E'steem: Demons Anonymous

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E'steem: Demons Anonymous Page 1

by Shawn James

  E’steem: Demons Anonymous

  By Shawn James

  Copyright © 2013 Shawn James

  Chapter 1

  I’m feeling a runner’s high as I jog through the tree-lined paths of Riverside Park. Man, these morning jogs are a great way to start a day.

  I look up at the sun rising out of the morning sky and realize how late it is. John and I have got to be at the office in about two hours; I better see if he’s getting ready. I slow my pace, slip my iPhone out of its armband sleeve and switch off the Whitney Houston Mp3 I was listening to in my Bluetooth earpiece. After I punch in John’s number the phone picks up on the third ring.

  “John Haynes.” John’s voice greets.

  “Hey John, just wanted to know if you were up.”

  “I just came out of the shower.”

  “Great. I should be back up there in about five minutes for breakfast-”

  Before I can finish my sentence, I’m startled by a teenage boy who jumps out from behind a tree onto the path. When he points his Glock pistol at me I stop dead in my tracks. “Gimme the cell phone or I blow your brains out lady!” He barks.

  John hears the threat and becomes concerned. “E’steem-”

  I let him know everything is going to be okay. “John, I’m gonna have to call you back. Looks like I’m being mugged.”

  “Don’t hurt him.” John laughs.

  I hit end on my cell phone, slip it into the waistband of my running tights and greet my mugger with a friendly smile. The boy becomes frantic on seeing how relaxed I am. “You crazy. How you gonna call him without a phone?”

  Time to scare another one of Harlem’s hoods straight. “Because you have to take it from me.” I growl as my brown eyes change into reptile ones.

  The mugger’s eyes grow wide on seeing my fingernails change into cloven claws and long Black horns shoot out of my forehead. He shakes so nervously he can barely hold his pistol. “OH MY GOD! YOU’RE A M-MONSTER!”

  Demon. I’m a demon. Don’t they ever see the horns?

  The panicked thug fires shot after shot at me that echoes in the silence of the empty park. I flash him a smile with my canine teeth as the bullets bounce off my chest. A wet spot begins to form on the front of his sagging pants when I snatch the gun away from him and crumple it in my hands like tissue paper.

  “I guess they don’t make boys like they used to.” I jab looking down at his peed up pants.

  When I toss the remains of his weapon to the ground, His fight or flight response kicks in. Before he can get two steps, I grab him by the shoulder and a gentle yank sends him tumbling onto the path. Because he’s a kid I’ll let him off with a warning.

  The once unrepentant thug is on his knees praying when I make eye contact with him. “GOD, PLEASE DON’T LET IT KILL ME!” the boy pleads with tears streaming down his cheeks.

  “It? I’m a she.” I retort smiling at him.

  “Please don’t kill me, I don’t want to go to Hell!”

  Looks like I’ve convinced him to start walking down the straight and narrow path. “Then you better do what it says in the Bible.” I say. “What was that Commandment again you were breaking just now?”

  “Th-Thou shall not steal.”

  “That’s the one. You don’t want to have to deal with creatures like me for all eternity now do you?”


  “Then I suggest you go to church every Sunday and follow what’s in that Bible from now on.”

  “I-I’ll do that miss.”

  “Good. Now go on home to your mama.”

  The crying boy springs off the asphalt and scurries up the path running like he has a motor tied to his behind. As I change my face back into its human visage, I hear a round of applause behind me. Looks like I’ve got company. And since I can’t see anyone on the path I have to wonder what realm it’s from.

  A flash of light explodes in my eyes and when it dissipates I’m greeted by a tall handsome honey colored young man casually dressed in rinsed blue jeans, a white print button down shirt and black trainers. I greet the sexy stranger with a smile as his dark brown eyes meet mine. “Wow. You really put on a show.” He tells me.

  I’d have to say he puts on a show himself. Just looking at this sweet taste of honey is giving me a sugar rush. “Just doing what I can to scare the sinners into saints.” I say. “Sometimes you have to believe there’s a Hell in order to start heading down the road to Heaven.”

  “You know the Lord isn’t going to be too happy with you costing him souls.”

  Whoever this demon is, he seems to approve of my approach to converting the heathens. “You seem to know a lot about me…”

  “Claudius.” The man says extending his hand. “I’ve been reading about your “scared straight” campaign online for the past few months.”

  “I had no idea it was that popular Claudius.” I say shaking it.

  “It’s all the demons talk about in the E’steem group on Facebook.” He gushes.

  I really need to Google myself. “Do you want an autograph?”

  “No, I was kind of hoping to ask for your help.”

  Help? I’m persona non grata in the realm of Hell. Whoever this is must be very bold to approach me. Or very crazy. “You know I’m no longer part of the Legion. Just being seen with me can get you killed.”

  “I know. But we need someone like you to help our cause.”

  “What cause is that?”

  Claudius reaches into his messenger bag, pulls out a piece of paper and hands me a flyer. “My organization “Demons Anonymous.”


