As the Eagle Flies
Page 20
“No, I did not. I don’t think Faith did either. They aren’t in any kind of trouble are they?” I said.
“No, heavens no. I just wanted you to know. Even if they were, we have a hands off policy on the Carmel Foundation. They help us out all of the time. If the FBI needs anything and we can’t get it from our government, the foundation helps us.” Harry said.
“You say they have bases all over, where is the closest one?”
“In Central Montana, up close to Lewistown. On Hunter’s ancestral ranch.”
“Fine, so we can return that car tomorrow?” Harry nodded, then left.
Chapter Twelve
I stood there staring at the starry night, thinking. The wonders of creation always quieted the turmoil of life, as it became more and more complicated. They say that the only thing that remained constant was change. But that wasn’t quite true, God, he always remained the same.
When I was growing up, my Indian relatives always called the Almighty God Jehovah, the Great Spirit. And he certainly was that, Great. I seen a shooting star, some space rock or debris as it fell to earth and burnt itself up. Made me think of how brief our life here on earth was, just like a shooting star, bright but brief.
I shook myself and went to our room. I opened the door, it was unlocked. Faith and Mary Jane was in the hot tub. I said, “You really should keep the door locked, anybody could come in.”
“Yes, anybody did,” Faith said with a giggle. “Seriously though, you’re right, but we left it open for you. Would you mind tucking the girls in, they said they wanted you to tuck them in.”
“Sure, no problem.” I went in the bedroom, they were reading a book together. “What are you reading?” I asked.
“Huckleberry Finn, have you ever read it?” Iris asked.
“Of course, it’s one of my favorite books. Are you girls ready for bed?”
“Yes, Daddy.” Alita said, “Daddy do we have to put pajama’s on?”
“Why, don’t you want to?”
“Well, Mommy and Aunt Mary Jane don’t wear clothes, they took theirs off as soon as they got in the room. Why does everyone wear clothes?”
That was a stumper. I sat there for a few seconds thinking. Just why do we wear clothes? Oh, I know to keep us warm and to prevent sunburn. But why does society think nudity is shameful? Why do I get embarrassed when people see me naked?
“Well why do you two think we wear clothes?” I asked them.
Iris said, “I know in the Bible, Adam and Eve didn’t.”
“Well yes, at first they didn’t. But do you know why they started to?”
“Uh, because they were bad?” Iris said.
“Alright, let’s think about that. When they were first created, they didn’t wear clothes, and they weren’t ashamed of it. Do you remember what they did wrong in God’s eyes?
“Yes, I think so.” Iris said, “They ate an apple off of a tree that God said not to eat from. I learned that in Sunday school.”
“Right, well let’s read that account.” I said, as I reached into the bedside stand and took the Bible out. I turned to that story in Genesis the third chapter. “You see how the serpent lied, of course it wasn’t the snake, it was Satan talking. He said, ‘is it really so that God said that you cannot eat from every tree of the garden?’
And Eve answered and said, ‘of the fruit of the trees from the garden we may eat. But from the tree that is in the middle of the garden we may not eat. God said, ‘you must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it, that you do not die.’
And how the serpent lied and said, ‘you positively will not die. For God knows that from the very day of your eating from it, your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad’.”
“And it goes on to say how Eve ate of the apple and then took it to Adam and he ate too. And it says down here in verse seven, ‘how the eyes of both of them became opened and they began to realize that they were naked. And hence they sewed fig leaves together and made loin covering for themselves’.”
“So is that why we were clothes?” Alita asked.
“Yes, I guess so, we now know good from bad.”
“But,” Iris said, “they didn’t die in that day, like God said they would.”
“Yes, they did. You see the Bible also says that one day with Jehovah God is like a thousand years. They both died within that thousand year day. Adam was 939 years old when he died. And that is also why the earth wasn’t created in a literal earth six day period. It was created in six thousand years.” I said. Where was I getting all of this? I had never read the Bible, it was just coming to me. Must be those visions. Alita and Iris were quite, they were thinking.
Alita said, “What would of happened if they hadn’t disobeyed God? Would we still be wearing clothes?”
“Well, there are some things to consider on that. But yes, if the whole earth had been made into a Garden of Eden, then we would not be wearing clothes. Because the moisture laden atmosphere that the Garden of Eden had would of continued to protect us from the sun’s ultra violet rays.”
Iris asked, “What happened to all of that moisture in the air?”
“Where do you think all of the water came from that flooded the earth in Noah’s day? That’s right, from that thick swaddling band that used to encircle the earth.”
“Uncle Clay, how do you know all of this?” Iris asked.
“Uh, from the Bible of course. Anything more you want to know, before you go to sleep?”
“Yes Daddy, do we have to wear pajamas?” Alita asked, as before.
“No, it’s up to the both of you. If you both want to sleep in the altogether you can, but you both have to agree, if one doesn’t want to, then you can’t, Okay?”
They nodded, as I left the room and turned their lights down low. The women were just getting out of the hot tub. “What took you so long?” Faith asked.
“They had a lot of questions. Prompted I might say, on your libertine ways, the both of you. What have you guys been talking about?” I asked.
