Unbroken Hearts

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Unbroken Hearts Page 17

by K-lee Klein

  “Feels like a CD. You know our musical preferences are very different, right?”

  “That’s for darn sure since I’m the only one with taste.”

  JT smirked and dug his toes into Brett’s leg. “So it’s either a game for the computer, a mixtape, or a DVD from the drugstore without a real case.”

  “Dammit, how cheap do you think I am?”

  The paper came off so fast it was like it had never been wrapped at all. The back of the CD case was plain white, and JT paused to look at Brett.

  “If it’s a mixtape, you have to dance with me right here in the family room. But not in your weird country way. That’s a rule.”

  Brett snorted out a laugh. “Is that right? I guess I’m not up on my mixtape rules anymore.”

  When JT finally flipped it over, Brett held his breath. He licked his lips and refrained from clearing his throat. His mouth was dryer than the damn desert. JT’s face changed again, teasing to openmouthed surprise or shock or…. Brett didn’t really know what the hell it meant, so he waited.

  “It’s a picture of us?” JT said softly. “On Valentine’s Day? I don’t remember anyone taking a picture though.”

  “Mama had it. Must have been snapped when we weren’t looking or just looking at each other.”

  JT’s voice was low and emotion-filled when he read aloud what was on the front of the plastic case. “Just a surfer kid and a cowboy.” He looked up at Brett, his gaze starry-eyed and moist. “What is this?”

  Brett stroked a hand over JT’s head. “Open it up.”

  He would have sworn JT’s fingers trembled when he finally got the thing open. He fingered the shiny CD with care, slowly, as if it was the most delicate of glass. His lips moved as he read the dedication, but he didn’t have to do it out loud. Brett knew it by heart.

  For JT

  Most men would consider themselves lucky to have loved once in their lives, but I thank my lucky stars to have managed it twice. The first time I was young, naive, and without conviction or discipline within myself. I made mistakes that I do not intend on repeating.

  This time I’ve found the last piece to my puzzle, and as hokey as that sounds, it’s the God-awful truth. I may be just a dusty old cowboy, but I must be doing something right to have the love I’ve found.

  This time it’s for keeps.

  This time I intend on doing everything right or at least as right as I’m capable.

  This time that surfer kid and his cowboy are going to swim or ride off into the sunset together and never let go.

  This time my heart says it’s forever.

  This time I’ll never let you go.

  ~Just a surfer boy and a cowboy~

  ~Brett Taylor, 2014~

  JT was quiet and still for far too long in Brett’s book. His insides quivered, encouraging him to say something, anything—don’t you like it; did I go too far; I can have them all destroyed in one phone call—when JT finally raised his head.

  “This is… this is your Valentine’s song, right? My Valentine’s song. Did you record this? Like for real? In a studio and with musicians, and you wrote those words about me, to me… fuck, I don’t even know what to say, and that’s your real name, and it looks all official and real…. This is for real, isn’t it?”

  Brett laughed when JT stopped to take a breath. “I don’t know which question to answer first,” he said as JT gazed transfixed at him, love shining so brilliant in his eyes it was almost palpable between them. He wanted to hitch his wagon to it and never let go. “I’m guessing you like it, and yeah, it’s real. The company agreed to just a few hundred copies for now, let me do it with no questions asked. Shouldn’t be a loss for them either way. I suspect Mama will snatch up as many as she can to, you know, show me off.”

  “I’m so proud of you.”

  Brett’s face warmed from the neck up, a happy twitch tugging at his lips. “Well, okay. Thanks. I meant what I said in that song, you know? It’s all because of you, because of what you’ve given me, done for me. Sometimes I get too damn tongue-tied to maybe tell you, but it’s all right there. And I’m not saying I’m going to start performing or recording again, but I wanted this for you, for us. That all right?”

  “I love you,” JT whispered when he crawled the short distance into Brett’s arms. He balanced on his knees, wrapping his long limbs around Brett. “You big sappy jerk.”