  Chapter 2

  I take a deep breath to calm my nerves as E’steem reads through the flyer detailing the mission of my organization. I’m hoping she says yes and helps us out. With a legend like her in our group we can inspire countless other members to walk away from the Legion down the straight and narrow path to Christ.

  It was a big risk approaching her; high-ranking Old Guard demons don’t even bother talking with low-level New Breeders like myself. But if someone who was as deeply entrenched in the Legion could change her wicked ways, then maybe just maybe she’d be willing to hear me out.

  E’steem finishes reading the flyer and her friendly brown eyes smile at me. “Demons Anonymous?” she inquires.

  “Yeah, it’s a support group for demons who want to leave the Legion.”

  “Other demons have left the Legion?”

  “You thought you were the only one?”

  “Usually once you join up with Lucifer you’re in for all eternity.”

  “That was the way it was for the Old Guard. You chose to be a part of the Legion. But as the children of those old Guard demons began roaming the earth, they were never given that option.”

  “Wasn’t the Bible available to you?”

  “In our homes that book was considered Blasphemy.”

  “So the culture of the Legion has become a religion?”

  “To the members of the New Breed it is.”

  “I’ve been hearing that phrase a lot lately. What exactly are the New Breed?”

  I thought someone as smart as she was would know something about our history. “The New Breed are demons born during the Industrial Revolution, I reply. “Around that time Lucifer dissolved the Order of Lords and established a new class system for demons to work within the Legion’s new industrial complex.”

  “Demons with human faces?”

  “Yeah. He felt these new demons would blend in better with mortals. Demons he believes will help him efficiently steal the souls of mankind through everyday sins.”

  “Drones in a corporate industrial complex.”

  “Mindless workers programmed to believe t
hat they’re doing the right thing by going by the book and living by the golden rule. People who were born not knowing who God truly is.”

  “Even though the Bible is in plain sight.”

  “We were never told we had a choice.” I continue. A lot of us grew up in homes, schools and churches believing that Lucifer’s false religion was the truth.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “I went to college and met up with some Christians on campus. At first I didn’t believe them, but as I began reading the Bible for myself, I began to see the truth in God’s Word.”

  “With that way of thinking, I’m taking it you’re not very popular in the Legion-”

  “I’m not. But I didn’t give my life to Christ to win anyone’s favor. God doesn’t want any soul to perish. Not even a demon’s.”

  E’steem’s eyes light up after I say that. “Wow. You’re really passionate about your cause-”

  “I just want the members of the Legion to know they have a choice. And that no matter how much they’ve sinned in their lives God will forgive them and allow them to receive His gift of Salvation.”

  “What can I do to help out?”

  “I was hoping you could come and speak at one of our meetings. Someone with your reputation would have a tremendous impact on our cause.”

  “You must not have read The Deadly Dish. My reputation in the realm of Hell is pretty much finished-”

  “Not exactly. Many demons still hold you in high regard. And they’d still be eager to listen to you-”

  “You must not have seen the pantsed picture of me in that article-”

  “I have to say you do have nice legs.”

  A playful chuckle surprises me. “I’d have to say the best part of me is up here.” She jokes pointing at her face.

  From the curious look on her face she seems interested. I’ll try to close the deal. “So would you be willing to come to our meeting this evening?”

  E’steem looks down at the flyer for the address then smiles as she looks up at me. “I think I can make it tonight. Just let me check with my boss.”

  Chapter 3

  I suck my teeth on hearing about E’steem’s plans for tonight. Just when I thought D’lilah had ruined her reputation among Hell’s demons, she finds a new following in my Legion.

  I knew there was a rogue faction of demons forming for a while now. I thought they could be contained and I could minimize the loss of members with an underground propaganda campaign discrediting them. But if E’steem speaks at their group tonight, it could cost me millions of souls. I have to find a way to silence her.

  A flash of light takes me out of Riverside Park to the library of my residence in the Arctic. As I approach the front desk, I find D’lilah, my librarian sitting in front of her laptop watching something on YouTube. When she peers up from the computer screen, the Mocha skinned young woman dressed in jeans and a T-shirt peers up and snaps to attention as she jumps out of her chair.

  “I’m so sorry Lord.” D’lilah pleads. “I had no idea you were standing there. What can I do for you?”

  If only I could bottle her loyalty. “Is there any way you could Kill E’steem for me?” I snarl.

  D’lilah’s face twists into a scowl on hearing her name. Nice to know she hates her just as much as I do. “I wish I could Lord. But I’m not a Herald.”

  “I may have to do something about that.”

  What’s she done to upset you this time?”

  “Consorting with the enemy. A rogue demon named Claudius-”

  D’lilah hears the name and cocks an eyebrow. “Did you say Claudius?”

  “Is he someone you know?”

  “Unfortunately. He used to live in my dorm back in college.”

  “Well, he’s educating members of the Legion about Christ with his little group-”

  “Demons Anonymous?”

  “You know about them?”

  “They’re a fringe group of New Breeders who found a Bible in a garbage can and take it for truth.” D’lilah dismisses. “They’re nothing you should worry about.”

  “They could cost me souls if E’steem gets involved with them-”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of this.” D’lilah continues.

  “So you know where they’re located?”

