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The Texan Quartet (Books 1-4) Omnibus

Page 46

by Claire Boston

  “I explained who I was and we met for coffee.” Piper paused. “He’d really like to meet you.”

  The tears spilled over her cheeks. “Really?” Her voice was a whisper.

  “Of course, honey.” Piper got up and gave her a hug. “He said they’re all really sorry about what happened and want to make up for lost time.”

  Imogen’s heart swelled so large she thought it might burst through her chest. She had family who wanted to meet her.

  But her father would not be happy.

  The thought gave her only a moment’s pause.

  It didn’t matter. She needed to see them and she didn’t have to tell her father until afterward. “When can we meet?”

  “How about on the weekend? That will give you time to get used to the idea and you won’t have to rush off anywhere.”

  Imogen nodded. “Saturday. Can you set it up?”

  “Sure. Do you want me to come with you?”

  Imogen thought of Christian briefly, but pushed it away. He’d sent her a text message that day but it simply said, Work’s a madhouse. Call you soon. Vague enough to have no meaning. Soon could be tomorrow or three months from now. He must have had second thoughts about the relationship. She couldn’t blame him especially with the way her father was acting. Or perhaps he’d lost interest now she’d slept with him. The idea stung more than she wanted to admit it but she had to admit the possibility.

  She turned her attention back to Piper. The idea of facing her uncle on her own was too daunting. “Yes, please.”

  “All right. I’ll give Peter a call tomorrow and set something up.”

  “Thank you, Piper.” Imogen hugged her friend.

  “It’s my pleasure.” Piper took the empty plates to the dishwasher and turned back to Imogen. “Now, I want to know more about your plans for that wreck of a house.”

  Imogen laughed and they settled down on the couch to chat.


  Christian had never been so relieved the week was done. His whole schedule had been so out of whack that he had barely been at his desk all week. His company had decided to put in a takeover bid for a smaller company. He’d been involved in discussions, reviewing legal documents of the new company and arguing about the best way to go forward. Plus he’d had to do it according to the United Kingdom’s time zone because that’s where the company was. He’d barely had any sleep and no time to himself. Listening to Imogen’s voicemail message when he’d received it had soothed him, but he hadn’t had a chance to call her back. It had been too late at night when he’d heard it and then there hadn’t been time during the day. He had managed a text message, but every time he went to pick up the phone, someone came in. It wasn’t until Friday afternoon when things quieted down that he noticed the email he’d written her was still sitting in his draft folder, unsent. He’d been interrupted halfway through writing it. He swore. What must she think of him? He debated calling her and realized he’d be seeing her at Adrian’s place in an hour. He could explain then.

  He’d missed her.

  Through the whole week of endless talks about money and power, she was his one ray of light.

  He packed up and left work at six pm for the first time all week and turned off his cell phone. He was fairly sure work would call him about some minor point so he was determined not to be available. They’d sucked him dry. In the morning he’d check his messages and determine if any needed answering.

  He ducked home to change and on his way out to Adrian’s he stopped to buy Libby some flowers. Taking a bottle of wine would be pointless since Adrian didn’t drink. Then as he examined the flowers he decided to buy Kate a small bunch as well; she’d get a real kick out of it.

  As he went to pay for the two bunches he hesitated. He hadn’t bought Imogen flowers yet. Was it considered bad form to buy another woman flowers before he’d bought his girlfriend some?

  But they were a ‘thanks for dinner’ gift rather than a gesture of feelings. And if he bought Imogen a bunch now, he’d have to buy Piper some too because otherwise she’d be left out.

  He should have sent Imogen some flowers during the week, to show her he’d been thinking of her.

  He shook his head. He was over-thinking things. Imogen would think the gesture of the flowers for Libby and Kate was sweet.

  He hoped.

  He paid for the flowers and drove the rest of the way to his friend’s house.


  For once he was the first person there. Kate answered the door.

  Chris flourished the flowers toward her. “These are for you.”

  Kate stared at him, speechless for a moment, before she squeaked, “For me?”

  He grinned, pleased he’d bought them for her. “For you.”

  She took the bright yellow flowers and held them up to her nose and smelled them. “Thank you.”

  She led him through to the kitchen where Adrian was preparing food. “Chris bought me flowers,” she said.

  Adrian smiled. “They’re nice.”

  Libby walked in and Chris handed her the other bouquet. “These are for you,” he said.

  “Oh, you didn’t need to do that,” Libby said but took them and admired them. “They’re gorgeous.”

  She turned to Kate. “Let’s find vases to put them in and you can put yours in your room if you like.”

  While they did that Chris sat down on one of the stools.

  “You trying to win over my girls?” Adrian asked with a grin.

  “No need,” Chris said with a shrug. “They already love me.” He winked.

  Adrian laughed and pushed over a cutting board and a cucumber. “Make yourself useful and cut that up.”

  Chris took a knife from the knife block and did as he was asked.

  The others started trickling in shortly after; Imogen was the last to arrive.

  She walked in and greeted everyone, smiling but it didn’t reach her eyes. It looked as though she’d had as rough a week as he had.

