Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series

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Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series Page 4

by Temple, A. J.

  “Jeez..I’d better get bloody well out of here before she changes her mind!” Thought Robert as he heaved himself out of the pool.

  The vision of Melanie’s barely covered breasts, and her naked buttocks however, danced tantalizingly in front of his mind’s eye as he headed for the cabin.

  “I’d better not mention that particular encounter.” He thought to himself, envisioning a wrathful Sally.

  “How are you now honey?” He said entering the cabin. A voice form the shower room called out. “I’m fine now Robert. I’ve laid out your Kilt outfit for this evening – It’s ‘Formal’ tonight.”

  Robert remembered that the evening meals were sorted out in dress codes, and that there were about four evenings classed as Formal where evening dress – or a Kilt outfit in Robert’s case – were required.

  Sally was ‘dressed to kill’ with a beautifully fitted dark navy evening dress, that accentuated her slim waist and shapely figure. A gold bracelet fitted with sapphires and diamonds, competed for attention with the sapphire and gold pendant, that nestled tantalisingly in the generous glimpse of cleavage the dress allowed.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Robert asked aghast.

  “Well if by that you mean, is it your mothers jewellery set? Yes it is. She insisted that I bring it on the cruise for these special evenings.”

  “Well she must really like you a lot Sally. I hardly ever saw my mother wear it, as she was always frightened she would lose it or get it stolen.”

  “Yes I can understand that. She did tell me that it was a family heirloom, from her grandmother I think I remember?” Sally said as she admired the diamonds in the bracelet glittering under the halogen lights.

  “Yes, and extremely valuable. The only object of any real value she owns I think! I know I don’t need to say this honey – but PLEASE be careful with it will you?”

  “Yes your right dearest – you don’t need to say it! I’ll guard it with my life if need be!” Sally said, getting a little exasperated. “Anyway…how do I look?” She did a quick twirl.

  “You look absolutely stunning Sally..drop-dead-gorgeous in fact!” She quickly side-stepped as he reached out to grab her.

  “Tut tut young man, we’ve no time for any carry-on, Time for you to get changed into your Kilt!”

  Twenty minutes later they were making their way down to the restaurant for dinner; Sally looking irresistible with long blonde hair falling over her bare shoulders. Robert looked the picture of the postcard-Scotsman, as he strode out resplendent in full Highland Dress.

  The line for the restaurant was moving by the time they got there – much to Roberts relief – and the other guests had already taken their seats – including Melanie.

  Everyone complimented Sally on her dress, and Roberts outfit got more than a little attention from the ladies; who seemed fascinated as to the question of what a Scotsman wore under his kilt.

  True to form, Robert played on the whole mystery aspect; and pulled his boxer shorts out of the sporran.

  Melanie in particular seemed to think this was hilarious. She was dressed in a long scarlet evening gown, with a wide split down the front, and very little at the side. To Roberts mind as he took his place beside her, her breasts were in grave danger of falling out should she twist sideways at all. Despite himself, the thought caused his heart to miss a beat.

  He was not the only man there to think down these lines, Stefan in particular was struggling not to stare, as these two beauties sat opposite. He found himself speculating as to who he would choose; and decided that the brunette was the ‘hotter’ of the two – though the blonde was definitely tempting. It was while fantasising over the two girls that he spotted something else; Sally’s bracelet! “Just look at that beauty!” He thought to himself, already estimating its value. “It’s got to be worth thousands! Get your eyes of the tits and jewellery, and on to the game in hand Stefan!” He chastised himself. He was thinking of his ‘mark’ Shirley. So far it all seemed quite promising, and in fact she seemed to be quite fond of him already.

  “So Stefan, are you enjoying your cruise so far.” Melanie spoke directly to him, as he suddenly realised that he had shifted his attention from Sally’s bracelet, and had been staring at Melanie’s breasts – he flushed scarlet.

  “Ah..Oh yes Melanie thank you, it’s an amazing ship – and with so much to see. I’m still trying to find my way around!”

