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Annihilation - Tommy's Tale (Annihilation Series (Book Four))

Page 7

by Saxon Andrew

  Tommy smiled and could still feel his sister’s thoughts, “Yes she is, Atlas.”

  Tommy was sitting in his parent’s quarters in Castle Gardner and had spent several hours catching them up on all that had happened. Tag had left a few minutes earlier to go with Eric out to the gunnery range. Danielle was sitting next to Tommy and feeling happy to see her “baby”. Danielle looked at him and said, “Have you found anyone you’re interested in?”

  Tommy looked at his mother and said, “Mom, Rose saw Michael when she was around four years old. I have very similar abilities to Rose and I have not sensed anyone. I’m beginning to think there is no one out there for me.”

  Danielle looked at her son and said, “I hope that is not the case. There might be another possibility though.” Tommy furrowed his brow. “Tommy, your father never sensed me. I never had a clue he existed. How do you think the two strongest psychics on Earth ended up together?”

  “Rose and I have much stronger psychic skills than you and Dad.”

  “I don’t know if that’s true, Tommy. Do you think you could take Tag in a fight?”

  Tommy thought about it for a moment and immediately his sense of danger turned on. He was shocked by the revelation. “Mom, I don’t think I could. My senses tell me that it would be dangerous to take him on.”

  “The reason for that is that his psychic aura is totally warrior. Your aura is more diverse, like Rose. Tag senses me now. He seems to always know where I am and miracle of miracles, we no longer need Atlas’ link to hear each other’s thoughts.”

  Tommy thought a moment and said, “Are you saying your power has increased.”

  “Absolutely! Do you know that before I met Tag, I had glimpses of the truth and didn’t know what caused them to happen; I knew that they did not happen all the time. After I met your father, my ability to see the truth increased a hundred fold to where the ability was there at all times.”

  Tommy looked at his mother and said, “How is that possible?”

  “Tommy, when Tag and I first met and I shook his hand I felt a small shock. He said at that time that he could not see an aura around me. The old SFT said that the shock from that first contact may have seemed small to us but that they saw the psychic blast on the other side of the planet.”

  Tommy began to see where his mother was going. “After we first started dating, whenever we touched we both felt that small shock. After we were attacked in that park, Tag told me that as he ran away he saw an aura around me. This aura continued to grow until not long after we were married the shocks stopped. I talked with Sung Lea, one of the SFT’s strongest psychics, about it years ago and she proposed that my psychic skills were latent and unrealized. It was the physical contact with the psychic field around Tag that brought mine out.”

  “Rose saw Michael because he possessed his aura from birth. Are you saying I don’t see my match because her aura may be locked inside her?”

  “It makes sense to me,” Danielle said.

  Tommy hugged his mother and said, “I’ll think about this.”

  “You’re missing the most important point Tommy.”

  Tommy turned and said, “What is that?”

  “You still haven’t told me how the two strongest psychics ended up together or why Rose had to wait until she was eighteen to finally meet Michael.”

  Tommy stared at his mother and then he saw it. “They were not ready for each other before they met. Things had to happen in their development before they could come together.”

  “What if Tag had touched me before my psychic ability had developed enough to handle the explosion of that initial touch?” Danielle smiled and said, “It is our belief that our abilities deliberately kept us apart until we were ready but would not let us get so far away that we couldn’t end up together.”

  “What are you saying, Mom?’

  I believe she’s out there, Tommy. Close but not ready for you yet.”

  Tommy looked down at the floor and said, “Thanks, Mom. I love you. I’m going to consider what you’ve said. At the very least you’re telling me that when the time is right, I’ll have no choice. She will find me.”

  Danielle smiled and said, “Be ready to be shocked….literally.”

  Tommy laughed and left to see Rose.

