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Page 5

by Maggie Walsh

  “Come, sit down,” Christian said, and led him by the elbow to a chair.

  “I’m not an invalid, Christian. Or made of glass,” he said as he looked up at Christian with eyes full of love. He loved the way Christian worried about him and cared for him, but sometimes it made him feel like a child. He didn’t want his mate to think of him as a child.

  “I know that. I was just surprised to see you down here with everyone here,” Christian answered gently. Raffy nodded at him and then looked to Micah.

  Micah gave him a soft smile. “It’s good to see you out of your room, cousin.”

  “I had to come. I smelled the demons when I woke up and I needed to tell you,” he said softly.

  “You smelled them?” Christian asked in surprise.

  “Yes. Then when I was coming in I heard him speaking of The Legion,” he explained.

  “What do you know of the demons, Raffy?” Micah asked as he moved cautiously closer. He could see that his cousin was trying to be careful with him, but all of this was starting to get on his nerves. Everyone looked at him with sorrow and pity, or spoke to him as if he were a child. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take, but what could he do? He took a deep breath and explained what he knew.

  “The Book of Enoch says that demons are disembodied spirits of Angels, fallen from god’s graces by bedding human females and impregnating them, creating the Nephilim. Theory is that there over a million demons. It is said that one third of the angels turned into demons. Some calculations put the number closer to over forty-four million. The theory is that they were separated into six hundred and sixty-six legions and that each legion was composed of six thousand six hundred and sixty-six demons, who are all ruled by sixty-six hellish kings, princes, and dukes.” He could see the shock on the faces of everyone in the room as they just stared at him. He swallowed down the bile that threatened to rise and continued.

  “In Christian theology demons are evil angels, but they are not omniscient. But each has a special knowledge. Demonology states that the mission of demons is to get humans to sin. They are said to be ugly monsters who can take on any form, but that’s not so. The Legion Warriors that King Ryland speaks of are there to keep the evil ones from walking the earth.

  “Archangel Lucifer is the overlord of the underworld. He, along with his brother, Archangel Michael, were their father’s favorites, his greatest warriors. When a number of angels came to earth and impregnated the human females, creating the Nephilim, it angered god. He cast them out of heaven and damned them to walk the earth. They were angry with god and created havoc. So god created the underworld and placed Archangel Lucifer in charge of keeping them in line. But they were very resentful and found a way back up to earth and they got out of control. They are said to be the first demons. God wanted them kept in the underworld so he sent a team of his strongest, most powerful, and loyal warriors to oversee keeping them in check and keeping the balance. They are The Legion Warriors and answer to Lucifer.” Everyone stood there in silence as they just stared at him. He started feeling self-conscious and wanted to climb into a hole and hide.

  “That’s correct, little one,” Ryland said. He felt a small amount of pride from the king’s words.

  “How do you know all of this, Raf?” Gabriel asked as he sat next to him.

  Raffy looked at Gabriel. “Father named each of us after the angels. He thought it was an honor to have his sons named after angels, seeing as that is our last name. He said that after you and Castiel disgraced the family and the angels with your choice of bedding men, that he named me Balthazar in hopes I would live up to the name. So I studied who Balthazar was. In Christianity there is no angel, or demon for that matter, named Balthazar. It’s the name of the Magi, or one of the three wise men. But for some reason Father believes he is just as much a warrior as Michael.” Raffy shrugged. “I found it all fascinating, so I studied everything about angels and demons. Then when I shifted for the first time and father saw that I was an omega, he told me I didn’t deserve the honor of the name. That was okay by me. I didn’t want to be named after the Balthazar father believed him to be. So I chose Raphael, he’s the angel of healing. He is said to be the friendliest of the Archangels, and it is also the name of the person I respect the most in this world. Uncle Raphael,” he said shyly and looked at Micah.

  “My father,” Micah whispered, and smiled at Raffy. Raffy nodded at him.

  “I’m sorry Cass and I weren’t there for you, Raphael,” Gabriel said sadly. He could see the pain behind Gabriel’s words.