  “Ha ha, yes.” She answered. “It is a large ship that’s for sure – but I have found the pool and the bar, so I am happy for now!” She had of course noticed Stefan staring at her breasts, and suddenly wondered if he would do In Roberts place. “No challenge there!” She thought to herself. “No, I must have this Scotsman!” She turned her attention to Robert, twisting in her chair slightly, and revealing more of herself than was perhaps appropriate, as the front of her dress fell slightly forward.

  ‘CRASH!’ There was a clatter, as the waiter who had been standing behind her, dropped his tray of drinks.

  Things were soon cleared up, and the red-faced waiter disappeared into the kitchens. Melanie looked across the front of Robert - giving him another view of her breasts as she did so - and spoke to Sally. “How are you feeling now Sally? Robert told me earlier you had a bad headache!”

  “Robert told you earlier!” Sally mentally registered the statement. “Oh I’m just fine thanks Melanie – just too much sun I think.” She flashed Robert a look that said it all.

  “Crap!” He thought, wishing now that he had just told Sally about the pool encounter.


  Chapter 8

  Sally tried to control her temper, as they headed to the Champagne bar for an after-dinner cocktail. The fact that Robert had met Melanie and did not tell her about it, troubled her deeply as she knew with a woman’s intuition, that Melanie had her sights on him.

  “Ok Robert, are you going to tell me how you met Melanie – and why you did not tell me about it?”

  “Ok ok, I’ll admit I maybe should have told you; but there was nothing to it honestly! I spoke to her for a few minutes in the pool earlier on,”

  “The pool!” Sally had a vision of Melanie in a bikini. “You had a ‘friendly chat’ with that bimbo half naked in the pool, and you did not think to tell me about it!”

  “Well actually that’s not quite true – I did think to tell you about it, but I didn’t because I knew that this is how you would react!” Robert said, feeling himself getting angry with the injustice of it all.

  “You’re missing the point Robert. I’m not mad because you met her in the pool – I’m mad because you did not tell me about it! Like perhaps you have something to hide!”

  “That’s just stupid Sally, I thought I made it quite clear yesterday that I’m not the least interested in her!”

  “Ah, so now I’m stupid am I?”

  “No…Sally please, let’s just forget about this shall we? I promise you I will let you know if I bump into her in future”

  Sally softened as she saw the sincerity in Roberts expression. “I’m sorry my love, but please be careful around that woman; I’m positive she has a thing for you.”

  “Sally, I’m sure your exaggerating she’s…”

  “Just promise me you’ll be careful ok?” She cut in before Robert could finish the sentence.

  “I will, promise! Can we carry on enjoying ourselves now!” he asked good naturedly, as he wrapped his arm around her waist to hug her close. Sally laughed, but inside she had a bad feeling about Melanie and her intentions regarding her new husband.

  They settled themselves down in the cocktail bar, and chatted about the next port of call, which was Barcelona. Sally particularly wanted to see the unfinished church that Gaudi had designed but had never completed the church of Sagrada Família.

  “So why didn’t he complete the church?” Robert asked. “Well the fact that he was fatally injured by a tram in 1926, might have something to do with that..don’t you think?” Sally answered gri

  “Yes, that would do it!” He replied punching her lightly on the arm.

  “Hey you two! We’re not breaking up a domestic here are we?”

  Raymond and Margaret appeared at their side. “Oh hi! Please come and sit beside us. We’re just chatting about our trip to Barcelona tomorrow, and Robert was wondering why Gaudi had never finished the church project.” Sally welcomed their friends, making space for them to sit with them.

  “Personally I don’t see what all the fuss is about; Gaudi just seems like a crazy man to me!” Raymond commented, much to Sally’s surprise.

  “Really Raymond – you can be such a Philistine sometimes!” Margaret laughed at Sally’s expression. “Just you ignore him my dear, he’s taken an extra-large dose of ‘grumpy’ pills today I think!”

  Raymond spoke up. “Seriously though, if you find the queues around the church too long; take a trip up to the park he created. It’s a great place to wander around and have a picnic – you’ll love it I’m sure.

