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Jupiter (Were Zoo Book 2)

Page 7

by R. E. Butler

  Falling onto all fours, he shifted completely. With a loud roar, he claimed his mate – marked, mated, and all his. She rolled to her side, moaning softly, and he settled on his belly and nuzzled her neck.

  “I’m so crazy about you,” she whispered in a rough voice. “You’re a freaking lion. You’re not supposed to exist, but you do. I can’t explain how I feel about you, but I’m so glad I’m yours.”

  He purred as she cuddled against him, resting her head on his outstretched paws. Her eyes closed, and she let out a deep sigh. For just a little while they could stay like this, he decided. He would take her back home when she was ready, and not a moment before. He couldn’t think of anyplace he’d rather be than under the stars with his mate.

  Chapter 8

  Celeste was thrilled to see Adriana. It felt like she hadn’t seen her bestie in years, even though it had only been two days.

  “Can I unpack this box, little love?” Jupiter called from the closet.

  “Shoes or clothes?” she asked as she finished buttoning her top.


  “Yeah, that’s fine,” she said as she walked into the closet and found him elbow-deep in a box of her shoes. “You hate the boxes, don’t you?”

  “I don’t hate them, but I keep kicking this one every time I come in here.”

  “Thank you for doing that.”

  He gave her a suspicious look. “Was that all part of your diabolical plan? To have me stub my toe repeatedly so that I would put them away myself instead of waiting for you?”

  She laughed. “I’ve never had anyone call me diabolical before. I think I need a mask and a cape so I can be a true villain.”

  He snorted, lifting two pairs of heels and setting them on a low shelf. “You’re too sweet to be a villain.”

  “Aw. You didn’t happen to see a pair of red canvas sneakers, did you? I can’t find them.”

  He looked in the box, digging around a bit, and said, “Sorry. There are blue striped ones and black ones.”

  “But not red. I guess I’ll take the black ones.”

  He handed them to her. She slipped them on and then knelt next to him and helped him finish unpacking the box of shoes. “I’m ready when you are,” she said as they both stood and he flattened the box.

  “I’m looking forward to meeting your friend.”

  “I did tell you that I want to see her twice a week, right?”

  He nodded as he opened the front door for her. “Yes, dear.”

  “I know you think it’s silly, but she’s my bestie.”

  “I don’t think it’s silly. She’s important to you and that makes her important to me.”

  They walked to the security door that led to the stairwell in the employee cafeteria. “Do you know Zane very well?”

  “No. The gorilla band is about the same size as the pride, but shifter groups keep to their own kind for the most part.”

  When they stepped out of the employee cafeteria, she shielded her eyes against the bright afternoon sunshine as Jupiter took her hand. “I have an idea,” she said.

  “Oh? Does it involve no clothes or sleep?”

  She laughed. “Maybe later. I was actually thinking that we should call each other husband and wife when we’re topside. The mate term isn’t one that my people use, traditionally.”

  He hummed. “That’s a good idea. I hadn’t really thought about it, but there will be times when we’re around humans.”

  She looked down at their linked fingers. His hand was much bigger than hers, and he was stronger than her several times over thanks to his shifter nature. But he held her hand firmly but gently, as if he were afraid he’d shatter her bones if he squeezed too hard. His long legs would have made her need to jog to keep up with him, but he shortened his stride. He did things like that for her all the time. She wasn’t sure he even realized how he fit himself to her, but she was very aware of it.

  When they reached the security office where they were supposed to meet Adriana and Zane, she pulled Jupiter inside, moving to the corner so that they were mostly out of sight of the men working in the other room where the monitors were.

  “Is everything all right?” he murmured, his brow drawn in concern.

  “It’s good, really good. I just wanted you to know that I love you. I know we’ve only been together for a few days, but–”

  Her words were cut off when he growled softly and pressed his lips to hers in a searing kiss that went soul-deep. He drew her close, his arms like steel bands around her waist as a happy purr rumbled in his chest. He didn’t even need to say that he felt the same way about her, because she could feel it. Whatever the connection they had because they were soulmates, she knew in her heart that his feelings were as real and deep as hers. She could feel how much he cared for her.

  “I love you too, sweet soulmate,” he said, gazing down at her with the golden eyes of his beast. “My life was empty until I had you in my arms. Whatever the future holds for us, I’m grateful to have you as my mate.”

  “Sorry to interrupt, but Zane and his mate are on their way,” Javan said from the doorway.

  Jupiter kissed her once more and said, “Thanks. Let’s go meet your bestie’s soulmate.”

  “And then later, we can do that idea with the nakedness and lack of sleep,” she added.

  He purred, and Javan muttered, “I hope I find my soulmate soon.”

  Celeste saw Adriana walking with a man, and she rushed out of the office and embraced her bestie. Jupiter growled in annoyance; she knew it was because she hadn’t waited for him.

  Adriana looked happier than she’d ever seen her, and Celeste knew that she looked the same. As they embraced, Celeste felt like laughing and crying at the same time.

  “It feels like a week since I saw you. Are you okay?” Celeste asked.

  “I’m great now. How are you?”

  “Having the adventure of a lifetime!”

