sport’s moron!’’

  ‘’How much?’’ he repeated aggressively.

  ‘’Well you see, it’s more a case of how many…?’’ she answered slyly.

  He looked puzzled.

  ‘’I mean, you’ve seen me perform, right? How many hours of training would be needed to take me to the final of the state championships?’’

  His eyes widened. ‘’What are you suggesting?’’ He paused. ‘’Are you mad?’’

  She crossed her arms and looked at him defiantly.

  ‘’Yeah I guess I can arrange something…’’

  ‘’No!’’ said Laurel, ‘’It has to be you. I want you to train me. I want to dance like you.’’

  ‘’No way!’’ he yelled, but the look in his eyes spelled defeat and she smiled triumphantly.


  Laurel woke up smiling. Her dream of being a top class figure skater finally seemed within reach. She took an old photograph from under her pillow and gazed at it lovingly. ‘’This is for you Granny,’’ she whispered.

  She remembered watching her grandmother skating when she was a child. Despite her age and fragility, her grandmother could still skate incredibly well and she had seen photos and videos of her amazing performances that had taken place before Laurel was born. When the cancer had finally rendered her sweet grandmother bed-ridden and with only a few days left of life left inside her, she had given young Laurel a message that would stay with her forever. ‘’Do something that makes you happy,’’ she had told Laurel, ‘’Don’t be tempted by riches or fame. Their allure will quickly fade. Do something you love, dedicate yourself to it, and do it the best you possibly can!’’

  From that moment Laurel had made a promise to herself that she would become a world-class figure skater, just like her grandmother. She kissed the picture gently before returning it to its place.

  Her alarm brought her back to reality and she jumped out of bed quickly. She had a full day of classes ahead of her though and even though skating was her passion, she was beginning to enjoy law more and more, especially with Paul to help explain the stuff she didn’t get.

  Her and Paul were pretty much inseparable during busy school days and on this day like many others they popped to their usual diner to re-fuel.

  ‘’Hamburger with fries and a peanut milkshake please!’’ she grinned at the waitress.

  ‘’Oh sorry honey, we’re all out of peanut butter. That guy just bought the last one,’’ and she waved her hand towards a guy slurping noisily at the table next to them.

  He turned round and grinned. It was Ben. Of course, she thought. Typical. ‘’You snooze, you lose, sucker.’’ He sneered. ‘’Want some?’’ he waved the huge tumbler in front of her and she tried to grab it without luck. He then drained the last of its contents, slammed it down on the table, and walked off without looking back.

  ‘’Are we still on for tonight?’’ she yelled after him, but he was already halfway out the door. If she didn’t know better, she might have thought he was a little bit jealous.

  ‘’You’re not meeting up with that guy, seriously?’’ asked Paul, concerned. ‘’He’s such an idiot. All brawn and no brain,’’ he smirked.

  ‘’I… erm… yeah I know,’’ said Laurel, ‘’but we have a kind of arrangement. I’ll tell you about it another time. It’s nothing though, really. It’s not like I’ve got the hots for him or anything!’’ she lied.

  Back at home later Jennifer was giving her a hard time about her continued nighttime escapades at the rink.

  ‘’Seriously, you’re not coming out again?’’ Jennifer complained, tugging at one of her dark curls. ‘’You’re getting so lame! And you look tired. I think you’re training too much.’’

  ‘’Tell Minds and Amy I’m sorry ok, and I will definitely, definitely be out Friday night ok, promise! I’m doing this for my grandmother, remember.’’ Laurel apologized as she rushed off for another session at the rink.

  She heard Jennifer sigh as she closed the door and she felt bad. But there was nothing that could keep her away from the rink. Or away from Ben for that matter, but she still hadn’t entirely admitted this to herself.

  Their sessions had started with resentment and an icy face on his part but after a couple of evenings’ work she could tell he was starting to enjoy himself. And she was learning fast too. Her awkward axel landings were a thing of the past and she could spin faster than ever before. She couldn’t wait to see where their training would lead.

  ‘’Hey Mr. Grimsby,’’ she yelled to the security guard as she swung through the doors. He had forgiven her for sneaking in and they were now firm friends.

  Ben was already on the ice, making circles, and she ran down the steps towards him. ‘’Private Pompoms you’re late! Get on the ice right this second and give me 20!’’

  He liked to pretend she was his soldier, and him the sergeant major of course.

  She grinned, ‘’Sorry Sir, right away’’ and she laced up her boots, jumped on the rink and did 20 push-ups, no problem. She could feel his eyes running over her body while she was pumping up and down and it thrilled her no end.

