Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series

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Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series Page 5

by Temple, A. J.

  With the ‘odd couple’ gone; Sally and Robert returned to finishing their sandwiches, washed down with lots of bottled water; and headed off to enjoy Gaudi’s park.

  They spent the next two hours wandering aimlessly around the park, Sally in particular admiring the views around every twist and turn that the paths took them. Gaudi was famous for his unconventional building techniques, seeming to give ‘two fingers’ to conventional wisdom over what was acceptable and what was not.

  Robert was fairly conservative when it came to building practice, and although awed at times by what he seen; was mostly unimpressed by the sheer impracticality of the structures.

  “Just look at the railings on this bridge for instance – wrought in stone to look like branches from a tree – impressive work, but totally ridiculous!”

  “Oh Robert – don’t be such a bore!” Sally sniggered, as she grabbed hold of him for a cuddle. “You liked that cave structure we were in – despite the fact that there was not a straight pillar or wall anywhere to be seen!”

  Eventually they had finished their tour of the park; and headed on the long road back down the hill and through the city to the dock area; deciding to go via ‘Las Ramblas,’ Barcelona’s famous open air market.

  The crowds were impressive, as was the traffic. Robert almost got knocked down by a scooter flying round a roundabout; and Sally narrowly avoided getting robbed. Fortunately Robert - who had been a little bit behind her – spotted the young lad as he was about to dip his hand into her open bag. A quick tap on the shoulder from Robert, and the boy simply disappeared into the crowd.

  They were exhausted but satisfied when they finally got back to the ship, the cool on-board air-conditioning particularly appreciated, as they headed back to their cabin. After a quick wash and freshen up, they decided to go for a wander along the shopping promenade.

  “How about a coffee and cake Robert? We don’t eat till 8.30 remember, and it’s only 5.30 now.”

  Robert managed to get a table at one of the café’s dotted along the promenade, as Sally went to order the coffee.

  “Robert! How nice to see you!” The husky voice of Melanie behind him, caused him to turn in his seat. Melanie was dressed in the shortest of skirts, with a bosom-hugging lemon t-shirt that complimented her impressive figure.

  “This woman doesn’t do anything by halves!” Robert thought to himself as he answered her. “Ah Melanie. Good to see you as well. John not around then?”

  “No he isn’t. He’s gone to see some old friend down in the Cocktail lounge; no doubt to talk for hours about insurance and boring business!”

  Robert laughed, and Melanie seeing this as an invite; pulled up a chair.

  “So what about you Robert – are you all on your lonesome?” Melanie said, unable to hide the hope in her voice.”

  “Em..ah, well no actually.” Robert stammered slightly, as Melanie’s dark blue eyes opened wide, suggesting an erotic alternative to sitting alone.

  Sally meanwhile, looked around from the counter where she was being served; and spotted Melanie giving Robert ‘The Look.’

  “I don’t bloody believe this; turn my back for a minute and that tramp is all over Robert like a bad rash!” She quickly picked up the tray and headed over.

  “Ah Melanie! How good to see you.” Said Sally in a tone of voice that made it obvious that it was nothing of the sort.

  “Hi Sally!” Melanie said, in an innocent voice. I thought you had let your handsome man out on his own!”

  “Oh no Melanie – that would be far too dangerous; with some of the predators aboard this ship, who knows what would happen!”

  Robert winced at the inference, as the two women sized each other up. It was obvious now that the gloves were off.

  “Oh yes indeed sally; though I could take a fair guess I think!”

  Sally was about to respond when a harassed looking Margaret came rushing up to the table.

  “Oh Sally..I’m so glad I’ve found you!”

  “What on earth…” Sally immediately leaped up at the tearful face of her new friend.

  “Margaret...what is it; what’s wrong?

  “Oh it’s Raymond. He has taken a bad turn, and they have him down at the infirmary. I think he has had a heart attack!” Margaret burst out crying, as Sally wrapped her arms around her to offer what comfort she could.