“Oh, just about everything. Including you.” Faith said.
“Well, let me ask you both this question, do you know who you are?”
“What in the world kind of question was that?” Mary Jane said, as she dried off and then handed the towel to Faith. Then Faith finished drying off, using the same towel.
“For instance, what you two just done, using the same towel to dry off, why did you do that?”
They looked at each other, Faith said, “I don’t know, I’ve never done that before.”
“So is it safe to say, that you two have some connection or bond, that just seems to be there?”
Again, they just looked at each other. “But you don’t know what that is, do you? I see that you don’t. Then I will tell you, you guys are cousins.”
“How do you know?” Mary Jane asked.
“Harry Silver, he did a quick background check. You Mary Jane are a Hunter, related to ‘Wolf Hunter’, the founder of the Carmel Foundation. And you sweetheart are a Carmel, a great granddaughter of one Edith Carmel. Who was married to Wolf Hunter’s wife, Sharon’s brother.”
“Harry told you all of this?” Faith said.
“No, in fact he didn’t. He told me some of it, one thing that you two were cousins. The rest of it, just popped up into this jumble I call a brain. So you two have a lot to talk about. I’m going to bed.” I looked at them as they sat down on the couch, without putting anything on. After you knew they were related, it was apparent. Their bodies were almost identical. Even down to the blackness of their pubic hairs. I shook my head and went to bed.
I awoke in the middle of the night, I was in the middle, they were both wrapped around me. I tried to crawl over my wife and get on the far side of her. As soon as I moved they both tightened their grip on me, I gave up and went back to sleep.
I awoke again, just before dawn. I slipped down the bed, coming out at the foot, they didn’t wake up. I took a sh
ower. Then shaved. They were still asleep, they must of talked a long time last night.
I put my knife on down the backside of my neck, and my pistol in the standard issue holster on my belt. After all I was still an agent of the New Mexico State Police. I found my badge in my suitcase and put it on under my overall jacket, so no one could see it. I shut the door quietly, making sure it was locked.
I walked to my truck, I didn’t open the door right away, I walked around it, then I looked under the frame. I couldn’t find anything. Maybe due to the FBI all over the place, it scared them off for awhile. I should have killed him when I had a chance. But I believed in the innate goodness of man. Was I that far off base in letting him live?
I sat down on the curb, still thinking. If I was a bomber, where would I hide a bomb? I didn’t know, because I wasn’t a bomber. But I sure would like to tamp one up Dipper Tick’s ass. Up his ass? Tailpipe? Yeah, sure, up the tailpipe. I went around to the back of the pickup. I looked up the pipe, couldn’t see anything, it was too dark. I had an LED penlight in my jacket pocket. I looked up the pipe again, yep, there it was. I found a piece of bailing wire in the back of the truck. I made a hook, and slowly pulled it out.
I looked it over, some more C4, but this had a heat sensitive fuse on the upstream end. The heat of the exhaust would of tripped it. The cooler was still in the back end, I had put it back in there when we had taken all of the food out of it. I put the C4 in there, then went to the Café and got some ice. I packed it around it.
I got in the cab and started it up, holding my breath. I let my breath out slowly, I was still alive. I put the truck in gear and drove to the fair grounds to check on the mules. They were glad to see me. I tossed them some more hay and checked their water. I went around to all fourteen of them, giving a word of encouragement and a pat to each one of them. They gathered around me, wanting to know where we were going. I told them. I got the same reaction from all of them, glad to be out of the dude business.
Mules are very intelligent animals, a lot smarter than most of their handlers. A mule will not go somewhere that is dangerous. A horse on the other hand wants to please a man so much that he’ll jump off a cliff. Both of them have their place in the scheme of things.
When I got back to the room, the two women were just waking up. “Good morning sleepy heads.” I said
“Where did you go?” Faith asked, as she padded to the toilet. Mary Jane laid there and stretched.
“I went to check on the mules, they’re fine. They wanted to know where we were going. They were happy that they didn’t have to deal with dudes anymore.” I said.
Mary Jane said, “They told you this huh?”
“In their own way they did. I just listen better than most people.” Faith came back and Mary Jane ran for the bathroom. Faith came and sat on my lap and gave me a kiss. “I missed you last night.”
“What do you mean, you missed me. I was right there in bed with you.” I said.
“You know what I mean.” Faith said, kissing me again.
“Well that is going to have to wait for awhile, isn’t it? In the mean time, why don’t you two get dressed, I’ll wake up the girls, then we can go get something to eat.”
I woke the girls up, they didn’t have any pajama’s on. “Come on kids, get dressed and come on out so we can go get something to eat. And yes, you have to wear clothes.” I went back out to the main room. They were just getting dressed.
“You two are a bad influence on the kids, they don’t want to wear clothes now, since you two run around naked.” I said. “But I made them.”
We went into the Café, after we were seated, I said, “Order for me too, will you Honey? I want to make a phone call.” I went back outside with the cell phone. I called Harry Silver’s cell phone number. “Hello,” he answered, “Yeah Harry, it’s me Clay, are you guys still here?”
