Rogues Origin: Book I - Rogues Apocalypse

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Rogues Origin: Book I - Rogues Apocalypse Page 7

by Mack Norman

  The man was happy, and all nine were eager to join the team and do anything to be safe as their worlds fall apart.

  Next, April, the woman who managed the hardware warehouse said, “We have family members of our team trying to join us and are being stopped at the gate. Will they be allowed to join us? This is a big issue for all of the warehouses.”

  Max answered, “The short answer is yes, but they will have to agree to contribute and obey our rules. In fact, we want them as soon as possible. If necessary, we can send armed guards with you to go back to your homes and find your friends and loved ones to possibly join us. Remember Tony gave you the rules and you know your friends and relatives. Don’t vouch for drug addicts, freeloaders or criminals.”

  April was very appreciative and thanked Tony and Max.

  Tony asked each to put a complete list of all of their people and skills so they would know what type of skilled people were needed for the community.

  Tony said, “We need some farmers, ranchers, doctors, nurses, and school teachers as we vet the outsiders as well as auto mechanics, engineers, and a host of other skills if we want to try to have civilization again.”

  The warehouse managers gave the team their headcounts, and all were surprised that the group had grown to over 300 people.

  The meeting was over, and Tony told the team, “Damn, I hate the day to day operations. I just want to shake hands, kiss babes, and give money and food away to starving people.”

  Max said, “That’s babies.”

  Oscar, Amy, and Tony laughed, and Amy said, “He meant babes.”

  Max thought for a second and replied, “Oh, I see.”

  Amy said, “Yep, and I’m surprised he didn’t say, bartenders, poker dealers, pimps, and hookers.”

  Tony hit her on the butt and said, “You know I can hear you, hussy. Yes, we need all of those skills to make this a successful community, but somethings are better done than said.”

  Max thought for a minute and asked, “Who will be in charge of those operations?”

  Tony replied, “The same people who ran them before the North Koreans nuked us only this time we will run them as a respectable business with improved regulations and most of the money taken in will benefit the community.”

  Tony heard gunfire in the distance and wondered what was happening on the outside since it was now three days and the food was low, so he asked, “Oscar do you have some high place and some binoculars so we can see what is going on out there beyond our fences.”

  “Yes, Boss. We can go on top of the Auto Parts building and take a peek. I have two guards posted there at all times.”

  The guards only had two pairs of binoculars, so they took turns surveying the city around them when Tony exclaimed, “Hey, Oscar, what’s going on over at that intersection? It looks like some cops are pinned down by a huge Mob with guns.”

  Oscar viewed the situation and asked, “Yeah, I see the people and the gunfire have them pinned down in the parking lot of that urgent care center, You wanting me to do some community relations?”

  Tony answered, “Yes, we must do our duties and help those poor people. Max take your team with Oscar. See if you can rescue those doctors and cops.”

  Max replied, “But boss I’m a writer.”

  “Max you are the Sheriff. Think of this as on the job training.”

  Max gulped and said, “Amy, please grab our guns, flack jackets, and whatever you need to keep me from getting my ass shot. Your job is to protect me and kill anyone who shoots me.”

  Amy chuckled and said, “That’s a tall order, but I’ll do my best.


  Tony caught Oscar and set up a side meeting to discuss setting up their usual businesses.

  Tony sat across the table with a bourbon in his hand, “Oscar you are in charge of operations. I want to be spared the details; however, I want all of our operations to be above board and legal under our new rules.”

  “But Boss, that’s no fun,” Oscar chortled.

  “No drugs, no forced prostitution, and no pay for protection. You set up the whorehouses, gambling joints, and bars. No cheating, no loan sharking, and definitely no girls get beaten like the old days,” Tony answered.

  “It won’t be as much fun as the old days. Can we handle people who buck the operation,” asked Oscar.

  “Yes, but make them disappear and don’t have any killings in our community. Don’t misunderstand. It’s my way or a bullet to the brain. We want to make this a nice community from the start that appreciates our vices as long as we keep them out of sight and they cause no harm to the community,” Tony patted Oscar on the back and added, “It’s a new day, and the organization has to change with it.”

  “Boss, I’m in, and any of my guys that aren’t will change or else. I think the first things I should do are to gather all of the beer, liquor, and condoms we can find as well as continuing to add to our food supply. I’ll also have the men look for gambling and bingo equipment,” Oscar said.

  Tony thought for a minute, “I’ll assign Roger to find Doctors, nurses, and medical supplies. Oscar, you need to start thinking long term. You will need stills and microbreweries to keep the alcohol flowing. Send teams out to identify the equipment and bring it back here. I don’t think we can protect outlying breweries for quite some time.”

  “Boss, it’s only been three days, and we have over three hundred people in our group. How many people should we allow to join our community?

  Tony gazed at Oscar, “Everyone who can live under our rules. I plan to expand forever. We will also send teams out to start other new communities.”