  “Is the church that busy?” Robert asked.

  “Ha, you’d better believe it. If you’re not there before 9.30am, then you will be waiting for hours in a queue that winds all the way around the building!”

  Sally could see from Roberts expression, that that was not going to happen. Robert loathed waiting in queues or ‘lines’ as she would call them. “Don’t you worry yourself dearest!” She said in her sweetest voice. “We’ll get a taxi right after breakfast; then after we have seen the church we can take a picnic up to the park – that sounds like a great idea Raymond, thanks.”

  It was while drinking cocktails with their friends, that Robert spotted Stefan in a quiet corner with the lady he had seen him with previously. Curiosity peaked, he excused himself and wandered over towards them.

  “Ah Stefan, how good to see you!” He said, pretending that he had just noticed him.

  “Robert, please come and join us; and your lovely wife – is she with you?”

  “Oh thanks Stefan; but we are with a couple we just met earlier.” He pointed to the small group, who gave a little wave.

  “Stefan?” His companion spoke up. “Oh, I am sorry my dear. This is Robert. He is on honeymoon with his lovely wife Sally. They are guests at the same dinner table as myself. Robert; this is my friend Shirley.”

  “Very pleased to meet you Shirley.” Robert said as he shook her hand.

  “Thank you Robert. Perhaps I can meet your beautiful wife some time? It must be so romantic to go on a cruise for your honeymoon!”

  “Just a second Shirley, and I’ll quickly call her over!” He called Sally and quickly made the introductions. Stefan was on edge all through the brief conversation, and was relieved when Robert finally announced that they had better get back to their guests.

  “Perhaps we can meet again for a drink sometime?” Sally offered as they parted.

  “I would love that my dear!” Shirley announced; though Stefan did not look so sure.

  Sally and Robert returned to their guests, the meeting just re-enforcing what he suspected; Stefan was a hustler, and this charming elderly lady was his ‘mark’ or target. He determined that he would speak to Sally about it later, and see what she thought.

  “You have to be kidding me!” Was her first reaction to Roberts opinion of Stefan; as they lay in bed exhausted from their love-making, and chatted about the day’s events.

  “I wish I was Honey, but even though I have no evidence, it all stacks up. Stefan is a handsome enough guy; who could have his pick of any number of young attractive ladies. Instead he comes alone on a cruise ship, and immediately takes up with a woman old enough to be his mother; and who also just happens to be on her own, and it seems by her dress and demeanour is not exactly poor!”

  Sally lay still, deep in thought. “Well Robert as you say, you have no proof at all. What you do have is a suspicion, and no more; it’s certainly not enough to act upon.”

  “You’re right honey. It’s just that I’d hate to see that poor old woman getting ripped off, or worse still; see her getting her heart broken by an unscrupulous con man!”

  “You’re right Robert it would be tragic. Let’s just hold off for now though, and keep an eye on our ‘friend’ Stefan. If we get any real evidence, then we can do something about it. Ok?”

  “Ok honey. Let’s get some sleep, and we will just keep watch on things as you say.”

  Robert cuddled up behind Sally, and caressing her naked breasts; fell into a deep sleep. Sally though, lay awake for some time as she contemplated Roberts suspicions.

  She shook him at 6.30. “Come on sleepy-head. I thought we could go for a run around the track before breakfast!” She said shaking him gently.

  “What…Sally..I’m on holiday! It’s time to relax and get fat!” Robert replied grinning as he came to his senses.

  “Oh no you don’t! Come on…please; you’ll enjoy it honest. Five laps of the deck is about one mile – 10 lap’s will be enough for you to burn off a nice fry-up I think!”

  “Woman…will you give me no peace!” Robert laughed, as he jumped out of bed and headed for the shower.

  “Just leave it Robert, you will need a shower after the run anyway!” Sally said as she threw him his running shorts.”

  “Sheesh..ok then; let’s get going.”