  Damn it, he should have made more of an effort to speak to her. He didn’t like the idea she’d been struggling without anyone to talk to.

  He got to his feet and walked to her. “Hi, how was your week?” He went to hug her and she hesitated before wrapping her arms around him.

  It stung.

  He kissed her cheek and she smiled at him but it was her fake smile, the one she did to make it appear as if she was happy when really she wasn’t.

  Unease skittered down his spine.

  She was upset with him.

  She stepped past him. “Sorry I’m late.”

  He was a little alarmed at how he wanted to take her into another room, find out what was wrong and make everything right again. He resisted the urge. Now wasn’t the time to go into it. Not in front of all of their friends.

  He sat down at the dinner table and Piper shot him a dirty look. He’d definitely done something wrong.

  They settled in to dinner and shared their news. Libby and Adrian had had a great time in Hawaii, Piper had got a scoop on her latest story and George was considering signing a new Native American artist.

  “I hear you bought a house,” George said when he finished talking about the new talent.

  Imogen nodded. “It’s needs a bit of fixing.”

  “A bit?” Piper said. “It’s amazing it’s still standing.”

  Chris felt a twinge of jealousy that Piper had visited the house as well.

  “When you get the keys we can have a demolition party,” George said.

  “Demolition party?” Imogen asked, her tone concerned.

  “It’s when you get a whole group of people together and rip out what you don’t want,” George explained. “It’s one of my favorite parts of renovating because I get to bring my sledgehammer.”

  Imogen laughed. “Sounds like fun. You’ll have to show me how to do it.”

  “I reckon I can rustle up a few people to help,” George continued. “My sister Isla loves to demolish stuff; she’s just not keen
on the rebuilding.”

  “Thank you.” Imogen seemed amazed.

  “Dad would take a look at your garden, if you want him to,” Chris told her.

  Imogen smiled. “I was going to call him when I got the keys.”

  Chris realized then that she hadn’t mentioned her father. He didn’t know whether she’d told him about her purchase yet. He’d been so busy with work that he’d forgotten about the things Imogen was going through.

  It was inexcusable.

  Piper’s cell rang and she excused herself. “Sorry, it’s work.” She got up and left the table and the others gathered up the dishes and took them to the kitchen. When Piper returned she made a beeline for Imogen. Chris wandered closer so he could listen to the conversation.

  “Work wants me on a story tomorrow morning. One of the other reporters has called in sick.”

  Imogen clasped her hands together, then touched Piper’s arm. “It’s all right. I’ll go on my own.” She didn’t sound thrilled about the idea.

  “Go where on your own?” he asked stepping up to them.

  Imogen widened her eyes and hesitated. Finally she said, “Piper found my uncles on my mother’s side. I’m going to meet one of them tomorrow.”

  This was a big deal. Why hadn’t she told him?

  He answered the question himself. Because he’d not called her all week. Not given her the opportunity. Work had been crazy busy.

  Anger threaded its way into his thoughts.

  What must she think of him?

  “I can come if you like,” he offered.

  “I … well …” she stuttered.

  “I’m sorry for not calling this week. Work was a madhouse.”

  “I’m not sure. Let me think about it.”

  “Of course.” He took hold of her hand. “I’m here if you need me.”

  Her eyes filled with confusion and she took her hand back. “I’d better help with the dishes.”

  Chris absently rubbed at the pain in his chest as he pushed down a sliver of panic. Had he blown things with Imogen? He had to fix it. And when he did, he would be more attentive no matter what work was like.


  At the end of the evening Chris walked Imogen to her car. Piper and George left with a wave and Libby and Adrian went inside to give them some privacy.

  Chris wasn’t ready to say good night yet. He hadn’t had Imogen to himself all evening, but she was already unlocking her car.

  “Imogen, wait.”

  She turned slowly.

  “Do you want me to go with you tomorrow to meet your uncle?”

  Imogen looked up at him. “Christian, what’s going on? We spent a great weekend together, we had sex and then I didn’t hear from you. You didn’t call me back or answer my emails. The text you sent was vague at best. I thought maybe you wanted a fling but now you offer to go and meet my uncle with me.” She sighed. “It doesn’t add up. I don’t know where I stand.”

  Chris cursed. “I’m so sorry, Imi. You’re right. I thought I’d sent you an email, but I found it in my drafts folder just before I left work today.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot but there was never a good time to call.”

  She held her head high and met his gaze. “I don’t want you to feel obligated in any way. If you’re not interested just say so. I can meet my uncle on my own.”

  He shook his head and drew her closer. “Of course I’m interested. Work was hell this week and it was late before I finished. I didn’t want to call and wake you up. Your message brightened my day.” He wanted to take away her hurt. “I missed you this week and I was an idiot not to make the time to contact you.”

  She didn’t look like she believed him.

  “I can only imagine how hard it will be meeting your uncle after all of this time. I want to be there for you.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked, her voice uncertain.