  Chapter 6: The Sheriff

  Max hit Oscar up for six of his soldiers and took Sam and Amy along with his small group of deputies with him to the fight at the intersection. They traveled south in three vehicles and drove through the warehouse complex south of Veterans Memorial Parkway heading northeast until they were within 100 yards of the enemy combatants.

  It took ten minutes to wind their way through the stalled cars, trucks, and trailers, which gave Max time to think, “Amy are you ever afraid when you go into this kind of situations?”

  “Of course stupid… Sir stupid. You would have to be a dumbass or on drugs not to be scared shitless knowing that the next bullet could blow your brains out.”

  Max looked at Amy, “I’m as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Well, what do you do to help with the fear?”

  She reached over, held his hand, and looked him in the eye, “I think about rewarding myself with great sex when I return from the danger.”


  Amy saw that there was little cover between them, and the thugs attacking the police and said, “Max you are the boss, but I’d post four snipers on this warehouse’s roof while the rest of us low crawl within about 25 yards of those punks. When we get in place, we signal the snipers to start killing their targets.”

  Max waved at his small army, “Sounds good to me. Men do what Amy says.”

  One of the women asked, “Do us women have to do the same or do we just sit here and look pretty?”

  Max looked perplexed, “Ladies you are part of my team and if you can’t do the job get your asses home. I don’t have time for PC shit here, so all men obey or get the fuck out of here.”

  The lady smiled and said, “Yes, Sir.”

  Max smiled back and said, “Who are my snipers?”

  Five of the group stepped forward including the two women, “What makes you snipers?”

  The men answered police and military training. The two women stood there for a minute and then one walked up to Max, “We’re sisters, and our daddy was a Marine sniper. He taught us everything we know. These Remington Model 700s are ours, and we have killed many a deer and other varmints.”

  Max shook his head in agreement, “Can you kill a man?”

  “No sir, but we can kill that scum attacking those guys at the overpass.”

nbsp; The taller of the two added, “Betty is an EMT, and I’m a nurse so we can also help patch up any of the good guys. The turds will all be dead.”

  Amy gathered the team and said, “I’ll wave for the snipers to shoot and when they do start killing the closest assholes, keep your heads down and find the best cover you can. Don’t stop shooting until every one of the attackers is dead.”

  Max and the others belly crawled through the brush and high grass toward the overpass. Max didn’t wear gloves, so his hands were scraped and scratched as well as his arms and stomach. Amy led them as they crossed the distance and used hand signals to keep them safe and moving toward the target.

  Amy saw the first of the men attacking the cops were only a few feet away when she signaled back to the snipers to shoot.

  The thugs were surprised by the gunshots behind them as four of their men fell dead followed by four more. Amy’s small force cut down several more before the rest cut their losses and ran like hell to get away from the slaughter. The fighting was over in seconds as it usually is when a bunch of cowards try to enact their will on others.

  Max waved at the cops who had now begun poking their heads up to see who ran the gang off.

  Max yelled, “It’s safe now. We are from the community west of here and heard those creeps shooting at you. Do you need any help with the wounded? We have medical people on our team?”

  A man stepped forward and said, “I’m Sgt. Jim Friday and this is what’s left of the Sumner County Police force. Some thugs attacked our station and blew the front off the building with explosives. We loaded up as many weapons as we could carry in my old Chevy and shagged ass this way when the gang caught up with us, and the fight started. Please have your medics look at Joan and Gil they have minor wounds, and the doctors are hiding in the medical center too afraid to come out.”

  Amy had waved at the snipers and signaled for the two with medical experience to come on over while the others kept over watch for the gang. She then went into the medical building with Max and coaxed the doctors and their staff to come out and go with them to safety.

  The police followed Max’s group back to the community, and the wounded men were tended to and were given places to rest while Sgt. Talked with Max, Oscar, and Tony.

  “May I call you Jim,” Tony asked.

  Jim looked discouraged, “Yes. I want to thank you and your people for rescuing us from those gang members. Those assholes were a pain in my butt long before the apocalypse and will be impossible to handle now that most of my force is dead or abandoned their posts.”

  Tony appeared genuine, “There are nine of you here. Do you have family and friends that need help?”

  “We all have enough food for a couple of days, but the stores have all been looted. I lost two men in the riots this morning before the explosion. We planned to meet at my house this afternoon and figure out what to do and perhaps leave the area before it’s a total war zone.”

  Tony asked, “Would you like to join our community? We have plenty of food and plan to farm this area in the spring. My men are pacifying the area and bringing supplies and equipment to the compound to ensure our survival.”

  Jim looked pissed, “You aren’t stealing food and supplies from our people are you?”

  “Heavens no. We are seizing abandoned warehouses, stores, and shops. We plan to trade food and supplies for work and other things our community needs. As long as someone wants to go by our rules, they are welcome. If not, they are free to leave quickly,” replied Tony.

  “That appears to be a dictatorship, and you are the head dictator,” said the Seargent.

  “Add benevolently, and you are correct. This is not a democracy. A democracy right now would be a disaster. I plan to watch over the community until it is able to stand on its own,” Tony finished speaking then added, “We can feed the people and get them organized to fight crime and gangs. We have enough weapons and ammo for now and will add more as time permits. Think it over.”

