197 “Over the 18 …”: ibid.
197 How like the …: ibid.
198 “not the woman …”: Fitch, Appetite for Life, p. 124.
198 “Perhaps he’s catching …”: EM.
198 “friendly passion …”: Fitch, Appetite for Life, p. 124.
199 “the limited and …”: PC, carton 2, folder 57.
199 “exhausted …”: ibid.
199 “He is probably …”: Fitch, Appetite for Life, p. 124.
200 “I feel washed-out …”: PC, carton 2, folder 57.
200 “I’m sitting on …”: ibid.
200 “Love …”: ibid.
201 “machine guns …”: ibid.
9. Incurable Romantics
202 “substratum chicanery”: UG, p. 262.
203 “mausoleum …”: ibid., p. 294.
203 “the returning …”: ibid.
203 “new, noiseless …”: ibid., p. 295.
203 “to mourn the …”: ibid.
204 “a handsome …”: ibid., pp. 297–298.
205 “The leaflet …”: ibid., pp. 300–301.
205 “the Dutch press …”: ibid., p. 301.
206 “Well, let’s see …”: ibid., p. 303.
207 “The term …”: ibid.
207 “such forces …”: ibid., p. 304.
208 “It was hard …”: EM.
209 “Please be back …”: UL, p. 167.
209 “Jane never …”: EM.
209 “Trigger-Happy Dutchmen …”: San Francisco Chronicle, December 31, 1945.
210 “forced the war …”: People’s World, January 5, 1946.
210 “did not attach …”: UL, p. 166.
210 “an eyewitness account …”: Jane Foster, “Revolt in Indonesia,” Institute of Pacific Relations, San Francisco, CA January 11, 1946.
211 “confidential assignment …”: FBI case file 100-35543, Jane Foster Zlatovski.
212 “This is one of the …”: Edgar Snow, “No Four Freedoms for Indo-China,” The Saturday Evening Post, February 2, 1946.
212 “The Netherlands …”: Jane Foster, letter to the editor, The New York Times, July 15, 1946.
212 “The problem …”: EM.
213 “if only by …”: UL, p. 110.
213 “on the other …”: ibid., p. 130.
213 “misty …”: ibid., p. 164.
214 “There was something …”: EM, interview by author.
214 “socially useful element …”: Zlatovski, “The Autobiography of an Anti-Hero,” Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota Public Library, p. 26.
215 “a strong …”: UL, p. 82.
215 “too non-conformist …”: FBI case file 100-35543, Jane Foster Zlatovski.
216 “a bit of a …”: ibid., p. 83.
216 “gussied up …”: ibid., p. 96.
216 “incurable romantics …”: Zlatovski, “The Autobiography of an Anti-Hero,” p. 1.
216 “did not really …”: EM.
217 “In very different …”: EM. 217 “La Très Haute Societé …”: Katrina Vanden Heuvel, “Grand Illusions,” Vanity Fair, September 1991, pp. 219–25, 248–56.
217 “loved intrigue …”: UL, p. 97.
218 “adorable, adored …”: ibid., p. 170.
218 “Break out my …”: PC, carton 2, folder 57.
219 “This brings up …”: PC, carton 2, folder 58.
219 “I’ll take her …”: John K. Singlaub with Malcolm McConnell, Hazardous Duty (New York: Summit Books, 1991), p. 115.
219 “tired and …”: Thibault de Saint Phalle, Saints, Sinners, and Scalawags (Brookline, N.H.: Hobblebrush Books, 2004), p. 161.
220 “pursue the plan …”: SMITH.
220 “to see what …”: ibid.
220 “on the porch …”: Fitch, Appetite for Life, p. 129.
220 “allow for …”: ibid.
220 “a relationship based …”: ibid.
221 “Dearest Paulski …”: JC, carton 2, folder 45. The letters that follow from JC to PC, January to June 1946, are contained in JC, carton 2, folder 45, and only the sources of quotes drawn from elsewhere will be identified.
223 “dilettante”: SMITH.
223 “liked that type …”: ibid.
225 “everybody”: JC, carton 2, folder 45.
226 “You play a leading role …”: Fitch, Appetite for Life, p. 131.
227 “operational proof …”: FAP.
227 “very difficult …”: SMITH.
