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As the Eagle Flies

Page 26

by J. D. Oliver

  “Huh? Waiting for us, how could you know we would come?”

  “So many questions, only normal though, they will be answered in time, come.” Coyote said as he went toward the house.

  There were four doors, one on each side, and one on each end. They were made out of some kind of isinglass, as were the seven windows per side, as well as two windows on each end of the house. As such, we were well surprised at the light being reflected inside.

  On one side was what could be called the kitchen, with basins or sinks, that had cold spring water running into one and out again. The other sink had hot spring water running in and out. The house was at least a hundred feet long. With bedrooms. I looked into one, a stone bedstead. And what could pass for a toilet, it had running water continuously running by, just like aboard some of the older ships. They also had stone bathtubs, with hot and cold running spring water, mixing together. Who ever built this house was some kind of a genius.

  A few birds had followed us in, they were singing and chirping as they followed along as we looked at everything.

  I looked at Faith, she was staring around like a little kid at Disney Land. “Honey,” She said, “Do you remember that old movie, ‘Shangri-La’, doesn’t this remind you of that?”

  “More like Disney Land, but yeah, with Shangri-La thrown in. I don’t know about you, but this makes everything that has happened to us in the past, seem normal. And now, this sure isn’t normal, is it?”

  Coyote said, “Normal is, as normal becomes.”

  I looked at my pocket watch, since it was pretty hard to tell the time by the sun, you know with the vapor haze covering the valley. Almost five, no wonder my stomach was growling. I looked at my wife as she was bending over sniffing a flower, I would never get used to how comely she was, especially from this angle. “Sweetheart, we won’t be able to make it back tonight, I suppose I had better call Hope and let her know.”

  Coyote looked at me, “There isn’t any reception for your phone from here, normally, but I will ask them to clear the airways so you can make your call.”

  “Ask who?”

  “Them. You know,” he said, pointing up with his paw. He sat there for a few moments, then said, “It’s Okay, go ahead and make your call.

  “Hope? Yes, well, we aren’t going to be able to make it back tonight. Is everything alright there?---Good, Okay then we’ll see you tomorrow, I guess. If you try to call and we don’t answer, just leave a message, we’ll get back to you.” I closed the lid.

  “So, where do we put our bedrolls?” I asked Coyote.

  “You had better put them in the Stone House, this valley is watered by the falling dew during the night time hours. You would get pretty wet, if you slept outside. Feel free in helping yourself from the food in the root cellar. Of course you won’t find any meat, we are all vegetarians in this valley.”

  Faith and Poppy went to the root cellar, they came back with fresh fruit and vegetables. I had unsaddled the stock and took our stuff into the Stone House. Faith and Poppy were listening as Coyote was telling them how to prepare steamed vegetables over the hot spring water.

  I was surprised that I didn’t even miss meat for supper. It was late enough in the fall, so that sunset was around seven. By the time the sun went down the horses and mules had finished grazing and were standing close by the Stone House, under a covered area just off the lee side of the house, so they wouldn’t get too wet. Cause the dew was heavy.

  I knew the sun went down, but the light had dimmed, to what looked like a full moon. You could still see. I went back inside, the light was the same inside, reflected through the isinglass door’s and window’s. I was somewhat confused.

  I asked Coyote, “Where is all of this light coming from?”

  “The face of the mountains round-about, is made of fifty percent glass, just like the moon. Only since they are closer than the moon, they reflect the moons light into the valley, better.”

  “You mean, they do more than reflect, they enhance?” I said.

  “Yes, that’s right, you aren’t as dumb as you look.” Coyote quipped.

  “Well, it’s pretty light in this house, too light to sleep, what do you do about that?”

  “Rub your hand across the face of the windows, they will darken, where you rub. When you want more light, just rub again.”

  I thought a minute, “There’s one thing I do know, is that the Vikings did not invent that, so who did?” I asked.

  “Really Clay, there you are going dumb on me again, you know who.”

  “Yeah, right, like hell I do, I might suspect, but I don’t know!”

