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Rules For Spanking: MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 9

by A. Anders

  Never having seen who had entered the room, Lucy chose to believe that it wasn’t just a man who had reminded her of Cristiano. It was Cristiano himself. Sure that he had made a mistake in ending things between them, he had flown to Mexico and had stepped into the room just when she needed him most. That was what she was choosing to believe, and with her eyes closed, there was no one who could tell her that that wasn’t what happened.

  After Lucy had been alone in the room for a while she opened her eyes. The lights had been dimmed. She laid there thinking about what had happened.

  She thought about Cristiano and what he had said. She still wasn’t sure how she was going to go on but in that moment it seemed possible that she could. She still had no answers but washed in the waves of orgasm, she felt a little better. She couldn’t imagine ever completely getting over what Cristiano had done to her, but she imagined this to be a start.

  Eventually getting dressed, Lucy left the room not looking anyone in the eyes. Feeling a little stronger, she next went to the restaurant to get something to eat. The food was good. The dessert was even better.

  From there she went to her room and got into a bikini. Being a big girl she usually didn’t feel comfortable in a two-piece. Today she didn’t care.

  For the next ten days, Lucy’s life consisted of waking up in the penthouse, grabbing breakfast and then retiring to a beach cabana for the remainder of the day. It was all she could imagine herself capable of. It also gave her a lot of time to think.

  Although she had genuinely loved Cristiano, she had made mistakes. She shouldn’t have hidden him to begin with. Why had she been so embarrassed by him? Cristiano was a great man no matter what he did for a living. More important than his job was the way he had made her feel.

  And perhaps if she hadn’t treated him so much like a secret, she would have known more of his favorites. Perhaps he would’ve felt more at home in her condo. Perhaps he wouldn’t have been in his car the day of the accident. And perhaps none of this would have happened.

  Lucy was beginning to imagine the role she could have played in all of this when, out of nowhere, she received a call on her cell. The name of her bank appeared on the caller ID. Why would her bank be calling her?

  “Hello?” Lucy asked a little concerned.

  “Hello. Yes. Can I speak to Lucynthia Hollingsworth, please?” The woman said.

  “This is she.”

  “Yes, this is a courtesy call from your bank. I’m calling to confirm certain charges that have caused your account to be overdrawn.”

  “Overdrawn?” Lucy asked confused. “How could I be overdrawn? I’ve never been overdrawn in my life.”

  “Before I answer that, can I confirm a couple of charges?”

  “Sure,” Lucy said starting to feel nervous.

  The charges that needed confirming were for her Cancún vacation. Apparently, she had already spent $130,000 on her trip. That plus a few monthly charges had put her into arrears without the deposit of her usual allowance. She couldn’t believe it. She was broke. Technically she couldn’t even afford to pay for dinner.

  “I don’t get it. What am I supposed to do?” Lucy asked the unsympathetic banker.

  “Since you are one of our preferred customers, we can extend you a line of credit for an additional $10,000 if you would like.”

  Having been told the cost of her penthouse suite, she knew that that wouldn’t be nearly enough. That would barely cover another night’s stay.

  “Could you perhaps extend me a little more than that?” Lucy asked again feeling her world crumbling.

  “I’m sorry. If you would like to get a loan for more, I can put you in contact with our personal loans department. That might take a few days, though. I would sooner recommend that you consider cashing in any stocks that you might have. As a preferred customer, we would be more than happy to help you with that.”

  Personal loans? Cashing in stocks? This was all getting too much for Lucy. She knew what the problem was. It was her father. He had cut her off. She needed to talk to him and convince him to put everything back to the way it was.

  He had gotten his wish. She had broken up with Cristiano. She still wasn’t going to marry Peter, but her father was just going to have to accept that.

  “Lucy, we all have responsibilities in life,” her father told her over the phone. “I did my best to teach you that. Perhaps I didn’t do a good job. Well, that all ends now. You’re right. You’re your own woman. You’re not a child anymore. Children get allowances and adults get jobs.

  “If you would like to be an adult, then come work for the company. I have a position for you. You can learn the company and eventually inherit it from me.”

  “Dad, I’m not like you. I don’t know how to do any of that stuff. I can’t run a company,” she admitted.

  “Do you think I knew what I was doing when I took over from her grandfather? Do you think he knew what he was doing when he to over from his father? No one is born knowing these things. We learn.

  “My one disappointment with you is that you have always been so smart yet you have always wasted it. You could run the world yet you’re so quick to throw away your life for a man who’s clearly not worth your time.”

  “Cristiano was a good man?” Lucy demanded.

  “Peter Baron is also a good man. The world is full of good men. So why not choose one who can also give you the life that you deserve?”

  “Dad, do you know why I wasn’t interested in Peter? It’s because Peter really wasn’t interested in me. He’s interested in the company. All of the men that you say I should be with are. They don’t want me, they want your money.”

  “Honey, that’s not true.”

  “That is true. Your precious Peter Baron only wants to go out with me because he thinks it will get him a raise,” Lucy insisted.