227 “My father was very …”: ibid.
228 “divorce …”: PC, carton 2, folder 58.
228 “Julie is a splendid …”: PC, carton 2, folder 58.
228 “no measly …”: ibid.
228 “a firm and …”: ibid.
229 “Well!”: PC, carton 2, folder 58.
10. Open Season
230 “somewhere in Paris”: FAP.
230 “dropped out of sight …”: PC, carton 2, folder 68.
230 “That’s a name …”: ibid.
231 “so several people …”: FAP.
231 “unmistakable”: PC, carton 2, folder 68.
231 “So we hied …”: FAP.
231 “Dearest Janie …”: PC, carton 2, folder 68.
232 “inexplicable suddenness …”: ibid.
232 “If you’d been …”: ibid.
232 “She sounded …”: ibid.
233 “the American way …”: PC, carton 2, folder 60.
233 “the proportions for …”: ibid., folder 65.
233 “tapping them out”: ibid., folder 68.
233 “Cordon Bleu widower”: ibid., folder 65.
235 “human approach …”: ibid., folder 66.
235 “Oh well, I never …”: ibid., folder 68.
235 “a long time”: ibid.
235 “so-called Military …”: UL, p. 174.
235 “all been Nazis”: ibid., p. 176.
236 “Give me the …”: ibid., p. 185.
236 “Poor George is full …”: PC, carton 2, folder 68.
237 “just to please …”: ibid., folder 65.
237 “Don’t touch …”: ibid., folder 69.
237 “She was …”: ibid.
238 “a small, short …”: FAP.
238 “shy and brainy”: PC, carton 2, folder 68.
238 “naked blimpish …”: ibid.
238 “feeding them with finesse”: ibid.
239 “She is almost …”: ibid.
239 “congenital Republicans”: PC, carton 2, folder 68.
239 “John McWilliams …”: ibid.
239 “I’ll bet I …”: ibid, folder 66.
240 “From her description …”: ibid., folder 68.
240 “soft on Communism …”: ibid., folder 66.
240 “the master of innuendo …”: ibid., folder 68.
240 “a PhD graduate …”: ibid.
240 “dirty fighting …”: ibid.
241 “suspected of all …”: ibid., folder 48.
242 “the weakness …”: E. J. Kahn, The China Hands (New York: Viking Press, 1975), p. 238.
242 “millionaire Communist …”: Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel, The Venona Secrets (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2000), p. 57.
242 “lost his mind”: Stephen R. MacKinnon and Oris Friesen, China Reporting (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), p. 143.
242 “doubt of loyalty”: “China Hands,” Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training,Frontline Diplomacy—Country Readers—China. Arlington, Va.: ADST Foreign Affairs Oral History Program, 2000.
243 “He was treated …”: FAP.
243 “so invaluable …”: ibid.
244 “Vincent all but …”: Gary May, China Scapegoat (Washington, D.C.: New Republic Books, 1979), p. 224.
244 “a disgusting era”: FAP.
244 “My moral and spiritual …”: PC, carton 2, folder 66.
245 “unimportant”: ibid., folder 65.
245 “The vigor and …”: ibid.
r /> 245 “not eligible for …”: ibid., folder 68.
245 “a real woman …”: ibid.
246 “whiz bang”: ibid.
246 “We have finally …”: ibid., folder 69.
246 “Every time …”: EAP.
246 “I hate only a …” Fitch, Appetite for Life, p. 182.
247 “These two men …”: PC, carton 2, folder 69.
247 “25 minutes …”: ibid.
248 “undercurrent of …”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
248 “yellow-bellyism …”: ibid.
248 “He’s emasculating …”: ibid., folder 69.
248 “stepchild …”: FAP.
248 “I am terribly …”: Fitch, Appetite for Life, p. 204.
250 “I think the … Edwin R. Bayley, Joe McCarthy and the Press (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1981) p. 111.
250 “Communist fronts”: Aloise Buckley Heath, Will Mrs. Major Go to Hell? (New York: Arlington House, 1969), p. 134.
250 “proper democratic …”: Julia Child to Mrs. Heath, March 12, 1954, Smith College.
251 “sift truth …”: ibid.
251 “For the colleges …”: ibid.
251 “desperate power-monger”: PC, carton 2, folder 71.
