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Falling Hard: Monsters of Mayhem: Motorcycle Romance Book (Monsters of Mayhem )

Page 10

by Simone Elise

  “I’ve heard stories about you,” I managed to say. “The things I’ve overheard my father saying over the phone to Uncle Hammer, the things you do, they made you sound like some sort of beast. You need to put me down now. I need to go to my room and to wrap my head around this. How could I have not known it was you,” I managed to stutter as I tried to squirm out of his grasp, which caused him to hold me even tighter.

  Stopping in front of a red door, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. He unlocked the door and turned on the light as he moved into the room. After locking the door, he set me down on the queen-sized bed that had plain black sheets and bedding on it.

  I scampered away from him and brought my knees to my chest, watching him intently as he paced back and forth, running his hand through his hair. He stopped and looked at me intently.

  I bit my lip and breathed heavily. My body was so wound up I was trembling, and my mind went into overdrive as Lynx took off his cut and placed it on the black dresser opposite of the bed. Slowly, he walked toward me and crawled onto the bed. I backed up against the headboard, and he stopped so he was right in front of me. His face softened as his hand reached out and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, then he leaned in slowly, and his hot breath brushed against my skin, causing goose bumps to cover my entire body. Ever so slowly, he leaned closer and softly brushed his lips against mine in soft lingering pecks. When I didn’t pull away, he added a lot more pressure, coming a little bit closer before snaking an arm around my waist.

  I slowly slid my legs down as he pulled me closer to him. Without removing his lips from mine, he settled himself between my legs, and his left hand slowly trails its way up my leg until it reached the bottom of my shorts. His hand then just as slowly made its way back down my leg. He repeated the process several times before he pulled back, reached for the hem of my shirt, and pulled it off slowly. My shorts come off next, and then he got off the bed and removed his shorts before climbing back onto the bed where he grabbed my legs and spread them apart. My heart beat frantically out of fear and lust, one fighting for dominance over the other.

  His beard tickled as he kissed my inner thigh, but I didn’t make a sound, and my body was completely still as he kissed just above my mound. I bit my lip as he kissed me right there. I groaned as he teased me with his tongue, the tension slowly leaving my body. I was trembling for a whole different reason now. He brought me to the edge multiple times before pulling back, leaving me moaning in frustration. He kissed me deeply, passionately, and I could taste myself on his tongue. He positioned himself at my entrance before slowly pushing inside me, every inch of me feeling every inch of him, and I was sure I was going to die from the overwhelming sensations hitting me all at once.

  He began to pull out before slowly pushing back, and my whole body spasmed. Consumed with an overwhelming urge to cry, I wrapped my arms around his neck as my hips started to move, meeting his thrusts. He picked up the pace a little and propping himself up on his right elbow, he reached between my legs with his left hand and started rubbing me quickly, drawing me closer and closer to orgasm.

  “Come on, babe, come for me,” he whispered into my ear, and I did—hard—crying out his name as my whole body twitched violently. He frantically picked up his pace, riding out my orgasm, and finished shortly after, collapsing on top of me. He kissed me softly before nuzzling his face into my neck.

  “You’re so beautiful, fragile, and I am a violent, dangerous man. I do enjoy what I do. There’s darkness in me that even I don’t understand, but I would never hurt you, and that’s all that should matter,” he said with conviction in his voice, leaving no doubt in my mind that he meant every word of it.

  My eyes began to feel heavy, and the last thing I remember was him rolling onto his back and pulling me close. I draped my arm around his waist and resting my head on his chest, I finally fell asleep.

  Rolling over onto my stomach, I stretched lazily and yawned. Then I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. I buried my face into the pillow and groaned before cursing my bladder for waking me up. I sat up slowly and glanced at Lynx, who was currently passed out on his back with one arm draped over his stomach and the other over his head. Noticing it was only ten a.m., I cursed quietly before looking around the room until I spotted the bathroom door. I got up and did my business, then leaned against the bathroom doorframe and frowned. When I looked around the room, I saw it was pretty bare with just a bed, dresser, and a desk with a laptop on it. The walls were gray with a few posters of motorcycles and naked women. Walking over to his dresser, I opened it and pulled out a gray T-shirt, which I put on. It came down to mid-thigh and shaking my head, I let my hair fall naturally. I found my shorts and put them back on before slipping out of the room quietly.