  “That’s okay. You didn’t even know about me. I don’t blame you for not being there or for getting away from Father,” Raffy said softly. Everyone remained silent for a moment. Taylor finally broke the silence.

  “So who are the ones that smell like shit?” Taylor asked, and winked at Raffy. Raffy gave him a smile of thanks and looked down. He really liked his brother-in-law. Taylor always seemed to know how to make him feel comfortable. The man should have been born an angel.

  Chapter 3

  Christian was just blown away by how smart his mate was. Who knew that the man was so knowledgeable about angels and demons? Christian found it sexy as hell and was getting hard just listening to his mate talk. But then when Raffy explained why he no longer went by his birth name of Balthazar, and it broke Christian’s heart. What parent would do that to their own child? But then his mate chose a name that he liked and after a person he respected. Raphael, Micah’s father and Raffy, Gabriel, and Castiel’s uncle. He had heard stories from Cass, Gabe, Micah, and Raith through the years about what a good, honorable man their old alpha was. He didn’t know the full story yet, but he guessed that the man was good to his mate and for that he would be forever in the man’s debt.

  He shook off his inner thoughts when Dante and his two mates disseminated out of the kitchen. He felt bad for Dante. He had found both his mates, a fact that they were all still reeling from, but his tri-mating wasn’t going so well. Dare was being a dick and Dante had to banish him from his home. No one but Micah, he expected, knew what the whole story was, but it had to be ripping his friend apart. Dante was a fierce vampire who didn’t take shit from anyone, but he had a soft spot for anyone he deemed his family and who he loved. The vampire was scary powerful, but he had a heart of gold. And who knew that because of Dante’s royal blood he got two mates? That was a secret that was kept very guarded until he found both his mates. He was happy for his friend and hoped that they could get past whatever differences were keeping them apart.

  He looked to his mate, who was quietly talking with their alpha mate, Jesse. He didn’t know what Jesse said to Raffy, but the smile that crossed his face was a thing of beauty. He wanted that look on his mate’s face always. Then Cass said something to his mate that he didn’t hear, and Raffy’s smile disappeared and was replaced by a sad, far-off look. He stepped up to his mate and stood behind his chair, then laid his hand on his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. Raffy tilted his head back, looked up at him, and gave him a sad smile.

  Christian knelt down at Raffy’s side and took his hand in his. “What is it, angel?”

  “It was my fault, Christian,” Cass said. “I asked him why he chose Uncle’s name. I’m sorry, Raff. I didn’t mean to bring bad memories to you,” Cass said, and he could see the pain in his eyes at the thought of causing his little brother pain.

  “No, it’s okay, Cassy. It just made me think of Uncle Raphael, which made me think of home. Well, what used to be home. But then I thought it really never was my home,” Raffy said sadly.

  “Angel, you are home now. You have your brothers and your cousin, and their mates. And…you have me, and the rest of the pack. And Noah is here now. You are home, sweetheart.” He spoke softly, trying to reassure his mate.

  “He’s right, Raff. This is your home. You should have always been here with us, and I’m sorry you weren’t,” Micah said as he sat across from Raffy. “My father told me stories about you every f
ew years when we spoke, but he always asked me not to tell Gabe or Cass. I always felt horrible about not telling them, but my father was adamant about it. He was afraid they would return to see you and that your father would hurt them, like he used to. I explained that they weren’t small weak children anymore, but big fierce enforcers. But he said I needed to trust him when he said to keep them away, so of course I did trust him.” Micah’s eyes filled with sadness. “But now I wished I didn’t listen to him and we came to get you a long time ago. Maybe we could have stopped them from hurting you from the start.”

  It killed Christian to see the pain in his Alpha’s eyes. Jesse got up from the seat next to Raffy and moved over to Micah. He sat in his big mate’s lap, wrapped his arms around his neck, and hugged him. Immediately Micah’s arms wrapped around Jesse, and he closed his eyes as his nostrils flared. He was breathing in his mate’s scent, and Christian could see his Alpha relax.

  “None of it was your fault, Micah. Or Uncle Raphael’s. Father kept me away from uncle as much as possible. When they spoke on the phone, father always told him how good I was doing. Uncle didn’t even know I was an omega until my hundredth birthday.”