But as she jumped up again his face was all seriousness and they started the session without further ado.

  ‘’Are you going to that party next Saturday?’’ she ventured as they were on their way out, ‘’You know, it’s meant to be like, the party of the year. Everyone is going.’’

  ‘’I’ll probably be there,’’ he said non-committedly and shrugged his shoulders, ‘’I dunno. It’s a long way off. But yeah I guess you’re right. One night off from training is a good plan. From now on we won’t work on weekends. Friday and Saturday nights are all yours.’’

  ‘’But I didn’t mean…’’

  ‘’No it’s fine. See you tomorrow, same time. Don’t be late.’’

  He seemed preoccupied. ‘’And remember,’’ he turned round, ‘’Careless talk costs lives.’’

  Nice, she thought. But on reflection she supposed that she was blackmailing him. She thought about their banter while training, their brief snippets of conversation on the walk out, and the moments when their eyes caught each other’s and lingered for a moment longer than they should have done.

  Was it all part of the act? She realized that despite his thuggish ways and lewd remarks, she was falling for this guy. She shook her head in disbelief. He was the epitome of everything she hated in a man. It was what she saw in his eyes that told her there was more to him. And the sexual tension between them was undeniable, well at least it was for her. She wondered if she appeared as frequently in his dreams as he did in hers.


  ‘’Private Pompoms! Nice of you to join us! 30 now! No buts!’’

  She was running late again thanks to another lecture from Jennifer, this time because she was behind in one of her classes. ‘’Paul told me you’re not concentrating in class and you’re handing in your assignments late!’’ she scolded. Laurel felt miserable and exhausted.

  As she slumped down and half-heartedly started her punishment push-ups she suddenly started to sob.

  ‘’Hey, hey, whoa, stop!’’ Ben said gently as he sat down beside her. He put his arm around her and pulled her next to him on the ice. ‘’Sorry, maybe I pushed you too hard. It was just meant to be fun y’know. Besides, if you ever want to get into pairs figure skating, you’ll need to strengthen these puny arms of yours,’’ he joked, and he gave her arm a squeeze.

  She leaned into his embrace and breathed in his smell: Musky sporty masculinity, she thought. She imagined herself twirling around the rink in his arms. Did he really think she could try skating with a partner? With him? She didn’t dare imagine it.

  ‘’I’m sorry’’ she murmured, ‘’This is really embarrassing. I just had a fight with my roommate that’s all.’’

  He lifted her face and kissed her tenderly. Ripples of excitement shot through her body. She responded eagerly and the tenderness turned quickly into wanton desire. His tongue entered her mouth and she sucked it and bit his beautiful bottom lip. His hand was up her shirt, stroking her stomach, cupped around her breast. Then with her nipple between his fingers, tweaking, gently at first, becoming harder. She felt his hardness press against her and as he unbuttoned her shirt she in turn unbuttoned his pants to reveal his beautiful wild manhood.

  Within seconds they were writhing on the ice in naked bliss. He licked the ice and took her in his mouth, giving her excited shivers and crying out until she was on the brink of climax. Then he entered her, suddenly, forcefully, causing her to cry out again. She felt him deep inside her and it felt as if he would explode at any moment. She came deeply and elatedly, and he followed soon after, groaning with pleasure and collapsing at her side. They stayed like that for a while until he turned to her and whispered, ‘’Private Pompoms?’’

  ‘’Sir?’’ she whispered back.

  ‘’Your bum’s going blue. Ladies locker room for a hot shower, now!’’

  She giggled and grabbed her clothes, holding them to her body, suddenly glancing around the huge arena, becoming self-conscious.

  He joined her in the shower and they soaped each other down and nuzzled, enjoying the continued intimacy in silence. She had so much she wanted to say to him, to ask him, but somehow she just couldn’t express herself. Instead she joked, ‘’I’ll have to be late and upset more often.’’ He replied, ‘’You just dare!’’ and spanked her bottom hard.

  ‘’Same time tomorrow Pompoms,’’ he said with a grin, but his eyes were distant again and the intimacy from before was gone. She wanted to call the whole thing off, tell him he didn’t need to train her anymore, promise him his secret was safe with her, sign his stupid paper saying she’d be in big trouble if she ever opened her mouth. But deep inside her was an insecurity that told her to keep him in her control. She needed the training. She couldn’t risk losing him.


  Laurel woke up and groaned. Her muscles were aching and she had bruises everywhere from her and Ben’s intense training sessions. Her thoughts lingered on their steamy session on the ice and she smiled but then frowned. She didn’t know what was going on with Ben. Their training sessions had continued as usual. The chemistry was still there. But nothing further had developed between them.