  Chapter 6

  Tommy left Danielle thinking about what she had just said. He wondered why he was starting to be bothered by not having someone to share his life. Perhaps his match would be among the new crew members that would be joining him if Rose allowed him to use the Kosiev. He thought about it and then decided that this was an issue that he was not ready to handle just yet. Somehow, he did feel better though. What his mother had said struck a chord with him that sounded true.

  He entered Rose’s quarters and Rose was sitting in front of the fireplace where she had spent many hours sitting with her parents watching the fire. “Hi, Tommy, I love this room. It has so many wonderful memories for me. I used to sit right here between Mom and Dad with all my bunnies lined up along the front of this couch.” She shook her head and then looked at Tommy and said, “Come sit with me and let’s see what’s on your mind.”

  Tommy opened his mind to Rose. She looked at all that Tommy had experienced since their last meeting and in three minutes she had it all. Then she burst out laughing. “So he’s called 3D now.”

  Tommy chuckled and said, “Rose, I thought I would crack a rib I laughed so hard. Even ole stone face Dodd lost it.”

  “Don’t be so hard on her Tommy. She really does regret what happened back then. She really thinks quite highly of you.” Tommy stared at Rose and didn’t say anything. Rose looked at the fire for a long time and Tommy let her digest what he wanted her to do. After an hour Rose thought, “There is the real possibility of the Realm being placed in danger with what you’re planning.”

  Tommy thought back, “I know and I truly wish that there was another way.” He paused then continued, “We could just place the captor’s entire galaxy under quarantine, forbidding any contact, but when I think about that my senses warn me that it won’t work.”

  Rose gave a heavy sigh and thought, “I sense the same thing; when I move toward forbidding you to follow your plan my sense of danger increases.”

  Tommy said, “I thought it was just me.”

  They looked at each other and then Rose thought, “Dad, can you come meet with Tommy and me?”

  Tag thought back, “Sure, Eric and I are at the shooting range and I’m kicking his grump. Can it wait?”

  “Dad, it involves the safety of the Realm.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Tommy and Rose sat and watched the fire. Tag entered the room less than fifteen minutes later and sat down between his children. “What has you troubled?”

  Danielle walked in a moment after Tag sat down and said, “I feel the need to be here. I don’t know exactly why.”

  Tommy looked at Rose and Rose said, “Tommy is going to share what he is planning to do. I want both of you to tell me what you sense when he’s finished.”

  Tommy began sharing his thoughts with both of them. When he finished Tag and Danielle sat and said nothing. Everyone just sat and watched the fire. Tommy said, “You know, I miss your bunnies, Rose.” Everyone on the couch smiled and then six little stuffed bunnies walked into the room and sat down at the foot of the couch.”

  Danielle said, “Ahh, now this brings back some memories.”

  They continued to sit for an hour and then Tag said, “I guess you sense the same thing I do when you lean toward not allowing him to move forward with his plan.”

  Danielle said, “You know that being able to sense impending danger is not one of my talents. Tell me what you sense.”

  Tag looked at his children, “When I move toward telling Tommy no, my sense of danger increases to a level similar to what it was when I planned to attack the plant fleet when they had more than two million ships ready to trap our fleet. When I begin to say yes, “I still get a d
anger warning but nowhere near as strong as saying no.”

  Rose said, “I get a similar feeling but only when I start to say no. Your talent is much stronger than ours, Dad.”

  Danielle said, “Do you think the danger you feel from saying no comes from the possibility that the captors might sense Atlas in our space.”

  Tag closed his eyes and they could tell he was playing that scenario in his mind. “No, that’s not it. My sense is that they are going to come into contact with us no matter what happens.”

  “So there is less of a danger if it’s Tommy’s plan than if we do nothing,” Danielle summarized.

  Tag said, “Let’s do this; let’s assume we trust our senses and approve Tommy’s plan. Now how does it feel?”

  “Dad, our sense is not near as strong as yours; what does yours say?”

  “They are going to find us. I can’t tell when, it may be centuries in the future but I can say that our danger is much greater if we don’t allow Tommy to go.”