  “Margaret..that’s just terrible! Is there anything I can do for you at all?”

  “Well I was hoping you could come down to the infirmary with me; I’m just terribly worried for him.”

  “That’s no problem Margaret. Come on Robert let’s…”

  “Oh I’m sorry Sally; they will only let myself and one other to see him – he is very poorly and might even have to be airlifted off the ship!” Margaret burst into another wave of crying, that was even upsetting people at the next table.

  Sally looked at Robert; and then at the triumphant grin mixed with sympathy, on Melanie’s face. “Damn, what now..I can hardly command Robert to go back to his room!” She made her decision.

  “Robert wait here till I get back will you – I shouldn’t be too long.”

  “Ok Sally no problem. Margaret, please tell Raymond I’m asking for him!” Robert said as he gently took Margaret’s hand.

  “Don’t you worry Sally – I’ll take good care of Robert while you’re gone I promise you!” Melanie said cheerfully.

  Sally gave her rival a withering look as she was pulled away by Margaret; who was quite oblivious to what was going on between the girls.

  “Ah Robert, so now I have you all to myself for a little while, how exciting!” She said whilst tapping a finger against her perfect teeth, and giving Robert the ‘wide eyed’ treatment.

  Robert felt a mixture of both trepidation and excitement, as the sexual perfume that Melanie radiated, flowed over him.


  Chapter 10

  Sally rushed down to the Infirmary with a distraught Margaret, to find Raymond conscious and sitting up on a hospital bed; with an abundance of wires and tubes protruding from him. The doctor in attendance assured Margaret that everything possible was being done, but that he would indeed need airlifted to hospital; as they were not equipped to give him the treatment and tests he required. As the ship had disembarked an hour or so ago; the airlift would be done while they were sailing. This meant that Margaret could not go with him, but would have to get transport from their next port of call which was Cannes. They would radio ahead and arrange a car to be waiting; meanwhile the helicopter was on its way and would be arriving shortly.

  Margaret burst into a fresh wave of crying.

  “Come on now Margaret, at least he is stable for now. I’m sure he will be ‘right as rain’ in no time! Isn’t that right Raymond?”

  Raymond, who looked decidedly unwell nodded in agreement, and managed to hold out a feeble hand, which Margaret took in her own. “Don’t you worry my love…I have too much mischief left in me yet, to be going anywhere nice I think!” He smiled a wan smile, causing Margaret to grip his hand tighter as she fought back the tears.

  Sally meanwhile could not help but worry about her own situation; and just what Robert and Melanie were talking about at that moment.

  As it turned out, talking was the last thing on Melanie’s mind; as she thought out a plan to get Robert back to her cabin. Robert on the other hand chattered away, as he worked out how he could extricate himself from this potentially dangerous situation; a part of him all the while making excuses to stay in Melanie’s alluring company.

  Robert was in the middle of explaining why he did not think much of Gaudi, when Melanie suddenly looked about to faint.

  “Melanie…are you all right” He asked as Melanie almost dropped her coffee cup.

  “Well actually no Robert….in fact I feel distinctly woozy!” I think I will have to go back to my cabin, and lay down for a bit Robert. She made an attempt to stand, and immediately looked about to fall.

  Robert jumped up
and caught her, wrapping his strong arms about her waist.

  “Oh Robert I’m so sorry…Do you think you could help me back?” She spoke in a weak voice. “I really don’t think I could make it on my own.”

  Robert hesitated. “To take Melanie back to her cabin in normal circumstances, would be foolish in the extreme.” He reasoned to himself.

  Melanie noticed his hesitation and stumbled a little more, holding on to him for support. It did the trick.

  “Ok Melanie, no problem. Just you hold on to me and lead the way.”

  Within a few minutes they were standing outside the cabin door.

  “Here you are Melanie, do you have your key-card?” Melanie passed him the card, still holding on to his arm. He opened the door and led her inside. It was one of the more expensive ‘Owners’ suites, with a separate living area and large balcony.