  Adriana held out her hand to her mate and said, “Zane, come and meet my best friend.”

  Celeste motioned for Jupiter, who stalked out of the office looking disgruntled. He caught Celeste around the waist and spun her away from the others. “Would you please not run off like that? It makes my lion tense.”

  She snuggled into his embrace, grinning up at him.

  He grunted. “If you want to play chase later, we can do it at home. For now…just don’t do that. Please.”


  He purred, and she shivered. “You, and me in my shift,” he whispered, “after the park is closed. Then you can run all you like.”

  She rolled her eyes and gave him a playful swat on his shoulder. “Sorry, I was just excited to see Adriana.”

  They moved closer to her friend and Jupiter extended his hand to Adriana. “It’s nice to meet you. If you’re ready, we have reservations.”

  It hadn’t escaped Celeste’s notice that Jupiter had not let go of her. When Adriana raised her eyebrow in question, she shrugged. “He’s an overprotective nutcase. Ignore him.”

  Jupiter growled. “My wife thinks I worry too much.”

  “Wife?” Adriana asked.

  “It’s better than the ‘m’ word out in public,” Celeste explained.

  Their small group left the park in an SUV. Jupiter drove and Zane sat in the passenger seat, while Celeste sat on the second-row bench seat with Adriana. They both talked at the same time, their words blending together. Adriana was happy for Celeste, and Celeste was happy for her bestie. She couldn’t believe how strange it was that both of them had come to the park and wound up with mates.

  “Have you thought about doing nails here?” Celeste asked.

  “Like in the park?”

  “No, I mean like setting up shop down in the market. Although there are only four unmated females, there are over a dozen mated females here in the park. I bet they’d enjoy not having to leave for manis. Eventually there will be more mates, anyway.”

  “Would you work with me on scheduling and

  “Of course!”

  Jupiter cleared his throat and said to Zane, “Celeste would like to have lunch twice a week with Adriana.”

  Celeste winked at Adriana, who was grinning.

  “In the market? That’s totally doable. Is Celeste going to work security with you?” Zane asked.

  He shook his head. “I’d be too distracted.”

  Celeste giggled. “I am hot.”

  Jupiter’s cheeks turned pink, and Zane looked like he was trying hard not to laugh. “I meant, little love, that I’d be too worried about your safety to do my job correctly. But you are hot.”

  Celeste clicked her tongue and started to laugh, Adriana joining in. When they’d both settled down, Adriana explained to Zane about the idea of setting up a nail salon in the market.

  “What do you think?” she asked Zane, reaching forward and putting her hand on his shoulder.

  “I think it’s a great idea. I know you wouldn’t want to hang out in the house all the time, or with me in the garage.”

  “I’d like to do that sometimes, but I really love doing nails.”

  “It’s just like your dream of having your own place,” Celeste pointed out.

  “I know. It’s all because of my sexy mate,” Adriana said.

  Jupiter parked in front of the Mexican restaurant. Zane commented that the VIP tour program was a success.

  “I agree. My brothers are eager for next weekend and the chance to see more VIPs. There’s talk of increasing the number of tours so more females are coming through.”

  Jupiter got out and opened Celeste’s door, holding out his hand for her. She took it and walked with him up to the sidewalk, where they waited for Zane and Adriana.

  “I’m so happy you came on the tour, sweetheart,” Zane said after kissing Adriana.

  “I’m glad I did, too. It was the best decision I ever made.”

  “Um, excuse me,” Celeste said. “It was my brilliant idea to come here, so you should thank me. A lot. With chocolates and that body wash I like.”

  “Thank you for your most amazing idea,” Adriana said. She turned to Zane and said, “I wouldn’t have found my other half without you.”

  Celeste looked up at Jupiter. “I didn’t think my other half would be so furry.”

  He chuckled and kissed her. “Or mine so fur-less.”

  * * *

  Jupiter sat on his dad’s couch with the other pride members, except for Jenni, who was talking quietly with Celeste in the kitchen about shoes or clothing or something else girly. He was thankful she and Jenni got along so well, because he’d worried about her not having any females to talk to except Adriana.

  Turning his attention to his dad, he said, “She’s going to call her parents tonight and tell them that she got a new job here at the zoo and it comes with living accommodations.”

  His dad nodded. “That explains quitting her old job and moving. But what about your relationship?”

  “Tonight she’s going to lay the groundwork that she met me and really likes me. Then we’ll plan to meet them at their house for dinner in a week or two, and she’ll explain about our relationship moving forward. She said her parents would be skeptical if she simply showed up with me and said we were getting married.”

  Xavier snorted. “Shifters are so much easier. They understand soulmates and instant connections, and would think it was strange to not be with each other right away.”

  “It’s not a hardship to deal with this because of her. I honestly don’t mind. I just want her to be happy, and I want her parents to like me and trust that I’m the right male for her.”

  “Man,” Mercer said.


  “Man. Humans don’t call each other male and female, they say man and woman.”

  “Right, right,” he said, sighing. “Anyway, hopefully this will work.”

  “What’s the worst-case scenario?” Amadeus asked.