  “How is that possible, Raff?” Gabriel asked. “The Alpha always welcomed the first shift for all pack members. He always held a celebration run for the whole pack in honor of a cub’s first shift.”

  Raffy shrugged. “I never heard of a celebration like that in the pack.”

  “So I’m assuming the cub runs stopped after we left, but why? And why did it take my father so long to find out about you being an omega?” Micah asked in confusion.

  Christian looked around and realized the kitchen had cleared out except for himself, Raffy, Micah, Jesse, Gabe, Taylor, Cass, and Noah. His pack brothers were kind enough to give his mate this privacy. He would have to thank them later.

  “When I was a hundred and ten, one of the other boys that I grew up with, who used to be my friend when we were cubs, beat me to a bloody pulp. I was taken to the infirmary for Doc Williams to look at. They couldn’t reach Father or Michael so Doc Williams called the Alpha. Uncle came rushing into the infirmary. He was so angry that someone from the pack had done this to me and he demanded to know why. I told him it was because I was an omega. He was shocked because he couldn’t smell omega on me,” Raffy explained.

  “I don’t understand any of this, Raff. How could you live for so long without Uncle seeing you? Didn’t he ever wonder why you weren’t at the monthly pack runs?” Gabriel asked in anger.

  “We didn’t have monthly pack runs. Only four a year. Most of the time Father kept me home during those times. When I was allowed to go, Uncle always greeted me wonderfully. He was always nice to me. He would want to sit and talk when the run was over, but most of the time Father would tell him we needed to get home and would only let me talk with Uncle for a short time. A few times Uncle came by when Father and Michael were at work and we would sit and talk for hours. He would tell me all these funny stories about the three of you and Raith from when you were growing up. He would laugh so hard sometimes that he would have tears running from his eyes. He told me how proud he was of his boys Micah and Raith. He considered Raith his own son, did you know that?” Raffy smiled wide and even laughed a few times as he explained.

  Micah was fighting to hold tears in as he nodded at Raffy. “Yes, I knew that,” Micah said in a strained voice.

  “I still don’t understand how he couldn’t smell your wolf,” Cass said in confusion.

  Raffy shrugged. “I don’t know. All I know is that Uncle was the only one in our pack after my first shift who ever treated me with kindness. I always wished that he was my father, or that I could see him more. I always looked forward to the days when he would come over. After the first time he came by to see me, Father came home from work and smelled that the Alpha had been there. He got so mad and started screaming at me. He told me that if the Alpha ever found out that I was an omega that he would have me killed.” Raffy stopped and lowered his head, wiping tears from his cheek.

  It broke Christian’s heart. He stood up and picked Raffy up. He then sat in Raffy’s chair and placed his mate on his lap and held him. Raffy stiffened at first, but then he leaned into Christian’s hold and accepted the comfort. Christian kissed the top of his head and ran his hand down Raffy’s beautiful hair. Christian looked up and saw the shock on everyone’s faces.

  “How did you do that?” Cass whispered.

  “Do what?” Christian asked in confusion.

  “Raff doesn’t let anyone touch him without flinching, or shaking,” Gabe said in shock.

  “I like when Christian touches me,” Raffy answered quietly, and turned to look at his brother shyly.

  “Then you are his mate, aren’t you?” Gabe asked with a stern face.

  “Yes, Gabe. Raphael is my mate. Got a problem with that?” Christian asked defensively.

  “Why did it take you until now to say anything? He’s been here for almost eight weeks and you haven’t said anything. What, is my brother not good enough for you?” Gabe was getting angry and he stood up to face Christian. “He’s been through enough, so he doesn’t need any more drama.”

  “As far as I can see, you’re the one causing the drama, Gabe. And who are you to look at me like I’m garbage for not saying anything all this time? Aren’t you the same man who didn’t tell your human mate that you were mates for how long?” Christian said back in anger.

  “That has nothing to do with this,” Gabriel said angrily.