  “Clay, behave yourself! You know what he’s talking about, in fact you’ve told me some of what is going to happen, from your time in coma’s.” Faith said.

  I looked down at the clean stone floor, “I’m sorry Coyote, it’s just that you sound so smug and self-righteous. But I suppose you have a right. By the way, do you have a name?”

  “Of course I do, it’s ‘Clancy.”

  “An Irish Coyote? I don’t believe it. Those Irish get around don’t they?”

  “Faith and Begorra, tis true, Irish I be, but don’t worry, I don’t drink.” Clancy said, with a Coyote laugh, which sounded more of a whisky brogue, than Coyote. He may not drink now, but sometime in his past, I bet he did. Whatever he used to be……

  “I know what you’re thinking Clay. You do know that there is no such thing as reincarnation, don’t you? Of course you do. You were wondering where I got the name of ‘Clancy’? Well wonder no longer, I will tell you.” Coyote said, with one of those toothy grins, where you’re not sure if he’s laughing or growling.

  “It was when they were putting the trans-continental railroad through. It was close to Cheyenne, I was just a pup. An orphan I was. I hung around, begging food. The Irish Gandy Dancers sort of adopted me. They were the ones who named me Clancy.”

  “That’s a bunch of Irish blarney, if I ever heard it.” I said. “And I’ll tell you why, that railroad went through in the 1860’s. That would make you way over 140 years old. So what do you have to say about that?” I said.

  “Yes, you’re right. I should of died a long time ago, shouldn’t I of? I would have too, but for this place. It seems it ad’s years to your life. Must be all of the clean living.”

  I started to open my mouth, Faith interrupted me, “That’s enough Clay, can’t you see that he’s telling the truth?”

  “No, not all of it, they were just partial truths, that’s what browns me off. Can’t I be petulant once in awhile?”

  “Yes, but not childish. So if you have that out of your system, get our bedrolls and put them on the stone beds.”

  Alita was watching me and trying to help carry the bedrolls, Poppy was strong enough to carry them on her own. There were separate sleeping areas. Alita and Poppy were whispering to each other. Alita said, “Daddy, Poppy and I don’t want to sleep alone, we want to sleep with you and Mommy?”

  Clancy was listening. “There’s one bed that’s big enough to hold all four of you. Down at the end. It must of have been the Segundo’s room. It has a Isinglass door, with a name engraved in it. Come see.”

  On the door, was a name, ‘Harald Hardrada’ and the year ‘1043’. “Who is that?” I asked. Faith was right behind me. “I know. He was a Viking. He was King Olaf II’s youngest half brother. He did a lot of exploring.”

  “How do you know all of that?” I asked.

  “I paid attention in school, besides’, I was really fascinated by the Vikings. They always reminded me of us, you know Americans.”

  I opened the door, and put all four bedrolls on the oversized stone bed. On each side of the bed were cherry wood night stands with drawers. I pulled the top drawer out. It jingled, there were some kind of old coins tossed loosely in there. I picked one up, it was thin, made of silver and had some kind of Arabic writing on it, with the year 893 stamped on it. I handed it to Faith, she said, “Oh, I didn’t think I would ever see one
of these. Their ‘dirhams’. They were minted in Baghdad, between the years 750 to 950. The Vikings did a lot of trading for them.”

  “Is there anything you don’t know?” I asked her.

  “Yes, a lot, but like I told you, Vikings fascinated me in school.”

  I opened the drawer again and tossed the coins back in. The Cherry wood nightstand was hand made, and made without any modern tools. Nice job…

  Clancy had came in with us, he said, “Will you people be alright here tonight?

  I thought I would go howl at the moon, so to speak.” He said.

  “Yes, I think so,” Faith said. “I don’t suppose there are any Viking ghosts hanging around, are there?”

  “No, I don’t believe in Ghosts, do you?” Clancy said.

  “No, I don’t think so. But you know how the old boogeyman in the closet thing, when we were just tykes. Our older siblings always tried to scare us with them.” Faith said. Poppy edged closer to us. Alita said, “What are you talking about? Of course there are no ghosts or boogeymen either. But, I might add, there are Demons, they try to make you think they’re ghosts.”

