A Covert Affair

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A Covert Affair Page 42

by Jennet Conant

  311 “We decided …”: SMITH.

  311 “seemed so far away”: FAP.

  312 “the most comprehensive …”: Craig Claiborne, review of Mastering the Art of French Cooking, by Julia Child, The New York Times, October 18, 1961.

  312 “prime dishwasher …”: FAP.

  312 “enormous”: Donna Lee, “The Man Behind Julia Child,” Boston Herald American Magazine, May 10, 1981.

  312 “We do everything together”: ibid.

  312 “shameful episode”: Julia Child, My Life in France(New York: Anchor Books, 2005), p. 215.


  313 “It all receded … ST.

  314 “never go home again”: ibid.

  314 “seized by terror”: UL, p. 245.

  315 “intrinsically tied …”: FBI case file 100-35543, Jane Foster Zlatovski.

  315 “Fascist junta …”: UL, p. 245.

  316 “She willed herself …”: ST.

  316 “opened Jane’s …”: ibid.

  317 “scarred and ruined …”: UL, p. 246.

  318 “With open eyes …”: ibid., p. 33.

  319 “suitable for framing …”: PC, carton 2, folder 73.

  319 “We have no …”: SMITH.

  319 “We’re perfectly happy …”: Calvin Tompkins, “Good Cooking,” The New Yorker, December 23, 1974.

  321 “fascinating and …”: FAP.

  321 “a strange man”: EM.

  322 “every effort should …”: FBI case file 100-57453, Martha Dodd Stern.

  322 “concerning their …”: FBI case file 100-35543, Jane Foster Zlatovski.

  322 “a very grave …”: International Herald Tribune, March 24, 1979.

  323 “it is absolutely …”: UL, p. 238.

  324 “the biggest spy ring …”: Walter Schneir, “The Soblen Trial,” The Nation, August 26, 1961.

  325 “lies and wrong things …”: ibid.

  325 “less than a year …”: ibid.

  325 “A spy is a …”: ibid.

  326 “with all the dirty …”: Theodore H. White, In Search of History (London: Cape, 1979), p. 391.

  326 “too much danger …”: ibid., p. 392.

  326 “warping effect …”: ibid., p. 395.


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  Paul Child Papers

  America, Radcliffe Institute for

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  Paul Child

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  William Donovan

  Washington, D.C.

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  Jack Soble

  Martha Dodd Stern

  George Zlatovski

  Jane Foster Zlatovski

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  Jane Foster

  Richard Heppner

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  Collections Library, Duke

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  Library of Congress, Veterans History

  Elizabeth P. McIntosh Papers

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  Washington, D.C.

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  University of Missouri at Kansas City

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  Eleanor Thiry [Summers] Wartime Diary and Correspondence. Courtesy of Chris Summers.

  George Zlatovski, “The Autobiography of an Anti-Hero,” Minnesota State Historical Society, Minnesota Public Library, quoted with permission of Susan Tenenbaum.

  Oral Histories

  “China Hands,” Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training. Frontline Diplomacy—Country Readers—China. Arlington, Va.: ADST Foreign Affairs Oral History Program, 2000.

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  Elizabeth P. McIntosh, Veterans History Project, Frontline Diplomacy, interview by Leslie Sewell, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

  Interviews by the Author

  Walter Joseph Patrick Curley II, 2010

  Thibaut de Saint Phalle, 2011

  Noël Riley Fitch, 2010

  Fisher Howe, 2010

  Judith Jones, 2011

  Elizabeth P. McIntosh, 2009–2011

  Walter Mess, 2010

  Dan Pinck, 2010

  Sylvia Ripley, 2011

  Basil Summers, 2009

  Susan Tenenbaum, 2009–2011

  Films and Videotapes

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