  JT pressed Brett to the floor, kissing him until Brett thought he’d pass out from lack of oxygen. But what a way to go. It was Whiz that gave Brett the chance to breathe again, two pathetic whimpers, then a drawn-out howl for attention that made JT laugh against Brett’s lips.

  Brett reluctantly let JT pull him up again, keeping him close with a hand fisted in the front of his ugly sweater. “He’s got great timing, doesn’t he?”

  “Always knows when we’re going to end up too busy to pay attention to him,” JT agreed with a grin. “But seriously, I can’t imagine a better gift.”

  “Love you, Darlin’.”

  Another howl of frustration followed by two more whimpers broke the almost rekindled seductive flame between them.

  “Dammit, Whizzy,” Brett said. “I suppose you think it’s your Christmas too, huh boy?”

  “We’ll take him for a walk in the snow after breakfast.” With one last kiss, JT rose to his feet, dragging Brett with him. He peered curiously out the window, stretching that long torso with the grace of a dancer, or maybe Brett was still lost in a haze of love. “Is there even any snow left?”

  “Still damn frigid out, so there’s a little,” Brett said. “Enough for this hound dog to enjoy. But… you’re not done yet, kid.”

  JT paused midstride with Whiz nipping at his heels. “I’m not?”

  “You didn’t open the rest of the present.” Brett retrieved the CD from where JT had carefully placed it on the mantle. “Check inside.” JT cracked the plastic open with an apprehension Brett could actually feel. “It ain’t gonna bite you. I swear.”

  “It’s a… ticket? Two tickets to California—Brett, what the fuck?”

  “Totally refundable and open-ended so we can go or not, come back when we want. It’s all up to you, Darlin’.”


  Brett nodded, feeling heat trickle from his neck to his cheeks. “Yeah. I have a friend in Dallas. He’s a travel agent, so he just gave me what I wanted, what I thought you needed.”

  JT’s eyes were misty when he reached for Brett. “You’re amazing.” He clutched Brett tightly, and they stood there a while, rocking gently, holding each other like nothing else in the world existed. And for Brett, nothing really did.

  Of course, it was Whiz who interrupted the silence again when he pushed his head between them and nipped at Brett’s thigh. “All right. All right. Mercy me, dog. You up for that walk before or after breakfast, kid?”

  “My stomach says after.”

  Brett let him go with one last kiss, then leaned over to Whiz. His efforts were rewarded with a face full of dog breath and paws pushing against his chest until he fell backward on his butt. “Jesus, Whiz! You’re getting too damn big to control.”

  “Looks like I’m not the only one who wants to slobber all over you.”

  Brett snickered as he finally got the upper hand with Whiz. “What can I say? Must be my winning personality. I’m twice blessed. You want me to make Christmas pancakes now or later?”

  JT turned to Brett, his nose wrinkled in that way Brett loved. “What does that mean?”

  “I could add some green and red food coloring to make them festive or try my hand at making little snowmen with the batter.” Brett hoped to hell JT knew he was kidding.

  “Or… keep it simple so there’s more time for dessert.”

  “Dessert at breakfast, kid? With Millie and Ray walking in any time? You like to live dangerously.”

  “I tamed you, so now I laugh in the face of danger.” JT belted out a loud, “Ha! Ha! Ha!”

  “Someone’s been sniffing
too much surfboard wax.”

  “Hey, that was a good one, old man.”

  “Watch it,” Brett said. He hoisted himself to his feet again, shooing Whiz away from his rather obviously planned attack at his thighs. “All right, before we end up rolling on the floor and getting tinsel up our asses, I should hit the kitchen. You wanna make the tree look a little less destroyed?”

  “I’m on it.”

  “Oh, and keep an eye on the—” A loud crash followed by a frustrated groan cut Brett’s words off.

  “Whiz!” JT said from the other room. “Bad dog. Bad, bad, bad dog.”

  “Want me to get the liver snacks to bribe him?” Brett shouted with a laugh.

  JT’s sigh could be heard into the kitchen. “I honestly do not know what’s wrong with him. He must take after your side of the family.”