  “Where did you get all of that?” Faith asked her.

  “Really Mother, if there are Angels, of course there are Demons. Demons were the fallen Angels that came down to have relations with the women in Adams day. Didn’t you know that Mother?”

  “Well, yeah, I guess so. Just never gave it much thought.” Faith said. Clancy was staring at Alita. “Smart girl,” he said as he turned and padded away.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Mommy, can we take a bath in the indoor pool?” Alita asked, “We’re pretty dusty from the trail.”

  “Sure, I don’t know why not. But first you had better let me check the temperature, it might be too hot.” Faith went over and touched it with the back of her hand. She used the back of her hand, that way the normal reaction would be to pull the hand back toward you. “Feels alright, but let me test it with my elbow, that’s the best way.” She said. As she dipped her elbow in.

  “It’s fine, I think I’ll take one with you girls, are you going to take one with us Clay?” With that they all three started pulling clothes off.

  “Uh, no I’m not.” I said.

  “Why not Daddy, you’re dirty too?” Alita said.

  “That’s a good question Alita, and I’ll tell you why. You see Daddies don’t take baths with their daughters, or even with any young girl, like Poppy. It just isn’t done.”

  “But then, who are you going to take a bath with?”

  “Well, I thought I’d go for a ride. I know the sun has gone down, but with that reflected, enhanced moonlight, filtering through the mist. I will be able to see alright, plus I guess the mist will act like a shower, won’t it?”

  “I don’t know Clay,” Faith said, “are you sure it will be okay? I mean we haven’t scouted everything out, you really don’t know what’s out there.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it will be okay, I’ll ride Brutus, plus I bet the rest of them will want to go along.” The two girls had got in the tub while we were talking, Faith came over in her altogether and gave me a kiss, “Be careful Honey,” she said, pinching my butt.

  I went outside, it was a pretty sight, the mist swirling and twisting around the moonbeams reflected from the glass like mountains. I went to the shelter where the animals were standing, I took my clothes off, down to my shorts and hung them on a wooden peg.

  I grabbed a hand full of Brutus’ mane, and swung up. I was right, the rest of them followed along. It wasn’t long before we were dripping wet. Funny thing though, it wasn’t cold, like you thought a heavy mist would be. I felt a little like Goldie Locks, when she tasted the little bear’s porridge, it was just right.

  I followed the stream back up the valley. It wasn’t too deep, we crossed it several times. There were holes where the horses had to swim, that was fun, they enjoyed it too.

  As I had mentioned before, about every animal native to the area resided in this valley. They’d come out of their dens, tall grass, everywhere they slept to watch us go by. None of them were scared by the scent of man.

  At the end of the valley, was a large mountain, out of which came the stream we were following. I looked up, the mountain disappeared into the heaving cloud mass that hid it’s far away peak.

  I heard the screech of an Eagle, and coming down out of the clouds was a Bald Eagle. It lit on a tree branch, about two feet from my head. It sat there looking at me and Brutus. Brutus looked at it, and blew snot from his nose. The Eagle spoke…

  “Now that was down right insulting. Haven’t you taught your horse better manners than that Clay?” The Eagle said.

  Brutus snorted again. “Him, teach me? Shoot, I have to do all of the teaching around here. Oh not them three ‘R’s, but you know, stuff that requires horse sense.” Brutus said, or at least I thought it was coming out of him.

  “Was I talking to you? I thought I directed my question at Clay.” Eagle said.

  Brutus snorted and stamped his hooves. “Whoa, there Brutus, he’s just trying to get your goat.” I said. “Anyway, Mr. Eagle, what can I do for you?” I said, patting Brutus’ neck, to calm him down.

  The rest of our mounts had gathered around to listen. Eagle spoke, “It’s not what you can do for me, but more exact, it’s what I can do for you and your loved ones.”

  “Well, just what can you do for me and mine?” I said.

