Book Read Free

Brought to Heel

Page 23

by Delta James

  “You’d really want to take her on?” asked Dylan.

  Jean-Michele nodded.

  Dylan continued, “It’s something to consider. If she doesn’t appear to have a life mate here, I’ll consider it.”

  “She could also stay here with us,” said Skylar. “Couldn’t she?”

  “I think she’d be better off in New Orleans, my love. As Jean-Michele said, he has more unmated males than we do. I think within the next month of two, we will be down to just one.”

  “Come on, Sky, I think Summer would feel better being with Meg and me. After all, I’m the one who led her on that little escapade. I was the most adamant about escaping and I fear I may have fanned the flames of resentment toward you. Maybe seeing me happy with Jean-Michele will help soften her resolve to remain aloof.”

  “In all seriousness, Jean-Michele, you might find your pack targeted for others to try to steal her.”

  He laughed. “Let them come. We could use the exercise.”

  “If you’re sure and she doesn’t seem to have a life mate here, that might be a way to get her that additional time my beloved would like her to have.”

  “So that leaves just Gina.”

  “I think, Dylan,” said Skylar, “that if you don’t see a life mate here for her, your idea of sending the remaining girls to a pack where there are a number of unmated males for her to choose from is a good idea and that includes sending Summer to New Orleans.”

  “That’s a switch for you, cariad.”

  “I know. I thought about it, it would give them additional time. They’d have the best option at being happy.”

  The others in the room nodded and then began to discuss the various packs who were represented and which of the remaining packs offered Gina the best chance at happiness. The general consensus was that Gina, if placed with another member of Bae Diogel, might continue to conspire to break free. The last was said with everyone looking pointedly at Darby, who had the good grace to laugh.

  “I know, but I’m a lousy conspirator. I had all these grandiose plans for escape and leading a revolution of the women of our kind. Now, after getting my ass spanked a couple of times and being pleasured extensively, I’m all about being settled with a life mate. It’s most annoying.”

  “It’s only annoying as you’ve been too long from our bed. Gentlemen… and ladies, I need to attend to my mate so that she doesn’t become too annoyed and cause trouble, don’t I, mate?”

  Darby blushed deeply but accepted the hand that was offered to her and left with Jean-Michele.

  “I still can’t get over that one. Dar never wanted to be mated again. She swore she would never allow it, and yet she seems so happy.”

  JD spoke up. “She never had a chance against him. Once he knew she was his, it was all over but the shouting. Had Dylan not agreed, this weekend could have gotten very ugly.”

  “How so?” asked Megan.

  He smiled at his mate and traced his mark on her body. “We would never have left without the two of you. Had it come to it, there would have been a fight. No offense intended, Dylan.”

  Dylan smiled. “None taken. I will admit to having gotten that feeling both when he claimed Darby and then made the request on your behalf. Luckily for me, it was fairly obvious it was the right choices to make for Darby and Megan. Having found my own life mate, I would never deny another man his. Let’s plan to meet again after lunch tomorrow and see where we stand. I would appreciate you ladies trying to see if you can get any inclination as to how Gina might be feeling.”

  “So, you’ve decided to let Summer come to New Orleans with us?” asked Megan.

  Dylan chuckled. “I think it makes the most sense and will make my beloved rest easier to know she’ll have more time… hopefully not confined to her room.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  When the other couples had left the room, Nick stayed behind with Bianca. “There could be trouble over Summer.”

  “Most likely. But I think it’s the right decision, don’t you?” said Dylan.

  Nick nodded. “Yes. I had thought to talk to you about keeping her here with us, but I think New Orleans makes more sense. And if JD and Jean-Michele are representative of their pack, one of their men should be able to handle her. After all, sending a naughty girl to a strong pack with unmated males has worked out before, hasn’t it, love?” he said, turning toward his own mate.

  Bianca snorted. “Depends on who you ask.” Nick swatted her behind affectionately and she giggled. “Well, I suppose it hasn’t been too awful.”

  “Give the men a head’s up. I don’t think we need to get prepared for anything, but I’d like everyone to be paying attention. And let whoever is guarding Summer’s door know that she is allowed back downstairs in the morning. We’ll see if she can behave herself. If she doesn’t seem to connect with anyone, I’ll tell her right after lunch and make the announcement,” Dylan said as he stood up.

  “She won’t be happy about that,” cautioned Nick.

  “No, but I don’t know that she’s capable of being happy at this point. At least in New Orleans she’ll be given the time I think she needs.”

  The two couples left the study and ascended the main staircase, parting at the top of the stairs to head to return to their rooms. Once inside their room, Dylan walked over to sit on the edge of their bed to begin getting undressed. Skylar pounced.

  “I thought you’d never shut up and come upstairs with me,” she said as she began to unbuckle his belt and open the fly of his trousers.

  Dylan laughed but pulled her over his knee and delivered several sharp swats to her backside. “I don’t know that I’d call that respectful, mate.”

