E'steem: Demons Anonymous

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E'steem: Demons Anonymous Page 2

by Shawn James

  If only he channeled that passion for Christ for the Legion. He could have been one of the higher-ranking demons by now. “Nothing I say is gonna change your mind.” I spit.

  “My position hasn’t changed since senior year of college.”

  The year we broke up. The year he went and got baptized and started going to church. That’s when he got all born again and I had to choose between my love for him and my love for the Legion. It still stings two years later.

  I’m about to make one last plea when Claud’s cell phone chirps. He slips his phone out of his pocket and smiles. I scowl on seeing E’steem’s smiling picture on the screen. “D, I gotta take this call.” He tells me.

  Chapter 6

  I suck my teeth as Claudius flashes a smile on answering E’steem’s call. “Claudius Johnson.”

  “Claudius, this is E’steem” She replies. “I spoke with my boss and I can definitely make it tonight.”


  While Claud confirms his plans for tonight, I shuffle out of the coffee shop. A flash of light takes me from the streets of Hell’s Kitchen back to Lucifer’s Library buried deep underneath the tundra of the Arctic. Before I can approach my desk, I’m met with the Lord’s cold stare.

  “I take it you were unable to dissuade young Claudius from having his meeting tonight.” Lucifer says.

  “He’s so dedicated to his cause he can’t see straight.” I rant. “Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall-”

  “Well, I’ll just have to make an example of him tonight.


  Lucifer flashes a sly smile at me. “Don’t tell me you’re still smitten with that rogue.”

  Maybe there are some residual feelings. Talking with him was kind of like old times. “I told you I’d handle it.”

  “It doesn’t look like it’s being handled-”

  If he handles it Claud’s gonna wind up a pile of ashes. If I handle it, he lives to fight another day. I’ve got to do whatever I can to persuade him to stop with this crazy crusade of his. If I can hold off the Lord’s wrath for a few more hours maybe I can get Claud back in his good graces.

  “Look, just give me one more chance.” I plead.

  “Give me a reason-”

  “Well, Claud’s a good young agent. We could use someone of his talents in the Legion-”

  Lucifer smiles at me smugly. He sees right through me. “Don’t tell me you’re getting soft like E’steem did when I sent her to tempt John-”

  My hands clench into fists when he spits out her name. First she ruins my relationship with my mother and now she’s putting my ex-boyfriend’s life on the line. If I could get that big goofy jackass out of my life it’d be a whole lot easier.

  “I’m nothing like her!”

  “You seem to have the same weaknesses she has for the opposite sex-”

  “You know if you gave me the power of a Herald, I’d get rid of her once and for all.”

  “That kind of power is earned. And I’m not sure if you’re ready for it-”

  “I’m ready for it. I just need to regroup-”

  “My best agents don’t need to regroup. They’d have squashed this small group of rogues and brought back bagels and coffee.”

  “Look, if you can’t trust your second in command to handle the small jobs, then who can you trust?”

  “I’ll give you until tonight. But if Claudius continues to spread the Word among the saints, I’ll have to make an example of him.”

  Chapter 7

  D’lilah shuffles out of the library down the hall back to her room. I’d love to give her power equal to E’steem’s. But with her showing signs of weakness with Claudius It’d be prudent to be patient and see how things play out. The last thing I need are three rogue demons roaming the Earth.

  I think I’ll visit the Demons Anonymous meeting tonight. If anything just to supervise. I need to see how D’lilah works under pressure.

  Chapter 8

  I hit end on my cell phone and look over at one of the monitors on my desk displaying the Demons Anonymous blog. The site is just a series of articles detailing the organization’s mission and its goal towards helping demons find a way out of the Legion and give their life to Christ. Verbatim what Claudius told me about his organization this morning.

  The last update to the site was this morning with an article detailing the spiritual disadvantages to being part of the Legion, so he seems to be very busy. And from the comments section for his articles it seems Claudius has a large group of detractors. The vitriol they spew at him is much harsher than the hateful things people have said about me on the E’steem Facebook page after D’lilah humiliated me a week ago.

  Hard to believe so many people would hold so much contempt such a promising young man. The information on his Facebook page says he was a graduate of Columbia University with a Bachelor’s degree in statistics and was working as a statistical analyst at Lucerne Holdings after graduating two years ago. From the looks of things he was a loyal agent in the Legion and he was reaping the rewards of his service to the lord: A high-paying job, a downtown loft apartment and a wardrobe of tailored Italian designer suits. But since he got fired a year ago, he’s been working at the Java Joint as a barista making about $11.00 an hour. The kid has sacrificed a lot for Christ. The least I can do is go to his meeting tonight and see what it’s about. If there’s any way I can help him, I’d like to.

  The aroma of Italian spices fills the air as the door cracks open. I look across the room to see John walking in carrying the pizza box containing our lunch. He flashes a smile at me as he rushes over to the desk where I’m sitting.

  “Looking for mid-day discounts on designer clothes?” John inquires.

  That’s the third tab. “Nah, just doing a little research on Demons Anonymous.” I reply.

  “What’d you find?”