  As I made my way downstairs, I noticed a few members roaming about, too caught up in their conversations to notice me. I headed to the kitchen and opening the fridge, I scoffed. Of course, nothing was appealing inside. I started opening some cabinets and spot several boxes of Pop Tarts on the top shelf.

  “Ugh, why does everything always have to be on the top shelf?” I groaned. Placing my hands on the counter, I hoisted myself up onto the counter and grabbed a pack of the chocolate Pop Tarts, grinning. “Oh, delicious Pop Tarts, no amount of distance can keep us apart!” I giggled and spinning around, I noticed several of the men had stopped talking and were staring at me.

  “What? Is there something on my face?” I asked, wrinkling my nose. I opened the bag of Pop Tarts and took a big bite, groaning in satisfaction, all while standing on the counter.

  I heard a door slam open and jumped slightly, then rolled my eyes as all of the men stopped talking. A few of them tensed up as they looked up toward the second floor. Watching their eyes widen confirmed my suspicion that Lynx was indeed awake.

  Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, he looked around and spotting me on the counter, his eyebrow rose. He looked relieved to see me as he sauntered over to me with a smirk on his face. Now dressed in faded, ripped jeans and nothing else, he stopped right in front of me, crossing his arms.

  “Pop Tart? It’s chocolate.” I grinned as I took another bite and swallowed.

  He just shook his head, and I squealed as his hands shot out, grabbed onto my hips, and pulled me off the counter. I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist, and my right hand grabbed onto his shoulder while I tried not to drop my Pop Tart.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  A lot of the men’s eyes were wide and their mouths hanging open in shock like they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

  It gave the impression this was out of character for Lynx. But I had only seen this side to him, and honestly, I adored how he treated me. A girl could really get used to this.

  “Mmmm.” I nodded as I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply. I nipped his neck playfully, causing him to chuckle lightly. “Much better. Sorry, I have issues, and they get worse when I don’t have any sleep. I’m not gonna lie, what you do terrifies me, but I think I can manage it,” I confessed, and I would try because I was falling for him hard and fast. I was just too afraid he might leave to tell him that. Shaking my head, I smirked evilly, then nipped at his neck roughly. Pop Tart forgotten, I ran my nails down his back, hard, leaving red marks. He visibly trembled, and a groan escaped his lips.

  “Ooh, free porn. I’m game. Move out the way, man. No one wants to see your ugly ass naked. Let us have a view of your girl,” Grit shouted from the second floor where he was leaning over the railing, looking down at us from the other side of the room.

  I instantly giggled as Lynx cursed under his breath, shooting Grit a glare, which only caused him to burst out laughing.

  “You gonna let him talk about me like that? so uncool.” I laughed, antagonizing him even further.

  “Yeah, Lynx, you gonna let me talk to her like that? Man, she’s made you go soft already, man, what a shame,” Grit shouted between laughter.

  In an instant, Lynx was off me and making his way upstairs toward Grit, who took off down the hall and out of sight, Lynx disappearing shortly after.

  “Children.” I shook my head. “All right, the show’s over, guys. Back to whatever it was you were doing!” I said in a singsong voice and added a clap at the end of it.

  While finishing off the rest of the Pop Tart, I made my way to Uncle Hammer’s office, barging in again. “Uncle Hammie, I’ve come to offer my condolences. I think I may have just gotten your enforcer killed.” I giggled as I plopped myself down in the chair across from him.

  He rolled his eyes, not even looking up at me. “Bunch of kids is what those two are like whenever they’re together. Gives me migraines having to babysit those two. You two need to take off soon. Your dad’s expecting you to be at the estate by the end of the day.” He glanced up at me. “He’ll meet you there in three days. He’s just finishing up a job.”