  Anyway, she thought to herself, today was Saturday. She planned to have a lazy day. She would take a bath to soothe her aching body and then she and Jennifer were going shopping and meeting some girlfriends for lunch. And tonight was the big party. She hoped Ben would be there.

  ‘’So where on earth have you been hiding?’’ Mindy asked Laurel.

  They were sitting in a bistro in town eating shrimp salad and drinking iced teas.

  ‘’She’s been spending time with bad-boy Ben.’’ Jennifer teased.

  Laurel gave her a look and stuffed a shrimp in her mouth to shut her up.

  ‘’I thought you hated that guy?’’ Amy piped up.

  Laurel sighed. ‘’I did hate him. But now… I’m not sure. He’s helping me with something, that’s all. I can’t really say.’’

  ‘’He’s teaching her to skate!’’ said Jennifer, ‘’I think it’s so romantic!’’

  ‘’It’s meant to be a secret!’’ Laurel protested, ‘’Please, this conversation doesn’t go any further ok? And no, it’s not romantic, it’s just… business.’’

  ‘’Well, I think it’s romantic,’’ Mindy said, ‘’I mean, why would he be helping you if he didn’t like you?’’

  Laurel sighed. If only they knew the truth. She was blackmailing Ben to train her. The only reason he was spending time with her was so she didn’t reveal his love of figure skating to his teammates or his dad. But why did he care so much? She couldn’t figure it out. And then there was his weird hatred of cheerleaders. He was certainly a complicated guy. But none of this she could talk about to her friends. She decided to change the subject.

  ‘’So what are you guys wearing to the party?’’ she asked. ‘’Jen bought a stunning new dress this morning. So maybe I can borrow her little black one…’’ she looked sweetly at Jennifer and smiled.

  Jennifer grinned, ‘’Of course you can borrow it, you don’t even have to ask!’’

  ‘’Show us what you bought!’’ Amy said, clapping her hands.

  Jennifer picked up a paper bag from under the table and pulled out a shimmery pink number.

  ‘’Oooh!’’ the girls squealed in unison and then laughed. They cooed over the dress and new shoes that Jennifer had bought and Laurel felt a tinge of jealousy that she couldn’t afford to buy new clothes.

  ‘’What did you buy Laurel?’’ Mindy asked.

  ‘’Oh just a lip-gloss,’’ Laurel replied.

  Paul finally arrived and pulled up a seat at their table. ‘’Sorry I’m late ladies!’’ he said, ‘’I got carried away in the library!’’

  ‘’You’re such a rebel,’’ Laurel joked and poked him in the side.

  Jennifer gave her a look and she wasn’t sure exactly what it meant.

  Paul ordered take-out and they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways but planned to meet at 6pm
later to get ready for the party together.

  Laurel was wearing Jennifer’s black dress as planned and she looked smoking hot. By the girls’ admission, not her own, of course. Though she was pleased with how it fitted. A pair of silver heels completed the look and with a lick of mascara and a generous amount of her new lip-gloss she was ready to go! Paul looked handsome tonight, she thought to herself, but her mind was on Ben and whether he would be there or not. ‘’You look amazing tonight,’’ Paul whispered to her shyly, and she thanked him but backed away, confused.

  ‘’Cheers!’’ they yelled and licked salt from their wrists, threw tequila down their necks, sucked on wedges of lemon, and then screwed up their faces in disgust and laughed.

  ‘’Right, come on then ladies,’’ said Jennifer. ‘’Sorry. And Paul! We’re fashionably late enough to leave now. I can’t wait to see the band; they’re meant to be really good.’’

  ‘’Yeah and that DJ we saw at the club the other night is playing too!’’ Amy added excitedly.

  Laurel sighed happily. It was good to be surrounded by friends and away from the rink for a while.

  A little while later two bouncers ushered them inside the huge house where the party was already in full throw. There were students everywhere and the band was setting up on the terrace out the back. They squeezed their way through the crowds picking up another round of tequila shots and some plastic cups of beer on the way, and found a space from which to assess the room.

  ‘’He’s hot,’’ whispered Mindy, pointing to a long-haired guy standing nearby, ‘’and he’s in one of my classes. I’m gonna go and say hi!’’ She strutted towards him, flicking her long blond locks over her shoulder.

  ‘’She doesn’t waste much time does she?’’ smirked Jennifer. ‘’So who have you got your eye on Amy?’’

  ‘’Oh no-one in particular’’ Amy giggled, the shier of the two girls.

  Laurel was scanning the room hoping to spot Ben but she couldn’t see him anywhere.


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