  Chapter 14

  BRETT WAS acting weird. JT figured weirder was probably more accurate. He was accustomed to Brett’s normal weirdness, or as Brett preferred, his eccentricities, but his anxiety seemed amped for no reason JT could figure out or Brett cared to share.

  His cowboy had been in good spirits during the morning, even after Whiz’s rebellious behavior. Brett made his ridiculous Christmas pancakes, and then they’d exchanged the rest of their gifts, neither of them adhering to the slippery rule of giving only one small token of love. Brett had worn JT’s second main gift around the house after stuffing the bird and the supple, black leather jacket looked stunning on him.

  “Holy shit. I had one just like this back in the day.” Brett grinned as wide as JT thought he possibly could. He immediately shucked his Christmas sweater and put on the coat.

  “I know.”

  “Is this something you and Mama cooked up together again?” Brett squinted at him. “Do I gotta worry every time you two hang out now?”

  “This one’s all mine.”

  “But how—”

  “I might still stalk your old videos and photos online.”

  Brett flashed a lopsided grin. “Ah, shucks. You think I’m pretty, dontcha?”

  “Always.” JT ruffled Brett’s hair, then kissed the end of his nose. “It looks great on you.”

  “As good as the videos?”

  “Like fine wine. Better with age.”

  With a low whistle, Brett butted his head to JT’s. “Is that a shot at my elder status, kid?”

  “I love your elder status.”

  “And I love this jacket. I think even the horses will approve.” The brightness of his eyes suddenly became more watery than excited. “I’m feeling like I should’ve got you something nice too, sweetheart.” He turned his gaze to the floor, and JT was breathless with the unspoken emotion hanging between them.

  He cuddled Brett to his chest and huffed out a breath. “You’re kidding, right? Tickets to California? You’ve basically agreed to deal with my mother in person. And a new belt with a real-life, bigass Texas buckle.” Burying his nose in the fragrant leather, JT cupped the back of Brett’s head. “You’re such a sappy holiday guy. I love you for that.”

  Brett eased back, eyes narrowed, disastrous hair half covering his face. “Hope it’s for more than that.”

  “We’ve already established that you’re pretty.”

  “Thank you,” Brett whispered, his gaze holding JT’s like a solid beam of light.

  “For thinking you’re pretty.”

  “For putting so much thought into my gift.”

  “I’m thinking you need a nap, babe.”

  “You offering to put me to bed, sweetheart?”


  Between thanking and tucking each other in several times, their nap lasted a full two and a half hours. Afterward, they made their way back downstairs to ready themselves for their company of two. Brett had insisted on everything being perfect, and that was only one of the weird behaviors JT noticed. If there was one thing JT knew, it was that Brett wasn’t a tidying-up kind of guy. He wasn’t dirty or outright messy, but their casual style of dropping a coat here and leaving an empty cup there always seemed to suit him.

  “Do you think I should give the floor a little extra wipe?” Brett already had the hardwood mop in his hand.

  “If you really want, but I think it’s good. Why don’t we chill for a while before they get here?”

  “Sure!” Brett said too loud and too exuberantly. Weird. “You settle in, and I’ll be down in two shakes of a pony’s tail.”

  “Isn’t that supposed to be a lamb?”

  Brett poked him in the arm with the mop. “Just seeing if you’re paying attention. I’m gonna put this away and run up and make the bed. You wanna beer or something before I go—”

  “Make the bed? You never make the bed.”

  “I sure as hell do.” Brett’s voice rose more than JT would have expected. “I’ve never had any damn maid picking up after me.” His extra Texas twang always appeared more prominent when he was riled up, except JT didn’t know why he was riled in the first place.

  JT snapped his mouth shut while Brett dipped his chin to his chest. The weird had just risen to extreme. “I didn’t mean—I wasn’t trying to pick a fight, Brett.”

  “Shit. I know. I guess the holidays get me all wound up.” JT knew it was a lie as soon as Brett said it. He shuffled so he was in front of JT again. “I’m sorry, Darlin’. Forgive me ’cause it’s Christmas?”

  He didn’t even have to ask. If Brett needed a moment, JT would give him as many as he required. “Of course. I could use another cup of coffee. You do what you have to, and I’ll meet you in the family room when you’re ready, okay?”