  “They could disown her. Although it would seem like that’s ideal because we wouldn’t have to deal with them, it would disappoint her, so I’m hoping they don’t.”

  “They’ll want to come see her place, right?” his dad asked.

  “She thinks they will. When we went to lunch with Zane and Adriana, Zane reminded me of an empty barn where the petting zoo used to be. He thought we could convert it into apartments, and that way whenever her parents want to come visit, they can actually come into the park and see a place that appears to be hers.”

  His dad hummed in thought as he lifted his cell phone from the coffee table. “That’s a good idea. This may be an issue we have to deal with going forward, with mates’ family members wanting to see where they live and work. It’ll be easy enough to figure out jobs for the mates to say they’re taking in the park, but living arrangements where family members could come and visit are an entirely different situation.”

  Jupiter sighed in relief. He’d been very hopeful to have his dad’s support, and although he hadn’t really doubted Caesar would back him up in whatever way he needed, it was still nice to know. “We were going to walk over there and take a look at the barn.”

  “We’ll come with you. You’ll need all hands on deck to convert an old barn into what can pass for living quarters,” his dad said.

  “Thanks,” Jupiter said.

  “You’d help us if the situations were reversed,” Javan pointed out.


  After getting Celeste and Jenni from the kitchen, the pride left his dad’s home and walked toward the stairs that would lead them into the employee cafeteria.

  “Are all the houses like yours and your dad’s?” Celeste asked.

  “Yes,” Jupiter said. “When we first came here, this was just a large, empty room. We planned small homes and built them from scratch, deciding on three bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room in each home.”

  “The other shifter groups have different kinds of homes and décor in their private areas. Like the gorillas’ homes are all built on fake tree platforms, and the interior walls of the wolves’ homes are covered with natural stone to mimic a real den. It’s pretty neat,” Jenni said.

  It took them twenty minutes to get from the cafeteria to the barn. Caesar used a master key to unlock the padlock that kept the chain around the door handles locked. The interior of the barn was stuffed with old equipment and signs for the petting zoo. Amadeus, who enjoyed building things, went to work measuring the interior of the barn and calling out measurements to Jenni, who entered them in her phone.

  “Why did the petting zoo close?” Celeste asked as she looked around, without leaving Jupiter’s side.

  Javan laughed. “The animals did not like the wolves, who ran the exhibit. The animals would be fine until one of the wolves would step into the fenced area, and then they’d flip out.”

  “Even in their human form?” she asked.

  “Yep. Normal animals can sense our beasts. If the bears had been in charge of the petting zoo, or the elephants, it might have worked out, but their groups aren’t as large as the wolves and they didn’t have people to spare.”

  “That’s too bad. I like petting zoos, they’re fun.”

  Jupiter winked at her. “You can pet me anytime.”

  She blushed as she laughed. “You’ve got a one-track mind.”

  Amadeus snapped the end of the measuring tape into place and said, “We could build three apartments in here and have a central room, maybe set it up like a game room or gathering room. We could finish one apartment so it’s realistic, and then just do the façade for the others; that way we’re not wasting time on places that won’t be used.”

  “The question is how fast can we finish this so it looks real?” Jupiter asked.

  Amadeus shrugged. “If we get lots of help, we can crank it out in a month, but that’s with a lot of help. The barn already has plumbing and wiring, so at least that part is done.”

  “A month is fine,” Celeste said, looking up a
t Jupiter. “We can have dinner with my parents next week, and then I can invite them here to visit when the apartment is finished.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and drew her close. “I’m sorry you have to lie to your parents.”

  “Don’t be. I don’t like lying, but it keeps you and the pride safe. Besides, it’s not just about us, it’s about our future. Our kids will be living here in the zoo, and so will my bestie’s. I want them safe, too.”

  “Me too.”

  “So a lie like this is okay in my book. It’s for a very good cause.”

  “I’ll find some plans online I can copy and then I’ll get a supply list going. We can start tomorrow,” Amadeus said.

  As they left the barn, Jupiter took Celeste’s hand and asked, “Want to go for a walk?”

  “Sure.” They said goodbye to the pride and headed to the main path to walk around the park.

  “Tell me about your family. I want to know them before I meet them,” he said.

  “Oh, okay. Well, my parents are Joanie and Roger. They were high-school sweethearts and got married after my dad graduated from college. My mom stayed home to raise me. She loves to work around the house, gardening in the summer and knitting in the winter. She’s always working on one project or another.”

  “You’re an only child?”

  “She said she and my dad only ever wanted one child. They were both only children. I was always jealous of my friends who had siblings.”

  Thinking of his brothers, he snorted. “It doesn’t always live up to the hype.”

  She laughed. “I like your brothers. Adriana and I have been friends since grade school, so I think of her as a sister. We call each other’s parents Mom and Dad.”

  “When did you and Adriana move in together?” They stopped walking in the center of a wooden bridge that overlooked a manmade pond.

  “Adriana’s parents moved to Florida during our senior year of high school. They wanted her to come with them, but she didn’t want to leave, so my parents offered to let her move in while she finished school. After high school, I went to work at the nail salon as a receptionist, and she went to cosmetology school. We moved out of my parents’ home after she graduated, and have been living together ever since.”


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