Billionaire Decoded
Page 11
By the time he heard footsteps climbing the stairs to his room and then the soft knock on his door, he was already more than aware of the desire he felt for her. He glanced down at himself, hoping she wouldn’t notice, and moved to answer the door.
He opened it to find her tentatively smiling up at him. She wore blue jeans, hiking shoes, and a dark green T-shirt. A sweater was tied around her waist. He opened the door wider and gestured for her to come in, and then closed the door softly behind her.
"Wow, I've never been up here in the attic space," she said, glancing around. "Mabel's done a great job with decorating."
He stepped up behind her as she moved toward the window to look out at the street. In mid-February, the trees were still bare of leaves, but it was still quiet, secluded, and picturesque. In the far distance, he saw the glimmer of a lake. She turned around suddenly, surprising him. Doing so, her breasts brushed up against his chest. He saw her face turned nearly beet red.
He didn't beat around the bush. His groin tightened. "Heather, I… I'm going to kiss you."
She looked up at him in wide-eyed dismay, but then to his surprise she placed her hands on his shoulders and lifted herself up onto her tiptoes. He stared at her lips – soft, lush, and inviting his touch. He obliged. Just the touch of her lips on his caused his dick to harden. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and he pulled her closer to him so that there would be no mistaking his intention.
While she made a funny noise in her throat, she pressed her hips into his. She opened her mouth still more, inviting further exploration. His tongue dipped inside her mouth, and tangled with her own while he lifted one hand and gently caressed the side of her face, and then cupped his hand on the nape of her neck. She moaned softly in her throat and it was all he could do to maintain control. God, she was so hot, so sexy, answering his kiss with a passion that matched his own.
He broke off the kiss, stared down at her for several moments, a grin turning up the corners of his mouth. She stared up at him in wide-eyed amazement.
"You're sure?"
She nodded. "Protection?"
"Covered," he said. He had a condom in his wallet. You never knew when you were going to get lucky. He wasn't thinking about it that way with Heather. With her, he wanted to give her as much pleasure as he gained out of their encounter. He wanted to feel her warm skin against his. He wanted to feel her writhing with ecstasy beneath him.
Dipping his head to kiss her again, he wrapped his left arm around her. His right hand settled on her waist and then slowly inched upward toward her breasts. She was kissing him, her own hands roaming over his back, his shoulders, and then, to his delight, tugged the polo shirt from his trousers.
While his hand made its way to her breast, she slid hers underneath his shirt to encompass the warm skin of his chest. Her palm brushed against his nipple, causing it to harden. He gasped in surprise.
His hand cupped her breast, squeezed gently, and then, through her T-shirt and her bra, he brushed his thumb across her nipple. It hardened immediately beneath his touch. In the next instant, she had stepped back, her face flushed with passion, her pupils dilated. He smiled as she quickly pulled the T-shirt off over her head and tossed it onto the bed. While he was busily ogling her breasts, she reached for the bottom of his polo and pulled it completely away from his trousers. In another instant, his own shirt was off and had joined hers on the bed.
She stared at his chest while he stared at her own. Slowly, she reached her arms behind her back to unhook her bra. It loosened and her breasts shifted position as she shrugged her shoulders forward and the bra slipped down her arms. She tossed that toward the bed, as well. She was gorgeous, her breasts firm and plump, her nipples hard, erect, and a rosy pink. As he stared at them, first one and then the other, they hardened even more.
She pressed herself against him, nuzzling the crook of his neck. He wanted to feel her in his mouth. He bent down and dipped his head, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. She clasped the back of his head, throwing her own head back. He lathed, circled, and suckled on her nipple while she arched her back up into him, pressing his face closer to her warm flesh. He gave his full attention to one nipple, then lifted his head to give the other one equal attention. She breathed heavily, gasping for breath, moaning.
She began to fumble at the waistband of his pants. He was so hard, aching for her, aching to thrust himself deep within her moist center. In a scramble of arms, they disrobed each other, and then paused only long enough to step out of their pants and shoes. Finally, they stood naked in front of one another, looking their fill.
Once again, he wrapped her in his arms, hot flesh against hot flesh. Their clothes, shoes, and socks puddled around their feet on the floor. He slid down onto his knees, his tongue tracing a trail of kisses as he lowered himself to the floor. He encouraged her to join him. She did. She was game that was for sure. She was giving as well as receiving. So he had judged the situation correctly. They had both felt sexual attraction.
He hadn't been with another woman since he'd separated from Alyson… No, he didn't even want to think about her. Not here, not with Heather. Facing each other, both on their knees and arms wrapped around each other, this was all he wanted to think about.
She wasn't shy, and although she seemed a bit inexperienced, she nevertheless let him know what she wanted. She did that by reaching her hand between them and grasping his hard cock in her hand. She gripped it firmly, and then slowly began to stroke. His hands cupped her buttocks, pulling her groin even closer toward his. Carefully, he lowered them both to the floor so that they were lying side by side, still facing each other. He couldn't get enough of her. She was warm, welcoming his touches, and he could do nothing but succumb to hers. Her touch was delicious, soft, sometimes tentative, but mostly just hot.
