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Brought to Heel

Page 21

by Delta James

  “No, Jean-Michele. I’ll behave.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She resisted at first, but then her mouth gave way and he deepened the kiss, leaving her breathless.

  “Will you behave well enough to declare yourself in front of Dylan and Skylar?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Of course you do… you always do. You can behave and do as I’ve asked or I can put you over my knee, give you a good spanking, and then you’ll do it.”

  “Not much of a choice.”

  “I’m afraid it’s the only one you have. Make it or I shall make it for you. I should tell you my choice will be the latter as my hand itches to spank your pretty bottom again and I grow hard at the thought of mounting you and hearing you call my name and promising to do as you’re told.”

  The red on her cheeks deepened. Jean-Michele gathered Darby close and nuzzled her neck. He looked her directly in the eye and nodded with a questioning look. She nodded as well and he hugged her.

  She turned to Skylar and Dylan. “I, Darby Callan, formerly of Bae Diogel formally declare you, Jean-Michele Gautier, alpha of New Orleans to be my one true and lawful mate and alpha.”

  Jean-Michele let out a great howl before pulling her back into his embrace and kissing her thoroughly. “You have made me the happiest of men, mate. I will keep you happy, safe, and loved now and forever.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dylan had arranged for several activities throughout the day. Lunch was casual and people nibbled when and where they chose. The unmated females of Bae Diogel were beginning to relax and realize that while the life they had created for themselves might be gone, there was still a happy life to be had.

  Skylar busied herself as hostess but kept watch on various members of her former pack and those who sought to claim them. She smiled as she watched the members of her new pack ensure that no woman was pressured or claimed against her will. The news of the four packs asked to leave had spread fast. It was apparent that the alpha of Calon Gwyllt took the responsibility for placing these women seriously.

  With the exception of Darby, who was determined to make herself miserable, the other four Bae Diogel women still at the estate and mated, including Skylar herself, seemed to be settling in and finding much to like about their new mates. All four men were extremely attentive and seemed very attuned to their new mates and to making them happy.

  Skylar took a moment to sit on the wall of the patio where she could gaze onto the expansive lawn where there was a silly game of croquet being played. Silly because everyone seemed to be making up the rules as they went along. There was much laughter as the participants enjoyed themselves.

  “Mistress? I hate to bother you when you’re resting. I do believe this is the first time I’ve seen you sit down all day.”

  “Well, Thomas, thanks to my mate, sitting is not my favorite thing to do right now.”

  “I’m sure he didn’t intend to cause you pain.”

  Skylar felt and then heard Dylan behind them. “You would be wrong, Thomas. Your mistress was naughty yesterday and I took her to task over her behavior, didn’t I, mate?”

  “Yes, you did, you brute,” she said, giggling.

  Dylan put his arms around her and nuzzled her neck underneath her hair. “You weren’t calling me brute this morning when I reached for you to draw you underneath me. You called me other names, but none of them not to my liking.”

  She laughed. “With what you were doing, I’m surprised I was coherent at all. Your alpha is a masterful lover, Thomas. Do ensure you feed him things for his virility.”

  Dylan chuckled. “I’ll give you no cause to doubt my virility, mate.”

  Thomas smiled at the couple. They were well suited; Dylan seemed happier than Thomas had ever seen him and Skylar appeared to be settling in quickly.

  Skylar turned to Thomas. “I’m sorry. I find my mate can be a very distracting fellow. What did you want to ask?”

  “Merely whether you wanted tonight’s dinner to be more formal than previous meals. In the past, people dressed for Saturday dinners when there were guests.”

  “Unfortunately, the women of Bae Diogel had to leave behind all but the barest essentials. We have nothing to wear that would be appropriate for anything more formal than a picnic,” she laughed.

  “My mate lies!” cried Dylan in mock horror.

  Skylar looked at Dylan and he smiled.