  “Dear, do you really believe that I’m that’s naïve. Don’t you think I’ve considered that? That’s not why Peter wants to get to know you. Haven’t you considered that he might want to go out with you because he likes you?”

  Lucy listened to her father surprised. She had to admit that she hadn’t considered that. Could there be something about Peter that Lucy had missed?

  No, there couldn’t be, she decided. She and Peter had talked. He was obnoxious and as full of himself as all the other men were. She knew who Peter was and she didn’t like him.

  That being said, she had to give some credence to her father’s suggestion. She had always known her father to be a smart man. He wasn’t always the most compassionate or the most present, but he was intelligent. If her father said it, there had to be at least a little truth to it.

  “Peter is not the right person for me, Dad. But if you want me to come work at the company, I will. I guess I don’t really have a choice.”

  “I’m proud of you Lucy. I’ll transfer some money into your account. Finish off your vacation and then report into the office on Monday. Your new life begins here, Dear. I couldn’t be prouder of you for stepping up to your responsibilities in this family.”

  Lucy hung up the phone dazed by what had happened. How could she have agreed to work with Peter Baron? He was aggressive and dominating and there was nothing about him that she liked. Sure, he might also be good looking, but the wrapping didn’t matter when it covered a package like him.

  Lucy fell onto the bed thinking about how unrecognizable her life had become.


  Chapter 8

  Lucy reported into work Monday morning as she had promised her father. After going through more paperwork than she could’ve imagined, she went up to her father’s office. Knocking on the door she heard a “come in,” in reply.

  “I’m glad to hear that you were on time,” her father said not taking his eyes off of his computer.

  “You told me to come in at nine,” she reminded him. “So, are you gonna tell me what I’m supposed to do here?”

  Her father looked up from his work and stared at her. Lucy did
n’t hide her displeasure. She didn’t want to be there and she wanted him to know it.

  “No, I will be assigning you to someone and they’ll show you the ropes.”

  “Great,” Lucy said sarcastically. “So, when do I get the pleasure?”

  Lucy’s father stared at her for a moment. “I can’t believe I’m going to have to tell you this. You’re an adult and this is a professional environment. Fix your attitude. Do you understand?”

  Lucy couldn’t believe that her father was treating her like a child. She was twenty-five years old. How dare he? She had done everything he told her to do. She had even arrived on time. What more did he want from her?

  Lucy remained quiet as her father continued to stare.

  “Good,” he acknowledged. Getting up, Lucy’s father stepped from behind his desk. Leading her out, they passed his assistant and then crossed the length of the building to the corner office at the end of the hall. Lucy’s father knocked before opening the door. Inside was the last person that Lucy wanted to see.

  “Peter, you know Lucy. Lucy will be working with us. I want you to show her the ropes. You’re working on the Vernon project, correct?”

  Peter, who had been working diligently on his computer, looked up. “Yes, Mr. Hollingsworth. It’s due in two weeks.” Peter’s eyes darted towards Lucy before returning to his boss.

  “Then, let’s push it back a week. That way you have enough time to introduce Lucy to what you’re doing and integrator her into the process.”

  “Yes, Sir. Not a problem. One thing, though. Did you have a particular role in mind for Lucy?” Peter asked suddenly a little tenser.

  “She doesn’t need to do any of the heavy lifting. This is still your project. Think of it as a teaching tool. Get her integrated into what we do here. Get her feet wet. Understand?”

  Peter smiled obligingly. “Get her feet wet. Yes, Sir.”

  “Very good,” Lucy’s father said turning to her. “Then I’ll leave you in Peter’s capable hands.” He then gave her a knowing smile and walked out.

  Lucy watched her father go and then turned to stare at Peter. She had no clue why her father would do this to her. Hadn’t she been as clear as possible about her lack of interest in Peter? Why then, with all of the people that worked in the office, did her father partner her with him? Was he trying to get her to quit?

  “Peter,” Lucy acknowledged breaking the silence.

  “Lucy,” Peter said looking as happy to see her as she was to see him. “I can’t remember the last time we’ve seen each other. Oh wait, I do, however, remember the last time we were supposed to see each other. It was when you stood me up at the gala. Thank you for that by the way. I could have found myself another date but you made sure that I would have to suffer through the event by myself.”

  “Yeah, I guess I should apologize for that. Something important came up.”

  “You know, they’ve invented this thing called the phone. It’s amazing. You can enter someone’s personal number and it rings, often times in their pocket. You should check it out. You might find it handy.”

  “Are you done?” Lucy asked moving to the chair in front of Peter’s desk.

  “Sure. Let’s say that I am.”

  “Good. So, what is it that you are supposed to explain to me?”

  “Oh, nothing too complex. Just how a multibillion-dollar corporation runs and how to make it turn a profit.”

  “Oh, good. I thought it was going to be something complex,” Lucy said absurdly.

  “No, we should be done with the gist of it by lunch,” Peter said playing along.

  “Great. So tell me, what is it that you all do here?” Lucy asked genuinely unsure.

  Although it had seemed that Peter’s mood was lightning, a stunned look washed across his face. “You don’t know what we do here?”