251 “right in there …”: ibid.
252 “supporting the …”: Julia Child with Alex Prud’homme, My Life in France (New York: Anchor Books, 2006), p. 200.
252 “These people with …: ibid.
252 “the avalanching danger”: Bernard DeVoto, “Due Notice to the FBI,” The Easy Chair, Harper’s Magazine, October 1949.
11. The Nightmare
253 “to break loose …”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
253 “the very nadir …”: ibid.
254 “I must confess …”: ibid.
254 “that you have …”: ibid.
254 “And that the …”: ibid.
255 “cringe”: FAP.
255 “who just cravenly …”: ibid.
255 “We would very …”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
256 “being attacked …”: ibid.
256 “to determine …”: USIA case file 105-4454, Paul Child.
257 “I think she …”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
258 “What I suspect …”: ibid.
258 “the professional …”: ibid.
258 “intercepted by …”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
258 “what we must …”: ibid.
258 “believed to have been …”: FBI case file 100-35543, Jane Foster Zlatovski.
259 “Ah me …”: ibid.
259 “Well, the Nightmare …”: ibid.
260 “you have the …”: ibid.
260 “Well, what did …”: UL, p. 20.
260 “[Her] only thought …”: ibid., p. 29.
261 “the top Russian …”: Joanne Cavanaugh Simpson, “Seeing Red,” Johns Hopkins Magazine, September 2000.
262 “the four liturgical …”: UL, p. 22.
262 “really, Jane …”: ibid., p. 24.
262 “My mother …”: ST.
263 “You can’t”: ibid.
263 “Jane just …”: ibid.
263 “a hideous …”: UL, p. 27.
263 “to show the nightmarish …”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
264 “the Holy Office”: ibid.
264 “a physical …”: ibid.
264 “unadulterated horror”: ibid.
264 “It would have …”: UL, p. 29.
265 “with mirrors …”: ibid., p. 30.
265 “Then the Nightmare …: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
265 “Spy! Spy!”: UL, p. 30.
266 “a member of …”: ibid., p. 35.
266 “conceived to be …”: HUAC Memorandum, September 12, 1962, From Don Sweeney to Francis J. McNamara, Re: Jane Foster Zlatovski v. Secretary of State, J. B. Matthews Papers, Duke University Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Durham, N.C.
267 “It was a real … PC, carton 2, folder 46.
267 “holed up in …”: ibid.
267 “whey-faced agents”: UL, p. 41.
267 “Afraid to go out”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
267 “I had been …”: ibid.
267 “not in the …”: HUAC Memorandum, September 12, 1962, From Don Sweeney to Francis J. McNamara, Re: Jane Foster Zlatovski v. Secretary of State, J. B. Matthews Papers, Duke University Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Durham, N.C.
268 “the most unfirable …”: Time, 1951.
268 “the way Mussolini …”: UL, p. 36.
268 “very sick”: ibid.
268 “There I was …”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
269 “Rat-tat-tat-tat …”: UL, p. 43.
270 “a loveable little …”: ibid., p. 40.
270 “a law unto itself”: Leonard B. Boudin, “The Right to Travel,” Nation, July 30, 1955.
271 “fool around”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
271 “shaking like an …”: UL, p. 45.
271 “log-jam”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
271 “[Judge Mathews] …”: ibid.
272 “did not show them …”: ibid.
272 “derogatory information”: HUAC Memorandum, September 5, 1962, Honorable Gordon H. Scherer to Francis J. McNamara, Director, Re: Jane Foster Zlatovski v. Secretary of State, J. B. Matthews Papers, Duke University.
273 “break the seal …”: UL, p. 48.
273 “the boys in gabardine …”: PC, carton 2, folder 46.
273 “ARRIVED PARIS …”: ibid.
273 “Forgive me …”: ibid.
274 “then I can really say …”: ibid.
274 “case had been …”: USIA case file 105-4454 / FBI case file 123-192, Paul Child.
12. The Taste of Ashes
275 “dumping ground”: FAP.
275 “poor marks …”: Julia Child, My Life in France, p. 224.
276 “Wish You Were Here”: JC, Papers, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard, carton 2, folder 47.
276 “brainless bureaucrats”: FAP.
277 “that did not mean …”: UL, p. 218.
