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Playing With Fire

Page 13

by Sean Michael

The tunnel grew uncomfortably tight, pressing around him, threatening. It was almost enough to make him backtrack, but there was light ahead, bright and warm. He pushed on, stumbling out into the kitchen, blinking at the sudden light. Sartis grabbed a sweet roll, staying quiet, along the walls.

  He took one as well, moving to stand near Sartis. "How come they don't find you?"

  "They aren't close enough. They think I'm still upstairs." Sartis grinned. "Sometimes? I think I'll just go, leave this place and go."

  "Could you do that?" he asked, arm tugging Sartis close.

  "No. No, I... I don't know how to not live here. It's just a wish."

  He stole another sweet roll and grabbed Sartis' hand. "Let’s go back."

  Sartis nodded, pulling at him, the trip faster this time, dark and dizzying. He held onto Sartis' hand tight, not wanting to get left behind. They slipped back into the little book-filled room, both panting hard.

  "So you're not stuck in here after all," he pointed out, pulling Sartis toward the bed.

  "I never said I was. I just said I was staying in here." He sat and pulled Sartis down onto his lap, eating a bite from the roll in Sartis' hand. Sartis chuckled, pulled it away. "That's mine."

  "But you're mine, so it's mine, too."

  "How come I'm yours?"

  "Because... you are." He was going to say because he'd taken the castle, but that wasn't right, wasn't really the truth. The truth wasn't as easy to pin down.

  "Oh." Sartis nibbled on the roll. "How long will you keep me?"

  He'd intended only on making Zujan his slave for a single moon, paying in kind for his own time here. But now... now he found that just wasn't going to do. "Forever."

  Those eyes, those amazing clear eyes blinked up at him. "Really?"

  He nodded, surprised at himself, but it felt right, good. "Yes. Yes, I think so."

  "They'll be angry at you." Sartis motioned to the door, pale throat arching.

  "Yeah, well I'm not exactly happy with them." Especially for what they'd turned Sartis, so sweet and lovely, into. He bent, licking at Sartis' neck, finding the pulse point and sucking up a mark there.

  "They... Oh... They want Zujan back..."

  "Yeah, well they can keep him -- but they can't have you."

  "Do you vow it?" It was a woman's voice that asked, soft and sweet.

  Startled, he hugged Sartis to him, protecting. "Who's there?"

  The smoke from the fire seemed to coalesce, a dark haired woman seeming to blink out at him.

  He pushed Sartis behind him. "He's mine."

  Sartis blinked, pushing at him. "Mam?"

  "He is. We have waited generations for a prince to break the bar'cha spell. We thought you might never come."

  "You're his mother, the one who died to protect him." He drew himself up, stood naked and proud, still protecting Sartis. "That's my job now."

  "Yes. Yes. It is your job now. Your presence dislodged Zujan from his throne within my son. Beware, they will find another host. Zujan will return and hunt you."

  "I defied him once, I'll do it again." He had more reason now, too.

  She nodded, smiled, the look in the dark eyes happy and warm. "You have my blessing. Come to me, my son. Let me see you."

  "Oh, I don't think so." She seemed nice enough and she was saying the right things, but she was made out of fire and maybe those sneaky little faeries were pulling out their best tricks now.

  Sartis looked up at him, eyes huge. "No? She's my..."

  He looked down and stroked Sartis' cheek. "What if she's not? I've seen them take on human shape before."

  Sartis' eyes were huge, but that cheek, that cool, smooth cheek rested in his hand. He put his arm around Sartis' shoulders and moved a few steps toward the fireplace. He wasn't willing to trust her any further than that.

  One ghostly hand reached out, stroked the air in the shape of Sartis' face. "I cannot remain, beloved. I must drive the bar'cha away from this space, allow you to grow strong enough to battle again."

  Sartis shook his head. "No. No, Mam, please. I can stay here, in this room. Safe."

  Wintras shook his head. "No, let her make them go. They're getting stronger and angrier every day. We need them gone." He hated them. Hated that they were holding Sartis prisoner like this, though if Sartis could leave, maybe it was his Mam who kept him here. Which meant he wanted her gone, too. Sartis was his, if anyone kept him prisoner it was going to be Wintras himself.

  Well, except he didn't want Sartis to be a prisoner. And Sartis wasn't. Unless he wanted to leave without Wintras and Wintras wasn't sure he could allow that. Which maybe scared him just a little because it wasn't about revenge or getting back anymore and it was a pretty powerful emotion.

  "But Mam... you can't leave me here alone."

  Those dark eyes twinkled. "I would never leave you alone. Never."

  Wintras nodded. "You're not alone, Sartis. You have me." He squeezed Sartis and smiled down at him.

  "Yes." The soft voice grew stronger. "Be wary. Zujan will return and attempt to retrieve what he believes is his."

  "I won't let him." His voice was firm. Solid. He had survived Zujan's mastery once and left the sorcerer weak enough the faeries had consumed him. Wintras would do it again if he had to.

