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Sister's Arrogant Boyfriend

Page 5

by Viktor Redreich

  Besides, the feel of that man getting hard against my hip had flicked a switch inside of me. I hadn’t wanted to do it right there, right then, with him, but it had confirmed to me that I needed to feel a man take me like that if I was ever going to shake all this from my head. And why would I bother heading out to a bar again, when a man I wanted to do that with was right there in the house?

  And that was all I could think about as I stared at the ceiling, my head buzzing, my heart pounding in my chest. Thom was just across the hall, doing some work on his computer in his office. I could still remember the way he had looked at me when he had seen me in that dress. He wanted me then. The question was, did he still want me now?

  I peeled myself off the covers and took a deep breath. I mustered some of the energy that had made me feel so very powerful the night before and went to the mirror propped up next to the door. I fluffed out my hair and rolled up the hem of my skirt to show off a little more of my leg. What was it that Donna had said? Men liked it when you played innocent. Well, I was going to see if that particular tactic was going to have any effect on her dear father …

  I had carefully cleaned my face of the make-up that Donna had helped me apply the night before, but I still felt as though I was carrying some of that energy into today. The girl that had made out with that man was still there inside me, and I just had to figure out if I required a couple of beers to coax her out, or if I had found a way to do it on command.

  I slowly made my way over to his office, my heart pounding fast. What if I just made a fool of myself? Maybe he would laugh in my face or think I was joking or kick me out of the house for daring to so much as suggest such a thing. Would my mother be mad or happy about that? Knowing that I had given up my uptight ways, and replaced them with something far sluttier? I hoped I wouldn’t have to find out.

  I hesitated for a moment, and then knocked on the door. No point in holding back, right? I just had to go in there and try and see what happened. I could always just say that he had been misreading the signals or something if it went wrong. Mustering up my courage, I knocked on the door, and a moment later, I heard him moving around inside. Alright, it was now or never – and I sincerely hoped it was now.

  He opened the door and smiled when he saw me. He was wearing a pair of glasses, but he took them off and rubbed his eyes as he spoke.


  "Cindy, is everything okay?”

  "Everything’s fine," I replied. "I just thought you could use a little break from work, that’s all?”


  "Because I’m bored," I admitted, and he grinned at me and stepped aside.

  "I wouldn’t be a good host if I didn’t take care of your needs," he replied, and he pushed the door shut behind me. I wondered for a moment if he knew about his daughter and his best friend. Did he care?

  "So, how did you enjoy going out with Donna last night?" He asked, and I shrugged.

  "It was pretty fun," I replied. "I’ve never really done anything like that before. Fun to try new things, I suppose."

  "Yes, Andrew mentioned that you … uh, that you didn’t go out partying a lot when you were back home," he replied delicately. It was clear that he was avoiding sharing whatever the actual less-than-flattering terms my stepfather had used for me were. I was going to prove them so wrong as soon as I got the chance, they were just going to have to wait and see. Not that I was hoping they were going to find out about what I had in mind for right here and right now--no, I could just imagine them shipping me right back home if they discovered that. An over-correction, was that what they called it? Either way, I had a lot of lost time to catch up on, and I had no intention of letting any more of it slip away.

  "Oh, he doesn’t know everything about me," I murmured, and I leaned upon his desk right next to him, so close that our legs were touching. He glanced down to the spot where our knees had connected, and I flashed him a smile.

  "I mean, a girl’s got to have her secrets, right?" I remarked with a slight giggle. He dragged his eyes away from me for a moment, like even looking me right in the face was more than he could take.

  "You want to know one of mine?” I asked, lowering my voice, as though what I was about to tell him was for his ears and his ears only. He looked up at me, and I could see the glimmer of curiosity in his eyes, even if he didn’t want to admit it out loud. I dipped my head down to his ear, so close to him I could almost taste the desire in the air between us.

  "I’m a virgin, Thom," I told him. I couldn’t believe I was saying those words out loud; up until recently, I would have made sure that nobody knew about that, sure that everyone was judging me for being so far behind when it came to development and adulthood and everything else. But Donna had told me that innocence turned men on--and what could be more innocent than that?

  "Why are you telling me this?” He asked, his voice low. He turned his head so that his mouth was just an inch from mine. I could see the tension in his jaw, and it filled me with sureness; I could do this. No, more than that, I could make him do this. I could convince him that he had been the one to want me all along.