  “I had some of the female members of our pack figure out sizes and they should return shortly with appropriate clothing for tonight and several other occasions. I did not want those leaving us going to their new homes with scarcely more than the clothes on their backs.”

  Skylar flung her arms around him. “Thank you,” she whispered. “That is so kind and generous. Did you know our alpha was such a wonderful man?” she said to Thomas.

  “As a matter of fact, mistress, I did,” he said as his eyes danced with merriment. “I shall set the table for a more formal dinner. Drinks and appetizers beforehand, mistress?”

  “Yes, Thomas, that would be lovely… if that’s all right with you, Dylan.”

  “That, my beloved, is your choice to make.” Thomas withdrew, leaving them alone. “Are you at least not completely miserable, my love?”

  She smiled at him. “So much more than that. I think that you spoke the truth when you said I could be happy here. I’m sorry that I ever doubted you would do right by us.”

  “And I understand both your misgivings and your grief at having lost what you fought so hard to build.”

  “I know you are trying to do so, and that means more to me that a pretty dress. Have you had a chance to watch the others? The remaining alphas and their pack members seemed to have heard your message this morning loud and clear.”

  Dylan chuckled. “Yes, it seems they received the message I intended. Any observations you’d care to share? Of course, I would like you to meet with Matthew, Nick, and me this evening.”

  “It might not be a bad idea to invite Susannah and Bianca as well.”

  “That’s an excellent idea. Given any thought as to whether we ought to sit certain people together?”

  “I’d sit Jean-Michele at the foot of the table opposite you.”

  “Do you not think, as my mate, that is your place?”

  “No, I would prefer to be on one side or the other of you. My thought was by sitting him there with Darby on one side and JD on the other, we’ll reinforce that message you sent earlier. I’d flank Darby with Susannah and Matthew.”

  He laughed. “I don’t know that it will be necessary, but not a bad idea. I think the charming rogue is getting past her wall of ice. I’ve actually heard her laugh several times today.”

  Skylar smiled. “You may be right. Do you think he’ll mark her before they leave?”

  “I think he’s waiting for her to capitulate to him before he does… it seems to have worked with a certain other previously marked mate of his acquaintance.”

  “Yes, but that mate’s alpha knotted and tied her.”

  “But only after he marked her.” He smiled as he remembered sinking his teeth into her as he knotted her for the first time. Her surrender to him was something he would recall for the rest of his days.

  * * *

  Of the remaining women of Bae Diogel, Skylar was the most concerned about Lacey. Dylan was insistent that she go to an alpha. Dylan had done a lot to allay her fears about being knotted by an alpha as had Roz and Skylar. Skylar smiled, thinking Roz had probably been the most effective.

  Several of the remaining alphas were quite smitten with Lacey. Taking a proven omega as a mate might prove to be an added bonus. Lacey, as well as all the others, seemed to be relaxing and enjoying the attention.

  Summer appeared to be the most resistant and like Darby refused to acknowledge the situation as it was as opposed to the way she wanted it to be. But Darby’s wall of ice appeared to be starting to melt as Jean-Michele continued to wage his war of charm
and seduction.

  Darby approached Skylar. “Hey, Dar. How are you? I don’t think I’ve seen you at all today without Jean-Michele in close attendance.”

  “This morning I refused to give him my word that I wouldn’t try to bolt at the earliest moment, but once I gave him my word I would behave at least until midnight he seems to have relaxed.”

  “Midnight? Afraid his carriage will turn back into a pumpkin?”

  “I’m no Cinderella and he sure as hell isn’t Prince Charming.” Skylar raised her eyebrow in question. “Okay, so maybe he’s pretty damned charming.” They both laughed and then Darby turned sober. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”

  “The only choice any of us have is whether or not to be happy. Jean-Michele is your life mate. You heard him call to you. You know that.”

  “I don’t want a life mate.”

  “Neither did Roz, and I didn’t want another one, but here we are.”

  “One thing he’s got going for him is he’s pretty great in the sack.”