  “Claudius Johnson is Demons Anonymous.”

  “So it’s a start up?”

  “Yeah, he started the company about a year ago when he got fired from a job at Lucerne Holdings.”

  “His parents must be very proud of him.”

  “They disowned him after he got fired.”


  “If he checks out, do you think we could help him?”


  “I think we could help get the word out about his organization. He can’t do much promotion of his cause on a coffee barista’s salary.”

  “I think Morris Phillips can offer him a helping hand. If he checks out.”

  I think he’ll check out. “Claudius seemed really enthusiastic about having me to speak at his meeting this morning-”

  “I think it’d be best if you sat and listened for the first couple of meetings.”

  “Find out if everything is on the up and up.”

  “I was thinking you could get to know some of the people there.”

  “But Claudius really wants me to tell my story-”

  “I think the best way you could help them right now is by listening to their stories.”

  “You’ve got a point. This New Breed is nothing like the demons I interacted with over a century ago-”

  “That’s why it’d be better for me to just sit in the meetings for the time being. You need to learn how the New Breed operates before you start getting involved with them or any organizations they operate.”

  “Claudius seems to be open to sharing what he knows about the culture of the New Breed with me.”

  John gives me an eager look. He wants to get more involved himself. “You think you might need some backup?”

  I’d love to bring him along tonight. But it’d be too dangerous. With this being a meeting of rogue demons, there’s a chance some Legion loyalists could come there to disrupt the meeting. And since he’d be the only mortal in the room that’d put him at risk of getting hurt. It’d be hard for me to turn the other cheek if that happened. “Coffee houses aren’t your thing remember?”

“You’re right, I’m more a pizza place kind of guy.”

  “Maybe we’ll stop off at that place in the village after tomorrow’s meeting with the Nabiskit reps.”

  “Looks like you’re set for tonight.”

  “Not exactly. I still have to think about what I want to wear.”

  Chapter 9

  I dab Coco Chanel’s perfume behind my ears as I as I stand in front of the full-length mirror wearing my slinkiest sexiest little black slip dress. Claud’s never been able to resist me when I’m in this hot little number. If I can compromise Demons Anonymous’ fearless leader in the storeroom of the Java Joint before the meeting starts, it’ll be just the thing to demoralize all the other demons in his little support group.

  A flash of light takes me from my room in the Antarctic back to the streets of New York’s Hell’s Kitchen. I feel eyes all over me as I stroll down the street towards the tall glass door of the Java Joint. When I open the door I’m greeted with looks from many male patrons and almost all of the staff. Unfortunately, Claudius is too focused on setting up the dessert spread for his little meeting to notice my little treat. I’ll have to find another way to get his attention.


  Chapter 10

  Let’s see…I’ve got cookies, scones, brownies, muffins, fruit punch, lemonade, a coconut crème pie and an urn of the Java Joint’s own premium roast coffee. I think I’ve got enough refreshments to serve all the demons coming to the meeting tonight.

  I’m giving the refreshments sitting on the coffee table and the sofa and chairs set up around it one last look when I smell the sweet scent of perfume mingled with the familiar scent of D’lilah’s body. My body tingles at the sight of her wearing her slinkiest, sexiest little Black dress and strappy sandals. “Hey Claud.” She purrs as she takes a cookie off the table and scarves it down.

  My eyes light up at the sight of her. “D! You coming to the meeting tonight?”

  “I thought I’d see what all the hubbub was about.” I reply.

  “I’d be glad to tell you all about our group.”

  “I was hoping you could give me some one-on-one counseling before you got started.” I say taking his hand.

  I give her a look. “D, the meeting’s about to start-”

  “Can’t you give me ten minutes?”

  I’ve always got time to minister to someone personally. “Let’s go in the talk storeroom.”

  D’lilah leads me past the counter, down the hall into the storeroom and kicks the door closed behind her. I hear the lock snap shut and flash her a friendly smile. “So, what do you want to know about the group?”

  D’lilah’s eyes fall into a coy glance as she slips the spaghetti straps of her slipdress off her shoulders. As it falls into a puddle of cloth at her feet and I get a good look at the curves on her nude body, my heart pounds in my chest. Damn, she still looks good.

  “Oh, I’ didn’t come for the group.” She purrs softly. I came for you. And I was hoping you could come for me.”

  I feel that urge coming on and take deep breaths to calm the anxieties swirling inside me. God, please lead me out of this temptation. “D, I don’t have time-” I say brushing past her.

  “An Incubus always has time for sex.” D’lilah says grabbing my arm before it reaches the doorknob. “You couldn’t get enough of it back in the day. How many times did we used to do it in your dorm room? Three, four times a day?”

  I feel a wave of pleasure overtake me as I reminisce about the numerous sexual encounters we had in college. D’lilah pulls me away from the door and falls into the stacked bags of coffee on a pallet in the corner. “It was a miracle I made it to class on time most of the time…”

  “Student services practically replaced about six beds in our dorms freshman year alone-”

  “It’s a wonder you’re not in a wheelchair after all the things I did to you in college-”

  “Hey, the vagina is a resilient organ.” D’lilah flirts as she opens her legs. “And mine aches for you inside me-”

  D’lilah pulls me close to her; Her gentle hands stroke the bulge in the front of my jeans as I feel her fingers reaching for my belt buckle. God, please give me strength. “I don’t do that anymore D.” I say breaking the embrace.”