  “Dylan, I can’t be respectful when all I can think is I want my mate’s knot and I want it now.” She wiggled provocatively. “I can feel it in this position as well. You can’t be very comfortable. Wouldn’t you like to put that thing where it can do both of us some good?”

  He laughed again. “I’m not and I plan to bury it deep within you… but I want you naked and squirming underneath me when I do. Besides, I didn’t have dessert.”

  “What’s that got to do with anything? Do you want me to get you something?”

  “No, cariad, I want you to get naked, lie on your back, and let me feast on the honey I know is pooling between your legs.”

  “No, Dylan, I want…” Before she could finish her sentence, his hand crashed down on her bottom again. “Ouch, Dylan!”

  “Enough, mate. I’m going to let you up and you will get undressed, get in our bed, and spread your legs for me to take what I want.”

  “And if I don’t want to?”

  “Then I’ll keep you where you are, spank your bottom until you decide to do as you’re told, and then you’ll get naked and spread your legs.”

  “Why does it always come down to my only choice is whether or not I get spanked?”

  “Because that’s the only choice I choose to give you. Besides, I have not yet failed to make you see the wisdom and pleasure in doing what you’re told. So, do you get feasted on and knotted with a sultry red bottom or without?”

  “I suppose without…” she sighed.

  He swatted her one last time and then let her up. He stood up and headed for their closet. “See that you’re ready and waiting for me when I am undressed and ready to join you.” Dylan walked into their closet and got undressed. He could hear the sounds of what he thought was Skylar complying with his orders.

  He exited their closet completely nude. His erection stood out from his body and the heavy knot that had formed over the course of the evening was impressive.

  Skylar was, as ordered, nude and lying in their bed. If her nipples were any indication, he would find a wealth of her honey to be lapped up before mounting her and forcing the knot.

  “I think, mate, you’d be better off to seeing to that knot of yours than making a point.”

  “And I think, mate, that you may need your backside seen to before we go
much further. Is that what you need?”

  “No, Dylan.” She settled back against the pillows on her back and spread her legs for him.

  The perfume of her scent filled his nostrils, adding to his already inflamed lust. Dylan could see her pussy glistening with her need and smiled as he joined her in their bed and licked her clit as he took hold of her nipples. Skylar felt very vulnerable in this position. Dylan nuzzled between her legs and swirled his tongue around her clit. Even though she hated the way having her pussy and clit sucked and licked made her feel emotionally, she couldn’t deny her body’s response to him. He nuzzled her clit repeatedly with his nose as he lavished her labia with alternating flicks of his tongue and the gentle taking of it within his mouth to suck and nibble. Her hands grasped the bedclothes as she tried to deny him. He ignored her efforts and increased his own. Her hips soon started to undulate in rhythm to what he was doing to her and she could feel her desire begin to escalate. Gone was any thought as to denying him his ultimate prize. In the same way she often climaxed when he would first mount her and thrust home, so she did as his tongue breached the opening of her pussy before he licked the upper wall and retreated.

  Now her hands reached for his head and began to urge him closer and deeper. Dylan wrapped his strong arms under her thighs and lifted her pussy to a better angle to receive his attention. Again his tongue plunged into her, this time darting down to retrieve the honey that pooled there. Skylar surged upward, forcing her pussy into his face and her orgasm burst forth as she cried out for him. Dylan chuckled and lavished praise and soothing attention on her overheated flesh.

  “There is nothing Thomas could create that is as sweet as that which I have before me.”

  His head moved lower. While one hand remained on her breasts playing with her nipples, the other descended to play with the nerve center at the apex of her legs, while his mouth sought out her essence and began to ply her pussy with his tongue. He licked and sucked all of her honey up before he began thrusting his tongue into her. Her hips moved in invitation while she spread her legs further to give him easier access to her central being. She moaned and writhed underneath his attentions and gave herself up to him once more as she climaxed calling his name.

  Dylan lifted his head and looked at Skylar’s flushed body. Knowing he meant to knot and tie her to him, he had not eaten all of her honey; he’d left a considerable amount behind to lessen the pain of his imminent knot as he breached her opening with it.

  He moved up her body, kissing and nuzzling as he went. He could feel her body tense even though she tried to relax it. There was no way around the pain she would endure to take his knot and she knew it, but she also knew fully well the pleasure she would have once he was seated within her.

  He grasped both of her hips and pulled her into the best position to be mounted. She took hold of his biceps to steady them both. He spread her legs far enough to accommodate him and then mounted her, thrusting home so that the knot was forced up inside her. She bucked and strained against him. He loved on her, kissing her face and neck before claiming her mouth. He held her tight so she couldn’t get away from him and felt her struggle to relax and allow her body to accept the knot.

  Finally, he felt her body give way and felt the knot move a bit forward and then sink into what he had come to think of as his slot in the floor of her pussy. The feeling when he became seated in that place was exquisite, but short-lived. The knot would then begin to swell until she was completely sealed to him. The swelling was quite painful.

  “Tis not nice to enjoy your mate’s discomfort,” he whispered to her.

  “I know, but it just reminds me there is beauty in symmetry.”

  “Naughty mate.”