  “No. Should I?” Lucy asked seriously.

  “No. Why should you?” Peter replied trying to hide his resentment at her obscene privilege.

  Peter then spent the next hour explaining the intricacies of what they did at her family’s company. The company was both an investment firm and a lender of last resort. Peter described the company as a hallmark of capitalism.

  The company found large companies, who because of their financial status, may not be able to get loans anywhere else. They then invested in them by acquiring a significant amount of their voting stock. With controlling interest, they would then go in and make the changes necessary for them to become profitable. Once those changes were reflected in their stock price, their company sold their stock turning a huge profit.

  “Well, that seems pretty basic,” Lucy said relieved that she could follow what was going on.

  One of the deals she had struck with her father to ensure her allowance was for her to get a business degree at University. What Peter described was right in line with the basics of what she had been taught.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty basic. But the challenge comes when trying to evaluate a prospective company. You always have to get creative with the assets. If it were easy to turn a company around, there would be no need for companies like ours.

  “The trick is to look past the spreadsheets and the numbers. You have to identify what the company is at its core and then reorganize the company in a way that allows its strongest assets to shine.”

  “And what is the project I’m supposed to be helping you with?”

  “I’m putting together a presentation for a prospective company, Vernon Industries. It’s an international mining company which has been feeling the squeeze from aggressive Chinese investment in the industry. They’re now underwater with their costs/profit ratio and we need to determine if there’s anything there worth rescuing.”

  “Is there?” Lucy asked genuinely interested.

  “That’s what we need to find out. Do you know how to read a spreadsheet?”

  Lucy gave Peter a bit of a stink eye. “Yes, I know how to read a spreadsheet.”

  “Good.” Peter pointed at a stack of folders on the ground behind her. “Those are the hard copies of the company’s balance sheets. They cover from 1955 to 1982. I want you to go through them, create an Excel spreadsheet and enter into it every item that generated more than $100,000 of income.”

  Lucy looked back at the stack of folders. “Wait, you want me to go through all of those folders? There’s gotta be, like, 100 of them. Why?”

  Peter paused before replying. “Because a company’s new direction often lies in something they have had past success with but haven’t realized it. We need to figure out how they made money in the past and see if there are any patterns that they might’ve missed.”

  “But each folder has, like, a hundred pages. Isn’t this something you should have some grunt do?”

  “Yes. And that’s why I am having a grunt do it,” Peter said with a smile.

  “I don’t think this is what my father had in mind,” Lucy protested.

  “No. This is exactly what your father had in mind. What? Did you think that you would just waltz in here and start running the company? Five minutes ago you didn’t even know what we did. Hell, knowing you, a week ago you are probably on some beach getting your nails done.

  “Your father wanted me to get your feet wet. This is what getting your feet wet looks like. Now, I will need that spreadsheet on my desk within the next three days. You are dismissed,” Peter told her before returning his attention to his screen.

  Lucy considered arguing Peter’s point but the problem was that he was right. A week ago she was on a beach. And yes, a part of her did expect to come in and start running things.

  But even with that being the case, there was no way she was going to let him get away with this. He was using the opportunity to get back at her for blowing him off at the gala. Well, if Peter thought she was going to let him bully her around, he had another thing coming. She was going to get her revenge.

  Until then, however, Lucy decided to bide her time. As horrible as her task
sounded, it was her job and she needed the money. And who knew, perhaps if her father saw her taking her work seriously and buckling down, he would see his way to reinstating her allowance.

  She was sure that this was just a test. Her father wanted her to be a little more responsible. Lucy understood that. That was fine. But Peter, eventually he was going to have to learn that he couldn’t tell her what to do. She was her own woman. Everyone, including her father, was going to have to learn that.

  For the next three days, Lucy did nothing but work. She had her own office and on her second day, she got an assistant. Pedro was young but very good looking. To Lucy’s surprise, he was also a little flirtatious.

  After working with Pedro for a few days, Lucy wondered whether all secretaries were like this. Either way, she liked it. She couldn’t see herself taking it any further than flirtation but as a gentle ego boost every day, it was nice.

  After handing in her work on time, Peter gave her more of the same. The monotony seemed endless and after a full week on the job, she decided to venture out of her office into the shared kitchen. The first few times she entered, it was empty. But realizing that people usually took breaks at eleven and 3 PM she was able to surround herself with other human beings.

  Surrounding herself was one thing. Talking with them was another. Lucy wasn’t sure if it was just her, but every time she entered the kitchen, everyone seemed to be artificially quiet. Did people usually stand silently around a watercooler? Or was everyone shutting up as soon as she stepped into the room?

  It was in the middle of her second week when Lucy overheard a group of guys talking. They kept saying something about Baby Doll. Lucy didn’t understand it. Was it an account they were working on? Was it a person? And why did they stop talking about it whenever they saw her? What was with the guilty look on their faces when they did?

  Needing an answer to this, Lucy decided to go to Peter. Things with Peter had been going smoother since the first day. It was almost like they were getting along.


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