  "Love him well, Prince. He is the purest magic. My beloved son."

  Sartis reached for her as she faded, the very stones seeming to shake and shudder. He wrapped Sartis in his arms, a little worried the castle was about to come down around their ears, but the shaking faded and the stones held, seeming solid again. Sartis sobbed quietly, holding tight and shivering.

  "It's okay," he told his lover. "I've got you. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

  He turned Sartis' face up and kissed away the tears, licking at the salt. The long hair was silk against his fingers, his Sartis' cheeks even softer. It might have been his imagination, but Sartis' hair didn't seem to be as streaked by white anymore, as if Sartis' mother had somehow imbued him with more life.

  The door opened with a crash, Furn wide-eyed and pale. "My Lord! The faeries! They flee!"

  He automatically shielded Sartis, relaxing when what Furn had said sunk in. "We've won, Sartis. You're free."

  "How? Why?" Those eyes clung to his. "How did you do it?"

  He shrugged. He wasn't a wizard or a magician, but he didn't like those faeries, had made it clear they weren't welcome. And he guessed that the lady of the fire had been true, had chased them away. "Your Mam said she'd drive them away after I made it clear I wasn't letting them have you."

  Furn gave them both a smile, a nod. "Should I have the main bedchamber readied, my Lord?"

  He looked around and shook his head. "No, we're comfortable here." He looked down at Sartis. "Right?"

  Sartis gave him a relieved look, a smile dawning in those eyes. "Oh. Yes. Yes, Wintras. Very comfortable here."

  He nodded. He'd never needed the grand trappings himself and this room was cozy and had the secret passage ways. "Furn, with Lavan gone, I need a new head man. I think you'd do an admirable job in the position."

  "Me? But... I'm just..." Furn's mouth opened and closed.

  "What? Able bodied, loyal, hard working, smart? I can't think of anyone else I would trust in the position, Furn. And I know you care for Sartis and will protect him with your life if need be."

  Furn's eyes shone and the boy bowed deeply. "Yes. Thank you. I would. I will."

  Sartis chuckled. "I think you broke him."

  "No, I've ensured he's going to remain loyal and hard working," he murmured, licking at Sartis' neck.

  "What about me? Who will I be?"

  "Mine." He took Sartis' mouth, proving it, passion flaring, need consuming him.

  A soft cry pushed into his lips, the thin body arching into his heat. His hands slid down to grab Sartis' ass, pulling them together, rubbing his need against Sartis' belly.

  He heard the heavy door close, Furn giving them privacy.

legs wrapped around his waist, the furs falling away. He carried his lover to the bed, laying Sartis out on it and kissing, settling on top of the slender body. The pale body warmed to his touch immediately, Sartis appearing to swim in the long, dark hair.

  So beautiful and wanton, all his. He bent to Sartis' hip, mouth closing over the skin next to the bone and sucking, wanting to leave his mark on the beautiful skin.

  "Oh!" Sartis arched, vibrating under his lips.

  He moaned around Sartis' flesh, the heat of the long, thin cock brushing his cheek, enticing him to turn and lap at the leaking tip. So hot, so pretty beneath him. He licked from the top to the bottom of Sartis' cock, nuzzled the sweet balls in their soft sac and then worked his way up again, mouth finding Sartis', opening it. Soft cries pressed into his lips, his lover rubbing against him, their cocks sliding together. He pushed with his hips, driving their cocks movements; it was so hot, like being on fire.

  Heat soared between them, Sartis' eyes fastened onto his. Oh, he could drown in those eyes, so hot despite the icy color. He pushed his moans into Sartis' mouth, shuddering as the pleasure worked through him. Sartis' hand came up, curled around his neck, tugged him close.

  "Love you," he whispered into Sartis' mouth, knowing it to be true, more true than anything he'd ever known.

  "Oh. Oh, my prince." Sartis moaned into his lips, heat spreading between them. "My love." He cried out, his own come spraying from him. He collapsed onto Sartis, breathing heavily, holding on. Sartis cuddled close, soft kisses brushing his face. "What happens next, Wintras?"

  "We rest and build up your strength. Replenish the castle stores. Finish the repairs and make sure our defenses are strong. I don't know if the faeries and Zujan will be back, but your Mam seemed to think they would be." He stroked Sartis' skin, looked into the beloved face, scarce believing he'd ever hated this beautiful sorcerer. "If they are, we'll be ready for the fight."

  Sartis cuddled, settled.. "Yes, my prince. We will."

  He held Sartis close, feeling warm and safe and good. He was happy, home.

  He'd come here for revenge, to hurt Zujan only to find that Zujan as he knew him no longer existed, had already been defeated and everything he wanted and needed and desired had been left behind in a pale, cool package that only he could warm with the fires of passion that burned inside him.

  Fate certainly had a way of changing your plans.





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