  Rose went to her brother and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Take Atlas and go get the Kosiev. I have mentally sent it the activation signal. It will be ready in five hours. I’ve imprinted the command code in your mind.” Rose then stepped back and said, “Tommy, whatever you develop to possibly combat these creatures must be shared with the Realm. Stay in contact with me.”

  Tommy stood and looked at his family and said, “I felt this plan develop as my sense of danger increased. I will do everything I can to insure the safety of the Realm.” Tommy hugged his family and ran to the roof to take the speeder up to Atlas. “Atlas, take us to the Kosiev, Rose is sending you the coordinates.”

  “I’ve just received them, Tommy.”

  Tommy hit his com and said, “Admiral Mikado, do you have a moment.”

  “Mikado appeared on the com and said, “Mr. Gardner, how can I help you?”

  Tommy said, “Admiral, I am invoking my “Safety of the State” power as a member of the Royal family and I need you to jump a transport to the coordinates I’m sending you with a flight crew to take the Dorg-Ross back to port.”

  Mikado furrowed his brow and said, “I’ll set it up immediately. When do you need it there?”

  “Does one hour give you enough time?”

  Mikado said, “I’ll do my best. Is there anything else?”

  “Yes, Admiral, there is. I am transferring the crew of the Dorg-Ross to the Alexander Kosiev and I want four hundred crewmen composed of the highest rated students, recent graduates from the Academy, along with the highest rated sailors in our fleet. One of them will be a weapons officer that is scheduled to graduate this term name Linda Kay Johns.”

  Mikado looked away from the com for a moment and said, “She would be going anyway; she’s ranked second in her class. When do you want them ready to join your crew?”

  I want all the new crew members ready to go now. I want those selected to be moved to a location that Sten will provide you to begin an accelerated training on the Kosiev simulator. I will be taking the crew of the Dorg-Ross to begin their training immediately. Please make good decisions on the new crew member’s selection. I will give you the coordinates where to send a transport to take the ones selected for their training. I am not going to take the Kosiev anywhere near a populated planet. Each person selected for the mission will be sworn to secrecy and the penalty for violating that order will be dishonorable discharge from the service and imprisonment or execution.”

  Mikado looked at Tommy and said, “Tommy, is there something you want to tell me?”

  Tommy said, “I wish I could, Admiral. I would just recommend that you get the fleet trained to a war footing. I do not think that we will need it for years, but I can’t promise that. I do not want the Realm alarmed. You have to do it quietly.”

  Mikado looked at Tommy and knew that trouble lay ahead. “I’ll start with Ron-Dar’s fleet.”

  “His fleet probably needs it the least, Admiral.”

  “That is true, but if I’m going to promote sailors to replace those selected, I would start with his fleet to find them.”

  “You make a good point, Admiral. You now have fifty five minutes to get that transport there.”

  Mikado smiled and said, “Yes, your highness. It will be done.”

  Tommy smiled and broke the connection. He entered Atlas and they immediately jumped to the coordinates Rose had given him. They arrived to see a star with no planets imploding in on itself. Tommy hit his com and Captain Dodd appeared on the screen. “Captain, I need you to order battle stations and jump to the coordinates I’ve just sent to your screen. Upon arrival, have all your crew members pack all of their personal items and prepare to transfer to the Kosiev. A transport is being sent to pick up the Dorg-Ross and hold it for you in space dock. You can inform your crew whatever you think is appropriate. Please have the two adolescents and their readers moved when you arrive. One more thing, Captain; do not get closer than two hundred thousand miles to the Kosiev until I’ve disarmed her defenses.”

  Captain Dodd looked at Tommy on his com and Tommy could see her excitement. “She’s coming alive,” Tommy thought. “Just like the Kosiev.”