  “I love you.”

  “I know.”

  Brett didn’t reappear until half an hour later. He’d changed into brand-new jeans and the deep blue shirt Millie had bought him, his hair smoothed back from his face but loose at his shoulders. JT liked it best that way. “Looking great, cowboy.”

  “Why thank you, sir.” Brett moved until his knees hit the sofa where JT had parked himself, then bent to kiss the top of his head. “Say, I had an idea.”

  “Should I be scared?”

  “Not unless you’re afraid of a little chill in the air. I could use a walk to clear my head. You in?”

  JT, of course, was, and they strolled hand-in-hand down the porch and past the stables. They didn’t go far, but Brett’s idea did wonders in relaxing both of them. Whiz romped and roamed the property, stopping to bark and growl at imaginary enemies before dancing back to them.

  Brett wore his new jacket, and JT knew he’d scored big points with that purchase. It hadn’t been easy, and he hadn’t found exactly what he was looking for until two weeks before Christmas. So he’d managed to acquire it by the skin of his teeth, and Brett’s sweet gasp of surprise had made it all worth it. JT decided he was very attracted to the smell of new leather, especially on Brett Taylor.

  An hour passed like an hourglass on crack, and they were ruddy-cheeked and bright-nosed by the time they climbed back up the porch. Brett was in better spirits again, teasing and taunting JT as they peeled and pared and chopped vegetables for their dinner. Getting things ready ahead of time was the best way to go so they could kick back with Millie and Ray. Brett had already suggested a card game to pass the time until dinner.

  After JT changed into his most formal outfit, which in Texas terms meant his best button-up and pair of jeans, he paused at the foot of the stairs. Brett’s cell phone was on the corner of the island, and JT couldn’t resist grabbing it.

  “Hey, cowboy.”

  Brett twisted to look, and JT snapped a photo of him in his frilly white apron, his face pulled down in a sneer.

  “Hey!” Brett complained, lunging for JT. “What’s that for?”

  “Just immortalizing the moment. It might make good blackmail material someday too.”

  “Brat. How about you switch it out with a different one later?”

  “Why would I do that?”

ause I’ll be naked underneath.”

  JT had no time to react because Millie chose that moment to open the door to the porch.

  “Hello? Merry Christmas, boys. Where you at?”

  JT took an extra few heartbeats to kiss Brett full on the mouth as Ray’s voice drifted into the kitchen next. “Down, Whiz. Come on now. You know better than that.”

  “You wanna go take care of that, Darlin’? I just need to wash up a little and I’ll be done.”

  “Merry Christmas.” JT strode to the entranceway with an honest smile of joy. He was always happy to see Millie. It was like having the normal mom JT had wanted growing up, probably more so. “Whiz, are you causing—oh my God.” His heart skipped a beat, and he stopped dead in his tracks. “Grandma? What are—oh my God.” He babbled without thought, emotion buzzing behind his eyes while disbelieving thoughts swirled inside his head.

  Elizabeth Schultz stretched out her arms, drawing him immediately into a tight hug. JT had to bend near in half to gather her to him, not that it mattered. It was like having a piece of his childhood plopped into his new life. He sniffled into her shoulder, recognizing the scent of spearmint, black tea, and Aqua Net he’d always associated with her.

  The awkward positioning of their foot height difference didn’t deter JT from hanging on as long as he could. Had Grandma lost weight since he’d last seen her? Was she eating enough? How was her arm? Was he hugging her too tight? A wave of guilt shuddered through him, and he held her closer, nearly lifting her right off her tiny feet. He should’ve been back to see her, especially after she’d been injured. He’d failed in his role as grandson.

  “You’re so strong, my dear.” His grandma wiggled from his grasp, and JT was hesitant to let her go in case she disappeared altogether. “Let me look at you.” She cradled his face between brittle hands as he attempted to blink away a few tears.

  “I’m so happy to see you,” he gushed, mirroring her hands on his face. “Your hair’s different. Is that a new dress? You look so pretty. How did you—why didn’t anyone tell me?”


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