  “Now I have him at last!” She thought as she put in place the next part of the ruse. She let Robert lead her gently to the side of the bed.

  “Dear Robert, could you do me one last favour before you go?”

  “Sure Melanie; what is it.”

  “Well I would love a glass of cold mineral water, and the fridge is empty. Could you nip out and get one for me? The bar is just at the end of the corridor.”

  “No problem, just you sit tight and I’ll be back in a moment.”

  As Robert left the room, Melanie made sure the door was unlocked, then stripped off her clothes and jumped naked into the queen-sized bed; the cool silk sheets clinging erotically against against her skin. A few minutes later came a gentle knock on the door.

  “Come in Robert..the door is open!” She called out in a weak voice.

  Robert entered the room, then stopped in his tracks as his eyes fell on Melanie, barely covered under the sheets.

  “Oh don’t look so shocked Robert – I won’t eat you! I took a dizzy turn and just had to get the weight off my feet. Is that my water?”

  “Emm, …yes, yes it is.” Robert replied his mouth suddenly dry.

  She held out her hand. “Well, are you going to bring it over – or do I have to come and get it!” She raised her eyebrows suggestively.

  “NO..I mean no that’s all right…I’ll bring it to you.” He approached the bed like someone approaching a King Cobra.

  Melanie could wait no longer. Suddenly she sat upright, the sheet slipping to her waist to reveal her heavy inviting breasts. Robert stood paralysed, as he hungrily surveyed the vision before him.

  “Well lover-boy…What are you going to do about it then?” she teased as she lifted each one in turn, presenting them to him as one would a valuable offering before a temple.

  She was massively turned on, and could see that she had him for the taking. She suddenly lunged up from the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her mouth to his, as his hands took a hold of her breasts. The water went flying as passion took over…for a moment.

  Robert suddenly shook himself free from her clutches. “MELANIE! I can’t do this! I’m a married man on his honeymoon, Of all things!” he almost shouted at her. “And what’s more you are a married woman!”

  “Oh stop with the moralising Robert; you know you want it, so why deny yourself – Sally will never know!”

  “No Melanie it’s not going to happen; I love Sally more than my own life, and I won’t do this to her!”

  Quick as a flash, Melanie threw herself out of the bed and wrapped her naked body around him; hands groping and mouth searching. “Melanie please..” He struggled to get out of her clutches.

  “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!” The furious voice of Sally stopped them both dead in their tracks.

  Roberts heart sank, as he saw Sally standing in the open doorway; and registered the anger and hurt in her eyes. “Honey…It’s not what you think honest…”

  “YOU BASTARD ROBERT!” Sally turned and fled tearfully down the corridor.

  Robert untangled himself from Melanie’s grip, and threw her roughly down onto the bed.

  “Robert!” She pleaded. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t want that to happen..really I didn’t!”

  “What you want or don’t want hardly matters now does it? You have probably just destroyed my marriage!”

  He stormed out to try and find Sally, who had by now disappeared down the corridor.


  Chapter 11

  Sally was inconsolable as she wandered around the ship, eyes swollen and brimming with tears. She finally settled down in a quiet spot, and ordered a double scotch from the concerned waitress.

  “How could he do this to me…to us?” These and other thoughts of disbelief raged through her mind, as the waitress returned with the drink.

  “Can I do anything for you at all madam? I can’t help but notice you are upset.” The beautiful Pilipino woman asked her, concern evident in her voice.

  Sally looked up, grateful for the sympathy – and someone to voice her thoughts to.

  “Not really I’m afraid…you see I have just found my husband of only a few days, in the arms of a naked woman!”

  “WHAT!... Oh, please excuse me! I cannot believe what I have just heard! Why would a man who has a beautiful wife such as yourself…..why would he jump into bed with another woman!”

  Sally burst into sobbing again, as the friendly waitress tried to console her.

  “Such a man is a monster! I swear I would kill him, if it were my husband!” A shout came from the bar.