  “What do you do then Claud? Jerk off to my pictures?”

  If I answer that question I’d incriminate myself. “D, Fornication is sin-”

  “You’re an Incubus. Fornication is your trade-”

  “No. Not anymore. The Word of God is my trade.”

  D’lilah rolls her eyes. “I’m trying to save your life here Claud-”

  “And I’m trying to save yours. It’s not God’s will that anyone perish-”

  “Is it His will that you die? Because I don’t want that to happen- ”

  There’s a long silence between us as D’lilah chokes back tears. I knew she still loved me as much as I loved her. I reach for her; she pulls away from me as she hops off the bag of beans and her hands clench into fists.


  “I’m tired of losing! I’m tired of losing people I love!”

  “You don’t have to lose me D.” I plead.

  “Every time I get close to someone...”

  “You lose them.” I say taking her hand.

  I look into her desperate eyes and see how much she loves me. Unfortunately, the Bible says if you want to be with Christ you have to forsake mother, father, brother, sisters and all those you love to serve Him. I wish it didn’t hurt so much.

  “Claud, come back to the Legion. The Lord is willing to take you back-”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t.” I say easing my hand out of hers.

  “He’ll give you your old job back, you can move back into your loft, win back your mom and dad-”

  It would be nice to have my place back, my job, and reconcile with my family. But I know that God has something better for me. I have to stay on this path to receive my blessing.

  “D, all that stuff means nothing compared to The Kingdom. What God has for us in Heaven is better than anything on this earth-”

  “It’s all promises at the end of the day.”

  “At the end of the day we all have to accept God’s will in our lives.”

  “I guess I have to accept it too.”

  D’lilah shuffles over to the door and picks up her dress and slips it back on. Before she opens the door and slinks out of the storeroom, she gives me one last look then closes the door behind her. I thank God for helping me to overcome temptation. But I only wish she could have given into it.

  Chapter 11

  I smile on catching the wince on D’liah’s face. It looks like I don’t have to worry about her; she was able to make the right choice. That broken heart of hers is going to turn a lovely shade of black over time.

  I may have to speed up the timetable for giving her power equal to E’steem’s. It’s clear to me she has her priorities straight. If she continues on this course she may gain a reputation equal to that of my former herald had eons ago.

  Chapter 12

  I storm down the hall gulping down tears. Claud’s gone. He’s gone. And he’s going to be with His Lord soon. And there’s nothing I can do about it.

  No matter what happens to him, I have to remain faithful to my Lord. I’ve worked too hard to get this far in the Legion and if I’m going to get power equal to the Heralds, I’m going to have to start letting go of some of the people I care about in my life to achieve it.

  I’m making my way back to the sales floor when I find a small group of demons sitting in the circle Claudius set up. While they chat over snacks, I activate my cloak and disappear into the coffee house crowd. The last thing I want people in our circles to say is I associate with these losers.


  Chapter 13

  I take a deep breath and suck it up hearing D’s heels clopping down the hall. Man, that went a whole lot worse than I thought it would.

  I thought time would help
me get over D’lilah, but I still have feelings for her. I guess you never stop loving someone, especially your first love. I wish there was a way we could work things out, but it doesn’t seem to be. She’s loyal to her lord and I’m loyal to mine.

  I grab the doorknob and head down the hall. The meeting is gonna start in a few minutes. And I need to get this show on the road.


  Chapter 14

  The clock on my cell phone reads 7:58 as a flash of light takes me from our apartment on Riverside Drive to Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan. Looks like I’m right on time for the Demons Anonymous meeting.

  I approach the Java Joint and get one last look at my reflection in the picture windows of the Java Joint. I tried to keep my attire casual; the red wrap dress and slingback heels I usually wear for work shouldn’t stand out too much in this crowd. I may be a celebrity in the realm of demons, but I want them focused on the Word of God, not me.

  I grab the brass handle of the tall glass door and step onto the sales floor. The aroma of freshly ground coffee fills the air as I approach the sales counter.

  “Excuse me, where is the Demons Anonymous meeting?” I inquire as I catch the eyes of the barista.

  “It’s over there.” She tells me.

  I march past the crowds chatting over coffee over to the circle of sofas and chairs in the back of the room When I make my way into the circle the friendly chatter among the dozen or so demons sitting there turn into whispers.

  “Hey, is that who I think it is?” A blonde White girl asks.

  “It can’t be, she’s dead.” Her brunette friend replies.

  “She can’t be dead, The Deadly Dish says she crossed over to the other side.” An Asian boy says. “So it’d make sense if she’d be here.”

  “I’m gonna ask for her autograph.” A black girl says.

  Before the girl can get out of her seat to approach me, Claudius comes down the hall. His frown changes into a bright smile and his eyes light up when he sees me. “E’steem! Glad to have you here.”


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