  “Save your lives, that’s what. That is if you want to be saved. Some people don’t, they like the way the world is, but I hope you are sighing and crying over the deplorable conditions rampant in the world today.”

  “Well yeah, I don’t like them none. In fact I downright hate them, but what can I do about it?” I said. “And yeah, we sort of would like to go on living, just like I suppose most every creature on this earth would.”

  “Alright then, when the time is right, you all can come on back and I’ll open the gate for you.” Eagle said.

  “Two questions,” I said, “number one, when is the right time to come back? And number two, what gate?”

  “You’ll know when the time is right. As to the gate, you came through it on your way here, the tunnel under the waterfall. And no, it isn’t always open, I opened it for you, just before you got there. When you were a young boy, you didn’t just fail to see it, because it wasn’t there for you to see, I had closed it.”

  “So what’s your name, I suppose the ‘gate keeper’?”

  “No, it’s not, my name is Gabe, and don’t be facetious, this is serious business.” Gabe said with a frown. Have you ever seen an Eagle frown? Believe me you don’t want to. Then his face broke into a smile, “I was just joking, and you’re right, I guess I could be called the ‘gate keeper’. But my name is Gabe. So Clay, stay for a few days, then go back and handle life as it comes, you and your beautiful wife Faith, and all of your children.”

  “I actually don’t have any children of my own,” I said.

  “You don’t? But of course you do, all of those that are of your household are your children. Rosie, Tiff, Hank, Hope, do you want me to go on, or do you understand? You see even the ranch hands are your children. Even Mary Jane and Iris. And oh yes, they will be coming back, you’re going to have to add on to your house, will that be a problem?” Gabe said.

  “No, no problem. But what about Dad and Felicia, and those in New Mexico?”

  “Yes, they too will have to be taken care of. But you see this isn’t the only sanctuary. There are many around the world. Don’t worry, the ones from the stars will be saved.” Gabe said, then flew up and disappeared into the mountains mist.

  ‘From the stars’? All of us stood there and watched him go. Matthew said, “There is more to him than meets the eye. He’s just not an Eagle.”

  Luke said, “No kidding Einstein, what ever gave you that idea?” Matthew took a playful kick at him.

  “Come on you two, you might miss and hit one of us, let’s go home.” I said
, as Brutus turned to go. We took our time, we stopped and went swimming some more.

  Before I went into the stone building, I took off my shorts and wrung the water out of them. I hung them on the back of a chair in the bedroom. The two girls were sleeping on the other side of Faith. They had spread the bedrolls out to make one big bed. Alita was sleeping in between Poppy and Faith. I crawled in front beside Faith, and snuggled up close to her. She felt warm and inviting. She moaned a little as I held her close. Funny thing, you’d think the stone bed would be hard, but it wasn’t. It must of taken me a whole ten seconds to fall asleep.

  The next morning, when I awoke, I was alone. I could hear them in the kitchen making breakfast. I stretched and yawned. Then footsteps, Faith came in.

  “Are you ready for breakfast?” She said. I looked at her and smiled.

  “Sure, if you are.” I said. She glanced down at herself.

  “Oh you! Not that kind of breakfast. Just because I didn’t put any clothes on, don’t get any ideas.”

  “What about the girls, they had better be wearing clothes?” I said, with a question in my voice.

  “Yes, they have underwear on. So I guess you had better put your shorts on.” She said as she picked them off of the back of the chair, and threw them at me. I was surprised, they were completely dry. I jumped into them and followed her out, why hadn’t she put any clothes on?

  I asked her that very question. “Why? You’ve seen me naked thousands of times. And as far as the girls go, we’re all girls. If you were one too, we wouldn’t have to wear any clothes.” She sort of sounded like she was sorry I wasn’t a girl…

  Faith looked over her shoulder, “No I’m not, I’m glad you’re a man!”

  “How’d you know what I was thinking? I didn’t say that out loud.” I said.

  “Didn’t you? Must be this place, seems like the girls and I have been talking without words since we got here.”


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