  He hated that he’d put any doubt in her mind. Hated that he had taken her for granted. “Yes. Come home with me, Imi.” He kissed her and she responded. “Please. I want to be with you.”

  Her smile was a little more certain this time. “All right.”

  Relief flooded him. He couldn’t mess this up. She was the best thing in his life.


  Imogen parked her car in one of the guest parking spots and got an overnight bag out of the trunk. “I was going to stay at Piper’s,” she explained.

  She should have been planning on staying at his place. He should have known Piper had found her family. He took her bag from her and carried it up to his apartment. They were silent the whole way and nerves began to settle over Chris’s skin. He couldn’t allow work to get in the way of this. If he’d blown it with Imogen he didn’t know what he’d do.

  No, he couldn’t have. She wouldn’t be here if he had.

  He hoped.

  Imogen sat down on the couch. “So how was your week?” she asked.

  He didn’t want to talk about his week, didn’t want to talk about work, but he needed to explain to her why he hadn’t called. “The business wants to buy a UK company. We’ve had a lot of overnight meetings I’ve had to attend which means being awake at two in the morning.”

  “Sounds important.”

  He shrugged. “It is for them. There was a lot of documentation to go through and I had to do it in UK business hours.”

  “You don’t sound like you’re enjoying your work.”

  “Not at the moment.” He couldn’t remember the last time he enjoyed it.

  “So why don’t you find a different job? I’m sure someone with your experience would be in high demand.”

  He’d have to prove himself at another company, start at the bottom and work his way up again. He really didn’t want to do that, not when he was so close to the top. And there were no guarantees it would be any different. “Better the devil you know,” he said.

  Imogen frowned at him but he didn’t want to go into that right now.

  “Tell me about your week.”

  The sigh that came out of Imogen was full of sadness, confusion and exhaustion. He pulled her close to him, needing to hold her and she relaxed back into his arms.

  “On Monday it really hit me how unfulfilling my job at Tour de Force was.”

  Chris frowned. “What do you mean?”

  She explained what Jacques had said and how she’d critically examined her role.

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “I’ve been working on the business plan again,” she said. “But before I do anything I need to figure out how to deal with Papa.”

  “He’s still threatening to disown you?”

  “I haven’t spoken to him about it. He believes I’ve dropped it. But Piper thinks she knows why he’s acting that way.” She told him what she’d discovered about her past and her maternal family.

  Chris hugged her closer. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, Imi.” She’d been in a world of hurt and confusion and his only excuse for not being available was work.

  “Piper was there.”

  And didn’t that make him feel like a failure? “So tomorrow you’re meeting your uncle, Peter?”

  She nodded and tensed.

  He rubbed her arms. “Where?”

  “We agreed to meet at a coffee shop not far from where he lives. I’m still not sure of the reaction I’m going to get so I didn’t want to go to their house.”

  It was a good idea. Piper could have got the wrong impression or the man might be hiding a grudge. At least he’d be by her side to protect her.

  “I’m nervous,” she admitted in a quiet voice.

  “Of course you are.” He turned her so she was facing him. “But he can’t possibly not like you.”

  She gave a small smile. “It’s been almost thirty years. It’s a long time to be stewing over the past.”

  “Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it.” It was getting late, so he pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her
, trying to convey his positive thoughts to her. When he pulled away he said, “Let’s get some sleep.”

  He led her into his bedroom and kissed her deeply before undressing her and helping her into bed. He wanted to take care of her. He wanted to protect her. Show it wasn’t about the sex. Getting in the other side he pulled her close to him and they fell asleep.

  Chapter 14

  Imogen woke to strange surroundings but the warm body beside her was familiar. This was a much nicer way to wake up than having her father yell at her. She smiled as she turned over to face Christian.

  He opened his eyes. “Good morning.”

  “Morning.” She ran a hand down his arm, to his hip. She was pleased they’d cleared up their issues the night before.

  “Have we got time for that this morning?” he asked with a grin.

  All at once she remembered what she was doing today. Meeting her uncle. She caught sight of the clock against the wall. It was almost eight. She sighed. “No.”

  Christian got out of bed and walked around to her side. He held out a hand. “Let’s have a shower instead.”

  She admired his body as she followed him to the bathroom. His shoulders were well defined and his butt was rounded in a way that made her want to squeeze it.

  Chris turned on the shower and pulled her in. The water washed over the two of them and he pulled her close, pressing his body against hers and making her aware he was wide awake in all areas.

  Mindful of the time, she washed, stepped out of the shower and grabbed one of the towels. She dried herself quickly so she wouldn’t get distracted by Christian and wandered naked back to his room to get dressed. As she pulled on her pants she called, “We need to leave in five minutes.”

  “Right behind you,” Christian said and stood there in his naked glory. She looked him up and down and smiled.

  “Keep looking at me like that and we might not make your appointment,” he said with a smile.

  He was right. She didn’t want to give her uncle a bad first impression.

  “I’ll be in the kitchen,” she said.

  As she peered into his fridge to find something to eat, her stomach did a flip-flop with nerves and she closed the door. She could get something at the coffee shop if her stomach decided to behave.


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