  Skylar laughed. “At one point he told Dylan that no woman had ever refused his knot or not found happiness in his bed.”

  “That sounds like him. Although he hasn’t pushed the whole knot thing. That won’t last, will it?”

  “No. Nor will the not marking you. I think he’s trying to be understanding and considerate of your feelings, but that mark has got to bother him tremendously and not being able to knot you is painful. Do you have bad experiences with being knotted and tied?”

  “Nothing like Lacey, but not good.” She touched the mark from her former mate. “He wasn’t overly considerate about forcing that thing inside me. Some of the time he let me catch my breath long enough to relax and accommodate it, but then some short jabs and it would feel like he just gushed into me. But once he was done dumping his load in me, he was done and he’d yank that thing back out.”

  “That’s not what it’s supposed to be like. They do need to give you time to adjust to the knot and then in order to avoid hurting you or themselves they need to wait until it goes down.”

  “How long does that take?”

  “In human form, anywhere from one to three hours. In wolf? Thirty to forty-five minutes.”

  “Is it every time they fuck you?”

  “Not usually. But it can be, if it’s pleasurable for both of you a couple of times a week, but at least monthly. I really think you could be happy with him if you gave it a chance.”

  “Meg thinks so too. But then she’s gone daffy on JD and he is nuts about her. She tells me it’s because she yielded to his call as his mate.”

  “She’s right. Dylan is hoping all of you will be called… and that all of you will answer,” she said pointedly.

  “All right, so I heard him. God damn alpha roll and that call knocked me off my feet, literally. And I thought that SOB beta of yours had a hard hand. Christ, when Jean-Michele connects with my ass, it hurts like there’s no tomorrow. But damn, he makes up for it afterward. I swear he knows just how to get me where he wants me.”

  Skylar nodded. “I think it comes with the life mate thing. Dylan has a power over my body and my responses that are amazing.”

  “What’s he going to do about the rest of them?”

  “He’s trying to figure that out. He’s talked to not just the men, but to our women as well. If you can, encourage them to talk to him or me.”

  Skylar saw Darby shiver. “You’ll get used to that… and they can feel your presence as well.”

  “Which, my beloved,” said Jean-Michele as he joined them, “means I will always be able to find you. In addition to being able to detect your life sign, I always have your scent in my nostrils. So, run if you must, but I will run you down. And remember that your first spanking was for running from Dylan, not from me. I will not be as lenient should you choose to test me.”

  “You had to threaten me. Here I was thinking maybe you weren’t so bad.”

  “Not a threat, mate. A promise. You are the one who refuses to yield, to accept my mark and ask me to knot and tie you. Instead you threaten to leave me and/or to shorten my life.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her. “But you will come around, mate, and we will be deliriously happy.”

  “You’re already delirious. How about if I offer to extend the deadline on not trying to leave and actually trying to behave until after dinner tomorrow?”

  He kissed her again. “That would make me very happy. Is that what you’re doing?”

  She nodded. “I know I haven’t been very accepting of all of this and I do know it’s an honor to be mated to you…”

  He pulled her close and rubbed her back to comfort her. “I know, beloved. I know how hard it’s been, but ‘twill get better. I think we’d best head upstairs so you can change for dinner.”

  Skylar looked around. “Dinner isn’t for hours.”

  “Perhaps, but I’d like to take advantage of my mate’s largess and lure her back into our bed.”

  Darby laughed at him. “You’ve had worse ideas, mate.”

  Skylar looked over her head at Jean-Michele, who was trying not to overreact to her calling him mate for the first time.

  * * *

  The afternoon progressed. Thomas had his staff come out to light the outdoor lighting. People adjourned to their rooms to dress for dinner. Skylar had made the rounds to each of the Bae Diogel women and let them know that Dylan had provided them with dresses and accessories for the evening.

  Only Summer turned up her nose. “So, he wants to deck us out in finery to lure the big fish?”