  She giggled in response. Once the swelling stopped and his knot had fully encompassed her sheath, he began to rock within her. Skylar responded, fully climaxing repeatedly within the first few rocking motions. It was often hard for her to tell where one climax ended and the next began. It felt as though they came in waves—each one crashing into her before the last had fully receded. Instead of feeling her inner walls contract around him, it seemed more like they pulsed in rhythm to the movement they felt within. Each time she climaxed, the pulse became a more pronounced spasm and Dylan would groan at the pleasure she gave him.

  Skylar moved her hands from his arms and up around his body to embrace him. As he rocked her faster and harder, her nails dug in his back and she began to orgasm in waves. No longer could she make witty quips or call his name. All she could do was experience his dominance and feel her body surrender to it.

  As he began to feel his semen rushing up from his balls, he moved within her at a more frenzied pace until he finally flooded her with his cum. He gushed forth, bathing her entire vaginal cavity with its warmth.

  He groaned as his cock emptied his balls and itself into her. She sighed happily and nibbled on his neck. Making the decision to take him up on his offer, she sank her teeth deeply into the same place he had sunk his. He didn’t move and allowed her to break the skin and leave her mark.

  “I’ve been waiting for that.”

  “You told me it was an open invitation…”

  “And it was. I am proud to bear the mark of my mate. I cannot remember how I lived without having you in my life and in my bed each night. You, my beloved mate, make me the happiest and most sated of men.”

  She giggled. “I do believe Bianca was saying just the other day that you’ve become ever so much easier to deal with. Your pack seems to feel you save your intensity and passion for me.”

  He looked down at her and grinned. “And is anyone complaining about that change?”

  “Not them, and certainly not me. I marvel that I had forgotten how much I like being mated to an alpha. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed sex and certainly didn’t do without,” she laughed as he growled. “But there is nothing that compares to being knotted by your mate and tied to him for several hours. It’s as though nothing else matters or even exists.”

  “You’re right. Being tied to you is an exquisite pleasure that I wish other men, and their women, could experience. It reminds you of what is important and where you need to focus your energy and time… lots and lots of time.”

  Skylar giggled and settled herself beneath him. She felt him relax into her. They had fallen into a habit of discussing matters that might become heated between them if they weren’t forced to be in such close proximity to each other.

  By the time the knot had dissipated and he slipped from her body, she was soft and drowsy and easily followed him as he rolled to his back and pulled her close. She mumbled something, nuzzled him and tried to drift off to sleep.

  “Sky, wake up and look at me.”

  “I don’t want to,” she mumbled and tried to snuggle back into him.

  “No, I want to know what you said.”

  “I said I didn’t want to.”

  “Before that. It sounded suspiciously like something I’ve been waiting to hear.”

  She didn’t move but sighed. “It would be easier for me if you said it first.”

  He chuckled. “Is that what you’ve been waiting for? I thought if I said it before you were ready to hear it, I’d get a bad reaction.”

  “Proof positive that you aren’t always right.” He swatted her behind.

  “Ouch. That’s not the way to get me to say it.”

  He laughed. “Think not? I suspect if I were to put you over my knee and spank your bottom you’d tell me quick enough.”

  Skylar opened her eyes and looked up at him. “That’s not fair.”

  “Which is why I haven’t done it. That and I wanted you to tell me because you knew it to be true.”

  “Did you not feel where I marked you as mine?”

  He chuckled and touched the mark that he now wore. “Oh, I felt it. And you’re right, it hurts like hell and it’s not even as deep as the one I gave you.”

  “I wasn’t having to erase one from a previous mat
e.” She leaned up and kissed the mark and then snuggled back into him, sighed softly, and closed her eyes. Her eyes flew open when once again his hand connected with her naked backside. “Damn it, Dylan.”

  “Careful, mate, marked or not, I am still alpha,” he growled softly.

  She traced her mark on his body with her fingertip. “Yes, my alpha.”

  “That’s better. Now, as I was saying… I was trying to give you time to tell me of your feelings, but if you need to hear me say it first, I am happy to do so. I love you, Skylar. I have since that first night I scented you on the wind. I will love you from that moment until my last one here on earth and beyond.”

  She felt tears forming. “I love you, Dylan. Lord knows I didn’t expect to and I certainly didn’t want to, but I do. I feel guilty that I’m so happy and that there are still two for whom life is so uncertain.”

  “But six of you are not only placed but are with your life mates and that was in a little more than a week. Do not feel guilty because you chose to find happiness as did the others. Look at Darby; she was adamant she would not be mated or ever be happy… she looked pretty damn happy to me this evening.”

  Skylar giggled. “She does seem rather smitten with him… and he with her. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen Darby that happy. Do you think he’ll kill her former mate?”

  “Yes. But I don’t think he’ll mention it to her unless she tells him she’s changed her mind and wants him dead.”

  “Would you kill him if he had been mine?”

  “Yes, but I wouldn’t have asked you if you wanted it done.” He hugged her close and kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, and then her mouth. “Sleep, mate. We have much to do tomorrow.”


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