  “Yeah, they meet up in this coffee bar in Hell’s Kitchen. “Once I put a good scare into them they’ll go back to making babies cry over spilt milk.”

  Chapter 4

  The clock on my iPhone reads 6:35 as a flash of light takes me off the path on Riverside Park back up to my bedroom in the Riverside Park Tower. I drop the Demons Anonymous flyer on the dresser next to my phone when I hear the sound of John’s footsteps approaching. The handsome husky golden brown skinned man dressed in a tailored pinstripe business suit, crisp white shirt, and a red tie greets me with a smile as he stands in the doorway.

  “Looks like you survived being mugged.” John says. “I take it another one of New York’s criminals has been scared straight.”

  “This one peed his pants.” I reply giving him a kiss.

  “Looks like they don’t make muggers like they used to.”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “You seem to be enjoying this scared straight campaign of yours.”

  It is one of the things that does put a smile on my face. “I’d like to think I’m making a difference. Is it possible for me to get tonight off?”

  John’s smile falls into a forlorn look. “I thought we were going to that new Italian restaurant in Soho tonight-”

  We can always go there after we hit that comicon next week. “This is related to our work.” I say handing him the flyer.

  “Demons Anonymous?” John asks reading it.

  “It’s a support group for demons like me who left the Legion.” I continue as I kick off my sneakers. “They want me to attend one of their meetings tonight. I’m thinking they could be valuable allies to us.”

  John smiles on hearing about them. I knew he’d support me. “If it’s work related I can’t say no. Have fun tonight.”

  I thank him with a hug. “You are the best boss a girl could have!”

  “You’re only saying that because you’re dating me.” John says breaking the embrace.

  “Hey, it’s the truth.”

  “Just don’t get pantsed this time.”

  “Can’t get pantsed if I’m wearing a dress.” I retort stepping out of my runner’s tights.

  “Just try to keep your clothes on. You never know where a camera is.”

  He’s got a point. The last thing I need is another indecent exposure caught on the candid camera of a cell phone. “I’m just glad they’re not in our apartment.” I chuckle tossing my sport bra at him.

  John gives me a wicked grin back as he catches it and a long look at my nude body. “Yeah, no one needs to see all this.”

  “No one but you lover.” I tease streaking into the bathroom.


  Chapter 5

  A flash of light takes me from the Antarctic to 53rd Street and Tenth Avenue in Manhattan. I look in the picture window of the Java Joint and see Claudius working the counter. Since the rush-hour breakfast crush is over, maybe I can get a moment with Mr. Holy Disciple and persuade him to end his crusade before he brings the wrath of the Lord down on himself.

  I open the tall glass door and step into the trendy coffee bar decorated with hardwood floors, wrought iron bistro tables and comfortable sofas and approach the counter. Claudius’ eyes light up at the sight of me; he hides his smile behind a professional façade.

  “Welcome to the Java Joint. What cup o’ Joe can I get you today?” Claud greets.

  “Claud, I need to talk to you.”

  “D, I’m in the middle of a shift-”

  “Then go on break-”

  “I can’t. My break doesn’t start until eleven thirty-”

  I reach into my pants pocket and pull out five $100 bills and stuff them it in
his shirt pocket. “That little tithe ought to be enough to buy me five minutes of your time.”

  Claud looks down at the money then looks over to David our boss. “I need to go on break Dave.” He barks to him.

  “Keep it short.” He barks back.

  Claud takes off his apron and rushes from around the counter. When he steps onto the sales floor I catch the concerned look on his face. “D, when did you start making this kind of cash?”

  “You didn’t hear about my promotion?” I reply. “You’re looking at the second highest ranking she-demon in All Hell. I’m making so much money I don’t know what to do with it.”

  “All I saw was you getting your butt kicked by E’steem.”

  “And I got her back last week.”

  “Yeah, I saw how you totally outed her on The Deadly Dish-”

  Nice to know he still keeps up with the blog I started in college. “Look, that chick is bad news. You don’t want to mess with her-”

  “She’s the kind of person we need to speak to my group-”

  “She’s a rogue demon-”

  “I’m a rogue myself-”

  “You’re playing with fire here Claud. The Lord isn’t happy with this crusade of yours-”

  “He isn’t happy? Looks like I’m doing my job then-”

  “Will you stop joking around! This is the Lord-”

  “He’s not my Lord.”

  “Look, he has the power to turn you into a pile of ashes-”

  “The only power he has is that what you allow him to have over you.”

  “You believe that Christian propaganda-”

  “It’s a shame you don’t.”

  I gaze into his eyes and take his hand. “Claud, you’ve lost so much over this. Your good job at Lucerne, your family, and-”


  “Please for me Claud, just call off the meeting tonight.”

  Claud gives me the most loving look as he gazes into my eyes and shakes his head. “I can’t do that D.”

  “Is this relationship with Him worth losing your life over?”

  “I’d like to believe it is.”

  “Man you have totally lost your mind-”

  “The Kingdom is worth far more than anything on this Earth or in Hell. If having E’steem speak at our meeting can get one soul off the road to Hell I’ll feel this group has done its job.”


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