  The run around the deck, in the fresh air of the early morning, left them refreshed and invigorated; and afforded them an excellent view of Barcelona. After the run, they quickly showered and headed up to the buffet restaurant for breakfast. Robert decided to give the fry-up a body swerve, and opt instead for a healthier alternative of muesli and fruit – much to Sally’s approval.

  By 9 am Sally had packed enough for a picnic, and they headed down the ships ramp to get the Taxi to the church of Sagrada Família; made famous for the outlandish building techniques of Gaudi – Sally praying that there would not be a massive line to wait in; or Robert would most likely turn away.


  Chapter 9

  The early trip to the church paid dividends as they got there before the bus tours, and missed the long lines of people that were waiting to get in by 10am; by midday they were told, it was utter madness – with the lines of people sweating in the midday sun stretching for hundreds of yards around the building.

  They both managed to get a good look at Barcelona’s top architectural attraction, without being jostled too much by the crowds; Robert in particular was left both bemused and impressed by the design and the outlandish masonry work.

  “So what do you think Robert?” sally asked as they left the building.

  “Well personally…I agree with Raymond – I think Gaudi was off his head!”

  Sally laughed as she replied. “You uncultured heathen Robert! How could you say such a thing”

  “Very easily actually!” He grinned back at her. “Although I have to take my hat off to the stone masons – their work here is extra-ordinary – the whole building is totally impractical, and a monument not to God; but to man’s vanity!”

  Sally slapped him on the arm. “So speaks the eminent Bible scholar, architect and designer, Robert Lindsey!” She retorted laughing at his mock-serious face.

  “And what about the time to build it? Started in 1882 and still not finished 130 years later! What’s that all about eh!” He wrapped his arms around her to prevent another slap, and lifted her squirming figure down the exit path – much to the amusement of passers-by.

  They reached the street, where Robert put her down; and kissed her tenderly on the mouth.

  “I love you so much Mrs Lindsey!” He said; his heart suddenly bursting with love for his ‘American sweetheart.’”

  “Well’re not so bad yourself you know!” Sally grinned mischievously as she jumped out of his grasp.

  Robert laughed. “Here I am trying to be all romantic; and you just laugh at me! I’m cut to the core!”

  “Ha ha, as if! Right; time to stop playing around…we have a long wa
lk up to Gaudi’s park. Then we can have our picnic!”

  It was midday before the sweating couple finally got to the park, after a gruelling uphill walk in blistering sunshine.

  “Whew..this had better be worth it Sally..I’m about to melt!”

  “Well according to all the articles I’ve read, and the pictures I’ve seen, I think you’ll love it – it’s full of Gaudi’s crazy ‘totally impractical’ ideas and sculptures!” Sally laughed as Robert made a face.

  They made their way through the crowds at the gate, and after a short distance found a quiet spot to set up their picnic on the grass, under the shade of an old tree.

  “Isn’t this fantastic!” Sally said as she admired the view, and basked in the dappled sunshine.”

  “It certainly is honey, this was a great idea, and look – we’re not the only ones from the ship enjoying a picnic!”

  A short distance from them sat Shirley and Stefan; oblivious to their presence, as they were partially obscured by the tree they were under.

  Sally made a face, at the sight of Stefan fawning over a giggling Shirley. “Really Robert…I see now what you’re getting at. Maybe we should try and speak to Shirley?”

  “Easier said than done honey, after all it’s not as if he has done anything wrong is it? And Shirley seems to be enjoying herself immensely!”

  “True enough; I’d just hate to see her get hurt that’s all.”

  “Should we say Hi do you think?” Robert asked.

  “Hmm, well they’re just getting ready to leave anyway.” Sally said, as the couple were packing up their things. “Let’s just leave them be for now – we might bump into them as we walk through the park anyway.”

  Shirley and Stefan strolled away arm in arm, oblivious to Sally and Robert’s presence, Shirley giggling delightedly at something Stefan whispered in her ear.

  “Ugh..that just all seems so wrong!” Sally commented to a bemused Robert.

  “Now now dear, it might all be perfectly innocent!” He replied in a tone dripping with sarcasm.


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