  “Can’t I just stay here with you? I never get to spend time with my favorite uncle! Plus, you miss me!” I whined obnoxiously as I slapped my hands down on his desk. Once I’d gained his full attention, I gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster.

  “Aww, hell, Libby, don’t look at me like that. I would love for you to stay around more often, but until Kurt’s found, it’s best you’re out of the state. Things could get a lot worse, so it’s best if you and Emmie aren’t around. Gonna have this same conversation with her once she gets up.”

  “Oh, fine, fine. I’ll go look for the beast, and we will take off once I gather up some new clothes from my room,” I said in defeat. I got up and headed for the door.

  “Libby,” Uncle Hammer called. “You be careful with him. He’s a dangerous man, who no one controls. We just have mutual respect for each other, but not even I can stop him when his mind’s set on something. I just don’t wanna see you get hurt,” he warned.

  “I know he stands for everything I’m terrified of, that he’s a nomad like Dad, and to be honest, I really want a large house with a white picket fence and a few dogs. I want stability, and with him, I’ll probably never get that, but he makes me feel safe. He makes me feel grounded, you know?” I stuttered nervously as I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. “He’s almost like the calm to my storm, you know? And I know what you’re thinking, so don’t look at me like that. I know we’ve only just met, but you know how I either connect with you right off the bat or I don’t.”

  Uncle Hammer’s face softened as he walked up to me and pulled me in for a hug. “Damn it all to hell, Libs, I told your old man not to take off until you were older, but he wouldn’t listen to me, the stubborn bastard. I even offered to look after you while he traveled, but he wanted you with him at all times. Lynx, though, is a good man, but I know him like no one else does, and by being with him, it could put you in danger, and I don’t want anything to happen to you. You’re a grown woman now, and you’ve always had good judgment, both you girls have, but if he so much as hurts you once, I’ll put a bullet in his head, you hear me? I know he’s a damn good man, but you’re still my number one girl.”

  Rolling my eyes, I laughed. “So today, I’m your number one girl. What did Emmie do this time to piss you off? She’s only number two when she’s misbehaving. Remember when we were kids, and she took it upon herself to redecorate your bedroom walls with permanent markers?” I laughed again as he scowled and scratched his beard.

  “That little brat ended up having to repaint the bedroom twice! But she’s fine, just not feeling too well and has been locked up in her room since the other day, so it’s best to not disturb her. Now off you go. You better get out a here. There’s a storm brewing, and to you need to make it to the estate before it hits,” he said as he pushed me out of the office and locked the door, which caused me to laugh.

  I headed to my room, which was upstairs all the way to the right. My room was simple with rich purple walls, a large bookshelf, a queen-sized bed sporting a black and white comforter set, a few band posters on the wall, and a small white dresser.

  “What to grab. What to grab,” I said as I opened my dresser drawers and pulling out a few different colored tank tops, a few pairs of yoga pants, and some fresh bras and panties, I put the new items in my backpack. Heading to the closet, I swung open the door and turned on the light. “All right, Libby, what are you going to wear today?” I muttered. I decided on a scoop-necked, sleeveless, formfitting mini tank dress with a large skull, trees, and a raven printed on it that came to mid-thigh on me. Next, I dug around the bottom of my closet and grabbed my black leather boots. I got dressed, picked up my backpack, and headed off to wake my cousin up. If she wasn’t feeling well, I had just the thing she needed to cheer up.

  Grinning like a madwoman, I reached her door on the third level and banged on it before letting myself in.

  “Your favorite cousin is here!” I sang out and then realized the room was empty. Frowning, I took in the made bed and the clean room. Emmie wasn’t here. Disappointed, I walked back out, closing the door, and headed out in search of Lynx.

  “Man, one of these days, I’m going to really kick your ass, you fucker.” Grit chuckled, wiping the blood off his freshly split lip.

  Lynx, sporting a swollen cheek himself, just shook his head and grunted in response as they made their way up the stairs.