“Yes, I was just coming over to get something to eat.”
“Good, is your forensic team still here also?”
“Yes, they were going to fly out with me this morning. Why?”
“Well, I have something I want them to check for fingerprints, Okay?”
“Sure, where are you now?” Harry asked.
“I’m standing outside the Café, I’ll meet you by my truck.”
I went over beside the truck and waited for Harry. He came out of his room, with one of his forensic team, she was the only female on the team. She looked to be about Harry’s age. Well anyway, Harry was getting some, he should be in a good mood.
“So what do you have that’s so important?” Harry said.
I lifted the cooler to the back tail gate. I opened it and showed them what I had packed in ice.”
The woman said, “Wow! Is that what I think it is? A heat sensitive fuse on that C4?”
“I think so, I found it in my tail pipe. Do you think you can check it for prints?”
“Sure, my kit is in the room, I’ll take this in and dust it, then I can use my lap top and hook into the FBI’s main frame and see whose prints they are.” She said. Then she took the whole cooler with her.
“Harry, when you first told me about doing a background check on Pete Frank, you said he was clean, so far, what did you mean by saying so far?”
“Just that, it was a preliminary check, he was in the Army in Iraq. But for some reason his whole record wasn’t there.”
“Harry, don’t you think it is quite the coincidence, that an explosive expert was so handy, when such a sophisticated bomb showed up?”
“Well, yes and no, there are a lot more people trained in explosives since this damn Iraq war. But yes, you may have a point. It won’t take Karen long to get those prints and have the results, we’ll join you in the Café with the results.”
The food was there by the time I rejoined my family. Mary Jane said, “I was sort of expecting Pete to join us for breakfast, you haven’t seen him have you?”
I looked at her and spoke rather bluntly, “Mary Jane, I know you’re starting to have a slight crush on Pete. But do me a favor, in your mind go back over everything he said and done since you met him and analyze your results.”
“Huh? That’s rather a clinical approach to matters of the heart, don’t you think?”
“Yes, but in today’s world, ‘the heart is a lonely hunter’, to borrow a cliché, the heart at times can’t be trusted, it has to be backed up by the mind. So just think about it, and let me know what you come up with.”
Faith asked, “Who did you call?”
“Harry Silver, I had a little task for him.”
“Well, are you going to tell me about it?”
“Yes, but not right now, let’s see how that task turns out first.”
The waitress came over, “So how’s the food?” Of course we all said ‘fine’, then she asked me, “Was that enough ice that I gave you this morning, or do you need more?”
“No, that was plenty, thank you.” I said, Faith turned a bit in her chair and said, “What Ice?”
“Uh, I borrowed some ice for the cooler, I had to keep something cold, that something was a bomb that I took out of our tailpipe. Harry and his woman are checking it over right now for prints.” I never could lie, worth a damn, especially to the woman that I love.
“Does this have anything to do with you asking me to analyze my feelings for Pete?” Mary Jane said.
“I don’t know for sure, why don’t we wait till Harry gets the results, he said it wouldn’t take long, not with today’s technology. Does anybody need more butter on their hotcakes?” I asked.
“I won’t ask how come you knew it was in the tailpipe, I’m just glad you found it. It could of killed all of us.” Faith said.
Mary Jane’s complexion turned a little sallow, I could just see the gears going around in her head. Then I heard her whisper under her breath, “Damn, damn it to hell.”
Harry was right, it didn’t take long, both he and his woman, Karen came in and sat down with us, after they had ordered, I aske
d. “Well, whose prints were they?”
Harry said, “Was Pete with you when you found this, did he handle it?”
“Well, I guess, we have our answer, No he was not. I’m the only one who touched it.” I said. Mary Jane gasped.
“The only prints we found, beside yours, were those of Pete Frank. I’ve told the main office to do an extensive background check on Pete. In the meantime, I would say that he is armed and dangerous. And Oh yes, by the way, the District Office has approved of assigning you as a special agent, they have been in touch with New Mexico, they seem to like your work. They told me to get you a badge and I.D. Will you be staying here longer, or are you going home?”
“We plan on leaving this morning. On Pete Frank, when I guy goes bad there is usually a reason, what do you think his was?” I asked.
“I don’t know, but I’ve already been in touch with Home Land Security; they are looking into it. They think it might have something to do with 9-ll.”
“Oh, I hope not. I hope it’s just something mundane, like money.” I said.
“It would be a lot simpler that way, wouldn’t it?” Karen said. I hadn’t paid too much attention to her, but now I looked her over. She was a typical pant suited FBI agent. All business, well maybe not all, but mostly I bet.
“Yes, money addiction is a lot simpler to deal with, than religious fanaticism. But what if it’s both, what then?” Mary Jane said. I looked at her, she seemed to be over her slight crush on Pete. I knew if she was anything like her cousin, my wife, that she would land on her feet.
“Nothing,” I said, “as long as he stays away from us, if he doesn’t he will reap what he sows.”
“Harry,” I said, “this decision to make me a special agent, didn’t have anything to do with Faith and Mary Jane, being that they have connections to the Carmel Foundation, did it?”