  Captain Dodd said, “We will arrive momentarily, your highness.” Tommy’s call came in at one AM ship time and most of the crew was sleeping. The night crew were manning their posts and trying to stay alert. Captain Dodd had been wanting to do what she was about to do from the first moment she took command of the Dorg-Ross and she thought before she pushed the bright blue button that her crew had better respond like the professionals she knew they were. She smiled and lifted the cover from the bright blue button and pushed it; things happened fast. The bridge went to low red combat lighting and alarm klaxons all over the megaship started going off along with the ships communications system blaring, “Battle Stations. All hands to battle stations. This is not a drill.”

  The bridge crew came out of their reverie and began taking control of their command boards pushing the buttons to arm their systems. Captain Dodd watched her control panel for all of her sections to report ready. She looked at the timer and saw that the screen went to full power and was pulled in to one mile from the hull is less than two seconds after the alarm sounded; the primary beams were charged and on line four seconds later. The penetrators and needle crews were on line within fifteen seconds from the alarm and all sections reported ready in forty four seconds. Captain Dodd was highly impressed. The record according to fleet legend was Admiral Kosievs’ first command, the destroyer Moscow. Her crew had just beaten that record with a ship more than twenty five times larger than the old Moscow. She knew that her ship had all of its crew members quarters located close to their assigned battle stations where as old ships like the Moscow didn’t, but it was still impressive.

  She picked up her com and said over the general ship frequency, “We are going to jump into an unknown situation momentarily and I want all sections ready for combat operations.” She looked at her jump officer and saw him ready to push the jump button and she said, “Jumping in 5,4,3,2,1, execute.”

  The Dorg-Ross came out of null space more than 400,000 miles from the star in the system. The crew saw on their monitors that the star was decreasing in size visibly. As they watched, the star began shrinking almost too fast to follow; and then the star was gone and what remained stunned the crew of the Dorg-Ross. Everyone on board knew the ship that was on their monitors; the most powerful weapon ever created, the Alexander Kosiev. Silence ruled the ship. Captain Dodd picked up her ships com and said, “Helmsman, maintain this distance.” Captain Dodd watched her monitor trying to see Tommy enter the ship but nothing appeared on her sensors or on her optical scanners. Then she saw the Kosiev slowly turn and start moving their way. Captain Dodd said over her com, “Attention all crew members. All outside communication is now prohibited until further notice. All means of transmitting from this ship are now blocked. Section one through forty will leave their posts and go to their quarters and pack their belongin
gs to move to our new home for the foreseeable future. You have thirty minutes to complete your packing and you will then board our shuttles to transport you to the Kosiev. Section leaders will assign temporary quarters for their members until we can sort out where the permanent assignments will be. Sections forty one through eighty will begin their packing thirty minutes from now.” The bridge crew stared at their captain stunned. Dodd smiled and yelled, “I’m not accustomed to repeating myself, now get moving.”

  Half of the bridge crew left so fast that the other half didn’t even see them go as they watched the two mile long behemoth getting closer. The crew began talking among themselves and wondered what was happening. Wes went to his quarters to begin packing, picked up a picture on his desktop, put it safely in his bag, and thought, “Tommy has begun his quest. I’m going to miss Linda Kay.”

  Linda Kay was in her field dynamics class when the Academy intercom came on, “All members of the Academy will stop what they are doing and pay attention to the following announcement.” One minute passed to give everyone time to pay attention and then the Academy members heard, “A list of current students and faculty is about to be announced. If your name is on the list, you will go to your quarters, pack your belongings, and report directly to the landing field to board the Transport Alonso Singh. Those selected will be leaving the academy for advanced training and we anticipate they will not be returning for an extended time. All communication is currently prohibited until the selected personnel have been transported. There is a possibility that the assignment will extend for two to five years. You will be informed of the details when you arrive at your destination. If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent your accepting this assignment, report to the President of the Academy immediately after hearing your name. Jeremy Allen, Belinda Akers, Jose Gonzalez….”


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