  “You two together really are grown children, aren’t you?” I stated with my eyebrows raised and hands on my hips. “You need to get yourself cleaned up. Hammer’s kicking us out. I’ll be waiting outside,” I scolded them playfully.

  “Looks like you’re going to have your hands full with that one. Good luck, man.” Grit smiled, and a look of relief flashed across his eyes. “You go get ready, and I’ll escort her outside. Meet you by your bike.”

  Lynx nodded and headed to his room while Grit accompanied me outside.

  “Spit it out. I know you’ve wanted to say something to me since last night. Just get it over and done with. I’m a big girl and can take it,” I said nervously, tugging on my hair as I leaned against the large garage that had a beautiful mural painted on it. Every color of the rainbow was scattered across the whole side of the garage like a beautiful mess. I almost didn’t catch what Grit was saying because I was so focused on all the colors and brush strokes, feeling a little raw, and in awe, with all the emotion someone had put into the masterpiece.

  “Did Emmie do this?” I asked, interrupting him mid-sentence.

  “Yeah, she’s a bit of an artist. It pissed Hammer off, but he doesn’t have the heart to wash it off. He even went and bought a sealer to make sure it stays there permanently,” Grit said proudly as he turned to face the painting.

  “She’s got even more talented over the year,” I said quietly. “Now, what were you saying before I zoned out?” I chuckled.

  “I’ve known Lynx all my life, and he’s a good man. Sure, he does some bad shit, but there’s more to him than that, so just keep that in mind,” he said as Lynx came out of the clubhouse and headed our way.

  Lynx opened the garage door and got on his bike, then walked it out, looking at me expectantly. He nodded to Grit, who was already walking away.

  I stared at Grit’s back for a moment, thinking about what he said, before climbing onto the back of the bike. I wrapped my arms around Lynx’s waist as he took off, heading for the estate.

  A few hours later, we pulled into the estate and parked by the front door. I rolled my eyes as I climbed off the bike.

  “I swear Uncle Hammer couldn’t have bought a larger place. Look at it. It looks like it belongs in a horror film. I don’t like this place. It freaks me out, and I have a bad feeling,” I ranted, scrunching up my face.

  Lynx got off his bike and shot off a quick text, probably to my father, letting him know we made it.

  Grunting, he just shook his head and walked up the steps and punched in the code to open the door. Before heading inside, he looked over his shoulder at me and grinning wickedly, he said, “What, you afraid of a
little ghost, Libby?” After giving me a wink, he went inside

  “That’s not even funny, and there’s nothing little about you, and you know it, you arrogant bastard,” I whined, stomping my foot—not like he could see me anyway. Scoffing, I sat on the steps and looked up at the sky. The wind had picked up slightly, and you could see dark clouds on the horizon. A storm really was coming.

  “I really, really have a bad feeling about this. I hate storms,” I muttered, secretly wishing my father was here. I shivered, then a loud scream had me jumping to my feet, and with my heart racing, I ran inside. Running past the main living area, I heard another scream, followed by curse words, and as I reached the hallway, I saw Lynx doubled over in laughter. Slowly, I approached the bedroom, and my eyes went wide, not at all prepared for the sight before me—a topless Emmie, pinned beneath my best friend, both looking equally guilty.

  “Critter, what the fuck are you doing here? Holy shit, Emmeline, your father is going to lose his shit!” I screeched, my hands covering my eyes as I backed out of the room. “Lynx, it’s not funny. He’s going to give her an STD, and her father’s going to kill him. Stop laughing.” I scowled and smacked him on the arm before walking back into the living area where I plopped myself down on the world’s comfiest couch. I didn’t need to see my cousin almost naked.

  A few moments later, Lynx appeared and leaning on the back of the couch, he stared down at me with a serious expression on his face. “Maiden’s coming, and I’m taking off when he gets here. Club business.” He looked down at his phone. “Seems little Emmeline took off without telling Hammer, and they just tracked her down by the chip in her phone.”

  “She has a chip in her phone!” I gasped. “Like a tracking chip?”


  My gaze narrowed on him. “Do I have one?”

  He shrugged innocently, and I it let go at that.


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