He smiled as he broke off yet another passionate kiss and rolled her onto her back. He straddled her, his weight balanced on his hands and knees. His dick bounced lightly and tapped against her belly. He lowered himself to kiss her while her arms reached up to grasp his. He felt her fingers exploring his biceps, the bulge of his triceps muscles, and then moving to his upper back and then down along his waistline. When she cupped his buttocks in her hands, it nearly tipped him over the edge.
Muttering, kissing her, he reached his hand toward his pants close by and pulled the wallet out of the back pocket. He fumbled for the condom packet. She noticed what he was doing and smiled before reaching over to grasp the packet herself. Staring up at him, she ripped it open with her teeth and removed the rolled piece of rubber from its foil packet.
"Let me do it," she whispered.
His dick responded. He nodded, balancing himself on his hands while she took her delicious time placing the condom over his head, slowly unrolling as her hand caressed every millimeter of his length. He maneuvered his knees so that they were inside hers. She lifted and spread her legs, her feet on the floor as she welcomed him. His heart raced as he saw the pulse in her throat pumping with excitement. Lowering himself, he kissed her while he guided his penis toward her slit. Slowly, he dipped inside. God, she was so wet and ready for him.
She gasped and pulled him closer. With her hands still clutching his buttocks, she lifted her hips and forcefully pulled him deeper inside her. It was exquisite. She was tight and he reveled in the sensations as he slid in easily. He held still for a moment, relishing every second. Then, he began to move.
Every time he thrust deep inside her, she slightly lifted her hips to meet him. Soon, they both moved faster, their hearts beating harder. She met every thrust with her hips, inviting him to go deeper, harder. After a short time, he heard the soft mewling sound issuing from her throat. He knew she was going to cum and he slowed his strokes though he continued to thrust deeply. He gritted his teeth against his own desire to climax. He wanted her to experience it first. Then, her head thrown back, she made another noise, somewhere between a gasp and a laugh. He felt her internal muscles contracting aroun
d him. He let himself go, and in the next instant felt a surge of liquid making its way up his shaft as he too achieved orgasm.
They both literally froze, enjoying the sensations raging through them. When the waves of pleasure were finally subsiding, he allowed himself to collapse on top of her, but not for long. As the blood stopped pounding in his ears, he looked at her and smiled. She smiled back.
"I've never done that before," she said, her voice whispery soft.
"I haven't, either," he admitted.
They lay still for several moments and then he pulled himself from her. As she turned to start grabbing for her clothes, he pulled the condom off his still erect penis. He spied a box of Kleenex on the bedside table, quickly stood and moved to it, discreetly hiding the condom in the Kleenex. He wrapped several more tissues around it and then bunched it up and threw it in the trashcan under the secretary desk. He would take care of that later. He didn’t want anyone to know what he and Heather had done up here. After all, she said it was a small town. He could imagine how quickly gossip would flame. They had only been up here for a little while, probably not even long enough for anyone to question her presence, if they even knew she was up here.
"What would Mable think?" he teased, grinning at her, not at all embarrassed that he stood naked in front of a half-dressed Heather.
"I have no idea," she laughed. "Neither one of them appeared to be home. I left a container of cookies on the kitchen table."
He smiled at her; amazed that she didn't appear the least embarrassed by her behavior, nor his. At the same time, he didn't get the impression that she did this often. "Heather," he began, stooping down to pick up his own clothes. "I don't want you to get the impression that I do this all the time…"
She gazed at him and shook her head. "I don't have that impression at all, Brecken," she said. "I know you've been around, that you just broke up with Alyson-"
"Let's not talk about her up here, okay?" he requested. "It's too beautiful, too serene…"
She nodded. As he finished dressing, he sat down on the bed and reached his hand toward her. She took it and sat down on the bed beside him. Before this went any further, he had to tell her a few things.
"There are a few things you need to know if we’re going to be dating," he said suddenly. He was rather surprised that he had said that, even as her eyes widened in dismay.
"Is that what we’re doing? We’re going to date?"
He smiled. "Despite what you might read in the magazines, I don't sleep with women that I'm not interested in. That may sound like a fairytale to you, but I'm not interested in one night stands." She looked a little nervous, but he wasn't quite sure what she was thinking. He rushed forward. "Heather, are you familiar with Julian Assange and Edward Snowden?"
She stared at him a moment, as if confused by the question. "Of course. Edward Snowden is a former government contractor who leaked a bunch of state secrets and other information from the National Security Agency back in 2013. Assange founded WikiLeaks back in 2006 and published classified information and media. They're both computer geeks and likely very good hackers. Why?"
"How do you feel about them?"
"How I feel about them?” she asked, surprised. She shrugged. “I don't know. I don't know that much about them, only that many people feel that they’re traitors.”
"And, how do you feel about me?" She looked confused, as if unsure where the conversation was going.
She hesitated and then spoke. "I think you're a hard worker, Brecken. You're also incredibly intelligent, and you seem to be kind and considerate. You’re definitely attractive and sexy, but that goes without saying." She grinned. "You're also a little mysterious."