  Taylor walked up next to his mate and caressed his arm. “Man of mine, you’re blowing this way out of proportion. Just because you didn’t know they were mates doesn’t mean that no one else knew.”

  Gabe’s head snapped in Taylor’s direction. “You knew and didn’t tell me?” he asked angrily.

  “Oh, hell no. You better dial that back, and I mean now, before you regret it, buster,” Taylor said with anger as he stepped away from Gabe, put his hand on his hips, and waved his other arm around in the air. Christian couldn’t help it. He chuckled at Taylor’s display and hid his face in his mate’s hair. Gods it smelled good.

  “Just because you are oblivious to these things doesn’t mean everyone else is. Why the hell do you think Christian spends so much time with Raffy?” Taylor kept talking in all his normal Taylor flair, hands going, head shaking, and eyes rolling. It was really something to watch. And Gabe just stood there looking at his mate like the little man hung the moon. “I would say you have to get out more and mingle with everyone, but that would mean we have less time to do all those wicked things to each other. But seriously, man of mine, you need to start paying attention to your surroundings.”

  Gabriel continued to stare at Taylor and then a smile started to form at the corners of his mouth. He stepped toward Taylor and wrapped an arm around his waist, drawing Taylor against him. His eyes were full of lust as he stared into Taylor’s eyes. “Oh no you don’t, Gabriel Angel. Don’t you dare.” Taylor’s words stopped as Gabriel licked his neck and Taylor’s head went back to give Gabe more room. Gabriel whispered in Taylor’s ear and he moaned. “You mean when you take your tongue and stick it up my.” He was cut off again when Gabriel covered Taylor’s mouth with his, shoving his tongue down Taylor’s throat.

  Everyone in the room broke out in peals of laughter. Taylor was a trip. He didn’t give two shits who was around. He said whatever he wanted to say and made no apologies for it. The man was awesome. His clothing choices alone were hysterical. Christian would never dress the way Taylor did, but he loved it on Taylor. Right now the man had on a tight pair of hip-hugging blue jeans and a zebra-print, skin-tight T-shirt, and he wore a pair of black high heels. He had black liner around his eyes and his hair was now rimmed with purple tips. The man was fearless in his appearance and Christian respected the hell out of him for it. He looked down at his beautiful mate who was also chuckling at Taylor as he bit his lip. Christian wondered what Raffy would look like dressed as Tayl
or was. He didn’t know how his mate liked to dress, what his personal style was. Raffy was always in sleep pants and a loose T-shirt.

  Damn it! Christian closed his eyes as he realized his own stupidity. Raffy had been here for eight weeks and he still had nothing to call his own. He had the iPad and the iPhone that Christian gave him, along with some movies and a blue-ray player that Cass got him for Christmas, but that was it. Gabe and Taylor gave him a gift certificate for a day of shopping. Micah and Jesse told him that when he was ready they would take him shopping for anything he wanted for his room, to make it his own. But none of that had happened yet. His mate needed clothes and things that would make him happy. Christian would talk to Taylor and Jesse and ask them to help his mate. There was just so much going on around here. And with Aaron missing now and fucking demons showing up, he didn’t know when it would be possible to take his mate shopping. He needed to talk to them and see if they had any ideas.

  Micah cleared his throat and everyone stopped laughing and looked at him. “Not that you two aren’t entertaining, but can we get back to Raffy and then get to finding Aaron?”

  Gabe and Taylor pulled apart but didn’t release each other. Gabe looked to Christian. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to go all defensive big brother on you.”

  “It’s okay, Gabe. You were only looking out for your brother and my mate. So apology accepted,” Christian said.

  “So how long have you known that Christian was your mate, Raffy?” Jesse asked.

  “Since the moment he walked into the room that day he and Cass came in to meet me,” Raffy answered shyly.

  “You’ve known the whole time?” Gabe asked with raised brows. “And how about you?” He directed the question at Christian.

  “The same. We are both wolves, Gabe.” Christian chuckled.

  “Then how did you not jump him and claim him?” Gabe asked.

  “Considering his two big brothers and his even bigger cousin were in the room, I didn’t think that was such a smart thing to do,” Christian answered.


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