  “Ah, that is my boss hassling me. Please just you try and be calm, I will bring you another ‘on the house’ in a little while. She wandered off muttering to herself. “Unbelievable! Monster!”

  Sally tried to pull herself together as her mind re-played the moment over and over again, when she had walked in on them.

  A voice next to her shoulder broke into her misery.

  “Sally are you all right? You seem upset.” It was Stefan.

  “Good god, of all the people I don’t want to speak to right now!” She thought to herself.

  Blowing her nose on her handkerchief, she pulled herself together somewhat.

  “No I’m not all right thank you Stefan, but I will survive don’t worry.”

  “But Sally you don’t look ok. If I can do anything at all, please just ask!” He looked genuinely concerned.

  “Honestly Stefan I’m fine, I’ve just had a bit of a shock that’s all.”

  “Is this the monster!” The waitress was back with a large drink on a tray, and a thunderous scowl on her pretty face.

  “No no, this is just a friend..this is not my husband.” Sally quickly interceded.

  The waitress laid the drink on the table in front of Sally. “If you’re sure? I hope this gentleman is not troubling you is he?” She spoke quietly to Sally.

  “No honestly. Thank you for your concern…I really appreciate it.”

  As the waitress wandered off, Stefan could contain himself no longer.

  “Monster? What on earth does she mean Sally?”

  It’s nothing Stefan. Please just forget it, I’ll be fine.”

  Stefan however was not put off.

  “Sally, I’m not stupid; and I’ve a fair idea what you think of me.” He nodded at Sally’s quizzical look. “Oh yes, I have seen you watching me with Shirley- a woman old enough to be my mother?”

  Sally could not deny it.

  “But let’s put that aside for a moment. I pride myself in being able to read people; let’s just say that my livelihood depends on it!”

  Sally wondered where this was going.

  “This ‘monster,’ I’m guessing since you are here alone, is Robert. Now please tell me what the trouble is..I would really like to help if I can.” The genuine expression on his face convinced Sally that maybe she had underestimated Stefan – on some levels at least.

  Sally was bursting to unload on someone, so she decided that Stefan could handle it. She told him everything.

  Stefan stayed quiet as she unburdened herself, letting
all the anger and humiliation spill out. Finally when Sally had finished, and wiped her nose for the hundredth time; he spoke out.

  “Sally, this is a truly desperate situation, but I can tell you now – and I count myself a good judge of character - Robert is not the kind of man to have an affair.”

  “But I caught him in the act!” Sally protested.

  “No Sally…I think you caught Melanie in the act! She has had her mind set on getting him into bed, from the first day!”

  “Maybe so!” Sally retorted. “But it takes two to tango! They were wrapped in each other’s arms when I came across them – and she was naked!” The memory of it provoked another fit of angry tears. Stefan waited until she had calmed down.

  “That’s exactly it Sally – SHE was naked, but he was fully clothed. Believe me, there is more to this than meets the eye!”

  Sally thought for a minute. “Could it be possible that I have misconstrued what was going on?”

  Stefan spoke comfortingly one again. “Can I tell you what I think Sally?” She nodded. “I think that he was lured to her room under some pretence. You happened to walk in just as she had made her move!”

  A shadow fell upon them at that moment. It was Melanie’s husband John, looking tired and drawn.

  “Sally, I’m sorry to interrupt; but could I have a word with you please?” Sally looked from John to Stefan. “Don’t worry about me Sally, I’ll go now and leave you to your thoughts – I really hope it works out for you both though.” He nodded to John and left them to talk.

  She indicated for John to take a seat.

  “Sally, I guess you know why I am here?” He said with such sadness, that she found herself concerned for him.

  “I can guess John – it seems our spouses have been ‘messing around,’ the words felt like ashes in her mouth as she spoke.

  “Yes indeed. But I have come to set the record straight. Melanie confessed all to me as soon as I entered the suite. I have to say for her; remorse for her actions is something I am not used to seeing.”

  “Meaning?” Asked Sally intrigued despite herself.


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