  “Come to the meeting at my house, and we will let you make your proposal to the people directly,” replied Jim.

  “If you will tell me where and when I will be there. Now I need all of the intelligence on that gang so my men can quickly dispatch them and make the world a bit safer.”

  “Tony, there are fifty more of them, and they are armed to the teeth.”

  “Jim, let my man Oscar worry about the details and let’s get you home safely. Greg, please fill their trucks up with meat and can goods,” Tony smiled, and then added, “We’re using up all of the fresh meat before it spoils.”

  “Tony, you didn’t mention your name.”

  Tony shook his hand and smiled, “Tony Mongolusio from New York City. My associates and I got stuck down here when the EMP blasts hit the fan, and we are quickly making this our home.”


  Sgt. Jim Friday looked over the crowd in his backyard and brought the meeting to order, “This morning the station was attacked, and nine of us barely escaped with our lives. The gang saw us leave after the explosion and wanted the weapons and ammo we salvaged from our armory.

  We fled north and the gang pinned us down when they caught us at that overpass. The short story is that a group from a community on the northwest side of Gallatin risked their lives and saved us from sure death. They asked me if we want to join them. They have plenty of food and water and have a large armed force to protect us and our kids.”

  One of the deputies spoke up, “Jim, tell them who these people are.”

  “I was getting to that. The leaders of this large group are from New York City and are Mob connected.”

  There was an uproar as everyone talked at once, “Hold it down. We don’t have to join them, but we can’t stay here, or the gang will kill all of us.”

  Tony Mongolusio walked in behind the sergeant with a bloody man behind them and said, “You don’t have to worry about that gang. They no longer exist or should I say we arranged a meeting with their God. I hope he doesn’t have much mercy since we found women and kids who had been savagely raped and men tortured. May they rot in hell?”

  “Jim said, “Bill take charge of the prisoner.”

  Tony said firmly, “And what will you do with him?”

  “We’d give him a fair trial and then put him in prison. I guess,” said Jim.

  Tony facepalmed and then said, “Which ones of you will feed him and watch his cell along with the hundreds like him? How much of your kid's food will you waste on scum like this?”

  Most of the crowd yelled, “None. Hang him.”

  “Sorry for butting in, but let me give my presentation now, and maybe that will settle your dilemma on what to do. First, these men and women have been a thorn in law enforcement’s side for years. Lately, they have killed, raped, and plundered food from good citizens like you. Second, my force attacked and killed 35 of these men and women a few hours ago. We interrogated the remaining 13 and shot them dead. We saved this man to show to the sergeant. He will go back with us and be buried an hour later. Ladies and gentlemen, the world you knew is over. Scum like this does not understand good intentions. We will kill these people on sight and free their victims.

  Now to enlighten you on our community. I am Tony Mongolusio. Yes, you have heard of me. The government has harassed my associates and me for years for conducting trade in social vices. Yes, gambling, prostitution, and alcohol. My vision of the new world makes those legal. They will be strictly regulated and taxed to give the money back to our community. Hey folks, people are going to do those things anyway. Why not tax them and stop wasting time and money trying to prevent people from doing what they want to do.

  These businesses will be highly regulated and contained to a restricted area. You will know where they are, but you don’t have to go there. That gets the elephant in the room out on the table.

  My men are currently seizing all possible resources in this area for the benefit of the people of this community before the gangs can steal the stuff.
We will share the food and resources at first then later you must trade goods or work for food and other products. We plan to farm and raise animals to ensure a self sustained community.

  Remember you do not have to join us, and we don’t want you if you think you can join us now and try to change these rules. You will be banished if you interfere with legal trade.

  All other legal rules on theft, murder, rape, child abuse, and other such crimes will, of course, be enforced. There will be a flat tax on businesses of 10 percent period. No deductions or other crap accountants and lobbyists pull. Everyone works. Everyone helps protect the community. If you can’t live by what I said, have a good life. We will trade with you and will never harm you unless you try to harm us. Now any questions.”

  A flurry of hands was raised to the sky, and Tony asked Jim to recognize and introduce the speaker.

  “Bob Haskins stand up and what is your question?”

  “What makes you think this will last? FEMA and the Government will come and help us.”

  “The President has broadcast that it could be several years before help arrives. Our best guess is that Federal help is 10 to 20 years away,” answered Max.

  “Joan Hasket rise and ask your question.”

  “Prostitution, gambling, and drinking are against my faith, but I want the safety of your community.”

  “Joan, there are two answers. Don’t join and have a happy life. Join and ignore the now legitimate businesses. If you try to interfere with them, you will be tossed out of the community.”

  There were several chuckles as well as raised eyebrows.

  “Barry Smith has a question.”

  “Mr. Mongolusio, we don’t have jobs. What would we trade for food?

  “Good question Barry. There are millions of items that have been abandoned that can be salvaged and brought in to be traded. You could offer your labor on one of the farms, hospitals, factories, or now legitimate businesses.”


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