  Before any of the other girls could say something, Skylar growled—low and menacing. “I’m about done with you, Summer. If you don’t want to take advantage of the gift that is being offered, fine. You can remain in your room and have supper brought to you. This is my first big dinner at Calon Gwyllt and I’ll be damned if you’re going to ruin it for everyone else. Are you on board or not?”

  “You’re no longer alpha or did you forget that?”

  “No, I am mated to the alpha of Calon Gwyllt. Josh?”

  “How can I help, Skylar?”

  “Show Summer to her room and have someone posted outside. She will not be joining the rest of us for dinner. I’ll have Thomas send her up a plate.”

  Josh grinned. No doubt in his mind that the mistress of Calon Gwyllt was as much an alpha as her mate. Josh escorted Summer to her room.

  Bianca smiled. “Youch! It would seem the newest resident bitch has teeth?”

  Skylar laughed. “I hated doing that, but honestly, everyone else was getting excited to do something fun, something frankly that we haven’t done in years and she just wants to jerk the rug out from under everyone.”

  Susannah joined them and stroked Skylar’s arm. “Don’t upset yourself, Sky. She’s always been like that. The rest of us plan to have a fabulous time. And when Dylan sees your dress… tell him it’s Bianca’s fault. She picked it.”

  Bianca laughed and Skylar smiled as she said, “Oh, she did, did she?”

  “Well, it may be a tad bit risqué,” said Bianca.

  Skylar laughed out loud. “In other words, you loved it and either it wasn’t your color or it was too risqué for Nick.”

  “Or both!”

  “Oh, then I am so blaming you!”

  Skylar went into the kitchen and asked Thomas to send Summer up something simple… and no dessert. She then walked upstairs to the room she shared with her mate.

  * * *

  As she entered their room, she heard the shower running. She quickly stripped and joined Dylan in the spacious shower. She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed her stiffening nipples against his back, running her hands down his front to stroke his cock as it began to harden.

  Dylan chuckled as he turned to face her and bring her into his body. He leaned down to kiss her as she continued to fondle him. “Did you miss me?”

  “Desperately. I so want tonight to go well.”

  He kissed her and began
to nibble down the column of her throat, stopping only long enough to kiss his healing mark. He had both of her breasts in his hands and began to play with her nipples. “What would that look like?”

  She leaned back to give him better access to her body. “Hmm, for everyone but Summer to hear the call of her life mate, to be mated to him and to be happy.”

  “And are you happy, mate?”

  “I hate to admit it, but I am.”

  “What about Summer?”

  “I sent her to spend the evening in her room… without dessert!”

  He laughed. “Did you now? Do I need to have Nick pay her a visit?”

  “No, she was just being a pill and I decided I didn’t want her ruining my first dinner party. I hope I didn’t overstep.”

  “Not at all. The women of this pack answer to you as do all of the men save Matthew and Nick. I don’t believe in anyone but Nick or me dispensing physical discipline to any of the unmated females, but the pack will look to you to help keep things running smoothly.”

  He leaned down to kiss her, running his hands down her back and cupping her bottom, which was still a bit tender from her last spanking. He nudged and walked her backwards until she was against the wall of the shower. His cock was now completely engorged and a knot was trying to form. He lifted her off the floor, using the wall for leverage.

  He sucked her nipples, moving from one to the other as she moaned in response and arched her back. “God, Dylan.” She could feel the knot forming. “We don’t have time for that.”

  He laughed. “No, I’ll just take my pleasure from you in here before we join our guests. But make no mistake, beloved, I plan to let the knot swell this evening and then will enjoy spending my night knotting and then tying you to me.”

  “That would be the perfect way to end the day.”

  He chuckled. “How did I get so fortunate as to have my mate be beautiful, accomplished, the perfect hostess, and enjoy taking my knot as much as I enjoy giving it to her?” He lowered her onto his cock and began to thrust in her. He wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her into the wall.


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