He nodded. He didn’t want to tell her everything, but she deserved to know. He would not pull her into his life blind. His heart thudded. She could walk away from him. She could quit her job. He didn’t want that, but she needed to know. She deserved it.
“There's a lot more about me that you should know, especially if we’re going to be dating, but the last thing I need is to have my life read like an open book. Can I rely on you for confidentiality and sometimes even secrecy?"
"I can be discreet, Brecken," she said. "I've signed dozens of confidentiality documents and guarded not only to the private lives of my employers, but proprietary information and intelligence.” She frowned. “Why are you asking me these things?"
"Let's go for a walk," he said abruptly. He stood and began pulling her toward the door. "I want to see this quaint little town. I think there's a park just down the street."
"There is," she said.
They headed out the door, and he paused only long enough to lock the attic door behind him. He slid the small key into his pocket and then they made their way down the stairs and out of the house. The air was cool and crisp as they walked to the park on the next block.
He couldn't believe how it easy at peace he felt at the moment. Here. With her. Maybe the city and his hectic lifestyle were having more of a detrimental effect on him than he had realized. He would have to do something about that. Suddenly, he realized something else. "We missed Valentine's Day," he commented.
She looked up and him and shrugged. "I think you just more than made up for it."
As they walked into the park beneath the trees, Brecken wasn't quite sure where to start. She seemed to know what he was thinking and beneath a massive elm tree, she paused and turned to look up at him.
"Brecken, I have to know. What's going on?"
He looked over her shoulder for several moments, gathering his thoughts. Then, leaning against a tree with her standing close, he began to explain. "Before I started Shaw & Burks, I was in the military. Actually, I'm in ex-Navy SEAL.”
Heather stared at him. “I know what you’re thinking. Most SEALS are big brutes of guys with-”
“Not at all, Brecken,” she said. “You’re lean as a whip and strong. You have a comforting, sheltering presence about you. I sensed it the first time I walked into your office, when you called me in for an interview.”
He smiled. His male vanity was not extinct. He liked hearing those words. At any rate, he had to continue. “We had an operation in Afghanistan, one of the ugliest I have ever experienced. I did some things I'm not too happy about."
She looked up at him, her gaze serious and compassionate. "Go on," she invited. "I can handle it."
He wasn’t so sure. "Do me a favor, Heather, and remember all those nice things you just said about me."
She frowned as she looked up at him, her gaze showing concern. "I will, Brecken."
Brecken spat it out. "Shaw & Burks is not exactly what you think it is."
Chapter 7
Heather listened as Brecken began to tell her his story. Ex-military? A SEAL? Black ops? As he laid his history bare, she wasn't sure whether she should cheer and wave a flag or run.
"I've been leaking and selling secrets," he said simply. "That's what my firm does."
What did he mean? She had straightened in dismay, not sure whether he was joking or not. Then, when she noticed look on his face, she realized that he wasn't. What the hell?
"Originally, Shaw & Burks did just computer programming, like I said. But little by little, I began to use my company's infrastructure to make it possible for information to be shared, or leaked, depending on how you look at it, to a number of governments."
"What kind of information, Brecken?" she asked, her heart thumping with dread. She felt sick to her stomach. "Does any of the information that you've divulged harm US troops?"
He looked down at her. "As an ex-soldier who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, I would like to say no, but sometimes, you just don't know for sure what some of the information you give others will do. You see, the challenge in dealing with secrets is that when you share them with former military men, some of them tend to go off the grid to right wrongs… Wrongs that they discovered because of the secrets you've revealed to them."
"What kind of secrets?" she a
sked. "You mean like about drug lords in Afghanistan, sex rings in Russia, stuff like that?" To be honest, she wouldn't have trouble with someone divulging information about people like that. People like that didn't deserve secrecy. They deserved to be outed so that they could be punished.
"The plain truth of the matter, Heather, is that when you know someone’s secrets, of any sort, you also know someone is going to want to hurt you." He paused, shook his head and looked down at her. "At the moment, I'm dealing with a rather troublesome situation."
She wasn't quite sure how she felt about all this. She wasn't even sure she wanted to know. He was confiding in her, which was good, but she wasn't sure she wanted to be involved in any of this. Was he a traitor? Or was he simply trying to do what was right?
"There's a group of soldiers down in Bolivia. Of course, this is only one group among many spread all over the world. Anyway, this group leaked information to me about a colonel’s human abuse record. I suppose no one should have been surprised. Civil unrest, takeovers, and military and paramilitary conflicts have raged down there for decades."
Heather said nothing, waiting for him to finish.
"Anyway, the colonel found out that I know about what he's been doing. He’s been sending threats. So has Alyson."
"Does Alyson know about all this?"
Brecken nodded. She frowned. "So, that's what she's holding over your head?"
He glanced down at her in surprise. "How do you know she's holding something over my head?"
"Brecken, anytime you two are together you can literally cut the tension in the air with a knife. Women don't act so…arrogantly bitchy is the only term I can think of at the moment, unless they know something about you that you don't want to get out. Women can be incredibly good at that kind of thing."
"I suppose so."