  "Because I don’t want to be one anymore, Thom," I continued, eyes fixed on him. "And I want to give it to someone who I know can make it … special for me."

  I slid down into his lap, winding my arms around his neck. It was still something of a shock that this all came so easily to me. Had this just been waiting to come out all this time? No wonder I was such a mess before this--what gargantuan effort had I been putting in to make sure that this side of me didn’t catch a breath of air?

  His eyes slid all the way up my body again, and I heard him take a long, shaky breath. I could feel him stirring beneath me. He wanted this. He wanted me. I had seen it in his eyes the night before when he had seen me in that dress, that something had shifted about the way he looked at me.

  "Cindy," he murmured. "I don’t know ..."

  I pulled my skirt up another inch or so, and he let his hand come to rest on my bare thigh.

  "How about now?” I offered. And with that, finally, he gave in.

  When he kissed me, he kissed me hard, his fingers sinking into my thigh roughly to keep me in place as he pushed his tongue deep into my mouth. His other hand was in my hair, tugging at it, pulling my head to the side so he could run his mouth over my neck. I gasped at the feel of his teeth on my skin. I had no idea that he could be this rough. I wondered how long it had been for him since he had fucked anyone – and for a moment was amused by the fact that both of us would be breaking our sex-fasts here today.

  He pulled me off him and planted me down on the desk, pushing my legs apart and grabbing my face so he could kiss me again. I loved how hard he moved against me, as though he had been waiting for this I had walked through the door. Had he lain in bed and imagined me giving myself to him like this? Maybe touched himself the same way I had? The notion sent a jolt of want through me, like a shock.

  His hands roamed between my legs and pulled off my panties, tossing them aside, as though he had lived out this moment a hundred times before in his head. My blood was pulsing in my system, and I swear I could feel it pooling deep down in my belly, the heat from his touch making my body ache for more. I could see the outline of his erection through his pants, and, though it was a little scary, it aroused me, too. He wanted me the same way I wanted him. That kind of power was enough to make a girl a little dizzy with it all.

  He wrapped one arm around my waist and kissed me hard, sliding the other between my legs and pressing his fingers against the crook of my thigh.

  "Tell me you want this," he ordered me, and I took a moment to catch my breath.

  "I want this," I gasped, and I meant it. And that was all the permission he needed from me. He slid his hand towards my pussy and dipped his fingers into my soaking slit.

  It was the first time anyone other than me or my doctor had been down there, and it felt as though every desire that I had been doing such a good job keeping under wraps was
threatening to rise up and burst free of me all at once. I knew this was wrong, knew I could land the both of us in so much damn trouble for it, but the fact that he didn’t care--the fact that he was still willing to do this with me--that was what drove me crazy.

  The sensation was a little strange at first, but then he pushed his fingers deeper inside of me and it started to feel good. Really good. I groaned and hooked an arm around his neck, pulling him close, inhaling his sweet, intoxicating scent. How had I held out on this for so long? I had no idea. Now that I was finally giving myself over to this pleasure, to this endless, impossible goodness, it felt ridiculous that I had ever been able to hold back.

  "Fuck, you’re so wet," he growled into my ear, and I found myself pushing my hips back down against him. I wanted him inside me, deeper. I wanted to feel something more. I could almost imagine what it would be like to have his cock there, filling me, taking me, making me his. He kissed my neck, his stubble tearing on my skin, and I tipped my head back and reveled in it, took it in, every moment, every inch-

  And then, suddenly, it all stopped.

  He stepped away from me, pulled his fingers out from me, drew his mouth away from mine. I opened my eyes, wondering what the hell was going on--and then I saw the look on his face. And I knew that whatever he had been about to give me, he had changed his mind.

  "What is it?" I panted, and he shook his head.

  "We can’t do this," he told me firmly. "I’m sorry. We can’t do this, this is wrong ..."

  "No, no," I pleaded with him. "We can. Just come back here--"

  "Cindy, I need to ..." He began, but he trailed off before he came out without anything convincing. Shaking his head, he backed off and walked out of the office. And I was left sitting there, more frustrated than ever, and wondering what the hell it was going to take to find a man who was willing to give me what I wanted.


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