277 “She and George …”: ibid.
277 “a cry for help …”: UL, p. 218.
278 “Julia was awfully …”: EM.
278 “liberal …”: FBI case file 100-35543, Jane Foster Zlatovski.
278 “Hoover was no …”: ibid.
279 “now the land of …”: Julia Child, My Life in France, p. 224.
279 “think someone that …”: Fitch, Appetite for Life, p. 237.
279 “U.S. COUPLE ACCUSED …”: Los Angeles Times, July 9, 1957.
279 “EX-AIDES OF U.S….”: The New York Times, July 9, 1957.
279 “An American couple …”: The Washington Post and Times-Herald, July 9, 1957.
282 “FRANCE GRANTS” … Washington Daily News, July 9, 1957.
282 “The French have …”: Evening Star, July 9, 1957.
282 “They’ve been …”: Reuters, July 9, 1957.
282 “parlor pink”: Washington Daily News, July 9, 1957.
283 “a haven”: Chicago Daily Tribune, July 11, 1957.
283 “shifted her base …”: ibid.
284 “an untenable …”: The Washington Post and Times-Herald, July 11, 1957.
284 “A Communist suspect …”: ibid.
285 “approved”: The New York Times, August 13, 1957.
285 “didn’t come easy …”: The New York Times, August 13, 1957.
285 “special special agent”: Time, January 12, 1959.
286 “Boris, somehow …”: ibid.
286 “a prominent American …”: ibid.
286 “missing link”: The New York Times, August 17, 1957.
286 “part of the Soviet …”: ibid.
286 “The Justice Department …”: Katrina Vanden Heuvel, “Grand Illusions,” Vanity Fair, September 1991.
288 “guaranteed”: The New York Times, September 10, 1957.
288 “a sensitive, dynamic …”: Francis E. Walter, “The First Official Story of the Man Who Fooled the Kremlin,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 29, 1957.
288 “a hand to shake …”: ibid., October 2, 1957.
289 “at eleven o’clock …”: UL, p. 218.
289 “tragic-comedy …”: ibid.
289 “a hairless teddy bear”: ibid., p. 222.
290 “put her head …”: ibid.
291 “Morros, who did …”: UL, p. 46.
291 “Écoutez moi …”: ibid, p. 224.
291 “do things by …”: ibid.
292 “what a fabulous …”: ibid., p. 200.
292 “Boris Morros was …”: ibid., p. 209.
293 “pure swindle …”: ibid., p. 211.
293 “Undoubtedly …”: ibid., p. 212.
293 “amusing stories …”: ibid., p. 213.
294 “more discreet …”: ibid., p. 226.
296 “It seemed highly …”: ibid., p. 224.
296 “not exactly …”: ibid., p. 227.
297 “Mrs. Zlatovski …”: ibid., p. 228.
297 “In view of …”: FBI case file 100-35543, Jane Foster Zlatovski.
298 “because of their …”: ibid.
298 “acted like a …”: UL, p. 232.
298 “It was THE BIG …”: ibid., p. 233.
299 “glaring inaccuracies …”: ibid., p. 234.
300 “Gertrude Stein …”: ibid., p. 200.
301 “socially at concerts …”: Civil Service … FBI case file 100-35543, Jane Foster Zlatovski.
301 “complete and …”: FBI case file 100-35543, Jane Foster Zlatovski.
303 “did not know …”: ibid.
304 “UN debate on Indonesia …”: ibid.
305 “available information….”: John F. Fox Jr., “In Passion and in Hope,” (Ph.D. diss.) University of New Hampshire, 2001), p. 16.
306 “Will I be able to …”: UL, p. 241.
306 “the family always …”: ST.
307 “She liked …”: ibid.
307 “be questioned concerning …”: FBI case file 123-192, Paul Child.
307 “the possibility exists …” ibid.
308 “traced directly”: Andrew Roadnight, United States Policy Towards Indonesia in the Truman and Eisenhower Years (New York: MacMillan, 2002), p. 154.
309 “We talked about it …”: EM.
309 “Jane was a …”: ibid.
309 “She was very …”: ST.
310 “ordinary people …”: UL, p. 244.
310 “Simply to be accused …”: ibid., p.232.
311 “Julia was braver”: EM.
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